SEHS Site Safety Plan 2013-2014

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South Effingham High School Site Specific Procedures for Emergency Contingencies

The Legend Lives

Dr. Mark Winters, Principal 2013-2014
1220 Noel C. Conaway Road Guyton, GA 31312 (912)728-7511 Fax (912) 728-7529


STAFF 2013-2014

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Table of Contents General General Instructions School Safety Zone Homeland Defense Emergency Evacuation Kits Emergency Teams/Command Structure Building Evacuation and Emergency Response Priority A Crisis Incidents Fire Bomb or Bomb Threat Bomb Threat Checklist Suspicious Package/Envelope Hostage/Terrorist/Intruder Weapons/Violent Incident Death/Suicide at School Accidents/Illness or Serious Injury Student Disruption/Civil Disturbance Missing Student/Abduction Hazardous Materials Emergencies Priority B Crisis Incidents Thunderstorm Tornado Earthquake Hurricane Flooding Closing of School Utility Failures After School Building Use Transportation Incidents Transportation Accidents Field Trips Additional Emergency Information Emergency Evacuation Transportation Plan Family Reunification Site Media Protocol Special Needs Students 45-46 47-48 49 51 42 43 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 18 19-21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-31 5 6 7 8 9-12 14-16


***** GENERAL INSTRUCTI0NS 1. In any emergency requiring outside assistance the first call should be to 911. Be specific enough so that the dispatcher will know which agencies to send. 2. In any emergency the schools will do one (or variations thereof) of three things: stay in the building, evacuate the building, or evacuate the school site to another location. 3. The School Principal is the key to making any Emergency Plan work. He/she must be well versed in how to handle emergency situations and must train the school staff, and students in these procedures. 4 School Emergency Teams are the Principals right arm in an emergency situation. Emergency Teams must be well trained in the procedures and each team member must know what his/her individual assignments are. 5 School leadership must be the calming influence. Without strong leadership there will be panic and chaos. 6. GEMAs Emergency/Disaster Procedures is an excellent reference for supplementing this plan. 7. School Leadership must know building basics: how and where to turn off the gas, water and electricity. 8. Other than the fire alarm, emergency signals should be given over the intercom or by runner. Tell your staff what the emergency is, i.e.: Teachers we have a student missing. Return to your rooms and institute lockdown procedures. This is not a drill. 9. Do not use cell phones or radios during evacuation for a bomb threat. Once the building is evacuated and students/staff are in their designated evacuation areas you can use radios and cell phones.

***** School Safety Zone Georgia Law (OCGA 16-11-127.1) establishes a school safety zone defined as a 1000-ft area surrounding the school property. This safety zone is in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The statute makes it unlawful to possess a weapon or discharge a firearm within the safety zone. Our Schools are used for more than educating boys and girls. Extra curricular activities take place every afternoon and most weekends. Community organizations, the Recreation department, and colleges use the schools after hours and on weekends. These activities come under the auspices of the same laws and regulations that govern day to day operations. Contingencies must be developed to insure the safety of all individuals who use our schools. Ebenezer Middle School is designated as a shelter for critical workforce members of Chatham County. The Superintendent shall work with EEMA and ECSO to determine when and if schools will be used as shelters and if the school shall be closed. Georgia also has a Safety Hot Line that individuals may call 24 hrs a day to report a dangerous situation that may arise at school. (1-877-729-7867)

***** Homeland Security Homeland Security has established Threat Conditions to combat terrorism. These Threat Conditions are publicized at a national level and are defined by five alert levels with various postures and preparation for each level. These Alert levels do not necessarily coincide with our three levels of school security as defined by this plan. Our reaction and posturing for these Threat Conditions will be determined by GEMA, EEMA, and ECSO and communicated to each school by the Superintendent. Homeland Security Threat Conditions: Green - Low risk of terrorist attack. Blue - General risk of terrorist attack. Yellow - Elevated risk of terrorist attack. Orange - High Risk of terrorist attack. Red - Severe Risk of terrorist attack. As the Threat Condition increases at a National level, our response will be increased vigilance and awareness. Monitor news and review Safety Plans. Specific directions or actions to be taken will be communicated to Principals by the Superintendent.

***** Emergency Evacuation Kit Each school shall have two Emergency Evacuation Kits to be taken from the school during an emergency evacuation. These kits must be constantly updated to insure the most accurate student information possible. These kits will become the portable command center for school leaders during a school evacuation. Designated staff will be responsible for carrying one kit to the School Command Center and one kit to the Family Reunification Site. Emergency Evacuation Kits should include: School Emergency Plan with emergency evacuation protocols Student release/sign out sheets Accurate class rosters Student/Staff emergency contact/release information List and special instructions for students with existing medical conditions Video depicting exterior and interior of the facility Current County Phone Book Most recent school yearbook Floor plan for building Map of surrounding area Flashlight and extra batteries Bullhorn and batteries Cell phone and two way radio Writing tablet and pencils First Aid Kit

***** EMERGENCY TEAMS/COMMAND STRUCTURE There are three general responses that cover all emergency situations. A specific emergency may have variations to one of these general responses, but generally, the school will implement one of these three responses: Building Evacuation, School Site Evacuation, and Lock Down. It is the intent of this plan that the School Principal trains these teams to perform their assigned duties to assist him/her in handling any emergency that may arise. The Principal can use the teams outlined here or he may use additional teams if necessary. The number of team members and responsibilities of the teams may be tailored by the Principal to address individual school needs. The School Principal is in charge of any emergency situation until the arrival of the Effingham Emergency Management (EEMA) Director. When the EEMA Director or Sheriff arrive on the scene, command duties are divided. The EEMA Director coordinates efforts of the responding emergency agencies, and the School Principal maintains control of his staff and students. The EEMA Director and the Principal must maintain open communications to insure cohesiveness. There are two categories of Emergency Teams School Level and System Level. School level teams must be prepared to handle emergency situations until the arrival of EEMA, responding emergency agencies and system level teams. System level teams include Crisis Intervention (Counseling and Family Reunification) and Media. System Level teams supplement the schools Family Reunification Team and assume all responsibility for the media. Emergency Command Team The principal is team leader and is responsible for directing emergency procedures. The Principal directs efforts of school emergency teams. The Principal shall indicate location of the Command Center and alternate on the school site plan. The Command Team is responsible for taking Emergency Evacuation Kits to the Command Center and Alternate Command Center. The Command Team also makes appropriate notifications to 911, Superintendent, Safety Coordinator, and student accountability. The Command Team is also responsible for notifying staff of emergencies when the intercom cannot be used or when the situation requires verbal notification be given to the staff. Team members include: Team Leader - Principal (Winters) Alternate Freshman Academy Admin/ AP (Faith) Instructional Supervisor / AP (Hathaway) Athletic Director/AP (Dickey) Vocational Supervisor/ AP (Wood)

Members Bill Bishop School Maintenance Tammy Jackson (Communications) Michelle Dowling (Reestablish student office) Middle School Resource Officer High School Resource Officer Others as needed

Security Team Responsible for checking evacuation routes for possible dangers to students, securing campus (doors and gates), controlling entrance to campus until arrival of law enforcement, and during evacuation checks to make sure all rooms in the building have been evacuated. Team Leader (J. Faith) Members 1. Middle School and High School Resource Officer 2. Tammy Hathaway 2nd Hall 3. Lt. Col. Terry Stautberg 4th Hall 4. Bill Bishop - Keys 5. Donnie Revell/Kim Morgan Gyms/Parking Lot 6. Angie Wood - Vocational 7. David Gay 1st Hall 8. Travis Dickey 3rd Hall 9. Mark Winters- Kitchen, Band/Chorus 10. Assistant Principal Secretary - (Communications may be designated to ECT or FAT as needed) 11. Others as needed

First Aid Team Responsible for establishing evacuation site for injured. Provides care until EMS arrives. Members must have received training in first aid and CPR. Team Leader Cheryl Kitchings Members Linda Durant John Burk Stacey Womack Laura Soles Megan Presley Ramona Roberts (Communications may be designated elsewhere as needed) Others as needed

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Media One school representative will be assigned to handle the media until the system media team arrives on location. The school will designate a location near campus for a media staging area. Uses information in the GEMA Emergency/Disaster Preparedness Manual as guideline. School Media Rep. (Winters) Alternate (Wood)

System Media Team Primary spokesman is the Superintendent or his designee. Works with the School Media Representative to disseminate pertinent information to the media. Team Leader Randy Shearouse Alternate- Greg Arnsdorff or Designee


Crisis Intervention Team School and System Teams. Provides assistance to students and staff during and after a crisis situation. The System Team shall be headed by the Special Education Director and shall consist of school counselors, school psychologists, DFCS employees and any other aftercare providers who may be available. A list of these providers should be kept current. The Crisis Intervention Team works at the school or at the Family Reunification Site and provides support to students and staff. The Team Leader shall determine the number of members to be mobilized depending on the situation. School Team Team Leader Tammy Hathaway Members Yutasha Lloyd Angela Grant Michelle Coburn Renee Christensen Erin Woodcock Arnette Villegas Cindy Hendricks Others as needed

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

System Team Team Leader Sp. Ed. Coordinator Members School Counselors from non affected schools School Psychologists DFCS Representatives Gateway Representatives Alternate Sp. Ed. Asst. Coord.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Special Education Assistance Team Assists Special Education Teachers during evacuation and lockdowns. Due to the special needs of profound and severe classes it may be necessary to move these students to another facility with restrooms and climate controlled buildings. The School Principal and Special Ed. teacher should pre-plan care for these students. Team Leader Arnette Villegas Members 1. Justin Merritt 2. David Gay 3. Kristen Wolfe 4. Tammy Rammoser 5. Stacey Womack 6. Ronnie Womack 7. Tiffany Gay 8. (As many members as needed to provide adequate assistance.) 11

Evacuation Team Bus Transportation of Students to alternate site This team will take its direction directly from the principal or his designee. The evacuation of students will need the coordination with the school board transportation director. We have several school bus drivers and staff members with a bus drivers license on site (including high school personnel) to assist with immediate transportation. Faculty members with valid CDLs Arnold, Brenda Dickey, Travis Faith, Jeff McBride, Sean Patrick McClure Mesmer, Joe Morgan, Kim Parker, Angie Smith, Chuck Stautberg, Terry Womack, Ronnie


SEHS Building Evacuation and Emergency Response


***** Evacuating the Building

The following staff member and/or other designated staff member will check their assigned hallways on the way out to make sure all have evacuated and all doors are left unlocked. Once you have checked your assigned area, please report to Tammy Jackson that you are assured that the area is clear. Members should use channel 3 on their radios if possible. If not due to the emergency, you will need to inform Mrs. Jackson in person or by runner.

Office Area /Cafeteria 100 Wing 200 Wing 300 Wing 400 Wing Media Center Gym Vocational Other areas designated

Dr. Mark Winters Jeff Faith / David Gay Tammy Hathaway Travis Dickey Lt Col Terry Stautberg/Ross Johnson Catherine Olivier / Becky Alford Donnie Revell / Kim Morgan Angie Wood Bill Bishop

Students, staff members, and visitors will remain outside until the building has been checked and an all clear sounded. At no time prior to this should anyone return to the building unless given permission from the command team (principal or designee). Middle School and High School Resource Officers will secure all gates and prepare for emergency response personnel and direct traffic and onlookers away from the school. In the event of an immediate threat by a hostile person(s), they will respond to the threat accordingly and a staff member will secure the gates and allow only emergency personnel to enter until relieved.

Any staff member that does not have a class at the time of evacuation will be called upon to assist in clearing the school and be used as runners. If the situation escalates, staff members with emergency team duties and responsibilities will be relieved from their students to serve on their respective emergency team. **Due to South Effingham High Schools proximity to South Effingham Middle School, it is the responsibility of both schools to keep open lines of communication in the event of an emergency. It is the responsibility of SEHS to inform SEMS of an emergency situation and vice versa. Each school has resources that can be utilized by the other for the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors.



SEHS Classroom Response Guide for Emergency Situations

LOCKDOWN (bomb threat, death/injury, intruder, weapon, hazardous material) 1. Secure all exterior doors 2. Make sure halls/bathrooms are clear and bring in any student found 3. Keep classrooms doors locked 4. Take accurate attendance and report discrepancies to the office ASAP 5. Use communication devices only as necessary 6. Keep students calm and quiet 7. Do not give out unconfirmed information to students 8. BOMB THREAT Turn off all cellular phones and electronic equipment 9. Search in your area for unusual objects/packages 10. Move students away form glass and out of sight from windows and hallway doors 11. INTRUDER Be prepared to seek protection in a nearby room if intruder approaches and is visibly armed with weapon 12. Monitor location of intruder if it can be done safely and report to office 13. Student with weapon-if located, encourage student to come to office but DO NOT confront

DEATH or INJURY LOCKDOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Contact office ASAP Secure all exterior doors, clear halls/bathrooms and bring in any students found Keep classroom doors locked Take attendance and report discrepancies to office Do not give out unconfirmed information to students Keep students calm and quiet

EVACUATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Staff are to secure their attendance book Staff will move their class to evacuation area Maintain accountability of students at all times. Keep calm and move quickly. Check roll when you get to the evacuation area NOTE In the past, staff members have been asked to turn off lights, close windows, and close doors. This wastes time. Once you have been notified to evacuate the building, secure your roll book and have students line up to move quietly and quickly to the evacuation area. Students and teachers alike should not take anything with them. All book-bags and other luggage should remain in the classroom. Staff members designated to ensure that all personnel are out of the building will secure doors as they check rooms.


BOMB THREAT/HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EVACUATION 1. 2. 3. 4. Turn off all cellular phones and electronic equipment Secure attendance book Move class to evacuation area Maintain accountability of students at all times

1. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Follow evacuation procedures or directions to stay in classrooms. Turn off fans, heating units, and air conditioners if controls are in your room 2. Tape or cover cracks and openings on windows and doors

TORNADO OR SEVERE WEATHER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Secure attendance book Classes in unsafe area are to move immediately to interior building hallway Follow tornado drill plan Move students to interior hallway, away from glass Have student kneel down, back against the wall with knees drawn under chest, heads lowered into chest and covering backs of heads with their hands or textbook Take attendance and report any missing students to the office Maintain composure and keep students calm Remain in place until further noticed EARTHQUAKE have students get underneath their desk or strong table

HOSTAGE SITUATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Secure all exterior doors Make sure all halls/bathrooms are clear. Bring in any students found. Keep doors locked Take attendance report any discrepancies to the office UNWANTED INTRUDER In the past, a coded message was given. This is no longer the case. Plain specific directions will be given to go to a lockdown. 6. Teachers move students away from doors/windows and consider an escape route if needed later on 7. Keep calm and quiet

It is impossible to plan for every possible emergency situation. These guidelines are to provide you the framework for keeping your students and yourself safe in the event of an unfortunate situation. The real key to a successful resolution to any emergency situation is to use common sense and not try to be a hero. Maintain accountability of your students and listen to your school leaders and the directions of the emergency personnel that respond to the school.




***** FIRE SIGNAL: Ringing of the fire alarm or pre-determined back-up notification (intercom, bullhorn, whistle, etc.) STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Pull fire alarm/or back-up; report fire to office. 2. Close all windows and doors to confine fire. Do not lock doors. 3. Evacuate buildings as per building fire evacuation plan (300 ft from building). 4. Special Ed. Assistance Team ensures evacuation of handicapped classes. 5. Take class roster and account for assigned students. 6. Fire evacuation areas should not be located in parking lots or roadways that may impede emergency vehicles. ROLES: Principal: Meet responding agencies; provide keys to buildings. Supervise evacuation and check for injuries. Activate Emergency Teams as necessary. Be prepared to implement Reunification Protocol. Assist Principal. Insure that Emergency Evacuation Kits are at evacuation site. Gather lists of names of unaccounted for students from teachers. Notify Principal of missing students. Call 911. Take Emergency Evacuation Kit to evacuation site. Take absentee list and sign-out sheet. Check unaccounted for students with sign-out and absentee sheets. Evacuate class, close windows and doors (do not lock). Take roll when class arrives at evacuation site. Display Emergency Status Card. Make list of names of unaccounted for students, report to Asst. Prin. Check restrooms and other areas for students and faculty. Turn off gas and utilities to bldg. Assist with keys to building. Assemble School Crisis Intervention Team, if directed by Principal. Attend to first aid needs. Activate First Aid Team, if necessary.

A. Prin.:



Custodian: Counselor: Nurse:

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: *School Staff should only attempt to extinguish small fires using the fire suppression equipment available. **Fire Evacuation Plans should be posted in every room in the building, by the exit, at the appropriate eye level to the students.


**** Bomb or Bomb Threat

(Revised July 27, 2011) Signal: Announce on intercom for teachers and staff to conduct a Security Sweep of the building. Steps of Action: Principal should retrieve Bomb Threat Checklist from person who received the call. 1. Call 911, Safety Manager, and Superintendent. 2. Credibility Protocol should be implemented. Assemble Security Team to conduct reconnaissance of evacuation route and site. Evacuation route should be away from cars, dumpsters, or other locations where secondary explosives may be easily hidden. Check for things out of the ordinary or anything that may be a threat. 3. Personnel assigned to the command center will move to that area to provide direction on the steps that need to be taken and brief public safety personnel on the incident as soon as a viable threat is received. 4. Possible indicators of a valid threat: o Suspicious package o Suspicious person o Sign of forced entry on windows or doors o A note or message inside the facility indicating that the suspect may currently be or may have been inside the facility o Identification of disgruntled individuals who may have a motive to disrupt your facility and the opportunity to place a bomb o Previous threats or actual explosive devices at your facility If no suspicious item is located, school should continue as usual with no need to evacuate. If a suspicious item is located, do not disturb it. Discontinue the search and report the location and a description of the suspicious item to the command center. 5. Public Safety personnel on site should be notified of the location of the suspicious item and the need to evacuate so they can move to the outdoor evacuation route and evacuation area to provide cover for evacuating students. 6. Consider weather and time of day (if it is late in the day, you might want to send students home). 7. Evacuate the school to a predetermined and searched area or to buses. 8. Students should take personal items with them and leave bookbags in their classrooms as they evacuate unless they are going home. Leave doors and windows open. 9. Assist Special Ed classes as necessary. 10. Have students assemble at predetermined location under control of their classroom teacher. The teacher should take their roll / gradebook to check attendance and account for students. Roles: Principal: o Retrieve Bomb Threat Checklist from person who received call. o Make or have someone make calls to 911, Safety Manager, and Superintendent. o Announce by intercom the need for a Security Sweep. o Assemble Security Team and Command Team o Gather information on Credibility Assessment, assess situation, and decide whether or not evacuation is necessary. o Give All Clear message when able to return to building. 19

Assistant Principal(s): o Assist principal. o May oversee Security Team at Principals discretion.

Advance Considerations for Bomb/Bomb Threat Protocol

1. Security Sweep drills should be considered to lessen excitement when a real Sweep is called. 2. Choose several evacuation sites 1000 ft. from the building. 3. Need a list of special needs children and their needed medications. This can be maintained by the nurse in a pick up and go container. 4. Establish a Security Team to search evacuation route and evacuation area(s). 5. Assign every member of the staff a particular area to search when the Security Sweep announcement is made (use personnel familiar with the different areas---teachers in classrooms, lunchroom ladies in kitchen, media specialist in library, office personnel do offices, coaches in gym and hallways, etc. Common areas and exterior must be checked---trash cans, hedges, cars parked close to facility (student and employee cars should not be permitted to park close to the building and they should have a displayed permit). 6. Bomb Threat Checklist should be placed at every phone answering incoming calls. Review sheet with personnel taking calls. 7. Create a floor plan/checklist to check off areas as they are called back to the front office. This needs to stay at the desk next to the intercom/radio area. Teachers can slide green all clear signaling paper under door into the hall to let others know their status. 8. Establish a primary and alternate location for the Command Center. Assign personnel and designate decision-making authority. 9. Communication between Command Center and Security Team can be by cell phone or radio to track search teams.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

When is the bomb going to explode? Where is the bomb right now? What does the bomb look like? What kind of bomb is it? What will cause the bomb to explode? Did you place the bomb? Why? What is address? What is your name?

Exact wording of the bomb threat:

___________________________________ Sex of caller: _______ Race:___________ Age:___ Length of call:________________ Telephone # at which call received:______ Time Received____ Date Received_______ Callerss voice: Calm___ Soft___ Stutter___ Excited___ Laughter___ Rasp___ Rapid___ Normal___ Nasal___ Angry___ Loud___ Lisp___ Slow___ Crying___ Deep___ Distinct___ Slurred___ Ragged___ Deep Breathing____ Disguised___ Whispered___ Clearing Throat___ Cracking___ Accent___ Familiar___(If voice is familiar, who did it sound like?)________________________ Background Sounds: Street noises___ Voices___ Animal noises___ PA System___ Music___ Long Distance ___ Motor___ Booth___ Factory machinery___ Crockery___ Clear___ Static___ House Noises___ Local___ Office Machinery___ Other ___ Bomb Threat Language: Well Spoken (education)___ Foul___ Taped___ Incoherent___ Irrational___ Message read by threat maker ___ Remarks: _____________________________________________________________

Your Name: ______________________ Position: ____________________________ Phone #: ________________________ Date checklist completed: ______________


***** SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE/ENVELOPE STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Instruct your staff to routinely inspect all envelopes and packages before opening. Look for: Protruding wires; Misspelled word; No return address; Addressed to title only or incorrect title; Strange odor, oily stains discoloration or crystallization on wrapper; Bulky, lopsided, or uneven; Excessive tape or string; Excessive postage, no postage, or uncancelled postage. 2. If you suspect something is amiss, do not open, discard in trash. If your curiosity wont allow you to throw it away, or if you strongly suspect wrongdoing, isolate the package/envelope and call 911. 3. Instruct staff to check their work areas daily for suspicious items that mysteriously appear.

If you suspect a bomb, follow the Bomb Threat Protocol and evacuate.


***** HOSTAGE/ TERRORIST/ INTRUDER SIGNAL: Announce to teachers to initiate lockdown procedures. In an actual situation also announce This is not a drill. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Call 911. 2. Use LOCKDOWN Protocol and activate Command and Security Teams. 3. Secure immediate incident area. 4. Account for all students. 5. Await assistance from responding agencies (police, GSP). 6. Initiate Family Reunification Protocol if necessary. 7. Initiate Media Protocol, if necessary. ROLES: Principal: Initiate LOCKDOWN Protocol. Activate Command Team, Security Team and other emergency teams as needed. Secure and isolate incident area. Determine need for evacuation, and notify staff via intercom or verbal. Gather lists of names for unaccounted students. Assist Principal. Be prepared to implement Family Reunification Protocol.

A. Prin:

Secretary: Call 911, Safety Coordinator, and Superintendent. Turn off bell system. Teachers: If evacuation is necessary, evacuate per Bomb Threat Protocol, otherwise: Stay in classrooms, lock doors, and follow directions of Principal. Bring unattended students left in hallways, or other common areas into nearest classroom and lock door. Allow no one to leave room unless directed by principal. Keep students calm and quiet. Account for students and display appropriate Emergency Status Card.

*For a Hostage situation, Principal will work with law enforcement to establish primary and secondary security perimeters and media staging area. **Staff should not attempt to negotiate with hostage taker. Wait for law enforcement.


***** WEAPONS/VIOLENT INCIDENT -The threat of a serious weapons incident is present in every public school. Prompt attention, immediate and thorough investigation and accountability are critical elements in responding to reports that someone has a weapon on campus. All threats must be taken seriously. -Unfortunately, some tragedies have occurred in school after a report of a weapon was made and school authorities failed to take action. -Georgia Law (O.C.G.A. ~16-11-127.1) requires that all schools post at least one sign in a prominent location near the main entrance advising students and visitors regarding the prohibition of weapons on school grounds. -Any report that a person has a weapon of any type on school property should be immediately reported to the police. If there is reasonable cause to believe a weapon is present on school property or within the schools safety zone (within 1,000 feet of the school) Georgia Law requires it be reported to law enforcement. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Immediately report weapon to the Principal. Give a description of the weapon and identify person and location. 2. Principal shall notify SRO to investigate. 3. If injuries have occurred, notify 911, and report any injuries. 4. Contact Superintendent. 5. Type of incident will determine whether to Evacuate or implement Lockdown. 6. EVACUATION: Should be considered or may be needed when the perpetrator has been confined to or isolated in one specific room or area and is threatening others. 6. LOCKDOWN: Should be considered when perpetrator is not confined to or isolated in a specific room or area but is roaming throughout the campus. The Lockdown shall remain in effect until Law Enforcement decides it is prudent and safe to initiate an orderly evacuation. 7. Do not confront or attempt to disarm an unyielding student or adult. Let the police disarm this intruder or student. 8. If the weapon has been dropped or discarded, secure the area where it is located, but do not handle it. Wait for law enforcement to take custody of the weapon. 9. Remember that the crisis scene is also a crime scene when an act of violence has occurred. No attempt should be made to clean up blood or other evidence without the approval of law enforcement. ROLES: Principal: Initiate necessary protocol. Activate appropriate Emergency Teams (Security, First Aid, etc.) Prepare for evacuation and reunification, or lockdown. Assist Principal. Begin accountability procedures. Call 911, Superintendent, and Safety Coordinator. Remain with students. Account for all students. Follow directions of Principal

A. Prin.: Sec.: Teachers:


***** DEATH/SUICIDE AT SCHOOL SIGNAL: Administrators will contact staff in person. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Call 911 2. Report incident to main office. 3. Keep students away from area (lock down entire school if necessary). 4. Secure scene until law enforcement arrives to take control for investigative purposes. 5. Send note to staff informing them that a medical emergency has occurred. Include any additional instructions (e.g. Bells will be sounded manually for class change.) 6. Activate school Counseling Team. 7. Report to Superintendent Activate System Crisis Intervention Team if necessary. 8. Initiate Evacuation or Family Reunification Protocol, if necessary. 9. Superintendent will determine if school needs to be closed, and students sent home. ROLES: Principal: Activate Command Team. Give instructions to staff. Contact Superintendent. Initiate lockdown and activate Media Team, if necessary. Notify family members. Assist Principal Assist Principal, Call 911. Man telephones. Report incident to Principal; Keep students in class and await further instructions. If student suicide occurred in classroom, teacher should evacuate the room to alternate location and account for remainder of children. Follow instructions from Principal.

A. Prin: Secretary:



Counselor: Implement Counseling Team. Activate system Crisis Intervention Team, if necessary. Nurse: Render first aid.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: *Do not use the name of victim(s) over any walkie-talkies or two-way radios. * *The crisis scene may also be a crime scene. Do not attempt to clean blood, or other evidence without approval of Law Enforcement. Protect the scene until the arrival of Law Enforcement.


***** ACCIDENTS/ILLNESS OR SERIOUS INJURY SIGNAL- none: Announce Lockdown if necessary. More often, you may need to redirect student traffic STEPS OF ACTION 1. Call 911, if needed. 2. Notify Safety Coordinator and Superintendent. 3. Contact principal and stay with the sick/injured person. 4. Keep students away from area (Initiate lockdown if necessary). 5. Send note to staff informing them of situation. Include any special instructions (e.g., Change of bell schedule) 6. Utilize First Aid Team until EMS arrives. 7. Contact parent, guardian, or family. 8. Notify Crises Intervention Team if necessary 9. Initiate Blood Born Protocol, if needed.. 10. Give the All Clear announcement (Plain Text Announcement) when cleared to do so.

Roles: Principal: Supervise care of person. Initiate lockdown if needed. Communicate with parents/family. Designate staff member to meet EMS. Notify family members. Assist principal. Implement Command Team procedures. Call 911. Call Safety Coordinator and Superintendent. Monitor telephone. Assist First Aid Team. If mechanical problem, attend to first & call county maintenance department. Control of students. Report incident to principal. Assemble First Aid Team if necessary. Attend to needs of injure/ill until EMS arrives. Call Crisis Intervention Team Leader, if necessary:

A. Prin.:



Teachers: Nurse: Counselor:

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: *If person is transported by ambulance, who will accompany to hospital? *Do not use victims name on radio. *The crises scene may become a crime scene. Do not attempt to clean up until authorized to do so by Law Enforcement. *Automobile accidents involving students may cause implementation of this Protocol. 26

***** STUDENT DISRUPTION / CIVIL DISTURBANCE . SIGNAL: Use intercom, written or word of mouth notification. STEPS OF ACTION: Situation 1: Disruptive forces are mobile or pose direct threat to students/staff; or suspected large-scale demonstrations, several fights, etc. 1. Heightened state of security, preventative lockdown. 2. Implement Command Team Protocol. (Call 911, Safety Coordinator, Superintendent.) 3. Activate Emergency Teams as necessary. Situation 2: Disruption widespread with large-scale student participation, multiple fights, etc. 1. Implement Lockdown Protocol 2. Determine need to close school with Superintendent. 3. Determine need to evacuate and implement Family Reunification Protocol. 4. Activate Emergency Teams. 5. Assign staff member to videotape, if possible. ROLES: Superintendent: Determine necessity of closing school. Principal: Assess level of disruption. Activate Emergency Teams Supervise response to disruption. Give intercom instructions to students/staff. (Use bullhorn if necessary.) Prepare for Family Reunification Protocol. Prepare fact sheet for staff and/or parents. A. Prin.: Assist Principal with Command Team Responsibilities. Sec.: Contact 911, System Safety Coordinator, and Superintendent on Principal direction. Teachers: Supervise students. Counselors: Activate Crisis Intervention Team if directed by Principal. Trans. Dir.: Prepare for Site Evacuation or Family Reunification Protocol. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: *Avoid verbal exchanges/arguments with students when a disturbance is escalating **Faculty and staff should move in pairs when approaching the disturbance area. ***Use law enforcement to handle outsiders who cause disturbance. Follow-up: *Hold staff meeting to discuss events and critique response and obtain information to send to police investigators. **Principal should send letter to parents to help control spread of rumors.


***** MISSING STUDENT/ABDUCTION DEFINITION: Student runs away from school. A stranger or unauthorized family member takes a student from the school campus. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Staff should notify principal immediately when determined that a student is missing. 2. Staff should report any intruders/suspicious persons loitering on or near campus. 3. If additional threat or danger is perceived, implement necessary protocols (ie LOCKDOWN). 4. Security Team should make an immediate thorough search of the campus and buildings for the missing student. 5. If situation appears to involve abduction call 911. 6. Siblings of the student should be closely monitored. If siblings are at another school, that principal should be notified. 7. Principal should notify parents after conferring with law enforcement. ROLES: Principal: Direct Security Team to conduct thorough search of buildings and grounds. Follow runaway if possible. Contact parent/guardian as directed by law enforcement. Implement LOCKDOWN protocol if additional threat is perceived. Provide information to faculty as available. Assist Principal Check on siblings. If missing student has siblings in another school, contact that school. Call 911, if applicable. Assist Principal with student accountability. Keep students in classrooms. If possible provide description of missing student (including clothing, distinguishing features.)

A. Prin.:



Counselor: Monitor siblings of missing student. Initiate Crisis Intervention if necessary. Nurse: Be prepared to administer first aid if needed.



***** HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/CHEMICAL EMERGENCIES SIGNALS: Intercom, walkie-talkie, or manual notification. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Call 911. 2. Report to System Safety Coordinator. 3. Determine need to evacuate and which Emergency Teams to activate. 4. Stay inside until it is decided to evacuate or shelter in place. ROLES: Principal: Coordinate with EEMA director to determine the need to evacuate. If evacuation is decided use same procedures as Fire Evacuation. Determine which Emergency Teams need to be activated. Assist as directed by Principal. Account for all students and notify Principal of unaccounted for students.

A. Prin.:

Secretary: Call 911 providing as much information as possible. Notify Safety Coordinator and Superintendent. Take Emergency Evacuation Kit to the Command Center. Teachers: Evacuate students as per fire evacuation protocol, if directed by Principal. The situation may warrant staying inside. Take class roster, call role, and display appropriate Emergency Status Card. List unaccounted for students and give to Assistant Principal.

Custodian: Turn off utilities as needed. Counselor: As directed by Principal. Nurse: Report to evacuation site to administer first aid. Assemble First Aid Team, if necessary.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Close all exterior and interior doors and windows until building evacuation is directed.


***** HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/BIOLOGICAL EMERGENCIES SIGNALS: Intercom, walkie-talkie, or manual notification. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Call 911. 2. Report to System Safety Coordinator. 3. Determine need to evacuate and which Emergency Teams to activate. 4. Stay inside until it is decided to evacuate or shelter in place. ROLES: Principal: Coordinate with EEMA director to determine the need to evacuate. If evacuation is decided use same procedures as Fire Evacuation. Determine which Emergency Teams need to be activated. Assist as directed by Principal. Account for all students and notify Principal of unaccounted for students.

A. Prin.:

Secretary: Call 911 providing as much information as possible. Notify Safety Coordinator and Superintendent. Take Emergency Evacuation Kit to the Command Center. Teachers: Evacuate students as per fire evacuation protocol, if directed by Principal. Take class roster, call role, and display appropriate Emergency Status Card. List unaccounted for students and give to Assistant Principal.

Custodian: Turn off utilities. Counselor: As directed by Principal. Nurse: Report to evacuation site to administer first aid. Assemble First Aid Team, if necessary.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Close all exterior and interior doors and windows until building evacuation is directed.

**The school nurse is the lead staff member in assisting with cleanup of biological contaminants, i.e. bodily fluids. If bodily fluids are present from a potential crime scene, the scene must be secured until law enforcement gives the approval to begin cleanup. If the scene and level of cleanup is too much for local staff, Effingham Emergency Management Agency will assist in finding the appropriate organization to help the school with cleaning operations.


***** HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCIES SIGNALS: Intercom, walkie-talkie, or manual notification. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Call 911. 2. Report to System Safety Coordinator. 3. Determine need to evacuate and which Emergency Teams to activate. 4. Stay inside until it is decided to evacuate or shelter in place. ROLES: Principal: Coordinate with EEMA director to determine the need to evacuate. If evacuation is decided use same procedures as Fire Evacuation. Determine which Emergency Teams need to be activated. Assist as directed by Principal. Account for all students and notify Principal of unaccounted for students.

A. Prin.:

Secretary: Call 911 providing as much information as possible. Notify Safety Coordinator and Superintendent. Take Emergency Evacuation Kit to the Command Center. Teachers: Evacuate students as per fire evacuation protocol, if directed by Principal. Take class roster, call role, and display appropriate Emergency Status Card. List unaccounted for students and give to Assistant Principal.

Custodian: Turn off utilities. Counselor: As directed by Principal. Nurse: Report to evacuation site to administer first aid. Assemble First Aid Team, if necessary.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Close all exterior and interior doors and windows until building evacuation is directed.




***** THUNDERSTORM Severe Thunderstorm Watch: Issued by the National Weather Service; indicates a severe thunderstorm may develop in our area and we need to take appropriate action. Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Issues by NWS; indicates a severe thunderstorm has Developed and taking appropriate action is necessary for the safety of those who will be affected. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Students and staff outside or in portable buildings should report to pre-determined safe areas. 2. Security Team should insure notification was received and students have been moved to safe area. 3. Sp. Ed. Assistance Team should be activated if necessary. 4. Designate safe areas to be used as a shelter for outside after school activities. ROLES: Principal: Determine whether to move students to safe area. If students are to be moved, activate Security Team to check playground, portables and other unsafe areas. Initiate Emergency Teams as necessary. Consult with Transportation Director to decide whether or not to hold buses. Account for students to make sure none were left on playground.


NOTES: *Monitor weather radio. *Students should not be released to buses during a warning. *Stay indoors. *Get out of the open and into buildings as quickly as possible. *If there is no building, seek shelter in vehicles or a ditch away from power lines, trees, and other high objects.


***** TORNADO Tornado Watch: Issued by NWS. Conditions are favorable for a tornado or severe weather. Make staff aware. Students and staff return to buildings. Tornado Warning: Issued by NWS. Also can be announced if anyone should spot a tornado. Take shelter immediately. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Upon forecast of severe weather, the secretary will closely monitor weather radio and keep Principal abreast of situation. 2. When warning is announced, Principal shall announce to staff via intercom. 3. Security Team will make sure all students and staff are off the playground and out of portable buildings and moved to predetermined safe areas, as indicated on school site plan. (Interior rooms, hallways, away from windows.) 4. Students in classrooms should be moved to interior walls, away from windows, seated on floor by wall with an opened textbook covering head and neck area. 5. Close windows; secure or store loose articles that may become projectiles. 6. Account for all students. 7. Do not load buses, keep students in building. 8. If tornado is spotted while on school bus: a. Drive away from tornados path, b. Evacuate bus into building. c. If there is no safe building, evacuate bus and escort students to a ditch or low area. Have them lie face down with hands over their heads. Keep students far enough from the bus so it cannot be turned over on them. 9. Activate Sp. Ed. Assistance Team if necessary. 10. Assign shelters for after school outside activities.

ROLES: Principal: Notify staff. Send Security Team to check playgrounds and portables. If tornado hits school, implement Accident/Injury Protocol. Conduct biannual tornado drill. Assist Principal Assist Principal. Monitor weather radio. Supervise students. Know location and route to designated safe areas. Account for students.

A. Princ.: Secretary:



***** EARTHQUAKE Earthquakes occur without warning and cannot be predicted. There is a fault line running through our area and the possibility exists for us to experience an earthquake. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. If there are injuries, building damage, etc., call 911 when the tremors cease. 2. If inside a building, seek cover under furniture. Have students cover the back of their head and neck area with an opened textbook. 3. If outdoors, move away from buildings and avoid utility lines. 4. If on a bus, stop the bus quickly and safely in an open area away from overpasses, bridges and utility lines. 5. After tremors have stopped: -Do not reenter buildings. -Do not use open flames. -Provide first aid. -Evacuate all buildings until they can be checked for structural damages. -Prepare for early school dismissal or other contingencies depending on the damage


***** HURRICANE It is the intent of the Superintendent for school not to be in session if a hurricane comes ashore in our general area. The threat of a hurricane presents the possibility of closing school early or canceling school for a day or several days. The Superintendent will make the decision to close school. During the Hurricane season you should routinely be aware of weather forecasts. Stay tuned to local TV and radio stations. Information regarding school closing will be disseminated through the media. Additionally, the Superintendent will notify each Principal by phone. Principals shall notify their staffs. In the event that Chatham County orders a mandatory countywide evacuation, we will not have school. Ebenezer Middle School is designated as a shelter for critical workforce members of Chatham County. The Superintendent shall work with EEMA and ECSO to determine when and if schools will be used as shelters and if the school shall be closed. The use of your facility as a shelter could effect school closing and re-opening. The Superintendent will keep you informed as to when schools open after the storm.


***** FLOODING We are fortunate in Effingham County that we are not prone to immediate flash floods from heavy rainfall, nor are we subject to tidal surges. Flooding in our county will result from several days of hard rain, a hurricane or a tropical depression. Generally, we will know in advance that flooding is expected to occur and we can plan accordingly. The Superintendent will make the decision to cancel school. When the Superintendent makes the decision to close school follow the procedures in the School Closing Protocol. The Superintendent will notify Principals and media. Principals will notify staff. Media will notify all employees and students.

***** ON SITE WATER LINE BREAKAGE The Principal will contact the maintenance department immediately at 754-3574. If possible, the water cut-off valve for the affected area should be turned off as soon as possible. The Principal will need to make a determination on usage of classrooms, hallways, and basic facilities such as cafeteria and restrooms that may need to be adjusted until the water line is repaired or further action is warranted. The Principal should contact the superintendents office to make them aware of the situation in case a determination to close school is needed.


***** CLOSING OF SCHOOL Hurricane evacuation, snow, ice, extremely cold weather or other environmental factors may cause school to be closed prior to the end of the scheduled school day, or cause school to be cancelled prior to the beginning of the school day. STEPS OF ACTION: During school day: 1. Superintendents office will notify principal of the closing. 2. Students who drive to school will be released prior to arrival of buses. 3. Other students will remain in class until buses arrive. 4. School staff will depart as instructed by the principal. Before school day begins: 1. Superintendent/designee will notify principal by phone when decision to close school is made. 2. Superintendent/designee will notify media of decision. 3. Students and staff shall have prior notification to tune in radio/TV during forecasted hurricanes or periods of severe weather. ROLES: Superintendent: Principal: Makes decision to close school; notifies school principals. Notify staff. Check on building as weather permits. Call emergency if necessary. Assists principal as directed. Assists with communication. Follow special instructions of principal. Come in early first day after the event to check heating, plumbing, electricity, steps, sidewalks, etc.

A. Prin.: Secretary: Custodian:


***** UTILITY FAILURES A Utility Failure is any gas leak, electrical power failure, telephone service interruption, broken water main or well failure, or broken sewer line which pay present a hazard to the occupant or facility. STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Call maintenance at the Bus Shop (754-3574). 2. Shut off problematic utility. 3. If necessary, implement evacuation procedures 4. If necessary to evacuate, communicate with maintenance to determine time frame for repairs. 5. If repairs are lengthy, implement Transportation Evacuation Plan and Reunification Protocol if necessary.

General Instructions: *If there is a gas leak do not use your regular Fire Drill Evacuation routes. Make sure routes are away from the gas leak ** If there is a water contamination problem, make sure water mains are shut off.


***** After School Building Usage

Using school buildings after hours presents some different safety issues. Even though the Principal may not be present, he/she is still responsible for the building and should have a prepared written briefing to be reviewed with the person in charge of the building in the absence of the Principal. Person in charge should know and be briefed on: location of school safety plan; evacuation routes from the building; location of first aid kits; telephone location for 911 call; Principals and Assistant Principals home phone number. Anytime school children are present at after school activities there shall be a school staff member present.


Transportation Incidents


***** TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENTS There are two possibilities for School Bus Accidents: regularly scheduled to and from school accidents and extra-curricular activity accidents. ***Regular School Day Accident*** STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Bus Driver radio Bus Shop and report accident and injuries. Transportation Director will take accident kit to the site and assist with the scene. 2. Bus Shop will call 911, schools of students riding bus and Superintendent. 3. Schools will send administrator to the scene. 4. If there are injuries, Principal will implement Accident/Serious Injury Protocol. 5. School personnel on scene should have cell phone to contact schools and have schools notify parents. 6. Student accountability is paramount. Bus drivers have emergency cards of all children who ride the bus. School personnel should get a student list from the driver and account for students who are transported by EMS and to which hospital they may be sent. Students can be signed-out by their parents when released by EMS and law enforcement. If possible school personnel should accompany students on the ambulance. If this is not possible, school personnel should go to the hospital and assist parents and students. ***Extracurricular Activities Accident*** 1. Schools must complete the Field Trip Request form for each extracurricular bus use, to include the route the bus will take and location of any intermediate stops the bus may make. 2. Schools must provide a manifest of all persons riding the bus to the bus driver. This manifest must include names, phone numbers and emergency (to include medical information) information on each bus rider. A copy of this manifest shall also remain in the school office. 3. The Bus Shop will issue a cell phone to each trip driver prior to departure. 4. The teacher/coach sponsoring the trip is responsible for complying with rules and guidelines prescribed in Effingham County Board of Educations Field Trip Procedures Administrative Guidelines. 5. If an accident occurs, it is the responsibility of the trip sponsor to notify their School Principal. The Principal, if necessary may, implement Accident/Serious Injury Protocol. 6. The trip sponsor shall call 911 and be responsible for accounting for students. 7. Prior to the trip students should be briefed on what should happen if an accident occurs.


***** Field Trips

Effingham County Board of Education guidelines and procedures for field trips are specifically outlined the Field Trip Procedures and Field Trip Administrative Guidelines. The excerpts listed here are important safety reminders to school personnel that must be adhered to when planning and taking a group of students on a field trip. Roster/Manifest A manifest of all students riding each bus is to be prepared before the field trip. Prior to departure, copies of the rosters are to be given to each bus driver, the school principal and a copy should be sent to the Transportation Department. Once the rosters are turned in to the principal, students shall not be allowed to change buses. Teachers should call the role when students have boarded the bus and must maintain accountability anytime students leave and reenter the bus. The manifest must include pertinent emergency medical information on individual students. Information should include but not limited to; special medical conditions, medicines a student may be allergic to and other necessary information. Accountability There should be one person acting as field trip director for each trip. The field trip director will see that each teacher on individual buses has a packet containing the field trip plan or schedule, manifest, and medical information. Any student, who leaves the trip to ride home with a parent, must be signed out by the parent and manifests must be updated. There should be a minimum of one chaperon for every 10 children. Before being allowed to go on a Field Trip, each student must have a parent/guardian permission form signed and on file. Identification Tags All students shall wear wristbands. The students name and school shall be written on the wristband. Communication Devices Each school bus is equipped with a radio to communicate with the School Bus Shop. On trips outside of radio tower range (about 50 miles), transportation will provide a cell phone to each driver for emergency communications. Teachers should also carry a cell phone for use in case of emergency. Crisis Plan In the event there is an accident in which students/staff are injured the Principal shall activate the schools Crisis Intervention Team.


Emergency Transportation Plan Reunification Site Media Plan


***** Emergency Evacuation Transportation Plan There are two types of emergency evacuations that may require transporting students home or to an alternate location before the end of the scheduled school day: System or Individual School. I. System System evacuation sends all students home from school prior to the end of the normal scheduled school day. The Superintendent determines if and when students will be sent home early. This type of evacuation is generally dictated by unpredicted changes in weather. Examples of this type of evacuation would possibly occur when a hurricane changes course, or an unexpected snow storm is imminent, or Chatham County EMA declares an immediate mandatory evacuation for Savannah and Chatham County. Bus Drivers should routinely be aware of weather forecasts. When weather conditions are threatening, drivers should monitor radio or TV and be prepared to return to work. Should it be decided that school will release early, local TV and radio will make the announcement for drivers to return to work. Additionally, bus shop personnel will initiate the phone tree to contact each of the drivers. II. Individual School Evacuation Students from individual schools may be evacuated to an alternative site in case of extreme emergency or when there is danger present in the school. Examples may include: bomb or threat, fire, hostage, power failure, etc.; when the Principal and Safety Coordinator determine evacuation is necessary to insure student safety, or when Family Reunification Protocol Family is implemented. The Evacuating School shall notify Transportation Director and the Principal of the receiving school. The Transportation Director shall determine the route to the evacuation site.

BUS EVACUATION PROTOCOL (Individual School) Reunification Site If the Evacuation Site is to be used as a Reunification Site, follow the protocol described in Family Reunification Protocol. Non-Reunification Evacuation-If the evacuation site is used for short-term evacuation until children can be returned to their home school; Reunification Protocol is not implemented. The School Principal shall coordinate with the receiving school to enhance use of the facility. The Principal shall notify the Transportation Director of the pending evacuation and jointly determine loading and unloading areas and route to be traveled. The evacuating school shall send its Security Team to the receiving school to prepare the location before buses arrive. Drivers Bus drivers who work a second job at school and Bus Shop personnel shall be designated as evacuation drivers. Transportation Director: Notify drivers; determine route; coordinate with principals and drivers on loading and unloading areas.


Number of buses required for evacuation: ECHS, ECMS SEHS, SEMS Eben. El. SEES, Spr. El. Sandhill, Marlow Guyton Rincon 22 + 2 Sp. Ed. 19 + 1 Sp. Ed. 13 + 1 Sp. Ed. 12 + 1 Sp. Ed. 13 + 2 Sp. Ed. 13

South Effingham Middle School Employees with a CDL/Bus Drivers License Kept on File with Principals Office South Effingham High School Employees with a CDL/Bus Drivers License Kept on File with Principals Office


***** Family Reunification Site In certain crisis incidents, it will become necessary to evacuate students and staff away from the crisis site. During these crises, parents, media and onlookers will rush to the site to check on students and employees. This may result in traffic blockages that will impede emergency response agencies. The best way to prevent this chaos is to redirect concerned parties to a site removed from the school (Family Reunification Site). Law enforcement will be at this site to assist with crowd and traffic control. Each school should have a primary and an alternate site selected. For security reasons, site locations should not be made public before a crisis occurs. Parents should know that these sites exist but location of the site will be made public through the media when an evacuation should occur. Our schools, with the exception of Rincon Elementary, are located away from towns. Consequently all of our students must be transported by bus to the Reunification Sites (See Emergency Evacuation Transportation Plan). Family Reunification Site Protocol should be used for the following conditions: Shooting on school property with injuries. Explosion. Bomb found on campus. Hostage situation on campus. Armed, barricaded subject on campus. Severe weather crisis where facility damaged. Weapon of mass destruction or hazardous materials incident occurs on or near campus. Whenever the campus is considered unsafe and evacuation is required. FAMILY REUNIFICATION SITE PROTOCOL (1) The Principal and the EEMA Director will decide when to implement this protocol. When this protocol is implemented the Emergency Command Team is divided and part of the Command Team is sent to prepare and coordinate efforts at the Reunification site. Plans should already have been made for walking route to the site or whether buses will be needed. Prior planning must include site staging areas for: Command Center Media staging area Sign out area Bus unloading area Family sign in and holding area Designated area for students requiring immediate counseling (2) Maintaining student accountability is of the utmost importance. If buses are used, the teachers must accompany their students on the bus and should have an accurate class role prepared before departing the bus at the Reunification site. Keep students on buses until they can be moved to secure waiting area to be reunited with family members. A school emergency kit must be at the site. (3) 911 will be notified so law enforcement can assist with controlling traffic along the route and at the site. 47

(4) The System Safety Director will request the Crisis Intervention Team report to the Reunification Site. (5) The Media Team will issue detailed instructions via fax to be read to the public to direct relatives to the Reunification Site. The Media Team will also provide periodic updates to the media as available and needed. A media staging area will be established as soon as possible. (6) Instruct parents/guardians to leave area when they have signed their child out. (7) Utilize law enforcement and mental health personnel to help maintain an orderly reunification process by calming and reassuring distraught family members. Use school/system Crisis Intervention Team to calm students.


***** MEDIA PROTOCOL STEPS OF ACTION: 1. Identify a predetermined media staging area. This area should be near the campus, but not in the way of emergency response access. (At Crisis School and at the Reunification Site, if applicable.) 2. Schools should make every effort to keep names of any injured students and staff confidential until the families of the victims have been notified. 3. School Media Representative meets media reporters at this predetermined site and assists them until the System Media Team arrives on site. Be courteous, and provide only factual information. If uncertain of the facts do not release information. 4. System Media Representative is the Superintendents official spokesperson. The System Media Representative works with the Principal to release pertinent factual information to the media. 5. During a major crisis the campus may be inundated with media (remember the scenes from Columbine High, Pearl, etc.) Schedule media briefings with set time limits. HANDLING INTERVIEWS: -Ask in advance what specific questions will be asked. -Do not say No comment. If an answer is not known, offer to get information and get back with them. -Keep answers brief and to the point. -Do not speak off the record. There is no such thing. -Emphasize positive actions being taken. Turn negative questions into simple positive statements. -Ensure that the sensitivities of those who are touched by the crises are respected. -Before agreeing to have staff members interviewed on campus, obtain their consent. -Students under the age of 18 should not be interviewed on campus without parental permission. -Law enforcement should handle any questions regarding criminal investigations. -School/System Media Representative should focus on what the school administration is doing.


Evacuation Plan for Special Needs Students



EVACUATION PLAN to be used when students must be moved 1000 ft. or more from school site because of a crisis. 1. STUDENTS WILL LOAD ON SPECIAL ED BUS IN PARKING LOT. (Teachers , Paras and students will be loaded with assistance from staff members) WHEELCHAIRS AND WALKERS WILL BE LOADED AS WELL. 2. STUDENTS WILL BE TRANSPORTED TO MARLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. MES has accommodations in place to meet the needs of these students. These students, teachers, and paras will remain there until a call has been made that it is safe to return to the SEHS campus. 3. EMERGENCY PACKETS SHOULD BE PREPARED BY SEHS TEACHERS, IN THE EVENT OF A CRISIS, TO BE TAKEN WITH STUDENTS WHEN THEY ARE TRANSPORTED. (NOTE: Put in place information on each child ( phone numbers, etc) , personal needs of each child or whatever is necessary to maintain for as much as 3 hours from the regular classroom setting at SEHS.)


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