Chapter 3 Lesson Plans

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Chapter 3.1 -What do Living Things need?

Science Standard: LS 1 Day 1 Give students survival cards and have them sort them depending on what they would need to survive on a deserted island. Glue cards onto T-chart as we discuss choices together and put them on SB file Needs & Wants. Briefly discuss the needs of animals and plants. Pass out vocab sheet. Day 2 Read together pages 108-112. Complete Basic Needs of Plants, Animals, and People WS. Highlight basic needs that are the same in each column. Add vocab to sheet for oxygen and nutrients. Day 3 Review basic needs with students for animals, plants, and people with SB file Chapter 1 Lesson 3 review. TSW conduct the investigate What Plants Need to Grow LM 41 together as a class. Add vocab to sheet for survive and shelter. Day 4 Review vocab with cards on board. TSW complete RS 23/24 independently. Take as grade. If time, share more animal shelters with SB file Chapter 1 Lesson 3 review (last page). Extra Day & Activities Watch video Animals Need Food & Animals Need Oxygen) Complete Needs and Wants for humans (teachers clubhouse)

Chapter 3.2- How are living things the same and different?
Standard: LS 1 Day 5 Choose two students. Discuss with what makes these two people alike and different. Students will read 116-1120. Discuss and read orally together. Add crops to vocab sheet. TSW complete Lesson 2 WS independently. Turn in to check. Day 6 Give each student an animal cards Discuss with group their animal and how its basic needs would be met. Pass out animal four square paper and TSW draw their animals four needs. Share a few aloud with class. Watch video Where Animals Live Or Dogs & Cats- show dogs and share how they are alike and different Discuss as time permits.

Chapter 3.3- What is an environment?

Standard: LS 1-2 Day 7 Read pages 124-125 together as a class. Add environment and habitat to vocab sheet. Explain and stress the important difference between environment and habitat. Complete environment sort activity on board with animal pictures OR complete Environment sort on SB (Mary has this) Discuss living and non-living things that live in the environments. TSW complete Home Sweet Home WS for a grade. Day 8 Review environment and habitat vocab with Vocab for Lesson 3 PowerPoint. Show a few animal cards and have students explain their environment, habitat, and basic needs. Read and discuss page 126-128. Add adapt to vocab sheet. Teacher will read animal adaptation clues and have students guess what animal the clue matches. Teacher will post picture card on board. Day 9 Review environment, habitat, oxygen, and adapt with Vocab for Lesson 3 PowerPoint. Play Animal Adaptation Game in pairs. When finished, read through some questions aloud and have students answer. Begin showing Animal Adaptations SB file to review adaptations. Day 10 Share green animal adaptation/basic needs cards with students (Wanko). Read clues aloud, then have students match clues with basic need. Finish showing Animal Adaptations SB file to review adaptations. TSW complete Awesome Adaptation WS for a grade. Day 11 TSW will take Lesson 1-3 Quiz. Watch video Animal Adaptations What Are They 14 minutes Day 12 Read page 129 together. TSW discuss Animal and Human Adaptations SB file with teacher. Day 13 Discuss with students that people often harm or change the environment more than animals, however there are animals that change the environment such as TSW look at pictures of animals that harm the environment using Animals that effect the environment SB file. o Ash Borer eat Ash trees and kills the trees and travel in firewood over state lines

o Wild boars that The pigs are an ecological disaster, devouring huge amounts of crops, tearing up plants, and driving out native wildlife by outcompeting them. TSW discuss Asian Carp more in detail by watching videos on website located on SB file. If time: Conservation activities. Day 14 Review page 129. Discuss that sometimes when humans change the environment, they hurt and change animals. TSW view Endangered Species Presentation PowerPoint. TSW complete endangered species WS (Wanko) If time, share extinct & endangered animals SB file. Day 15 Read and discuss page 130 together. Add extinct to vocab sheet. Share Extinction SB file and Extinct Animals SB file. Day 16 TSW go on a gallery walk each table will have different pictures of fossils that are taped to a piece of paper. TSW have two minutes at each table to write down thoughts or questions about the picture. Discuss questions and thoughts written on paper and tell students about each fossil picture. Discuss with students about a Paleontologists job. TSW complete Pete the Paleontologist WS. Finally, TSW watch Brain Pop Video. Idea found at: Day 17 Review what students learned yesterday about fossils and extinction. TSW view and discuss Fossils are Fun PowerPoint. At the end of the slideshow, TSW conduct a fossil digging activity. Each table will need a bin of sand with paper bones buried, Paleontologists tools (paint brush or toothbrushes, toothpicks, shovels), Diggin for Fossils Research WS, and construction paper to glue on bones.

Chapter 3.4- How do living things survive in different places?

Standard: LS 1 Order desert, rain forest, grassland, tundra, ocean and pond books from library Day 18 In small groups, students will illustrate and label animals/plants that live in their

chosen ecosystem using environment strips. Pass out and explain diorama project due day 26. Share aloud and present to class.
Day 19 Discuss environments from yesterday. Today, we are focusing on the desert. Read desert book from library. Read Science book pg. 134. Complete desert page in Book of Environments. Video of desert on SMART board. Add desert to vocab sheet. Day 20 Today, we are focusing on the rain forest. Read rainforest book from library. Read Science book pg. 135. Complete Rainforest page in Book of Environments. Video of Rainforest on SMART board. Add rainforest to vocab sheet. Day 21 Today, we are focusing on the grasslands. Read grasslands book from library. Read Science book pg. 136. Complete Grasslands page in Book of Environments. Video of Grasslands on SMART board. Add grassland to vocab sheet. Day 22 Today, we are focusing on the tundra. Read tundra book from library. Read Science book pg. 137. Complete tundra page in Book of Environments. Video of tundra on SMART board. Add tundra to vocab sheet. Day 23 Today, we are focusing on the ocean. Read ocean (saltwater) book from library. Read Science book pg. 138. Complete ocean page in Book of Environments. Video of ocean on SMART board Add ocean to vocab sheet.

Day 24 Today, we are focusing on ponds. Read freshwater book from library. Read Science book pg. 140. Complete Pond page in Book of Environments. Video of freshwater on SMART board. Add pond to vocab sheet. Day 25 TSW complete study guide in class with partner. Share answers. Send home to study for test in 5 days. Day 26 TSW share their Habitat Diorama with classmates with individual presentations. Day 27 TSW finish sharing their Habitat Dioramas with classmates with individual presentations. Review all vocab on board with vocab cards. Give students Chapter 3 Vocabulary Review Check after and send home to help students review for test. Day 28 In partners, complete test review on page 146-147 on notebook paper. Discuss aloud and correct answers if need be. Review vocab as time permits Remind student about test tomorrow!!! Day 29 TSW complete evaluation over chapter test. When finished, TSW clean out science folders and recycle items.

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