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Documentation for Program SAPKKA12

Program SAPKKA12 sets the CO status for sales orders involved in results analysis to DLV (delivered) !"#L (final $illing) %&CO (te'hni'ally 'om(leted) and CLSD ('losed)) *( to +elease ,)-# the statuses !"#L and DLV .ere em(loyed to reali/e (eriod0$ased re(resentation of the states final billing and delivered for results analysis) %his is no longer ne'essary from +elease ,)1A on.ards or if "ote 1-,234 is installed) %he t.o statuses are determined on the $asis of the (eriod .hen the order is (ro'essed in results analysis) 5f a results analysis method is used that 'reates reserves for unreali/ed 'osts after the status final billing or delivered is set these reserves should $e 'an'eled .hen the status technically completed is set) On'e the status closed has $een set no further (ostings on the sales order item are (ossi$le) %he sales order item is then no longer involved in results analysis) %his is an attri$ute that 'an $e used to redu'e the runtime of results analysis (see "ote 46122)) Sin'e (rogram SAPKKA12 (li7e results analysis itself) reads a large amount of data from the data$ase you should de'ide .hether SAPKKA12 should $e run monthly or less fre8uently) All four statuses set $y this (rogram 'an also $e set or 'leared manually in the maintenan'e of the sales order item) Program SAPKKA12 has $een enhan'ed in several stages) %he (resent do'ument a((lies to +elease ,)2C) %he ne.est version is availa$le in "ote 112626) %he (resent do'ument also a((lies to this note .ith minor e9'e(tions) :ith older versions more differen'es 'an $e e9(e'ted)

Initial Screen
;rou( restri'ts the sales order items to $e sele'ted) Only items that have a varian'e 7ey 'an $e sele'ted) Sele'tion of sales orders< Order ty(e Sales order 5tem +esults analysis 7ey Organi/ation data< Com(any 'ode Plant SD organi/ation data Sales organi/ation Distri$ution 'hannel Division Sales offi'e Sales grou(

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5n the test run mode (grou( ) the 'hanges determined are sho.n in the results list $ut are not .ritten to the data$ase) Pro'essing o(tions< %est run

5n grou( you 'an s(e'ify .hether all sele'ted items are sho.n in the results list or only those for .hi'h a status .as 'hanged) >ou 'an also s(e'ify .hether the transferred dependent items are dis(layed) %he transferred dependent items are des'ri$ed in the e9(lanation for grou( ) Dis(lay< All sele'ted items All 'hanged items :ith transferred de(endent items 5n $lo'7 you 'an s(e'ify .hether the status final billing should not $e 'hanged or .hether this status should $e set or 'leared in a''ordan'e .ith the evaluation of the SD do'uments) Do'ument flo. in SD< Do not 'hange ?!inal $illing@ or

Set status ?!inal $illing@ 5f the item has status ?!inal $illing@ other.ise 'lear) 5n grou( you 'an s(e'ify .hether the status delivered should not $e 'hanged or .hether this status should $e set or 'leared in a''ordan'e .ith the evaluation of the SD do'uments) Do'ument flo. in SD< Do not 'hange ?Delivered@ or

Set status ?Delivered@ 5f the item has $een delivered other.ise 'lear) 5n $lo'7 you s(e'ify the (eriod (yearA(eriod) for .hi'h the t.o statuses final billing and delivered should $e 'he'7ed) >ou 'annot enter this (eriod dire'tly) 5nstead the system derives the (eriod and the year from the 'urrent date less the num$er of (eriods in the (ast) >ou must enter only the num$er of (eriods in the (ast) 5n'lude SD do'ument flo. for 'hanging ?!inal $illing@ and ?Delivered@ until Period === >ear ==== 'al'ulated from the 'urrent (eriod less the num$er of the last (revious (eriods =B

%he settings in grou( esta$lish the 'riteria for 'hanging the status technically completed) %he settings must $e made< (mandatory) %he (eriodAyear sin'e no 'osts and revenues may have $een in'urred) %he 'redit from the settlement of the item is not ta7en into a''ount here (o(tional) At least one 'ost or revenue (osting must e9ist) %his is usually a((ro(riate) (o(tional) %he item and all de(endent items (see grou( ) must have the status final billing) (o(tional) %he item and all de(endent items (see grou( ) must have the status delivered) (o(tional) All de(endent orders must have the status delivered or technically completed) %he de(endent orders are all (rodu'tion orders and internal orders that are assigned to the item or to one of the de(endent items ()) :ith the (rodu'tion orders only the orders for the nonvaluated sales order or (roCe't sto'7 'ount) (mandatory) %he SDACO standard 'he'7 must $e (assed) %his 'he'7 itself has different

o(tional settings that are e9(lained in grou( ) All sele'ted 'riteria must $e fulfilled (A"D o(eration) to ena$le the status to $e set) At the $eginning of grou( you 'an s(e'ify .hether the status technically completed is not 'hanged .hether it is set if the 'riteria are met or 'leared if the 'riteria are not met (end of grou( )) Che'7ing the de(endent orders for the status delivered or technically completed 'an $e a((ro(riate $e'ause setting the status of an item to technically completed 'an have irreversi$le effe'ts on the de(endent orders) Costs and revenues in CO and do'ument flo. in SD< Do not 'hange ?%e'hni'ally 'om(leted@ or Set status ?%e'hni'ally 'om(leted@

if no 'ost or revenue (osting has ta7en (la'e sin'e (other than settlement of +A data) Period === >ear ==== 'al'ulated from the 'urrent (eriod less the num$er of the last (revious (eriods =B and if the item has at least one (osting has the status ?!inal $illing@ has the status ?Delivered@ and if all de(endent orders ?%e'hni'ally 'om(leted@ or ?Delivered@ and if the SDACO standard 'he'7 is (assed and 'lear if the 'onditions are not met)

%he settings in grou( esta$lish the 'riteria for 'hanging the status closed) %he settings must $e made< (mandatory) %he (eriodAyear sin'e no 'osts and revenues may have $een in'urred and no 'redit from settlement of the item nor 'hanges in results analysis data (o(tional) %he item and all de(endent items (see grou( ) and all de(endent (rodu'tion orders and other orders for the items are fully settled ($alan'e D -)) 5t is not ne'essary for all individual o$Ce'ts to $e settled) 5t is only ne'essary that the total sum of all o$Ce'ts is /ero) (o(tional) !inal results analysis must have $een (erformed on the item) %his means that all reserves and inventories are /ero (o(tional) At least one 'ost or revenue (osting must e9ist) %his is usually a((ro(riate to (revent the status from $eing set (rematurely) (o(tional) %he item and all de(endent items (see grou( ) must have the status final billing) (o(tional) %he item and all de(endent items (see grou( ) must have the status delivered) (o(tional) %he item already has the status technically completed) %hat is the status must already $e set) 5f one of the statuses technically completed or closed is to $e set from the released this 'ondition may not $e s(e'ified) (o(tional) All de(endent orders must have the status delivered or technically completed) %he de(endent orders are all (rodu'tion orders and internal orders that are

assigned to the item or to one of the de(endent items ()) (mandatory) %he SDACO standard 'he'7 must $e (assed) %his 'he'7 itself has different o(tional settings that are e9(lained in grou( )

All sele'ted 'riteria must $e fulfilled (A"D o(eration) to ena$le the status to $e set) At the $eginning of grou( you 'an s(e'ify .hether the status closed is not 'hanged .hether it is set if the 'riteria are met or 'leared if the 'riteria are not met (end of grou( )) "ormally it is re'ommended that you not 'he'7 .hether the status closed should $e 'leared if the 'riteria for setting the status are not met) %he reason is that if this is not 'he'7ed the items .ith the status closed are not in'luded in the 'he'7s .hi'h im(roves the runtime) Costs revenues +A data status in CO do'ument flo. in SD SDACO standard 'he'7< Do not 'hange ?Closed@ or Set status ?Closed@

5f no 'ost or revenue (osting or +A data sin'e Period === >ear ==== 'al'ulated from the 'urrent (eriod less the num$er of the last (revious (eriods =B and if the item Com(letely settled !inal results analysis and if the item has at least one (osting has the status ?!inal $illing@ has the status ?Delivered@ is %e'hni'ally Com(leted and if all de(endent orders ?%e'hni'ally 'om(leted@ or ?Delivered@ and if the SDACO standard 'he'7 is (assed and 'lear if the 'onditions are not met)

%he SDACO standard 'he'7 of grou( is the same 'he'7 that is e9e'uted .hen you manually set the status in the maintenan'e of the sales order) %his 'he'7 (ro'edure 'he'7s the< a) %he 'onditions of general status maintenan'e $) SD0s(e'ifi' 'onditions !or the $usiness transa'tion Close< i) %he full 8uantity to $e invoi'ed of the sales item must $e invoi'ed ii) %he overall (ro'essing status must $e completed or not relevant iii) %he o$Ce't (the item) must $e ar'hiva$le (ar'hiving 'he'7) iv) 5f according to standard (grou( ) .as sele'ted< A) Ea7e0to0order (rodu'tion< All (rodu'tion orders for the item must $e reorgani/a$le #) Stati' assem$ly< 5t must $e (ossi$le to set the deletion flag for the asso'iated assem$ly order) %his is some.hat more rigorous than A) .hi'h merely

'he'7s the ar'hiving for the order 5f stati' assem$ly is involved and if according to standard .as sele'ted in grou( then after $usiness transa'tion Close is (erformed the deletion flag for the assem$ly order is set and this 'hange is mar7ed for the u(date (if a((li'a$le)) 5f without production orders .as sele'ted in grou( no deletion flag is set for the assem$ly order nor is the order mar7ed for u(date) %he ar'hiving 'he'7 also 'he'7s .hether the o$Ce't has $een 'om(letely settled (has a $alan'e of /ero)) Fo.ever .hether this 'he'7 is (erformed de(ends on .hether the settlement (rofile of the o$Ce't s(e'ifies that the o$Ce't must $e settled) 5f the settlement (rofile s(e'ifies that the o$Ce't 'an $e settled or is not to $e settled the system does not 'he'7 .hether the $alan'e is /ero) %he 'onditions of general status management affe't ho. $oth statuses ( technically completed and closed) are set) All other 'onditions 'urrently im(lemented affe't only ho. the status closed is set)
A number of technical details for the SD/CO standard check are presented below. The status changes for the statuses 'losed and te'hni'ally 'om(leted and the associated SD/CO standard check are described in function module SD !T"# C$A%&" STAT'S. The conditions for general status management are stored in table T()*. +ith the SD specific conditions, the routine STAT'S C$"C- ..../SA0123405 is called for transaction .... /if a routine of that name e6ists5. Two such routines currently e6ist. One of these, STAT'S C$"C- 7A7S, is used here for business transaction Close /7A7S5. The archiving check is e6ecuted by function module - O7("CT 8"O8& C$"C-. !f T349-:#%T&A ; < then static assembly is involved. +hen business transaction .... has been run, routine STAT'S =O11O+'0 ..../SA0123405 is e6ecuted if such a routine e6ists. Currently, there is only a routine for business transaction Close /7A7S5. !f static assembly is involved, the deletion flag is set for the assembly order and marked for the update. That is, CO >? O8D"8 0OST is called up.

SDACO standard 'he'7 for status 'hange %e'hni'ally Com(leted and Closed< a''ording to standard .ithout (rodu'tion orders 5n Customi/ing for results analysis in the valuation methods the field sales order structure 'an 'ontain the value A # or K) %his means that in results analysis for a sales order item the 'osts and revenues of su$ordinate items 'an $e in'luded in summation and valuated together .ith the other items) +esults analysis only u(dates data on the item on .hi'h results analysis .as (erformed) Program SAPKKA12 determines .hether the status should $e 'hanged for the item of results analysis) 5f you sele't Dependent items in grou( these status 'hanges are transferred to the de(endent items) 5n this 'ase the de(endent items should not have their o.n results analysis 7ey) %ransfer status 'hange ?%e'hni'ally 'om(leted@ and ?Closed@ to de(endent items Annotations< %o determine the status ?!inal $illing@ and ?Delivered@ for an item the su$ordinate items are in'luded) %o determine 'ost and revenue (ostings all su$ordinate o$Ce'ts are in'luded)

Output List
%he out(ut list sho.s the (ro'essed items) %here is a 'olumn for ea'h of the four statuses) Legend< G 0HG G0H I Status not set no 'hange Status set no 'hange Status .as set Status .as 'leared "ot indi'ated no 'hange

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