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Meta language Collective Noun Particle Structure

Basic Study Terminology/ Education Analyze Aspect Arrow (symbol) Background info r4l10 Pod Cast Coherent (para)/ Incoherent Column Composition Coverage Evaluate Generate (ideas) Incomplete Passage (text) Role play Input Strategy Strategic Thesis

Prepositions Aside Beyond Except (for) Throughout Underneath

Linkers In contrast Despite Due to To illustrate Moreover To sum up Thus Whether Providing

Verbs Abandon (leave someone) Adopt (idea) Absorb Abuse Access Accuse Acquire (get/learn) Adapt Aim (for/at) Amuse Anticipate Appeal to Appreciate Argue Assist Associate Astonish Attend Balance Beg Boast Burn Bury Celebrate Chase (after) Chew Claim Clarify

Nouns Acid Admission Affair (relationship/event) Aim Anxiety Approximate Arrow (weapon) Assist Aspect Atom Award Battle Human being Balance Branch (tree/business) Brand Brick Bullet Campaign (about) Cap (hat) Capacity Cardboard Caution (Food)Chain Charm Circumstance Citizen Civilisation

Adjectives Accurate Inaccurate Adequate/Inadequate Aggressive Ancient Apparent Attractive Available Aware /Unaware Bad-tempered Bare Bitter Charming Chemical Complex Conscious /unconscious Consequent Contemporary Counter (argument) Coward Crisp Cruel Crucial Damp Decisive Deliberate Desperate Distant

Classify Combine Commit Complicate Concentrate (on) Conduct (a study) Confess Confuse Congratulate Conquer Consist (of) Construct (build) Consume Convert Cooperate Cope (with) Crash Decay Deceive Decline Delay Demonstrate Deny Descend Desire Destroy Differ Dip (into) Dissatisfy/Satisfy Distinguish Distribute Disturb Educate Elect Embarrass Enclose (attach) Encounter Endanger Enhance Entertain Enquire (about)/ Inquire Envy Equip (with) Exaggerate Exclude Exist Expose Express Extract Faint Fancy Fear Feed Flash Forbid Formulate Gamble

Claim Column (newspaper) Companion Command Comment Comedy Commission (group of people) Concept Conference Confidence Copper Consequence Council Crisis Currency Curve Deal (agreement) (A great) Deal Debt Decline Delight Desire Device Diamond Diet Dimension Discipline Discomfort Dot (punctuation) Dozen Duty Effort Entertainment Edition Evidence Expression Extent Evolution Extract Factor Faith Fat Fate Fault Fear Feature Feather Feature Figure (person) Flash Founder (Time) Frame Fright Gear Gender Generosity Globalisation

Diverse Doubtful Dull Dynamic Economical Effective / Ineffective Efficient / Inefficient Entire Evil Exclusive (expensive/special) Expected unexpected Extensive External/Internal Extraordinary Extreme Familiar Federal (regulations) Flexible /Inflexible Forthcoming Genuine Global Gradual Grateful Guilty /Innocent Homeless Immoral /moral Immediate Impressive Initial Instant Intensive Irrational / Rational Latter /Former Literary Lively Mental Minor /Major Naked Nationwide/Worldwide Native Nonsene Odd (Strange) Outstanding Partial Particular (all) Permanent /Temporary Previous Primary Punctual Pure Rapid

Grant (give) Govern Harm Hesitate Handle Ignore Illustrate Immigrate Impact Implement (a law/system/plan) Imply Import Impose Impress Influence Injure Insult Inspire Insure/Ensure Intend Interfere Interpret (understand) Investigate Irritate Judge Justify Kneel Launch (begin/new product) Lead (to) Locate Maintain Manufacture Mislead Object (to) Observe Obtain Occupy Occur Offend Offer Oppose Overcome Owe Pause Perceive Permit Present Progress Punch Pursue Qualify Quarrel Quit Range Recover

Globe Glory God Goddess Goods Governor Grave Greed Guilt Gun Handful ( of something) Harm Heaven Honour Horn Humour Image Immigrant Impact Impression Inspiration Intelligence Interior Intension Iron Issue (topic/subject) Judgment Justice Kindness Landlord Liberty Logic Mail Manual Media Mass Ministry Mood Minority Morality Moonlight Motion Motorist Murder Nail Navy Network Objection Obstacle Occasion Offence Opponent Origin Pace Parliament Passenger Passion

Rare Rear Relevant Irrelevant Reliable unreliable Remarkable Rough /soft Rusty Sacred Secure /Insecure Selfish Sensitive Shy Smooth Southern Eastern Northern Western Spare (extra) Steady /unsteady Steep Straightforward Suitable Suspicious Sympathetic Technical Tender Thorough Transparent Tropical Typical Ultimate Unfamiliar Unforgettable Unfortunate Fortunate Unique Unlikely Unpredictable Unsuitable Unsure Unwanted Upright Urgent Valid Various Visible Wealthy Willing /Unwilling Wise Worldwide

Regret Reject Reflect (on) l- all Release Rely (on) Remain Restore (a building) Reveal Reward Risk Rub Ruin Rule Sacrifice Sack Satisfy Select Slide Smash Specify Spoil (ruin) Spray Spread State Steer (car) Step Strike (hit) Struggle (with) Submit (give) Substitute Suffer Supply Survive Suspect Swallor Swear (promise/rude word) Sweat Sweep Switch (role) Target Tear Tend Transform Trust Uncover /cover Undo Vary Vote Volunteer Wander (walk) Warn Whistle Wipe Wish Withdraw

Peak Perspective Phase (period) Phenomenon Position Presence Principle Progress Property (characteristics) Property (building) Prospect Punch Pursuit Quantity Quote Range (variety) Rate Razor Regret Regulation Reputation Revenge Revolution Reward Role Risk Rope Ruin Saddle Sake Sample (product) Scale (measure/size) Scent Security Shame Shell Ship Silk Source Silver Speciality Spirit Spray Stain Statue Status Steam Steel Step Stone Strain (pressure/worry) Stranger State Strike Substitute Sum (of money) Sunlight

Supply Survey Sweat Sympathy Target Tear Technique Temper Tendency Terminal Thirst Tide Timetable Tin Tobacco Ton Tone Treasure Trial Triangle Trunk (car) Victim Victory Volume Vote Volunteer Wealth Weapon Widow Widower Wire Wisdom Wish Witness Wool

Adverbs Anyhow Approximately Apparently Consequently Elsewhere Effectively Eventually Gradually Highly Occasionally

Business and Finance Account Branch (tree/business) Deposit Economic (Growth/policy) Employ Employer Employee Employed

Pronoun/ Determiner None

Expressions None of your business!

Overseas Particularly Rarely Seldom Simply Somewhat Undoubtedly Upside (down)

Employment Unemployment Unemployed Finance Fund Income Inflation Invest Loan Pension Profit Purchase (v/n) Salary Saving Buyer and seller (Sell) stocks Sum (money) Trade Transfer (of goods) Union Go bankrupt

Body Parts Bone Brain Chest Elbow Lung Nail Organ Stomach Tongue Wrist

Health Related Cancer Drug Injury Medical Pain Recover Remedy Stroke Terminal (Illness) Welfare Wound

Animals Duck Goat Paw Rabbit Rat Tail

Work / Jobs Assistant Clerk (Film) Critic Inspector Mayor Profession Secretary Servant

Food&Drink Berry

Collocations Have an appeal/emotional-physical Bay

House / Home / Environment

Candy Corn Flour Fried Pint (of beer/milk) Portion (of dessert) Potato Ripe Rotten Sweet/Sour Spicy Taste Wheat

appeal) On behalf of (somebody Attend conference/school/college Under/in (any/no) circumstances To a large/great/certain/some extent Commit suicide/crime/murder Deliberate attack/lie/attempt/insult With great delight/take delight in something Go on a diet Make a motion(movement) One of the /main factor Cause offence/serious-criminal offence Pursue dreams/career A range of (colours/patterns) / a wide range of something/price range/age range Range from /between something to/and something Release prisoner/album/substance For someones sake/for the sake of someone On a large/small scale/on a scale of . Put a strain on../under a lot of strain Go on a strike/be on strike Suffer from pain/depression/cancer Swear at somebody/ swear to do something Lose temper

Bush Cabinet Cable Cape Chimney (Real) Estate Fence Hammer Highway Needle Ornament Region Scales Slope Stream Studio Tray

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