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Dear colleagues & friends !

My heartiest congratulations to all of you on the spectacular performance during the year 2013-14 !

From my experiences in organizational life, I have come to believe that there are times in the life of an organization when various forces and factors combine together and synchronise so as to create a new type of consciousness, thereby forming a critical mass so to say, which propels and catapults the organization and its people to a higher growth orbit/trajectory. At such times, the organization and its people take a quantum leap into a whole new way of life one that realizes our true inherent potential, and creates a new vibrancy that has been its goal all along. I am fully confident that NMDC is on a threshold of such a transformation !

For all NMDC-eans, these are interesting and exciting times, which portend larger trends, further expanding our organization. During 2013-14, we have made all time record of highest-ever production of Iron Ore at 30.18 Million tonnes (growth of 11% over 2012-13) and highest-ever record sales of 30.50 Million tonnes (growth of 16% over 2012-13). In Diamond production also, we have done well compared to previous year with 37006 carats (growth of 17%). The level of production which was considered inconceivable and impossible few months back, is a reality now. This is definitely a major milestone in our journey !

It never ceases to amaze me how infinite is the inherent potential and strength of our great organization and its people. It is definitely a moment for celebration for all of us and our family members to share with each other a great sense of achievement, optimism and happiness ! I think the achievement we celebrate today is but a step to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us in the coming times. It depends on all of us, how we grasp the opportunities available to us and accept the challenges of the future. There are many more milestones awaiting us in our future journey, which we will definitely achieve with this renewed sense of enthusiasm and vigour.

I recently read a wonderful book Making Hope Happen Create a Future You Want for Yourself and Others by Shane E. Lopez, a Gallup Senior Scientist, who has deeply studied the concept of hope. As per Gallup survey, hopeful people are a class apart and hopeful thoughts and behaviour propel everyone toward well-being and success. In this book, Lopez shares inspiring and compelling stories of real people whose lives are transformed through hope and how this transforms the lives of others how we create hope in our lives to help ourselves and our

world. How we think about the future, how we hope, determines how will we live our lives. Our relationship with the future determines how well we live today.

In this book, Lopez goes on to tell that his mission is to make hope contagious and adds that in order to address the problems that face us, both as individuals and a Society, we need to create hope and spread the hope contagion. His message in simple words is:- Hope matters; Hope is a Choice; Hope can be learned; Hope can be shared with others.

He further elaborates that the hopeful people share the following core beliefs that set them apart from others:-

The future will be better than the present. I (we) have the power to make it so. There are many paths to my (our) goals. None of them is free of obstacles.

Let us start the new Financial Year 2014 with our own new NMDC brand of hope which will be full of optimism and happiness, creating ripples of hope and happiness all round. Let us, with our hearts & minds take a leap of faith with all our energy & passion, as we move towards a better future towards even higher levels of performance, prosperity, abundance and happiness with our great organization, NMDC ! When all of us individually and as an organization synergise our efforts, we are bound to be carried along the current of energy and hope to greater heights in the future ! May all of us continue to play more active roles as participants in the growth story of our organization and may the ensuing year be full of hope, growth, prosperity and happiness for NMDC and all of us and our family members ! May our great organization continue to grow from strength to strength in all times to come !


Your fellow-traveller in the journey called Life &

your partner in learning, progress, hope and happiness,

(Rabindra Singh) Director (Personnel) NMDC Limited Hyderabad

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