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Anna University Examinations Office of the Controller of Examinations

The students are warned to desist from doing any kind of malpractice during examinations. If anyone indulges in malpractice, the students is likely to be debarred from Examination or even expelled from the Degree Programme. The nature of malpractice and the minimum punishment are indicated in the table. In extreme cases, action may include debarring of officials of examinations. Nature of Malpractice ppeal for a favourable consideration or mercy in the answer book "ritings on the desk relevant to the examinations. "ritings on any part of the body #erbal or oral communication to neighbouring candidate. Irrelevant writings in the answer book. Possession of any incriminating materials inside the examination hall $whether used or not%.&or example'("ritten or printed materials, bits, writings on scale. !alculator, handkerchief, )all Ticket, possession of organi*er etc. #ulgar writings in the answer book !opying from neighbour. Possession of answer book of another candidate. 0iving answer book to another candidate. Exchange of 1uestion papers and other materials with some answers. ppeal in the examination answer book coupled with a promise of any form of consideration. !ancellation of all Theory examinations $all papers + current and arrears% registered and further debarred from writing all examinations !ancellation of all Theory examinations $all papers + current and arrear% registered during the examination session like pril , -ay or .ct. , /ov. !ancellation of the examination of the particular paper. Punishment

-isbehavior in the examination hall $Disobedience, unruly conduct in the $current and arrear% in the subse2uent examination hall, threatening the )all semester. 3uperintendent , !hief 3uperintendent and other examination officials%. !ancellation of all Theory examinations $all papers + current and arrears% and further debarred from continuing his studies for one Involved in -alpractice for the second or year $i.e.% two subse2uent semesters. )owever subse2uent times. the student is permitted to appear for the examination in all the arrear sub4ects up to the last semester during the debarred period. )anding over the Impersonator to the police with a complaint to take appropriate action against the person involved in the impersonation by the !hief 3uperintendent. !ancellation of all examinations $all papers + current and arrear% appeared and further debarred from continuing his studies and writing all examinations for 5 years. If a student of this 6niversity is found to impersonate a 78onafide 3tudent9, the impersonating student also will be debarred from continuing his studies and writing all examination for 5 years.

!ases of Impersonation


Admission to the Examination is provisional :. The )all Ticket is issued sub4ect to the candidate satisfying the ttendance and the other re2uirements as per rules, regulations and instructions issued by the 6niversity from time to time. If later, it is found that the candidate fails to comply with the above re2uirements, the examinations the candidate has taken will be treated as cancelled. 5. !andidates shall not be allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of ;< minutes from the commencement of examination. /o candidate who leaves the examination hall during the period allotted for a paper will be allowed to re(enter the hall within that period. =. !andidates suffering from infectious diseases of any kind shall not be admitted to examination hall. ;. !andidates are strictly prohibited from smoking inside the examination hall.3trict silence should be maintained in the examination hall <. !andidates are re2uired to bring their own pens, pencils, and eraser. !andidates should use only blue or black ink while answering their papers. >. 8efore proceeding to answer the paper, the candidate should write his,her register number, semester, sub4ect and date of the examination at the appropriate space provided in the first page of the answer book and nowhere else in the answer book or in any additional attachment. ?. If a candidate writes his,her register number on any part of the answer book,sheets or on any space other than the one provided for or puts any special mark or writes anything which may disclose, in anyway, the identity of the candidate, college, he,she will render himself,herself liable for disciplinary action. @. "riting of wrong register number in answer book will entail re4ection of the answer book. A. !andidates are not allowed to exceed the prescribed time assigned to each paper.

:B. !andidates shall not talk,ask 2uestions of any kind during the examination. ::. !andidates shall not take any written,printed matter, any paper material, cell phone, programmable calculator , any unauthori*ed data sheet,table into the examination hall and if found in possession of any such material in the examination hall during the examination hours, those candidates shall be liable for disciplinary action. :5. /o candidates shall pass any part or whole of answer papers or 2uestion papers to any other candidate. /o candidate shall allow another candidate to copy form his,her answer paper or copy from the answer paper of another candidate. If found committing such malpractice, the involved candidates shall be liable for disciplinary action. :=. !andidates found guilty of using unfair means of any nature shall be liable for disciplinary action. :;. !andidates will have to hand over the answer books to the Invigilator,!hief 3uperintendent before leaving the examination hall. :<. !andidates should produce the hall ticket on demand by the Invigilator,!hief 3uperintendent , 6C,32uad members

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