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Running head: Role of Literature Review in the Research Process

David W. Hankins TUI University Role of Literature Review in the Research Process MAE 504 Module 3 Session Long Project Dr. Anna Lint

Running head: Role of Literature Review in the Research Process Matrix

Experiment Correlational Survey Grounded Ethnogra Case Narrative Mixed Action al Research Study Research Theory phy Study Research Method Research

Type of Research Purpose

basic research

applied research

basic applied research research

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Evaluativ e Why is it so? Why it happens this way?

Type of Research Questions Type of Variables

Descriptive Relational


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Role of Literature Review Sample Population Data Collection Data Analysis Evaluation of Findings

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Running head: Role of Literature Review in the Research Process Role of Literature Review in the Research Process Any research is conducted to achieve certain objectives and purposes. Some conducted studies are unique and have experimental nature. However, most of such activities are based on the previous studies and researches, conducted before. Therefore, a background has to be explored and evaluated before conducting any research. This process is called literature review. The paper is aimed to evaluate the purpose of literature review in qualitative and quantitative studies. In addition, it identifies the type of research in which literature review plays a bigger role and describes why this is so. According to Lie (2000), A literature review is the effective evaluation of selected documents on a research topic. A review may form an essential part of the research process

or may constitute a research project in itself. The major purpose of any literature review is to determine what has already been done in the area related to the topic of the research. Among other purposes the following ones can be outlined: to determine the research strategies, data collection approaches, and other peculiarities, related to the specific area; to avoid issues of the similar studies; to benefit from the experience of other researchers; to eliminate the mistakes in the researches; etc. A good literature review provides a researchers with the clearly identifies scope of the future study and points out the methods and tools to be used in the further research. The review of literature has different purposes for different types of researches. Thus, quantitative research presupposes examination and evaluation of facts, empirical, statistical data and other similar findings. It means that it should be compared and contrasted with previous researches in this area. Therefore, quantitative research requires through and deep exploration of the available materials regarding the subject of the research and related information.

Running head: Role of Literature Review in the Research Process The literature review, in this case, must be utterly detailed and well-organized, wide and clearly presented. Such approach will provide readers with necessary background of the previous researches and will guarantee the clarity of understanding while reading the concluding sections with findings, evaluation, recommendations, and conclusions. Qualitative research is different in its nature. The purpose of the literature review is different as well. Thus, it has to demonstrate the underlying assumptions that are behind the central research questions. It also has to provide an opportunity for the researcher new to the

subject to convince the reader about the competence of the researcher in the conducted study. In addition, literature review in a qualitative research provides the background to identify any gaps and issues that could be present in the related literature and provide the rationale of the future research. Considering the above-said, qualitative and quantitative researches require different approaches to the process of the literature review development. The purposes are rather similar but the importance of the literature review in both cases is not. Quantitative research must have a quality, thorough literature review to be based on something so the researchers could conclude something definite and give clear recommendations for further research in this area. It means that the importance of the literature review for the quantitative research is rather substantial. On the other hand, qualitative research does not require such a serious background to be conducted. It does not mean that literature review is not necessary. However, it is less important and should not as exhaustive as in case of quantitative research. Thus, according to (2012), the literature review for qualitative research is usually limited; may not be exhaustive, while the literature review for quantitative research is extensive; may significantly influence a particular study.

Running head: Role of Literature Review in the Research Process References Lie, K. (2000). Writing the Literature Review. Retrieved from: (2012). Qualitative or Quantitative? Retrieved from:

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