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Unit Title: Click here to enter text.

Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson (Days): Date:

Essential Question:

Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQs may be used as support) Introduce New Knowledge Deepening or Practicing Generating and Testing (DQ 2) (DQ 3) Hypothesis (DQ 4) Standard(s):

Assessment and Monitoring: Formative Summative Learning Goal: (based on Standards)

Learning Targets: (write in the scale below) 2.0 Simpler Content: 3.0 Target (Objective/Learning Goal):

4.0 More Complex:

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) required from Standard: Level 1: 2: 3: 4:

Question Stems: (as determined by learning targets)

Lesson Sequence

Assignment 2.0



April 10, 2014

Marzano Instructional Strategies:

Involving Routine Events Design Question 1: Addressing Content Design Question 2: Enacted on the Spot Design Question 5:

Providing Clear Learning Goals and

Scales Tracking Student Progress

Identifying Critical Information Organizing Students to Interact with

New Knowledge Previewing New Content

Noticing When Students are Not

Engaged Using Academic Games

Celebrating Success
Design Question 6:

Chunking Content into Digestible

Bites Processing of New Information

Establishing Classroom Routines Organizing the Physical Layout of the


Elaborating on New Information Recording and Representing

Knowledge Reflecting on Learning Design Question 3:

Managing Response Rates Using Physical Movement Maintaining a Lively Pace Demonstrating Intensity and
Enthusiasm Using Friendly Controversy

Providing Unusual or Intriguing

Information Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk about Themselves Presenting Unusual or Intriguing Information Design Question 7:

Reviewing Content Organizing Students to Practice and

Deepen Knowledge Using Homework

Examining Similarities and Differences Examining Errors in Reasoning Practicing Skills, Strategies, and
Processes Revising Knowledge Design Question 4:

Demonstrating Withitness Applying Consequences for Lack of

Adherence to Rules and Procedures Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and Procedures Design Question 8:

Organizing Students for Cognitively

Complex Tasks Engaging Students in Cognitively Complex Tasks Involving Hypothesis Generation and Testing Providing Resources and Guidance

Understanding Students Interests and

Background Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors that Indicate Affection for Students Displaying Objectivity and Control Design Question 9:

Demonstrating Value and Respect for

Low Expectancy Students Asking Questions of Low Expectancy Students Probing Incorrect Answers with Low Expectancy Students

Resources and Materials (include technology):

Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who lack support
for school)

After Lesson Teacher Reflection:

April 10, 2014

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