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Subject Class Date Time Focus Theme Topic Introduction

English Language 3 Anggerik 1 April 2013 (Monday) 9.00-10.00 am Listening and peaking !orld o" #no$ledge %et&s !orld 'his lesson "o(uses on listening and speaking. A(ti)ities are "o(used on pupils* parti(ipation under tea(her*s super)ision and guidan(e. 'here should +e a lot o" en(ouragement "or pupils to listen, speak and share. 1.1 -y the end o" the .-year primary s(hooling, pupils $ill +e a+le to pronoun(e $ords and speak (on"idently $ith the (orre(t stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.1 A+le to speak $ith the (orre(t $ord stress. 1.1./ A+le to talk a+out a stimulus $ith guidan(e. -y the end o" the lesson, pupils $ill +e a+le to0 i) 1arry out simple (on)ersations $ith "riends. ii) 'alk a+out or dis(uss the pi(ture $ith guidan(e. .0 minutes te2t+ook 3er+al linguisti(, )alue and (iti4enship Set Induction 1. 56A a+out pets Pre Listening 2. ho$ some pi(tures o" pets 3. 7uide pupils to talk a+out the pi(tures. Ask 8uestions0 e.g. !hat (an you see in the pi(ture9 !hile Listening 1. 'ea(her distri+utes the $orksheet to the pupils. 2. %upils listen to the song (are"ully and "ill in the +lanks. 3. 'ea(her (he(ks the ans$ers together $ith the pupils. /. 'ea(her sho$s the lyri(s and gets pupils to sing the song t$i(e. :. 'ea(her asks pupils 8uestions +ased on the song. Post Listening 1. %upils present their song to the (lass.

Content Standard

Learning Standard Objectives

Time Teaching Aids Educational emphases Steps

Subject Class Date Time Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Learning Standard

English Language 3 Anggerik 2 April 2013 ('uesday) 10.20 am ; 11.20 am <eading !orld o" #no$ledge %et&s !orld 2.2 -y the end o" the .-year primary s(hooling, pupils $ill +e a+le to demonstrate understanding o" a )ariety o" linear and non-linear te2ts in the "orm o" print and non-print materials using a range o" strategies to (onstru(t meaning. 2.2.2 A+le to read and understand phrases and senten(es in linear and non-linear te2ts. 2.2.3 A+le to read and understand simple and (ompound senten(es. -y the end o" the lesson, pupils $ill +e a+le to0 a) Ans$er 3 (omprehension 8uestions +ased on the gi)en te2t +) Mat(h at least 3 $ords out o" : pi(tures (orre(tly. .0 minutes <eading te2t, pi(tures, $orksheets 3er+al linguisti(, )alue and (iti4enship Set induction " 1. 'alk a+out the pi(ture +ased on the gi)en stimulus. Pre #eading 1. 'ea(her introdu(es ne$ $ords using $ords (ards=pi(tures. !hile #eading 1. 'ea(her models the reading o" te2t and e2plains the meaning o" di""i(ult $ords. 2. 'ea(her reads the te2t aloud on(e and guides pupils to read the te2t and helps them $ith the pronun(iation. 3. 1lass a(ti)ity0 %upils mat(h pi(tures to senten(es (orre(tly. Post #eading 1. Ask 8uestions +ased on the te2t gi)en. 2. 'ea(her asks pupils to group the e)ents a((ording to their (ategories.


Time Teaching Aids Educational emphases Steps

Subject Subject Class Date Time Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Added $alue Learning Standard Objectives Time Teaching Aids Educational emphases Steps

English Language English Language 3 Anggerik 3 April 2013 (!ednesday) 9.00 am ; 10.00 am !riting <eading !orld o" #no$ledge 3.1 >orm letters and $ords in neat legi+le print in(luding (ursi)e $riting. (>le2i+ility-entrepreneurship) %upils are a+le to $ork in group to gain in"ormation 3.1.1 (a)A+le to $rite in neat legi+le print 0 (a) $ords -y the end o" the lesson, pupils $ill +e a+le to0 >orm letters and $ords in neat legi+le print .0 minutes 'e2t+ook 3er+al linguisti(, )alue and (iti4enship Pre !riting 1. 'ea(her sho$s a pi(ture. 2. 'ea(her reads some di""i(ult $ords and e2plains to them using the pi(ture 3. 'ea(her reads the $ords together $ith the students. !hile !riting 1. 'ea(her gi)es out $orksheets to the students (ontaining "i)e senten(es $ith similar patterns +ut $ith some missing $ords. 2. tudents read the su+stitution gi)en together in the $orksheet. 3. 'ea(her guides the pupils +y gi)ing an e2ample "or the "irst missing $ord. /. 'ea(her di)ides the students into groups o" mi2ed a+ilities. :. ?n groups, pupils $rite their o$n senten(es. .. 'ea(her guides the pupils $ith their senten(e (onstru(tion. Post !riting 1. 'ea(her asks pupils to $rite 3 senten(es $ith the similar senten(e pattern. 2. 'ea(her guides students $ith senten(e (onstru(tion.


English Language

Date Time Subject Class Date Time Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Added $alue Learning Standard Objectives

@th >e+ruary 2013 (>riday) 10.20 am ; 11.20 am English Language 3 Anggerik : April 2013 (>riday) 10.20-11.20 (.0 mins) 7rammar !orld o" #no$ledge %et&s !orld :.1 -y the end o" the .-year primary s(hooling, pupils $ill +e a+le to use di""erent $ord (lasses (orre(tly and appropriately. 1reati)ity :.1.2 A+le to use pronouns (orre(tly and appropriately0 (a) personal -y the end o" the lesson, pupils $ill +e a+le to0 1. play a $ord-(hain game. 2. (omplete a task sheet.

Teaching Aids TEAC%I&' A&D LEA#&I&' S#ATE'(

'hings in the (lassroom, dra$ing paper and pen(il (olor.

ACTI$IT( Steps" 1. 2. 3. /. :.

E2plain )er+s. <ead the te2t in the te2t +ook Ask the pupils to identi"y )er+s or a(tion $ords in the unit. ?n groups, get pupils to play a $ord-(hain game. %upils (omplete a task sheet on )er+s

Subject Class Date Time Focus Theme Topic Introduction

English Language 3 Anggerik :th >e+ruary 2013 ('uesday) 10.20am ; 11.20am Listening and peaking !orld o" el" My 1ousins, My Aeigh+our 'his lesson "o(uses on listening and speaking. A(ti)ities are "o(used on pupils* parti(ipation under tea(her*s super)ision and guidan(e. 'here should +e a lot o" en(ouragement "or pupils to listen, speak and share. 1.1 -y the end o" the .-year primary s(hooling, pupils $ill +e a+le to pronoun(e $ords and speak (on"idently $ith the (orre(t stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.1.1 A+le to speak $ith the (orre(t $ord stress. 1.1./ A+le to talk a+out a stimulus $ith guidan(e. -y the end o" the lesson, pupils $ill +e a+le to0 i) 1arry out simple (on)ersations $ith "riends. ii) 'alk a+out or dis(uss the pi(ture $ith guidan(e. .0 minutes te2t+ook 3er+al linguisti(, )alue and (iti4enship

Content Standard

Learning Standard Objectives

Time Teaching Aids Educational emphases


Set Induction /. 56A a+out daily a(ti)ities Pre Listening :. ho$ some pi(tures o" a(ti)ities. .. 7uide pupils to talk a+out the pi(tures. Ask 8uestions0 e.g. !hat (an you see in the pi(ture9 !hile Listening .. 'ea(her distri+utes the $orksheet to the pupils. B. %upils listen to the song (are"ully and "ill in the +lanks. @. 'ea(her (he(ks the ans$ers together $ith the pupils. 9. 'ea(her sho$s the lyri(s and gets pupils to sing the song t$i(e. 10. 'ea(her asks pupils 8uestions +ased on the song. Post Listening 1. %upils present their song to the (lass.

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