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Teamwork Exercise Group 3 MAN 6296 Dr.

Herst Ishe Mutowembgwa, Roberto Nery, and Brendon Russ

Prior to the exercise, our team went through the forming process as this was the first time we had met each other. We learned that Ishe is an accountant, Brendon is an engineer, and Roberto was in the process of moving to Texas for a new job. We used the preliminary information that we had learned from each other in our storming process where we established our communication protocols. There was some discussion over how establish team assignment responsibilities. This was exacerbated by the failure to produce the Team Charter on time. From this storming process, our team established the norm that Brendon would be the informal leader, pressing the team to meet deadlines. Roberto established the norm of being the first team member to contribute toward team assignments. Ishe took the role of secretary by taking notes and instructions for the completions of the assignments. During the course of the team exercise, Brendon took on the leader role since he is an engineer and the nature of the exercise is to put together a toy car. He made the first attempt and missed a couple of piece and the partly assembled car was dismantled. Each member thereafter took turns to assembly the pieces in an organized way. Several attempts were made by all 3 members and finally Roberto figured out how to put the pieces together with input from the other team mates. Paper Requirements 1. Analyze your behaviors as a team, including: a. Explain your general team development by applying the stages we went over in class. HINT: Your team went through some of these stages before entering into this exercise. b. Apply team concepts to your behavior during the exercise. i. Norms ii. Status of individuals

iii. Types of roles people take on in general, and took on during the exercise. iv. Interdependence of your jobs during the exercise. HINT: did you act as a team, or more as a group? Explain. 2. Thinking hypothetically how might a leader who was placed in this situation fare? Apply concepts of the Team Leadership model to describe what they must do to successfully manage the situation. 3. Formatting: a. Cover page (team members names and title of assignment) b. 12 point font. c. Double-spaced d. No quotations (paraphrase only please). e. Cite the book where necessary, but dont forget to use the lecture. f. Use paragraph/narrative format. No lists or outlines please.

References Northouse, P., (2013), Leadership Theory and Practice Sixth Edition, Thousand Oaks, California, ISBN 987-1-4522-0340-9

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