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Faculty Depart e!t Se e"ter Se""$%! C%ur"e Na e C%ur"e C%,e Cre,$t H%ur" Prere.u$"$te : : : : : : : : FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONAL STUDIES # #&'()#&'* TEACHING SCIENCE THROUGH IN+UIRY KSR-&*( ( N%!e

(For courses with prerequisite, students must have taken the prerequisite courses)

LECTURER INFORMATION: Na e E2 el Telep1%!e N%0 R%% N%0 : : : : Pr%/0 Ma,ya Dr0 Mar$a Sal$1 ar$a3/pp 0up"$0e,u0 y &'42*5''6*66 Gr%u!, Fl%%r7 8l%c9 67 Dept0 O/ E,ucat$%!al Stu,$e"7 Faculty %/ E,ucat$%! : Hu a! De;el%p e!t7 Pr%t%! C$ty7 Ta!<%!= Mal$ 7 Pera90

COURSE SYNOPSIS : This course examines the art of teaching and learning science through inquiry. It is organi ed around ma!or themes in the primary science curriculum and focus on elements of science teaching such as guided and open inquiry, and the learning cycle. The skills of questioning and thinking will "e applied to pro"e the inquisitive nature of primary school children. (#ursus ini meneliti seni penga!aran dan pem"ela!aran sains melalui inkuiri. Ia disusun "erdasarkan tema$tema utama dalam kurikulum sains sekolah rendah dan memfokus kepada unsur$unsur penga!aran sains seperti inkuiri ter"im"ing dan ter"uka, dan kitaran pem"ela!aran. #emahiran menyoal dan "erfikir akan diaplikasikan untuk menyiasat sifat ingin tahu pela!ar sekolah rendah). LEARNING OUTCOMES: %t the end of this course, students should "e a"le to&

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use the inquiry$"ased teaching and learning approach to teach science (#() apply the guided and open inquiry learning in specific topics in the primary curriculum (#*) design and perform a lesson "ased on teaching science as investigation (+,) use critical and analytical thinking in science investigations (%() use the appropriate questioning techniques to pro"e students. understanding (+,)

REFERENCES: /oyer, 0.1. 2 1ackett, 3.# ()445). Teaching Science as Investigations; Modeling Inquiry Through Learning Cycle Lessons (1st Ed,) +rentice 1all. 1ammerman, 6. ()44(). Eight Essentials of Inquiry !ased Science, " #. 7orwin +ress. %"ruscato, 3. ()44-). Teaching Children Science$ % &iscovery %''roach, ((th Ed,)) %llyn 2 8acon. Friedl, %. 6., #oont , T. and Friedl, %. ()44-). Teaching Science to Children$ %n Inquiry %''roach. /c9raw$1ill. 8ass, 3., 7ontant, T.:. and 7arin, %.%. ()44;). Teaching Science as Inquiry (11th Ed,). +rentice 1all.

METHODS OF TEACHING: Interactive lecture, +8:, 7ooperative :earning and <iscussion, /icro and /acroteaching

METHODS OF EM8EDDING SOFT SKILLS: %#TI=ITI > #I 7ooperative 9roup Bork /icro 2 /acroteaching 9roup presentation I!,$cat%r": #?/ C 7ommunication @kill #8+/ C Thinking and +ro"lem @olving @kill +8+/ C :ife :ong :earning and Information /anagement @kill > #?/ #8#/ +8+/ +@# > +I/ 6TI# #A



+@# C Team Bork @kill +I/ C :eadership @kill 6TI# C +rofessional 6thic #A C 6ntrepreneurship @kill


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CRITERIA 1as attained the elements of soft skills at the level of excellence 1as attained the elements of soft skills at a good level 1as attained the elements of soft skills at a satisfactory level 1as attained the elements of respected soft skills at a minimum level +oor and need to improve

COURSE EVALUATION: 0eflective writing /acroteaching /icroteaching Final 6xamination T%tal '4D (4D '4D *4D '&&>



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T%p$c Ice$"reaking and course introduction 2 expectations @cience and the nature of science Teaching perspectives Inquiry "ased teaching and learning Bays to involve and engage students 6lements that affect inquiry T2: Huestioning and responding strategies

Lear!$!= Outc% e" <iscuss the meaning of science and its nature <iscuss the goals of teaching students science

T:L Act$;$t$e" Interactive lecture <iscussion Take online test& 7lassroom Test of @cientific 0easoning Interactive lecture <iscussion Take online survey& Teaching +erspectives Inventory Interactive lecture and microteaching

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Re/ere!ce" @cience sylla"us and curriculum specifications. 7hiappetta.s The /yths of @cienceG Internet 0esources, etc.


Identify own preferred teaching style and reflect on its value in terms of helping students learn science 6xplain the general meaning of inquiry$"ased teaching and learning approach>strategy <iscuss ways to involve and engage students in the classroom <iscuss elements that affect inquiry$"ased T2: %sk pro"ing questions according to specified questioning steps Ase appropriate questioning strategies to $ initiate inquiry $ create motivation and interest $ promote thinking and reflection $ structure and promote a discussion $ develop students understanding $ elicit ideas>students prior knowledge $ assess students understanding Ase appropriate responding strategies to nurture and extend student inquiry <iscuss open and guided inquiry and inductive and deductive inquiry +lan and present exploration activities for in and outside of the classroom "ased on open and guided inquiry +lan and present exploration activities for in and outside of the classroom "ased on inductive and deductive inquiry <escri"e various teaching models and learning cycles 8uild a lesson plan which is "ased on teaching science as investigation Teach a lesson "ased on teaching science as investigation to a


47 -7 6

8ass, 3., 7ontant, T.:. and 7arin, %.%. ()44;)

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Types of inquiry$"ased T2: $ ?pen and guided inquiry $ Inductive and deductive inquiry Inquiry$"ased T2: using the :earning 7ycle $ -$phase $ (6

Interactive lecture 9roup work and presentation

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Benning.s I:evels of inquiry& 1ierarchies of pedagogical practices and inquiry processesG

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Interactive lecture +lan and teach a lesson in primary school C use


/oyer, 0.1. 2 1ackett, 3.# ()445).

group of primary school students

videotape as evidence

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