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Get Busy Raising Awareness Plan

Patricia A. Vera Jennifer Catellier Public Relation May 2, 2013

Table of content
Background A situation Analysis and Central Core of Difficulty Preliminary identification of Publics and Resources Campaign Goals o Goal Statement o Objectives o Strategies o Tactics Key publics and Message design Planning calendar Budget Communication Confirmation Chart Criteria and Tools


Get Busy is a non-profit organization that provides camps for disabled children. The organization got started in 2010 with the help of The Cleveland Clinic and The City of Cleveland. They have been very successful through out the years and have grown to be a very well known in the northeaster region part of the country. With the success of the organization they have decided to expand to other locations around the country. They believe that by doing this they can provide their service to more children. They new camp facilities will be in Texas since there are over 4,000,000 children with disabilities in this state. The camp will be in Livingstone Texas where there is a nice lake and camp site that will be ideal for what they are looking for. With over 4,000,000 children with disabilities in the state of Texas the organization has a very large target to market too. They will need to raise awareness about the camp and the organization in order for those people to become a part of the organization. In Texas there are no camps that are targeted specifically to these children. Most of the children with disabilities go to normal camps where they are accommodated because of their needs. The children will be able to benefit from the camp because they will have a camp specialized for them. They will be able to make enjoy the summer to the best of their abilities. In order to raise awareness about the organizations new camp the marketing plan will include flyers, banners, cards, Power Point and video presentation. The organization already raised the budget of over 40,000 dollars in order to make this move successful. The organization has much bigger targeting audience then they had in Ohio. There are over 3,000,000 more children with disabilities in Texas then there are in Ohio. In order to reach all of them they will separate into different groups to target different parts of the state. We also really want to focus on making a

god impact in the communities that we visit in order to have their support and their help in the future. In order to reach these children the best way possible we will go to the public schools since over 80% of the disable children that we are targeting go to public schools. Since Texas is the state with the most disables children in the country there are many organizations targeted to these children. These organizations have a stable following and people who support them, we intend to get those people to follow us as well. Organizations such as NAMI, ADA, CHIP, Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities and many other more are some of the organization that we want to target. These organizations tend to be very generous and helpful of organizations that have the same objective as they do. Many of these families have financial need and get help from the government in order to be able to support their disabled child. We understand that many of these families will not have the money to pay for a normal camp. This camp has the help of the Cleveland Clinic and the City of Cleveland as well as the support of many hospitals in the country, which generously give money in order to make this camp affordable to the parents. Baylor University Medical Center has generously donated equipment, money and staff to the organization to make this camp successful. The organization already has the money and the camp facilities started now all they need is people to support them. They need children to sign up and communities to back them up like the ones in Cleveland. They want to provide a unique experience to these children and they will need the help from everyone in order to make this possible.

Situation Analysis and Central Core Difficulties

Situation Analysis The Get Busy has decided to expand to the state of Texas since they have the highest percentage of children with disabilities. This organization has a wide range of people they need to target. Since this target audience is so big the time that we have to promote might not be enough to reach all these people. They need to raise awareness about the organization and the camp in order to make this successful. If people do not sign in to the camp then there will be millions of dollars lost and the organization will be at risk. The organization will loose much of the help that they have from their donors and will not be able to expand to other states or cities that they want. It is a great opportunity that we are bringing to these children but with out the marketing campaign there will be no knowledge about the camp. This campaign is key in order to determine the success of the camp and the future of the organization. Central Core of Difficulty Be able to inform all the people that we are targeting in a year. Texas is one of the biggest states in the nation and also has a much bigger population of children with disabilities than Ohio does. We have never targeted so many people in such a big state. There might be communities we will have to leave out in order to target others better.

Preliminary Identification of Public and Resources

Children with Disabilities There are 4,373,967 children with disabilities in Texas according to the 2010 census. This means that we have a very big targeting group here, which will make this camp even bigger than the one we have in Cleveland. All of these children live in metro areas and study in public schools. They are the ones who are going to benefit the most from the camp and are the one who determine the success of the camp. Without these children there will not be a camp to run or an organization to create. The children are the ones who need to be interested the most about the camp. These children need to want to come because if they are not interested then their parents wont pay for them to come. We have to show them all the things that the camp offers. They will be able to do activities in this camp that they would not been able to in another camp. This is the unique factor that the organization needs to market. Since 86% of the children study in public schools we will go to these schools to promote the product. Our main goal is to make them see that they can enjoy the summer the way a normal child would. There are no limits or accommodations for them because this camp is created specifically for them. We want them to find out about all the opportunities that they will be able to have if they come to the camp. Also how much they can grow and all the friendship they can make.

Their Parents They are the ones allowing the children to go the camp. They are the ones who will be paying for the children to come and need to be able to like the camp. They will not pay or allow the child to go if they do not believe that the camp is going to be safe and enjoyable. The main thing we want to target with them is the safety aspect of the camp. We know some parents are very protective especially if your child is disabled, at the same time we want to assure these parents that this camp is completely safe. We will mention how there are doctors and professionals who specialize with children with disabilities working with these children at all times. We want to assure these parent that their kids will also enjoy their time to the fullest and be the happiest they have ever been. Many of these have financial problems. They receive help from either the government or any group that allows financial help for parents with children with disabilities. Many of them will be concern about being able to afford the camp. We will mention who we are sponsored by many people that we do not charge much for the camp. If they still need help we have many places that will be able to help them with the cost and also places that will sponsor them. There will be a brochure with all the places and people they can call or email for financial help. We will go to the schools, malls and communities with our Power Point and video presentation in order to inform them about the camp and the organization. We will be handing out flyers, brochures and cards where they can reach us for more information about the camp and organization. We want to make sure that they feel like they can reach us at any moment with any

question. That way they can familiarize with the organization, be more informed and feel like they can trust us with their child.

Organizations There are over 30 organizations in Texas that are for children with disabilities. These organizations help these children and their parents in many different ways. We would like to target with them because they have the same objective as us. We both want to make the lives of children with disabilities easier. Since they have the same purpose as we do they will be more inclined to help the organization and the camp as best as they can. We want to see if we can partner up with them in order to promote both organizations and make them better. If they are willing to promote and help with the organization we will do the same for them. We intend on going to their offices and meeting with one of them and talk about how we can partner up. These people normally are very generous and very excited to help organizations with the same cause as them. They also have a very steady group of people who follow them. We intend on targeting them and making them join our organization as well. Communities The communities are where all these children and parent live. Many of the communities in Texas have at least 15 children who are disabled in some way. We want to target the communities because these are the people who will donate, support and help us make the organization bigger. These communities are very excited to help out with organizations that help people who live there.

We want to target the community as a whole and how they can come together to help out a good cause. They more these communities know about the camp they will talk to others about it and the word will go around. We also want to target the people who can volunteer and help out in the camp. These communities are important because they can both raise awareness and money for the organization. They also support and help the organization in any way that they can. Television Stations Television station can reach more people faster and with a better quality than we can. By having a segment, a story or a commercial about the camp we will raise awareness. We want the news to do a story on us in order for people to know more in depth about the camp. Also we would like to have commercial running during daytime and shows that the children watch because then they will become more interested in it. They can help promote the product to a wider range of people that we are not able to reach. They will reach our target much more efficiently. They will be very interested to do a story in the camp because of the success that it had in the northeastern part. Also the fact that is something new to Texas that no one has seen before makes it more interesting to people. We want to promote to these television stations the importance of the camp and why it is so unique and special. This will interest them in doing the segments because they will be doing something ice and helping a good cause. Also the fact that we will have celebrities helping with the interview and the commercial will make them interested because they might have a chance to interview a celebrity.

Celebrities These people are important because they increase the popularity and recognition of the organization. They are also excellent donors and help out in any way that they can because they care a lot about the children and the organization. These are people who have supported the organization before and have helped it gain popularity and recognition. They are very involve in the organization and always like to help any way that they can. They have always given their support to the organization and now that it is expanding they will be grateful to help out any way that they can. We will want them to help again with raising awareness by going on interviews, being in interviews and talking about it in their social media. These people normally do this during their free time and do it all for free. They do not get money for any of the help that they get. Y having them in the campaign people will be more interested in coming and helping because their favorite celebrity or someone famous is helping. They can get the attention of many people and get them to donate, help and raise awareness.

Campaign Goals Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

Campaign Goals
The goal is to create a marketing campaign that will raise awareness in a year about Get Busy new camp facilities that are going to open in Livingstone, Texas.

Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

Objective 1.0 Raise awareness about the organizations new camp facilities by 90% to the main targets. We will raise awareness 20% before September 20. We will then raise awareness by 70% before March 20. We will have raised awareness up to 90% by June 10 Strategy 1.1 Increase awareness about the camp by going to schools, communities and malls and promoting the camp and the organization. Tactic 1.1.1 Create a Power Point and video presentation that talk about the camp and the organization. Show this to the targeted audience. Tactic 1.1.2 Create brochures, posters and banners to post in the different places that we go in order to raise awareness about the product. Tactic 1.1.3

Hand out flyers to people so that they are informed and know where to reach us. Give handouts like bags, pens, mugs and other free things to attract an audience. Objective 2.0 Obtain Support from different organizations that deal with children with disabilities. We want the support of at least 10 organizations by March 10 th in order to get children who are in their organization come to the camp. Strategy 2.1 Increase the interest in the organizations to help and partner up with the organization. Tactic 2.1.1 Meet with each of the organizations and tell them about the organizations and the camp. Tell them how the camp works and what we need from them. Tactic 2.1.2 Tell them that we will promote their organization as well and support them any way that they can. Also tell them about the large following that we have in the northeast part of the country and they can benefit from that popularity. Tactic 2.1.3 Give them Posters and brochures so they can hand out to their customers and raise awareness about the camp. Objective 3.0

Have children and parent is interested in the camp. Get at least 50% of the children we are targeting interested in the camp. Get all of those 50% who are interested sign up to attend the camp before may 30th. Strategy 3.1 Get children and their parents interested, talking and wanting to attend the camp. Tactic 3.1.1 Go to their communities, schools and malls and talk to them about the camp. Tactic 3.1.2 Show them through videos, commercials and photos all the activities that they can do. Mention how much fun this is and its specializing to them. Also show them videos of people who have attended the camp before and how they enjoyed the camp. Tactic 3.1.3 Tell the parents about the safety and financial aspect of the camp. Also show them how much fun their child will have at this camp because it is specialize for them.

Key Publics Messages

Children with Disabilities

There are 4,373,967 children with disabilities in Texas according to the 2010 census. These children are between the ages of 3-7. Most of the go to public school and have not attended a camp before. The main thing to target about this product is the fact that this camp is made especially for them. They will be able to enjoy camp like a normal child does with no limitations and all the fun that comes with it. These children will be very interested to hear that there is finally a camp that they can attend because they no longer have to be in their house for the summer. These children like to have fun and enjoy the summer like normal children do. This camp will give them the opportunity to have that and enjoy themselves. Relationship The relationship we have with this group is very personable. We provide them with the opportunity to be able to enjoy camp with no limitation. We want to make their lives much easier and be able to show them that they can be just like any other kid even with their limitations. Self-Interest The self-interest that they have with this organization is that they get to enjoy a summer camp that is specialized for them. They will have the ability to do all the things that all the other children do in all the camps with not limits. They will have the time of their lives and make memories that will last a lifetime.


Be able to enjoy the summer like a normal child and do all the activities that you have always wanted to do with no limits. Have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Message Designs
Primary Message Since you are important for the success of the camp we want you to attend the camp and support us in any way you can. Secondary Message 1. You might be featured in the camp commercials and videos. 2. We will ask you to talk about the camp and your experience in our page. 3. Tell your friend about the camp and the experience you had

Their Parents
They are the ones who pay for their child to go and have fun. They will not pay for a camp that they do not believe is safe and something that their children will enjoy. We need to target the safety of the camp and how the fact that their child will be under the supervision of professionals who know how to take care of them constantly. We also want to tell the parents that the children will have the time of their life at this camp. This camp is specialized for them and they will finally be able to go to camp like a normal child. They will make

friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. There is no other camp like this in the states and its something that will be worthwhile. Relationship The relationship that we have with these parents is that we provide the opportunity for their child to enjoy the summer to the best of their abilities. They will invest in a camp that will make their child very happy and give them the experience of a lifetime. We allow their child to be able to feel like a normal child. Self-Interest Be able to send their child to a camp that will allow them to explore and do activities that they will never been able to do. They will make their child very happy and allow them to feel normal. Influential There is no other camp like this and they will be able to do all the things that other children would do at camp. They will be in a safe environment for their child who will make memories that will last a lifetime.

Message Designs
Primary Message Because you are very important to the success of this camp and organizations your support is key in order for this campaign to succeed.

Secondary Message 1. We will want for you to get informed about the camp and the organization. 2. Attend some of the information sections about the camp and organization. 3. Promote the organization and tell your friends about it.

Criteria and Tools

Objective 1 Raise awareness about the organizations new camp facilities by 90% among the main targets. Criteria Awareness about the new camp facilities rose by 90% among the main targets. Tools The organization board will determine the amount of people that we target by adding the amount of people that we visited though out the campaign and then adding the number of people that ended up being interest in the organization. Also we have to keep in mind the amount of people that saw the commercial and the news. Also we kept track of the people that got informed through social media and the blogs. Objective 2 Obtain Support from different organizations that deal with children with disabilities. We want the support of at least 10 organizations by March 10th in order to get children who are in their organization come to the camp. Criteria Almost all the organizations that we talked to decided to lend a helping hand and support the organization.

Tools Many of them have the posters and flyers in their offices. They are all sending volunteers and representatives to help out in any way that they can. Objective 3 Have children and parent is interested in the camp. Get at least 50% of the children we are targeting interested in the camp. Get all of those 50% who are interested sign up to attend the camp before may 30th. Criteria Over 75% of the parent that we talked to wanted to send their children to the camp. There is a waiting list for people who want to come to the camp. Tool Record kept of people who where interested after hearing the presentation or watching a flyer or poster.

Key Publics

Self-Interest -Get to enjoy a summer camp that is specialized for them.

Primary Message -Since you are important for the success of the camp we want you to attend the camp and support us in any way you can.

Influential -Be able to enjoy the summer like a normal child and do all the activities that you have always wanted to do with no limits.

Children with Disabilities

Their Parents

-The ability to do all the things that all the other children do in all the camps with not limits -Send their child to a camp that will allow them to explore and do activities that they will never been able to do. -They will make their child very happy and allow them to feel normal.

-Because you are very important to the success of this camp and organizations your support is key in order for this campaign to succeed.

-There is no other camp like this and they will be able to do all the things that other children would do at camp.

Communication Conference Table

Key Publics

Objectives 1. Raise awareness about the organizations new camp facilities by 90% among the main targets. 2. Obtain Support from different organizations that deal with children with disabilities.

Strategies 1. Increase awareness about the camp by going to schools, communities and malls and promoting the camp and the organization. 2. Get children and their parents interested, talking and wanting to attend the camp. 3. Increase the interest in the organizations to help and partner up with the organization.

Tactics -Create a Power Point and video presentation that talk about the camp and the organization. Show this to the targeted audience. -Create brochures, posters and banners to post in the different places that we go in order to raise awareness about the product. -Hand out flyers to people so that they are informed and know where to reach us. -Give handouts like bags, pens, mugs and other free things to attract an audience. -Meet with each of the organizations and tell them about the organizations and the camp. Tell them how the camp works and what we need from them. -Tell them that we will promote their organization as well and support them any way that they can. Also tell them about the large following that we have in the northeast part of the country and they can benefit from that popularity. -Give them Posters and brochures so they can hand out to their customers and raise awareness about the camp. -Go to their communities, schools and malls and talk to them about the camp. Show them through videos, commercials and photos all the activities that they can do. -Mention how much fun this is and its specializing to them. Also show them videos of people who have attended

Children with Disabilities

3. Have children and parent is interested in the camp. Get at least 50% of the children we are targeting interested in the camp.

the camp before and how they enjoyed the camp. -Tell the parents about the safety and financial aspect of the camp. Also show them how much fun their child will have at this camp because it is specialize for them.

1. Raise awareness about the organizations new camp facilities by 90% among the main targets. 2. Obtain Support from different organizations that deal with children with disabilities. Their Parents 3. Have children and parent is interested in the camp. Get at least 50% of the children we are targeting interested in the camp.

1. Increase awareness about the camp by going to schools, communities and malls and promoting the camp and the organization. 2. Get children and their parents interested, talking and wanting to attend the camp. 3. Increase the interest in the organizations to help and partner up with the organization.

Create a Power Point and video presentation that talk about the camp and the organization. Show this to the targeted audience. -Create brochures, posters and banners to post in the different places that we go in order to raise awareness about the product. -Hand out flyers to people so that they are informed and know where to reach us. -Give handouts like bags, pens, mugs and other free things to attract an audience. -Meet with each of the organizations and tell them about the organizations and the camp. Tell them how the camp works and what we need from them. -Tell them that we will promote their organization as well and support them any way that they can. Also tell them about the large following that we have in the northeast part of the country and they can benefit from that popularity. -Give them Posters and brochures so they can hand out to their customers and raise awareness about the camp.

-Go to their communities, schools and malls and talk to them about the camp. Show them through videos, commercials and photos all the activities that they can do. -Mention how much fun this is and its specializing to them. Also show them videos of people who have attended the camp before and how they enjoyed the camp. -Tell the parents about the safety and financial aspect of the camp. Also show them how much fun their child will have at this camp because it is specialize for them.

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