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The Large Hadron Collision Penny Sheldon Raj Howard Leonard Introduction Write true or false.

If the sentence is false, correct it to make it true. _____ Sheldon is miserable and alone. _____ Raj wil spend the day eating chicken. _____ The guys are talking about their plans for Christmas. _____ Howard plans to take ernadette to eat a Chinese buffet dinner. _____ Leonard has been asked to fill in for a professor in a trip to !taly. _____ Leonard is not taking Sheldon with him. Part 1 Answer the questions. "here does the scene take place# "hat does Leonard tell Sheldon# How does Sheldon react# $rom what age has Sheldon been dreaming of seeing the % Large Hadron Collider & in Swit'erland# Part 2 Put the sentences in order from 1 -7. _____ Sheldon comes out and tells (enny she is )*T going to Swit'erland with Leonard. _____ (enny guesses they are going to +isneyland. _____ Leonard brings out a tray with things that will gi,e (enny and idea of their -alentine.s plans. _____ Sheldon lea,es the room upset. _____ Leonard tells (enny they are going to Swit'erland. _____ Sheldon brings out the % roommate agreement &. _____ Leonard says that he is not taking Sheldon with him. Part 3 Answer the questions. "here is the scene taking place# "hat happened when Leonard asked Sheldon /uestions#

+escribe the game they are playing# Part 4 Explain the scene in 1 -1! words. It must "e a complete sentence#

Part 5 Write true or false. If the sentence is false, correct it to make it true. _____ Sheldon is being nice to Leonard. _____ Sheldon makes waffles and eggs for breakfast. _____ Sheldon says making breakfast is a way of apologi'ing. _____Sheldon lo,es abylon 0. _____ Leonard will now take Sheldon to Swit'erland . Part 6 Watch the rest of the episode and decide who did what. ______________ did a (ower (oint (resentation on who should go to Swit'erland. ______________ began snee'ing. ______________ hugged (enny. ______________ was doing her laundry. ______________ forgot about the roses1 champagne and little chocolates. ______________ will ha,e a 23e day4 on -alentine.s +ay. ______________ said 2from this moment forward we can be roommates but not friends4. ______________ got the flu. ______________ also got the flu. ______________ went to Swit'erland with Leonard. Part 7 $ook at the title of the episode and explain its relationship with what happened durin% the show.

It's a Valentine's Day episode with a twist. This worksheet is perfect for teachers that want to steer away from pink hearts, but still want to incorporate this Holiday in the lesson. It takes from 45min to an hour to complete. It is a reat way to re!iew past tenses, retellin , listenin skills and uessin . "or lower le!el students, I su est each section be answered after each scene. "or more ad!anced roups, watch the whole episode and then complete.

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