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3 pages ABSTRACT: INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS An abstract (maximum 1 page) is required for each platform presentation or poster presentation. Submit the abstract for your presentation as soon as possible to env-abstract Abstract Format. Abstracts are to be prepared using standard !"-based #S $ord soft%are. Abstracts must be in &nglish and cannot exceed one page. 'se an 11-point serif font (e.g. (imes )e% *oman) and leave 1-inch (+.,-cm) margins left- right- top- and bottom. "enter the title (maximum 1+ %ords- all-caps- bold type) at the top of the page. .eave a blan/ line before beginning the author list- %hich also is to be centered. 0f several authors are from one organi1ation- save space and ma/e the list easier to read by grouping authors so that the organi1ation need be typed only once. After each author or group of authors- use parentheses to enclose their affiliation - employer (first level only - omit division- department- etc.)- citystate2province (if applicable) and country. Bold and italicize the name of the presenting author. .eave a blan/ line after the authors and then begin the text- typing it single-spaced and 3ustifying only the left margin. .eave one blan/ line bet%een paragraphs4 do not indent paragraphs. Abstracts should be %ritten in a letter-only manner. 5o not use sub-title- figure- table and any non-letter content. *emove citation list- special symbol- header and footer. &mail address of the corresponding/presenting author is to be listed (see the example belo%). #ailing address listed in the cover note must be sufficient for international delivery. Please read an example of t e abstracts and !ts co"er note !n t e next pa#es. $ore !nformat!on can be fo%nd at t e conference &eb s!te ttp:''&&&.AASc!.or#'conference 'en"'()*('abstracts. tml. (See next page)

CO+,R NOT, A New Refutation of the Classical Concept of Time in Quantum Relativity. Kurt Gdel, Albert &instein- and !. A. #. 5irac. Complete Mailing Address: 6urt 78del !h5.- !rofessor- 5irector (Present!n# a%t or) 0nstitute for Advanced Study !rinceton 'niversity1+3 &instein 5rive !rinceton- )9 :;,<:- 'SA !hone= >:?-@3<-;::1 Aax= >:?-?+<-;3?; 6goedel Albert &instein- !h5. !rofessor ("orresponding author) 0nstitute for Advanced Study !rinceton 'niversity1+3 &instein 5rive !rinceton- )9 :;,<:- 'SA !hone= >:?-@3<-;::+ Aax= >:?-?+<-;3?; Aeinstein !. A. #. 5irac- !h5.- !ostdoctoral Aello% 5ept of Applied #athematics and (heoretical !hysics "entre for #athematical Sciences "ambridge 'niversity <,> $ilberforce *oad "ambridge "B3 :$A

.ondon- 'nited 6ingdom !hone= C<< 1++3 @>,::: Aax= C<< 1++3 @>,?:: !dirac

Presentat!on preference: !latform (Dral) presentation at Session :1-13 or :1-1> (See next page) 3
ABSTRACT A N,- R,FUTATION OF TH, C.ASSICA. CONC,PT OF TI$, IN /UANTU$ R,.ATI+IT0 Albert &instein and Kurt Gdel* (!rinceton 'niversity- !rinceton- )9- 'SA) !. A. #. 5irac ("ambridge 'niversity- "ambridge- .ondon- '6) "oupled abiotic and biotic reactions %ere investigated for the minerali1ation of +-<->trinitrotoluene- ()(. #odified Aenton reactions (%ith Ae(000) catalyst) %ere used as a chemical pretreatment of ()( prior to biological minerali1ation of the Aenton degradation products by unclassified activated sludge cultures. 'sing a hydrogen peroxide concentration of :.?E- a Ae(000) concentration of 13 m#- and biomass added 1+ hours after initiation of the abiotic reaction- the observed extent of minerali1ation %ith the coupled abiotic2biotic system- ;1E- %as approximately @E greater than %ith the abiotic- Aenton system alone. *esults of this study sho%ed that- if properly optimi1ed- the use of a coupled abiotic2biotic system may be a viable alternative for the treatment of %aters and soils containing ()(.

F&mail= /urt.goedel

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