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Nama Nim Kelas

: KURNIAWAN : 131.101.162 :B

Storage Question 1. Please find activity and paseve voice of the text 2. Translate the sentence 3. Please try to do exercise of the text Answer 1. Active voice : a. Its capacity to hold natural as for future use 2. Pasive voicen : a. It is !ost co!!only held under round under pressure in three type of facilities ". #atural as also stored in li$uid fro! in a"ove% round tan&s

#atural as a colourless' odourless' aseous' hydrocar"on' !ay "e stored in a nu!"er of different ways. it is !ost co!!only held under round under pressure in three types of facilities. these are: 1. depleted reservoirs in oil and or as fields. 2 a$uifers and 3 salt cavern for!ations' #atural as also stored in li$uid fro! in a"ove% round tan&s. each stora e type has its own physical characteristics and econo!ics' which influence how is used. Two of the !ost

i!portant characteristic of an under round stora e resrvoir are its capacity to hold natural as for future use and the rate at which as inventory can "e withdrawn% its delivera"ility rate

(as ala! tida& "erwarna' tida& "er"au' "erupa as ' !en andun hidro&ar"on' dapat tersi!pan dala! )u!lah yan "er"eda. hal ini serin di te!u&an di "awah te&anan dala! tanah' di "awah te&anan terse"ut terdapat ti a )enis te!pat proses as ala! *aitu: 1+ Terdapat di ladan atau ce"a&an !inya& atau as ' 2+ a&uifer' dan 3+ for!asi ua,&u"ah ara! ' as ala! )u a terdapat pada te!pat%te!pat yan !en andun cairan dala! tanah . setiap )enis penyi!panan !e!ili&i &ara&teristi& fisi& tersendiri dan !e!ili&i nilai e&ono!is' dan ter antun "a ai!ana cara pen olahannya . -ua &ara&teristi& yan palin pentin dari se"uah te!pat penyi!panan as ala! dala! tanah yaitu &apasitas as ala! untu& pen unaan !asa depan dan di !ana tin &at persediaan as dapat di si!pan dan dia!"il den an "er"a ai u&uran. .al ini dapat di distri"usi&an sesuai u&uran

Vocabular 2 /ind words in the article in 1 that !atch these definision 1. .avin no s!ell odourless 2. 0!ptied out depleted 3. 1ater%"erain roc& aquifers

2. 3ar e cave cavern 4. All the !aterial in stora e reservoir 5. Ta&en out withdrown

Vocabular 3 (as and as stora e facilities can "e !easured in different ways.!atch 1%5 to 1%f co!plete the definitions 1. Total gas storage capacity is the maximum volume of gas that (A) [at particular time] 2. Total gas in storage is the volume of storage in the underground facility (C) [can be stored in an underground storage facility] 3. Base gas (or cushion gas) is the volume of gas in a storage capacity (E) [a storage facility on a daily basis ] 4. Wor ing gas capacity refers to total gas storage capacity (F) [pressure and deliverability rates throughout the withdrawal season ] !. Wor ing gas is the volume of gas in the reservoir a"ove the level of "ase gas #or ing gas is availa"le ( )[!inus base gas ] $. %elivera"ility is a measure of the amount of gas that can "e delivered ( #ithdra#n) from (") [ to the mar#et place ]

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