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March 10, 2014 DART Police Department Attention: Internal Affairs P.O.

Box 660163 Dallas, Texas 75266-7268 In regards: Complaint filed about DART officers attempting to prohibit photography in public areas

To whom it may concern: On March 5, 2014, I submitted to your office a formal complaint regarding the behavior of DART Police officers at the scene of a light-rail train/vehicle accident on the morning of March 1, 2014. This letter is a follow-up to the complaint. Issue #1 Photos of the entire event Over the weekend, as I prepared my files to be archived, it occurred to me that I should have provided your office with a complete set of photos from the incident, which is larger than the online version of the event I submitted. The intent would be to give your office a complete overview of the event and show that my opinions of the officers actions were not taken out of context. That library of nearly 200 photos is found on the included DVD. The photos have been retouched for color accuracy purposes only.

Issue #2 Claims that the female DART officer was taking photos on her personal camera I made the following statement in my first complaint: Complaint #5 Being told to stop taking photographs, attempts to remove me from area I was NOT required to move off the traffic median, and I did not move. She continued to make motions to tell me to move, stopping long enough to take pictures of the body being removed with her own personal digital camera. Photo 1743, 1800, 1800 Extreme Close-Up, 1801, and 1834 (the female officer is blocked in this view while she taking photos but her arms are in a position to hold a camera) are attached At that time, I could not find a photo of her taking pictures while standing on the right side (my view) of the vehicle during the extraction, only a photo showing her arms raised in a position that would indicate she was holding a camera and taking photos.

Upon reviewing the images this weekend, I located two photos of interest to this issue: Photo #1782 shows the female officer on the LEFT side of the vehicle, holding a silver camera at eye length during the extrication process. The time stamp on this photo is 11:05am, approximately five minutes before this same officer stood on the right side (my view) of the extrication process and took her photos.

Contrast this image to Photo #1716. Another DART officer, also carrying a camera, is studying the incident scene. I clearly remember this officer pacing the crime scene area, making notes and measurements (possibly carrying a can of orange spray paint). In my opinion, the second officer was recording the details of the scene for use in the investigation. He did not take photos of the extrication procedure since a those photos were already taken by the Medical Examiner and b the images were not necessary to the investigation. That reinforces my belief the female officer was taking photographs of what is obviously a severely injured body for personal use.

I sincerely hope this information will be of use to your staff during the internal investigation of the female officer. With best regards,

Avi S. Adelman 5620 East Side Avenue Dallas TX 75214 Telephone 214-923-3562 email

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