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Essay on advantages and disadvantages of computer For: Class 12

Great advancement in the field of science and technology has resulted into the invention of numerous devices, which have made our life easy and comfortable. Among the devices, which are widely used in the present time, is computer. Indeed computer has become basis need of modern people. There is a symbol of modernity.

Despite this fact computer like other devices has pros and cons. Having computer certainly has disadvantages but there are some good aspects of it too. Computers are useful in business, in education and home. The use of computer has reduced time span of many works. Any works can be done sitting in a place and pressing few keys. It has enabled people to know happenings of the world shortly after it happens. Computer has made it easier for people to communicate in addition to saving time and money. Formerly, operating business used to be totally manual work. Because of payments to be made for workers, goods used to costly. The use of computer has surely reduced cost of goods. Moreover, a chance of miscalculation is very less if done with computer than with a human brain. The use of computer in education sector has brought changes in the age-old teaching materials. Way viability of materials allows teachers to use them for effective educating. As in business and education computer is useful at home. Leisure time of family members does not become burden. They can si at a place and spend time watching any movies they like. Computer puts a stop to writing letter, posting it and waiting for the reply. Needless to say computer has numerous advantages. Nonetheless it has disadvantages too use of computer results into unemployment as computer can perform the duty that might need nearly six to seven workers.

Unemployment is likely to result into crimes. Continuous work with computer causes loss of eyesight in the long run. Internet, which is widely used to see pornographic scenes, corrupts the mind of teenagers. Due to it, sex- violence increases rapidly. Computer has direct impact on culture of any nation. The eventual impact of computer in society is uncertain, but they are likely to cause total disorder in society. Computer has disadvantages, but advantages are not less. Faults are not inherent: they are man made. As defects are man-made, they can be reduced and computer can be used for the benefits of human beings.

advantages of computers: Increases speed of computing and processing information in any other way.

People can use sophisticated statistical and mathematical tools for decision making and further purposes without learning in details the algorithms used for computing. This way people can use much more sophisticated analytical tools that would have been possible with only manual information processing. Computers can store large volumes of information without occupying too much space, as is in the case of information stored in form of books and paper documents. Computer processing eliminates the human errors of computing and information processing. Information once entered in computer system can be easily accessed by the same person or other persons at different times for different persons. This reduces the work load of capturing same information multiple times for different purposes. It also makes it possible for different person to work with same information, avoiding the possibility of different persons using different versions of the same information. The work of entering and editing information is made mush more easy and simple by software that offer many powerful user friendly features for performing these tasks. Computer now offer sophisticated and powerful software for representing information in rich formats with visual and video facilities. Computers combined with communication technology offer very fast speed and rich communication facility at low cost. Computers, with all these features are now used for automating all kinds of equipments and processes.

Disadvantage of Computers The cost of computer and associated equipments is falling steadily. Still these equipments are and continue to be much more costly as compared to manual processing equipments like pen and pencil. Also technological complexity of these equipment makes it more difficult to learn and maintain these equipments as compared to equipments of manual information processing. Use of computers require additional infrastructure, such as power supply and software back up. This increases the chances of problems due to failure of infrastructure. For example, a computer will not work where there is no electric power supply. Even a laptop with a battery will work without power supply only for a limited period. Failures of computer system can be more serious and difficult to correct. For example, one scratch on a hard disk can make the complete data on the disk inaccessible. In comparison, manual system faults have comparatively limited impact. One page torn from a cabinet full of documents has no impact on other documents.

Computers generally reduces the errors of processing. However if there is an error in input data, it can result in major blunders in the processing which the computer system is unable to detect. In manual systems the chances of such blunders passing undetected and corrected is much less.


1. It destroys your social life and interactions with humans if you do not maintain the balance. 2. It may effect to the destruction of your eye sight due to radiation. 3. It may cause pimples and wrinkles. 4. It may damage your studies and life. 5. Too much time in front of monitor may adverse effect your eye sight and can also make you fat. 6. The way it distracts and can deviate our thoughts and activities towards unproductive activities. 7. It could cause violation of privacy, impact on labor force, health risks, impact on environment, distraction from work, and possible antisocial influences. 8. getting away from their real life and getting into bad lines


1. It helps you automate various tasks that you can not do manually. 2. It helps you organize your data and information in a better way. 3. It has much more computing and calculating power then an ordinary human. 4. It may help your work to be a lot easier. 5. It may be the storage of your important data and files. 6. It may be your handy book. 7. It may help you solve problems faster than an ordinary human being can do. 8. It has speed, storage, reliability, consistency and communications. 9. It helps you to find useful information using the Internet.

10. It helps in businesses, factories, offices, schools and homes.

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