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n the Jiah Khan alias Nafisa Khan suicide case, police have recovered a note purportedly written by the

actress speaking about her disturbed relationship with her boyfriend Sooraj Pancholi here, an official said Saturday. Police said they will seek expert help to verify Jiah s handwriting in the letter, a notarised copy of which has been handed over to investigators. !n a shocking develop"ent in the Jiah Khan suicide case, the fa"ily of the deceased actress released a letter allegedly written by Jiah before she hung herself. #he letter, a"ong other things, implicates boyfriend Suraj Pancholi of abetting suicide. $ere is the full text of the letter... %! don&t know how to say this to you but ! "ight as well now as ! have nothing to lose. !&ve already lost everything. !f you&re reading this ! "ight have already left or about to leave. ! a" broken inside. 'ou "ay not have known this but you affected "e deeply to a point where ! lost "yself in loving you. 'et you tortured "e everyday. (ear Shri )ajnath Singhji, *ll "y life ! have found working for the Jana Sangh and the +haratiya Janata Party a matter of great pride and endless satisfaction for myself. For some time I have been finding it difficult to reconcile either with the current functioning of the party, or the direction in which it is going. I no longer have the feeling that this the sa"e idealistic party created by (r. ,ookerji, Pandit (eendayalji, Nanaji and -ajpayeeji, whose sole concern was the country, and its people. ,ost leaders of ours are now concerned with their personal agendas. ! have decided, therefore, to resign fro" the three main fora of the party, na"ely, the National .xecutive, the Parlia"entary +oard and the .lection /o""ittee. #his "ay be regarded as "y resignation letter.

'ours Sincerely, 0 K *dvani

#hanks for converting our "istakes into lessons, pressure into productivity and skills into strengths. 'ou really know how to bring out the best in us. #hanks boss.
'ou lead your e"ployees and get the" to follow your vision for the co"pany without being do"inating and annoying. #hanks for showing us that respect is always deserved, never co""anded or de"anded by force. ! want to thank you for pro"oting "e and giving "e a raise. +ut "ore i"portantly, ! want to thank you for identifying "y skills and giving "e a chance to prove "y worth in this organi1ation. #hanks boss. #hanks for being the boss who puts the needs of e"ployees ahead of the needs of the co"pany and your own. thanks for showing that great bosses need to
have a strong human side to their leadership. Working for you is an honor, working with you is an honor and working under you is an honor. In short, you are an honorable manager from all angles. Thanks boss.

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