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Pottsboro High School SPRING 2014 Physical Education INSTRUCT R! Nathan Colli"r Office: MB 3.

424 Phone: 458-5425 Email: Office Hours: Mon a! " #e nes a! $%:$5 & $$:%% 'ues a! " 'hurs a! $$:45 & $:3% C URSE #ESCRIPTI N 'his course e(amines ifferent )e agogical a))roaches an strategies to the teaching*learning )rocesses an ho+ the! can ,e a))lie to the Ph!sical E ucation High -chool .urriculum. 'he /nter isci)linar! a))roach in com,ination +ith Multi-cultural an i0ersit! issues +hich e0elo) the e ucational omains through mo0ement acti0ities +ill ,e em)hasi1e . C URSE $%ECTI&ES $. 'o e(amine the )hiloso)hical2 theoretical2 an research ,ases for 0arious a))roaches to teaching2 an e()lore )ro,lem sol0ing strategies through case stu ! iscussions an assignments. 2. 'o o,ser0e an reflect u)on ifferent mo es of teaching2 organi1ational structures2 management techni3ues2 an )h!sical acti0ities a))ro)riate for high school )h!sical e ucation2 through fiel +or4 )lacements. 3. 'o learn ho+ to integrate an inter isci)linar! a))roach utili1ing mo0ement acti0ities in Ph!sical E ucation through e0elo)ing s4ills. 4. 'o e0elo) an organi1ational an )u,lic relations manual )ro0i ing a frame+or4 for a high school )h!sical e ucation )rogram. 5. 'o e()an on curriculum e0elo)ment ,! creating a multi-cultural lesson an s)ecial e0ent relate to Ph!sical E ucation. T"'as Education Physical Educator Standards ("t!

///. 'he Ph!sical E ucation teacher uses 4no+le ge of in i0i ual an grou) moti0ation an ,eha0ior to create an manage a safe2 )ro ucti0e learning en0ironment an )romotes stu ent5s self-management2 selfmoti0ation2 an social s4ills through )artici)ation in )h!sical acti0ities. 6. 'he Ph!sical E ucation teacher )ro0i es e3uita,le an a))ro)riate instruction for all stu ents in a i0erse societ!.

6/. 'he Ph!sical E ucation teacher uses effecti0e2 e0elo)mentall! a))ro)riate instructional strategies an communication techni3ues to )re)are )h!sicall! e ucate in i0i uals. 6///. 'he Ph!sical E ucation teacher is a reflecti0e )ractitioner +ho e0aluates the effects of his*her actions on others an see4s o))ortunities to gro+ )rofessionall!.

P"dagogy and Pro)"ssional R"s*onsibiliti"s EC+12

/.'he teacher esigns instruction a))ro)riate for all stu ents that reflects an un erstan ing of rele0ant content an is ,ase on continuous an a))ro)riate assessment. //.'he teacher creates a classroom en0ironment of res)ect an ra))ort that fosters a )ositi0e climate for learning2 e3uit! an e(cellence. ///.'he teacher )romotes stu ent learning ,! )ro0i ing res)onsi0e instruction that ma4es use of effecti0e communication techni3ues2 instructional strategies that acti0el! engage stu ents in the learning )rocess an timel! an high-3ualit! fee ,ac4. /6.'he teacher fulfills )rofessional roles an res)onsi,ilities an a heres to legal an ethical re3uirements of the )rofession.

C URSE RE,UIRE(ENTS -N# GR-#ING 7% & $%% 8% - 87 9% - 97 :% - :7 57 Belo+ 8 B . ; <

C.-SS -TTEN#-NCE -N# P .ICIES $. .lass atten ance is e()ecte an e(cessi0e a,sences an *or tar ies ma! ,e su,=ect to a <itness to 'each re0ie+. 2. Pa)ers an )ro=ects are to ,e com)lete on the assigne )enali1e one letter gra e )er a! late. ate. >ate +or4 +ill ,e

3. 8s common courtes!2 )lease ta4e care of all )ersonal ,usiness ,efore class time. <oo an rin4s are not allo+e in the classroom. Be on 'ime? Please turn off cell )hones*)agers etc.2 since this is a istraction to the class. /f a+aiting an urgent call2 tal4 to the instructor ,efore class.

4. -tu ents +ith isa,ilities must ,e registere +ith the Office of ;isa,ilit! -er0ices locate in M- 2.%3.$82 @2$%A 458-4$59 @6oiceA2 @2$% 458-478$ @''BA.

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