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This Deed of agreement is made on this 10th day of February, 2014 (Two Thousand Fourteen) BETWEEN K M Monzurul Haque S/O !T" #$ %$ T!&' (!)'" addressed at 2*0/1 Free S+hoo, Street, Sonargaon -oad (O,d), 102 .ir 'ttom / - Datta -oad (0ew), Dha1a21203, hereinafter +a,,ed the Owner i$e$ the First 4arty of this Deed$ AND Jafor Sadek Father5s name -owshan !,i %other5s name -abeya #haton, 4ermanent address 6i,,age %ir7ur, Thana .2.aria, /omi,,a, 4resent address 31 Free s+hoo, street, #atha,bagan, Dha1a 1203, 4ro7rietor of 8Digita, 4ub,i+ation9, hereinafter +a,,ed the tenant i$e$ the Se+ond 4arty of this Deed$ WHERE AS The First 4arty i$e$ the abso,ute owner has de+ided to ,et2out the "ast "astside of the 2 nd f,oor of the -esidentia, bui,ding ,o+ated at 2*0/1 Free S+hoo, Street, Sonargaon -oad (O,d), Dha1a21203 and the Se+ond 4arty has agreed to ta1e the same 7art mentioned abo:e on month,y renta, basis$ !fter ha:ing re;uired and mutua, +onsu,tations between both the 7arties, the Se+ond 4arty has agreed to ta1e the s7a+e measuring about <30 sft$ (Se:en hundred Fifty s;uare feet) in+,uding ,obby and 30= of stair+ase area on month,y renta, basis under the fo,,owing terms and +onditions$ TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1$ 2$ That the a+tua, tenan+y wi,, +ommen+e from the 1st day of February 2014 and wi,, +ontinue for Twe,:e %onths i$e$ u7 to >1th day of &anuary 2013 of the "ng,ish /a,endar$ That the rent and other +harges for the said s7a+e has been mutua,,y fi?ed as fo,,ows @ %onth,y rent for the s7a+e is Ta1a 14,000/2 (Fourteen Thousand) on,y Aater +harge is Ta1a 300/2 (Fi:e hundred) on,y 7er month ",e+tri+ity bi,, for +onsumed units as 7er meter insta,,ed inside the s7a+e %onth,y rent and other +harges wi,, be 7aid to the First 4arty in time by the Se+ond 4arty and sha,, +ontinue so for Twe,:e %onths i$e$ u7 to >1th day of &anuary 2013$ Bt is to be mentioned here that on,y s7,it ty7e air2+onditioner wi,, be insta,,ed$ Outside se+tion of the s7,it air2+onditioner wi,, be 7,a+ed by mutua, +onsu,tations of the First 7arty >$ That the se+ond 7arty 7ays an ad:an+e amount 2C,000/2 (Twenty "ight Thousand) wi,, be 1e7t as Se+urity De7osit with the first 7arty for the tenan+y 7eriod$ This ad:an+e amount of


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ta1a sha,, be refunded to the Se+ond 4arty at the end of this deed 7eriod$ 4,ease note that no interest or 7rofit wi,, be +a,+u,ated on the said Se+urity De7osit$ 4$ The agreement wi,, not +ontinue or re2agreement after e?7iry of this agreement be+ause of first 7arty may start this bui,ding re+onstru+tion within :ery first months of ne?t year and se+ond 7arty shou,d :a+ant the renta, s7a+e within short noti+e at year 2013$ That the Se+ond 4arty sha,, 7ay the month,y rent, water +harge and e,e+tri+ +harges to the 1st 4arty by the <th day of e:ery +urrent month of "ng,ish /a,endar and for this the Se+ond 4arty wi,, get du,y signed and stam7ed money re+ei7t from the First 4arty$ That the Se+ond 4arty wi,, use the s7a+e under his 7ossession for offi+e and sho7 on,y$ The Se+ond 4arty a,so sha,, not sub,et the s7a+e or any 7art of it to anybody or a,ter/modify and +hange the stru+ture in any way without written +onsent from the First 4arty$ The se+ond 7arty +an use in front of sho7 s7a+e as short time 7ar1ing of +ar and 7i+1u7$ The se+ond 7arty wi,, maintain the offi+e time and no em7,oyees or other 7ersons wi,, not stay at offi+e at night$ That the Se+ond 4arty wi,, ma1e a,, minor re7airs inside the s7a+e but any maEor re7air both inside and outside, if ne+essary sha,, be made by the First 4arty within a reasonab,e time at his own +ost$


D$ <$ C$ *$


That the Se+ond 4arty wi,, +om7ensate a,, ,osses re,ating sanitary fittings and fi?tures if damaged or ,ost by him$ 10$ That in +ase of non27ayment for two +onse+uti:e months rent, Se+ond 4arty wi,, be ,iab,e to be treated as defau,ter and +an be e:i+ted from the s7a+e without any further noti+e$ The Se+ond 4arty wi,, be ,iab,e to 7ay T1 3000/2 (Fi:e thousand) on,y 7er month for his su+h i,,ega, o++u7ation ti,, his :a+ation for the s7a+e$ 11$ That the Se+ond 4arty sha,, not +arry on any business in his s7a+e whi+h are offensi:e, i,,ega,, dangerous, noisy, so+ia,,y una:oidab,e and of 7ub,i+ nuisan+e$ Bt is a,so to be mentioned here that the Se+ond 7arty wi,, not 1ee7 huge +ommer+ia, goods for sto+1 in the rented s7a+e as sto+17i,e, whi+h is harmfu, to the roof, beam or +o,umn$ 12$ That in this deed any +hange whatsoe:er or erasing must be +ertified with the res7e+ti:e signature of both 7arties +on+erned and the termination of this renta, deed of agreement by either 7arty is subEe+t to one month ad:an+e noti+e in writing$ 1>$ That the First 4arty or his du,y authoriFed re7resentati:e(s) wi,, be a,,owed to enter into the s7a+e of the Se+ond 4arty with 7rior intimation at a,, reasonab,e times for su7er:ision of the s7a+e +ondition under his use$ 14$ That the terms and +onditions of this Deed of !greement must be abided by the hirers, su++essors or ,ega, re7resentati:e of the either 7arties$ 13$ That this Deed of !greement is made in one origina, +o7y in the Go:ernment &udi+ia, Stam7 4a7er and du,y e?e+uted by both the 7arties +on+erned for res7e+ti:e use$

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SCHED#$E Southern 7art of the first f,oor of 2*0/1 Sonargaon -oad, Dha1a21203$ On the "ast On the South On the 0orth On the Aest ABT0"SS"S@ 1$ K M Ka%arul Haque Signature of the first 7arty !nother offi+e$ .ui,ding of ho,ding no22*0/2 Sonargaon -oad$ .ui,ding of ho,ding no22*0 Sonargaon -oad$ /ommer+ia, bui,ding of the first 7arty$


Jafor Sadek Signature of the se+ond 7arty

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