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Kristopher Issac Rydalch

Math 1080 Project

A spring is a perfect example of harmonic motion. The spring starts at a resting point where it can either be compressed or expanded. Damped harmonic motion is when a damping force decreases the amplitude over time. An example of this would be a swinging pendulum with gravity as the main damping force. Different parts of a trig equation can tell us a lot about a system. The amplitude of trig functions tells us how high or low an object can reach. The time it takes a trig function to go through a whole cycle of movement is called the period. This is necessary to know when creating an internal combustion engine. The period of the piston will tell the valves when they need to open and close. If the timing is off by only a split second the engine could potentially be ruined. Trigonometry can be used to calculate distance and angles. Trig is used every day by everyday people. Surveyors use the law of cosines to find the distance across a lake. Architects use trig functions to determine the height and slope of roofs. Without a doubt I will use trig functions in future classes to come. Physics, Engineering, and in the work place I will have to use trig functions to determine angles and length to complete projects.

Modeling the Motion of a Spring

1) () = 2) =
() +



, = ()

Notes about graph: The sine graph has a period of (1/3)pi, a frequency of (3/pi), an amplitude of (15/6) or 2.5, and no phase shift. The cosine graph has a period of (1/3)pi, a frequency of (3/pi), an amplitude of 8, and no phase shift. 3)

4) x(t) = A cos [B(t C)] , A=3, B=2, C= , x(t)=3 cos [2(t- )]

A is equal to the amplitude which means its the highest the function reaches on the y axis. B changes the period of the function. We know that 2 is the normal period for a cosine function. Looking at the graph shows us that the period is , so 2 divided by a number will give us our period . C is the phase shift of the function. We know that on a cosine function (0,1) is a point. Keep in mind that our period is and we are shifting the function to the right by , therefore there is no change. 5) I see no relations between the graph in part 2 and part 3. If anything the part 3 graph mimics the cosine function on part 2, because it starts on a y value larger than zero just like a cosine function would. Other than this observation I dont see any relations between the two graphs.



If both Cs are perpendicular to each other we can connect the ends that arent connected with a straight segment, making a right triangle. We would find A by this equation: A^2= C1 ^2+ C2 ^2.

sin = C1 / A

C1 =Square root of (A^2- C2 ^2) or A sin

C2 =Square root of (A^2- C1 ^2) or A cos

cos = C2 /A
tan = C1 / C2

= tan 1 ( C1 / C2 )

Find A and given that C1 = 4 and C2 = 2. A=square root of 20

= tan 1 (4/2)=63.43 degrees

8 and C2 = 7 3

Find A and given that C1 =

A=Square root of (505/9)=7.5

= tan 1 ((8/3)/7)=20.85 degrees

() + () = ( )
Cosine difference Formula. Let A=1, = , =

+ = ( ) Let B=x-y Cos(B)=sin[ 2 -B] cos(x-y)=sin[(2 ) ( )] cos(x-y)=sin[(2 ) ()] Same goes for cosine: cos(B) = sin[( 2 ) B]

Cofunction Identity

Cofunction Identity

sin[ {(2 ) x } (-y) ]= cos[( 2 ) x]cos(-y) + sin[(2 ) x]sin(-y)]

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