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If Clauses: Type I, II and III Exercises

A. Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I, II or III. 1. If they ________________ (have) enough money, they would buy a new car. 2. If it rains, I _______________ (not play) football. 3. I _________________ (phone) you if I hadn't seen you today. 4. We would ass the e!am if we _________________ (learn) more. ". I __________________ (go) to the arty if you come with me. #. If they __________________ (buy) the cat, their children would ha$e been ha %. &ou'll catch a cold if you _______________________ (not wear) a ullo$er. '. If I _______________________ (see) the film, I wouldn't ha$e bought the $ideo. (. If I went to the cinema, I ____________________ (watch) an interesting film. 1). If you ____________________ (wait) a minute, I'll come with you. 11. If I went anywhere, it ____________________ ( be) *ustralia. 12. We ____________________ (watch) +, tonight if -eter hadn't bought the theatre tic.ets. 13. Would you go out more often if you____________________ (not have) to do so much in the house/ 14. If he hadn't missed the train, he ____________________ ( arrive) here in time. 1". I will miss the school bus if I ____________________ (not get up) early. 1#. We could ha$e hel ed 0ohn if we____________________ (know) about his roblems. 1%. If we____________________ (cycle) to 1resden, it will be a fantastic tri . 1'. If I went to the cinema, I ____________________ ( watch) an interesting film. y.

B. Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I, II or III. 1. If I had time, I __________________ (go2 sho ing with you.

2. If you ____________________ (s ea.2 3nglish, you will get along with them erfectly. 3. If they had gone for a wal., they _____________________ (turn2 the lights off. 4. If she _____________________ (come2 to see us, we will go to the 4oo. ". I would ha$e told you, if I ____________________ (see2 him. #. Would you mind if I ____________________ (o en2 the window/ %. If they _______________________ (in$ite2 me, I wouldn't ha$e said no. '. 5y friend _______________(meet2 me at the station if he gets the afternoon off. (. If I _______________________ (not6do2 it, nobody would do it. 1). If my father ____________________ (not6 ic.2 me u , I'll ta.e the bus home.

C. Decide whether the followin Conditional Sentences are Type I, II or II.

1. If he had dro a. +y e I

ed the $ase, it would ha$e bro.en. b. +y e II c. +y e III

2. If you ha$e to do the washing u , I will hel you. a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III 3. If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning ... (song2 a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III 4. I wouldn't run away if I saw a s ider. a. +y e I b. +y e II

c. +y e III

". We'd ha$e gi$en you a lift if you hadn't had your bi.e with you. a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III #. If you had listened to me, the accident wouldn't ha$e ha a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III %. If we don't get tic.ets for the concert, we'll stay at home. a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III '. +hey'd go by bus if they didn't ha$e a car. a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III (. 7he'll hear us if you don't sto laughing. a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III 1). 8e wouldn't ha$e ta.en the bread if he hadn't been hungry. a. +y e I b. +y e II c. +y e III D. Complete the Conditional Sentences !Type I, II or III" #y puttin the $er#s into the correct form. ened.

1. If they (ha$e2 __________________ time at the wee.end, they will come to see us. 2. If we snea. out 9uietly, nobody (notice2 _________________. 3. If we (.now2 ____________________ about your roblem, we would ha$e hel ed you. 4. If I (be2 _________________________ you, I would not buy that dress. ". We (arri$e2 ________________________ earlier if we had not missed the bus. #. If I didn't ha$e a mobile hone, my life (not 6 be2 ________________________
com lete.

%. :.ay, I (get2 ________________ the o corn if you buy the drin.s. '. If I (tell2 ________________ you a secret, you would be sure to lea. it. (. 7he (go2 ____________________ out with you if you had only as.ed her.
1). I would not ha$e read your diary if you (not hide2 ____________________ it in such an ob$ious lace.

E. Complete the conditional sentences !type I, II and III"

:nce u on a time the cat bit the mouse's tail off. ;<i$e me bac. my tail,= said the mouse. *nd the cat said, ;Well, I (gi$e2 _____________________ you bac. your tail if you fetched me some mil.. >ut that's im ossible to do for a little mouse li.e you.= +he mouse, howe$er, went to the cow. ;+he cat (gi$e 6 only2 ______________________ me bac. my tail if I fetch her some mil..= *nd the cow said, ;Well, I would gi$e you mil. if you (get2 ________________________ me some hay. >ut that's im ossible to do for a little mouse li.e you.= +he mouse, howe$er, went to the farmer. ;+he cat will only gi$e me bac. my tail if the cow (gi$e2 ____________________ me some mil.. *nd the cow (only 6 gi$e2 ___________________ me mil. if I get her some hay.= *nd the farmer said, ;Well, I would gi$e you hay if you (bring2 _______________________ me some meat. >ut that's im ossible to do for a little mouse li.e you.= +he mouse, howe$er, went to the butcher. ;+he cat will only gi$e me bac. my tail if the cow (gi$e2 ____________________ me mil.. *nd the cow will only gi$e me mil. if she (get2 ___________________ some hay. *nd the farmer (only 6 gi$e2 _________________ me hay if I get him some meat.= *nd the butcher said, ;Well, I would gi$e you meat if you (ma.e2 _________________ the ba.e me a bread. >ut that's im ossible to do for a little mouse li.e you.= %. &ut the $er#s into the most suita#le form to ma'e correct conditional sentences !type I, II or III".

1o you li.e ?a44 music/ >ecause if you (li.e2 ___________________ ?a44, you (lo$e2 _______________________ @ew :rleans. ,anessa hates boat tri s. >ut if she (hate 6 not2 __________________ boat tri s, she (en?oy2 __________________ a ri$erboat cruise on the 5ississi i.

I (do2 ______________________ a course in ?a44 dancing if I (ha$e2 __________________ more time. >ut unfortunately I don't ha$e time. If the founders of the city (hate2 ________________ the Aing of Brance, they (call 6 not2 ____________________ the lace @ou$elleC:rlDans in honor of him.

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