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Ka To Cheung Honors British Literature/ Per. 5 Mrs. Palmer 12/17/2013 The Pilgrims Progress Reflective Essay In our Christian path, we will encounter a lot of struggles and hardships that make us fear, doubt, and feel discourage, and they also cause us to walk away from the right path and forget to trust and rely on God. In The Pilgrims Progress, John Bunyan allegorizes the Christian path, teaching us the right Christian value and the things that will come upon as we walk through our lives. In the novel, Bunyan reminds us that we should trust in and rely on God in every struggle we face in three scenes, including the Slough of Despond, the Hill of Difficulty, and the Doubting Castle. In the beginning of his journey, Christian has fallen into the Slough of Despond because of his heavy burden on his back. Later, Help saves him from the pit and tells him that there are steps paced in the Slough, but they are very difficult to see. Also, the steps are bemired to purpose, notwithstanding the steps be there; but the ground is good when they are once got in at the gate (18). Even though there are steps that let people to get out of the Slough of Despond, Christian is too scared, and his fear keeps him sinking. When we face difficulties, we usually keep ourselves in fear and do not bother to pray to God and seek Him, who is always there for us under any situations. Besides, when Christian reaches the bottom of Hill of Difficulties, he sees Timorous and Mistrust running down the hill since they see lions are around the entire hill. As Christian wants to go back with Timorous and Mistrust, Watchful comes up and tells him that the lions are

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chained and placed for the trial of faith. He should keeps in the midst of the path, and no hurt shall come unto thee (45). Sometimes, when we face hardships and struggles, we will act like Timorous and Mistrust who dont believe r trust that God is going to protect us and avoid them. However, if we trust that God is protecting us in the midst of all the difficulties and under any circumstances and keep going on the right path, we will be able to get through all the pain and sufferings. Beyond that, when Christian and Hopeful follow a shortcut and walk away the narrow path, they accidently get into the Doubting Castle where they are imprisoned, beaten, and persuaded to commit suicide by the Giants. As they just get off the right path, Christian asks Hopeful for forgiveness for going off the wrong path, However, Hopeful immediately forgives him and tells him that believe, too, that this shall be for our good (107). Christian finally remembers that he has a key called Promise, which can open the gates in the castle, and they successfully escape the Doubting Caste and get back onto the right path. Most of us Christians will always get to the stage where start to doubt our believes and get despair in our Christian path; however, if we trust and remember Gods promises, we can get out of doubt and sorrow. Furthermore, as Hopeful says, doubting and feeling lost in our faith is not completely a bad thing as it can remind us what Gods promises are and strengthen our faith in Christ. In Joshua 1:9, it says Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. As being a Christian, I always become discourage and depress whenever I face any difficulties and sufferings in my life, and I will begin to doubt and ask God for putting me into those situations. However, this book has reminded me that I should pray to and rely on God whenever I feel

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distress and discourage because God is always with us and that he will protect, guide, and love us in the midst of all the sufferings and hardships.

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