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‘Slush funds’ come under scrutiny

Auditors recommend more controls on funding projects

By Brian Lockhart accounts began as an attempt to other parties [in the Legislature]
Staff Writer reduce the number of earmarks be able to put stuff forward they
Updated: 10/17/2009 being written into the state budget. think is right for their districts?”
Lyons said. “I don’t think that is
HARTFORD -- Questions continue “I think it was also a reflection inappropriate.”
to surround the governor’s hiring that, historically, people close to the
of a University of Connecticut budget process, their towns would But there is far more scrutiny of the
professor who is working to benefit,” Sullivan said. “It was a bonding process, which involves
streamline government but also way to empower the leaders and the full Legislature, a bipartisan
provided the administration with governor to put some discipline on commission chaired by the governor
possibly inappropriate political what had been a largely runaway and whatever state agency is
advice during the budget battle. process.” At the same time, Sullivan overseeing a project.
said, state financial support for arts,
But the slush fund Republican libraries and school improvements Funds distributed
Gov. M. Jodi Rell used to foot the was dwindling, so the discretionary
$223,406 bill has for years been funds were doled out to rank-and- Discretionary or slush money is
a controversial method used by file legislators to meet those and currently released by the budget
lawmakers from both parties to other needs within their districts. office at the request of the governor,
award grants for pet projects. Senate president or House speaker
“It’s local projects that may not have following a routine grant application
Rell dipped into what are referred a clear, statewide purpose,” Sullivan process.
to at the capitol as discretionary or said.
contingency accounts historically When the state Auditors of
maintained by her predecessors and a $4 million pie Public Accounts last reviewed
legislative leaders in the General the process three years ago, they
Assembly. In recent budgets the Senate noted grants were issued “merely
President and state House Speaker, upon communication from political
How it started both Democrats, had $2 million leaders” and recommended more be
each to divide among their done to confirm recipients used the
According to the state budget office caucuses. Rell had $2 million to money properly.
and previous legislative leaders, share with the Republican minority.
the accounts -- derided as “slush “During the fiscal years ended
funds” -- have existed in one form Former House Speaker Moira June 30, 2002 and 2003 the office
or another at least since the early Lyons, D-Stamford, said the issued $1,150,500 and $157,000
1990s, first under independent discretionary funds were also a way respectively in grant funds,” read
Gov. Lowell P. Weicker and then of circumventing gubernatorial- the audit. “As of the end of our field
Republican Gov. John G. Rowland. controlled borrowing or bonding for work in June, 2006, the [budget
state projects. office] had not received the required
Kevin Sullivan, a one-time audits or final reports for five of
Democratic Senate President from “If the governor has final approval the grants valued at $850,000.”
West Hartford and former lieutenant over a bonding issue and they’re The budget office now keeps well-
governor, said the discretionary from a different party, shouldn’t the organized files for grants, including
a four-page application form, and some grants for 12 years and have some obligation to find out
confirmation an organization is has helped 800 people. what happened and appropriate
registered with the Secretary of the steps would be taken,” Beckham
State and project descriptions. But, according to the grant said. “I’m not aware that has ever
application, Statewide Property happened.”
Files reviewed by Hearst Savers was established in 2008 and
Newspapers show the budget office Cosgrove was not required to detail Funds on hold
makes a concerted effort to ensure his success rate before receiving the
all the necessary paperwork is filed $40,000. The state Auditors of Public
before the grant money is released. Accounts is in the midst of its latest
“I don’t advertise,” Cosgrove said. regular review of the state budget
And recipients are required to make “It’s 95 percent word-of-mouth ... I office, and Johnston expects there
a final report confirming how the try to get in touch with the lender, will be continued concerns over the
funds were used. talk to them and find out what’s discretionary funds.
“It may not meet all accounting “Although we’ve seen improvements
standards but it tells a story,” Kevin Amann had a vague recollection I think there are still weaknesses,”
Johnston, one of the two state of some Hartford area legislators he said.
auditors, said. setting up a meeting between
himself and representatives for For now the tradition is on hold.
But in some cases the paper trail Statewide Property Savers.
does not justify a grant recipient’s Because of the deficit, the just
worthiness to receive taxpayer “It’s not like we just give [money approved 2009-10 and 2010-11
dollars beyond the fact they exist to] some guy off the street who has budget for the first time in years
and are vouched for by a lawmaker. a good idea,” Amann said. “I think does not contain new slush funds.
there’s a layer of bureaucracy and
“Since [the grants] are so small it’s protection.” “Right now it’s just more like a
unlikely you’re going to get a good, concept than any type of reality,”
thorough review of each program,” Cosgrove does appear to be House Speaker Christopher
Johnston said. legitimate. Hearst Newspapers Donovan, D-Meriden, said.
confirmed that Statewide Property
Donation examined Savers maintains a third-floor Amann only left Donovan $1,500 in
office at Central Baptist Church his discretionary fund upon retiring
For example, in 2008 former House in Hartford; has received some as Speaker earlier this year.
Speaker James Amann, D-Milford, donations through the United Way;
gave $40,000 to a Hartford-based and has referred some housing cases Asked if the discretionary accounts
nonprofit foreclosure mediation to the Attorney General’s office. should be revived during better
program called Statewide Property fiscal times, Donovan said he would
Savers.w But none of that was evident from like greater restrictions.
the grant application.
Much of the grant application, “You don’t want it to be the idea
reviewed by Hearst Newspapers, And although Cosgrove is expected ... of a “slush fund,” Donovan said.
was filled out by a related to submit a final report on the “It gives the wrong impression of
organization, but their office phone use of the $40,000 -- Cosgrove certainly what I’ve seen some of the
and Website were disconnected as estimated he helped 50 clients - money used for.”
of last week. - Jeff Beckham, a budget office
spokesman, said there is no
Hearst reached Francis Cosgrove, requirement that staff visit Statewide
who was listed in the paperwork Property Savers’ offices or review
as associated with Statewide case files.
Property Savers, by phone. He said
he has been running the program “If we had some indication the
voluntarily using his own money money was improperly spent we’d

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