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Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

Presented by WebSphere Developer Domain

Table of Contents
If you're viewing this document online, you can click any of the topics below to link directly to that section.

1. Introduction ............................................................. 2. Elements of dynamic Web sites ..................................... 3. Building a dynamic Web application ............................... 4. Building the back end: Java and servlets ......................... 5. Building the presentation layer: JSP ............................... 6. Testing the message center ......................................... 7. Summary ................................................................

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Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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Presented by WebSphere Developer Domain

Section 1. Introduction Should I take this tutorial?

You should take this tutorial if you are a developer or Web site builder and you want to quickly learn how to use WebSphere Studio V5 to build dynamic Web sites. The tutorial assumes basic knowledge of HTML and Java. Because WebSphere Studio V5 is easy to use, you'll find the tutorial easy to follow even if you're a beginner to HTML and Java. Although downloading WebSphere Studio V5 is not a prerequisite for completing this tutorial, it does make the tutorial easier to follow. You can download the application from the Tools and resources on page 3 page. The installation process is straightforward and hassle free, although you will need to complete a short registration form.

What is this tutorial about?

This tutorial illustrates how to develop a Web application using Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), how to organize code in a project within WebSphere Studio V5, and how to use Java servlets and JSP files to generate dynamic HTML content. It also shows how to test and debug code within WebSphere Studio V5 and how to package a Web application for deployment on a WebSphere Application Server. The tutorial makes use of a simple application -- the messaging center. Using the messaging center, users can log in and view messages that have been sent to them. They can also send messages to any other user that has access to the messaging center. Using WebSphere Studio V5 in conjunction with Java, Java servlet and JSP technologies, you will build the following: User and Message Java classes Two JSP forms: login.jsp and messageCenter.jsp Two servlets: MessageCenterLoginServlet and AddMessageServlet

What's new in WebSphere Studio Version 5

WebSphere Studio V5 is a major revision of WebSphere Studio and has many features above and beyond those that were available in V4. WebSphere Studio V5 has improved functionality in all aspects of Java and Web development, including: Support for J2EE 1.3 including EJB 2.0, Servlet 2.3, and JSP 1.2 levels Concurrent support for WebSphere Application Server Version 4 (J2EE 1.2) and WebSphere Application Server Version 5 (J2EE 1.3)
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Accessibility support Enhanced integration with Rational ClearCase LT and new support for namespace versioning Numerous updates and new functions for Java, Web services, XML, Database, Test and Analysis, and Web components WebSphere Studio V5 also improves upon the existing wizards and tools, creating an even better integrated Web development environment for building dynamic Web applications. The Web development environment includes: Custom JSP tags (taglib) support, based on the JSP 1.2 specification New support for XHTML Site level Web management templates and support Integrated easy-to-use visual layout tool for JSP and HTML file creation, validation, editing, and debugging JavaScript editing and validation An extensible view, called the Library view, which allow users to catalog and organize reusable programming objects, such as HTML, JavaScript, and JSP code, along with files and tag libraries Image editing and animation Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) editing support HTTP/FTP import FTP export to a server Link viewing, parsing, validation, and management, which includes converting links, flagging broken links, and fixing links as resources are moved or renamed Enhanced wizard to create new servlets and add servlet mappings to the deployment description (web.xml) file Web project creation, using the J2EE container structure Generation of Web applications using wizards that create Web resources from database queries and beans

Tools and resources

The following tools are necessary if you plan to run the examples in this tutorial: WebSphere Studio Version 5 trial edition. At the time of writing this tutorial, the Windows version of the WebSphere Studio download includes WebSphere Application Developer and the Linux version includes the more limited WebSphere Studio Site Developer. However, tools exist in both versions to enable readers to complete the examples in this tutorial. WebSphere Application Server for Developers Version 5 trial edition.

Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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About the author

Ron Ben-Natan, a Studio B ( author, is VP, Technology at Robin Lissak Associates. Prior to that he worked for companies such as Intel, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan and ViryaNet. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science in the field of distributed computing and has been architecting and developing distributed applications for over 15 years. His hobby is writing about how technology is used to solve real problems, and he has authored and co-authored numerous books, including CORBA: A Guide to Common Object Request Broker Architecture, CORBA on the Web, and The SanFrancisco Developer's Guide all published by McGraw-Hill ; IBM WebSphere Starter Kit and IBM WebSphere: The Complete Reference both published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill; and Integrating Service Level Agreements published by John Wiley & Sons. He is also the author of numerous articles and tutorials. He can be reached at

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Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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Section 2. Elements of dynamic Web sites The static Web

When the World Wide Web was born, it consisted of static Web sites. Web sites consisted of static documents (mostly HTML pages) that were accessible through Web servers. Users used Web browsers to access these Web sites. A Web browser communicated with a Web server over the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Using an HTTP request, the browser communicated with the Web server and asked to get access to a certain document. The Web server managed a set of documents stored on a file system. When asked for a document, it would retrieve it and return it within an HTTP response:

The evolution of the dynamic Web

Technology visionaries saw that the Web model could be more powerful if the pages returned to the browser were not statically stored on a file system. Pages could be generated by accessing data stored in databases, by accessing legacy applications and reformatting their user interface, and by performing computations based on user inputs. The shift to dynamic Web sites involves a new server -- the application server. Values sent within the HTTP request are passed from the Web server to the application server and used by application code. This application code executes within the context of the application server and performs business logic, accesses data stores, and more. It then dynamically generates the HTML that is returned to the browser within the HTTP response:

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A new generation of tools

Paralleling the advancements made on the server side, browsers also became better. Early browsers could parse simple HTML and present the page. Today's browsers include powerful layout engines, the ability to execute scripts, and even a Java VM for running Java on the client (in the form of applets). Using a technology called Dynamic HTML (DHTML), the pages returned to the browser can themselves include many dynamic components that make for a better user experience. Powerful application models require powerful tools. When Web sites consisted of static HTML pages, developers used HTML editors to build static content. For building dynamic Web sites, developers need a new generation of tools. These tools need to facilitate building applications that include server-side components such as servlets and JSP. They also need to support the entire code/test/debug life cycle and need to combine advanced testing and debugging environments in addition to a development environment. WebSphere Studio V5 is such a tool. The rest of this section provides an overview of the client- and server-side technologies that are an integral part of the message center application. If you're familiar with these technologies, you can go to the Getting started with WebSphere Studio V5 on page 11 section.

Java, servlets, and JSP

Java has emerged as the premier environment for building server-side application code. Using Java makes it easy to build well-structured, object-oriented code, to access data stores, and to build robust business logic. In the context of this tutorial, back-end Java code runs within a Java application server.
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A Java application server uses a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to execute Java code. The Java code in this tutorial includes objects representing real-world entities (like users and messages) as well as servlets and JSP. You'll build all your code in this tutorial within WebSphere Studio V5. This single integrated environment allows you to simply compose your business entities, build the business transactions using servlets, and build the JSP files used to generate the user interface. WebSphere Studio V5 supports the servlet specification version 2.3 and the JSP specification version 1.2. As part of JSP 1.2, WebSphere Studio V5 also support custom tag libraries (sometimes called taglibs).

Servlets are Java classes that implement the Servlet interface. HTTP servlets inherit from the HttpServlet class where the doGet and doPost methods are defined to handle HTTP requests encapsulated as an HTTPServletRequest object. Usually you would implement one of these methods to perform the specific action you need and implement the second as a call to the first - unless you want GET and POST to be handled differently. The HTTPServletRequest object is also passed as an argument to the service method - a method that you would normally not implement because the default is to have it call either doGet or doPost depending on the HTTP request. Using this object, the servlet developer accesses parameters sent as part of the request, cookies delivered with the request, and headers within the HTTP request. The servlet generates dynamic content, usually as HTML. Using an HTTPServletResponse object, the servlet developer writes the dynamic content onto a servlet output stream. This creates the page that is returned to the browser. As a simple example, the following servlet retrieves a username from the request parameters and prints a hello string:

import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class SimpleHelloServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { this.doPost(req, res); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { String username = req.getParameter("username"); // tell the browser that the content is an HTML page res.setContentType("text/html"); // Generate the dynamic content PrintWriter out = res.getWriter(); out.println("<HTML><BODY><H3>"); out.println("Hello " + username); out.println("</H3></BODY></HTML>"); out.close(); }

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JavaServer Pages
Hard coding HTML within Java code is bad form because it creates inflexible code. HTML elements become strings hard coded within Java print commands (as shown in Servlets on page 7 ). This means that tools for building Web pages cannot be used, and that the role of the Web page designer -- which should be separate from that of the Java developer -- is not well supported. JavaServer Pages (JSP) solve this problem by embedding Java code that generates dynamic content within the HTML page. As an example, the SimpleHelloServlet can be replaced with the following JSP:
<HTML> <BODY> <H3> <% out.println(request.getParameter("username")); %> </H3> </BODY> </HTML>

In this scheme, HTML elements are well represented and Java code is embedded using special scriplet tags ( <% ... %>). Servlets and JSP files are used to generate dynamic content. While this content can be of any type, it is usually HTML when building dynamic Web sites.

JSPs allow embedding Java code within tags from the HTML tag set. This means that the tags in a JSP come from a finite and limited group that deals mostly with layout. This is limited in terms of how expressive you can make your tag-centric page; much of the behavior tends to be implemented as calls to various Java methods and the page ceases to "belong" to the page designer. WebSphere Studio V5 supports the JSP1.2 standard and with it custom tag libraries -taglibs. Taglibs allow you to extend the tag/element vocabulary of your JSP by allowing you to define new elements that can be used inside a JSP as any other tag. By providing a tag implementation class you define how the Web container will process the tag when the JSP is evaluated. For example, you can easily implement a new tag that will print out the value of the username parameter in which case the JSP code fragment from the previous panel, JavaServer Pages on page 8 , could become a simple:
<HTML> <BODY> <H3> <USERNAME/> </H3> </BODY> </HTML>

This example would only be relevant in the unlikely event that you decide to build a specialized implementation for printing out the username parameter. A more common
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JSP would result if you used one of the core tags in the JavaServer Pages Standards Tag Library (JSTL) in which case the page would become:
<HTML> <BODY> <H3> <c:out value="${param.username}" /> </H3> </BODY> </HTML>

Taglibs make authoring JSP pages easier and increase productivity by encouraging a division of labor between library developers and library users. Taglibs are created by developers who are implementation experts and are used by Web page authors who, by building on these libraries, can produce more functional and higher quality applications. Because taglibs are part of the JSP1.2 standard, they are also portable and supported by all major J2EE environments. This in turn means that many people write taglibs and that you can often find great reusable resources. Two important starting points are the Sun taglib page (see Resources on page 39 for links).

Dynamic HTML
Dynamic HTML (DHTML) = HTML + Javascript + Document Object Model (DOM) + Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). While DHTML is not the topic of this tutorial, it is important to remember that DHTML is an important technology in building dynamic Web sites. DHTML is a collection of client-side technologies. A DHTML page is delivered by the server and runs within the Web browser, so the browser runs the code within the DHTML page. A DHTML page is first and foremost an HTML page. The DHTML developer can embed Javascript scripts within this HTML page. These scripts run on the client and improve the user experience. An example is the use of Javascript to do client-side validations to eliminate unnecessary network traffic. Most of the scripts that run within the browser need to access the elements on the page, i.e. the HTML elements. The Document Object Model (DOM) defines a set of objects that are directly related to the HTML elements on the page. The DOM allows Javascript code to refer to each HTML element on the page as an object with attributes and methods. As an example, Javascript code can access a text field in an HTML form as an object, retrieve its current value, and even change the value. The Javascript code can even access an HTML table as an object and add rows by manipulating the table object -- all completely within the browser. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to associate formatting information with HTML elements. Instead of hard coding this information as HTML markup (such as bold and italics), all formatting information is externalized to a CSS file and associated with the HTML elements. This makes it easy to quickly and uniformly change the appearance of a complete Web site.
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Armed with this impressive set of server-side and client-side technologies, you're now ready to turn to the tutorial's example of a dynamic Web site -- the messaging center application.

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Section 3. Building a dynamic Web application Getting started with WebSphere Studio V5
The use of WebSphere Studio V5 to develop dynamic Web sites is illustrated by developing a simple Web application. The messaging center application allows users to send messages to one another. Every user may log into the Web site and view all of the messages sent to them. For every message, users see who sent the message, and the message text. A user may then send a message to any other registered user. The focus of this tutorial is the use of WebSphere Studio V5 to build such a dynamic Web application, not the application itself. The messaging center application is not a complete application and it includes many shortcuts. For example, there is a limited set of possible users (instead of maintaining the users in a database), login does not require a password, no error handling is performed, and messages cannot be edited or grouped.

Elements within the messaging center application

Before delving into the code, it's useful to take a high-level view of the components you'll build and how they interact with each other. The following scheme shows an example flow:

A user starts by accessing a login of the form http://localhost/MessagingCenter/login.jsp. The JSP engine processes the JSP files and generates an HTML form that is returned and displayed by the browser. The user enters a username and clicks the submit button. This makes a call
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to the MessageCenterLoginServlet running on the application server. If there is an error, the servlet forwards handling to the login JSP. The login JSP creates an error message and presents the login form for the user to try again. If the username is correct, the servlet prepares the object with the message data and forwards handling to the message center JSP. The JSP generates dynamic content, which is based on the messages, as an HTML page that is returned to the browser. Using an HTML form, the user can send a message to another user by clicking the submit button, which makes a call to the AddMessageServlet.

Creating the messaging center project

If you're following along with a running copy of WebSphere Studio V5, select File =>New =>Project... to create a new project. A project contains files and folders, and it's how you organize resources within the WebSphere Studio V5 workbench. WebSphere Studio V5 supports many types of projects, as shown in the left pane of the wizard below.

Select Web in the left pane and Web Project in the right pane, and then click Next. WebSphere Studio V5 will create a new project for a Web application and generate resources required for dynamic Web applications such as servlets, JSP files, HTML pages, etc. Enter a project name -- MessagingCenter in this example. Before letting WebSphere Studio V5 create the project lets add a few standard tag libraries.
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Selecting standard tag libraries

Using the selection list at the bottom of the following wizard page adds some basic tag libraries that you can then use when building your JSPs:

Add taglibs for accessing JSP objects, utility tags, and the JSP standard tag library, and click Finish. WebSphere Studio V5 goes to work and creates the Web project and the various resources needed for a Web application.

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The WebSphere Studio V5 workbench now becomes the Web Perspective. A perspective defines the initial set and layout of panes in the workbench. This concept introduces a role-based customization of the views and editors; it is a user-centric metaphor bringing together all the tools useful for a certain role. Views provide different ways to look at a certain resource, and editors are used to create and modify code. WebSphere Studio V5 includes a variety of different editors suitable for specific file types such as HTML files, JSP files, and Java source files. Incidentally, if you have already been running a server session, WebSphere Studio will automatically inform you that the server configuration needs to be updated to reflect the new Web application, saving you the bother of remembering to "deploy" the application yourself:

Now that you've created the project, you're ready to start creating some of the resources.

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Section 4. Building the back end: Java and servlets Building and
First you need to build the Java class that will be used to represent the user. To create a Java class, right click on the Java source folder within the Navigator pane on the workbench and select New =>Other... :

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This brings up a wizard in which you select Java in the left pane and Class in the right pane. Click Next. This brings up the Java class editor. You need to set the class name ( User ) and the package name ( ). All the rest (including the superclass java.lang.Object ) remain as defaults. At this point, you also need to create a Java class that represents the message object. The code for both classes is shown in User and Message class code on page 16 .

User and Message class code

Below is the code for the and classes. After both classes are created, the navigator pane will appear as shown in the figure following the code.
package; import java.util.Vector; import java.lang.String; public class User { private String name; private Vector messages; // Simple implementation of a set of users // only for illustration purposes. Normally users // would have to be maintained and managed in a database private static User[] hardCodedUsers = { new User("Joe"), new User("Jane"), new User("Tony"), new User("Tina") }; public static User[] getHardCodedUsers() { return User.hardCodedUsers; } public User(String name) { = name; messages = new Vector(); } public String getName() { return; } public Vector getMessages() { return messages; } public void addMessage(Message message) { messages.addElement(message); } // Return a User object based on user name or a null if a user // by that name does not exist public static User getUser(String username) { User[] allUsers = User.getHardCodedUsers(); for (int i = 0 ; i < allUsers.length ; i++)

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if (allUsers[i].getName().compareTo(username) == 0) return hardCodedUsers[i]; return null; } } package; public class Message { private String senderName = null; private String text = null; public Message(String senderName, String text) { this.senderName = senderName; this.text = text; } public String getSenderName() { return this.senderName; } public String getText() { return this.text; } }

Doing a build
You can rebuild the project at any point while you're editing resources. Rebuilding the project means that WebSphere Studio V5 will try to compile all Java code, do syntax checking on all resources, and check references between the different elements of the Web application. If, for example, we misspell the import statement for the class String (as shown below, where we have imported java.util.String instead of java.lang.String ), WebSphere Studio V5 will signal the error as well as the error message and the location of the error.

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Once you've fixed all errors, select Project=>Rebuild All and save your current workbench. You're now all set with the back-end entities and you're ready to build the servlets that will implement the "business transactions."

Creating the MessageCenterLoginServlet

The MessageCenterLoginServlet is responsible for looking up the user based on the username, and for preparing the collection of messages to be displayed for that user. It does not generate the dynamic content (i.e., the HTML); a JSP will do that. To create the servlet, right click on one of the folders in the Navigator pane (e.g., the Java Source folder or the folder) and select New =>Servlet :

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The New Servlet dialog

In the New Servlet dialog, set the servlet name and the package name. The superclass remains javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet and click Next. By default, both the doGet and doPost methods are checked for code creation in the last panel of the wizard, so if this is the behavior you want, click Finish in the screen on which you specified the servlet name.

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When the wizard completes its work, you'll have a skeleton servlet class with the following code:
package; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; /** * @version 1.0 * @author */ public class MessageCenterLoginServlet extends HttpServlet { Page 20 of 40 Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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/** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#void (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { } /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#void (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { } }

Implementing the MessageCenterLoginServlet

Now you need to implement the behavior of the servlet. The servlet needs to process both GET HTTP requests and POST HTTP requests in the same way. The simplest thing is to change the doGet method so that it calls the doPost method. This ensures that the behavior is identical regardless of what action was used:
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { this.doPost(req, resp); }

Now it's time to implement the doPost method. First, you need to get the username from the request. If it is null, set an error message and dispatch the handling to the login JSP (all HTML will be generated by JSP files). The login JSP will then generate the HTML based on this error message:
String username = request.getParameter("username"); if (username == null) { // Can't perform a login with no user name. // Set an error message and redirect to login page. request.setAttribute("errorMessage", "User name not specified"); // Dispatch to login.jsp using the RequestDispacther // Use a relative URL for simplicity RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp"); disp.forward(request, response); }

Using auto-completion to finish the servlet

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One of the more useful features of WebSphere Studio V5 is auto-completion. If you forget which methods are applicable within a certain context, you can place the cursor after the period following a variable name and type CTRL + space to bring up a context-sensitive list of possible methods based on the object in the context. As an example, if you forget which method of the request object you should use when inserting the error message, you can bring up the coding assistant as follows:

With the username in hand, you can proceed to look up the User object using the facilities coded in the User class. If a User object is not found, you can use another error message. If a User object is found, place it in the session object and forward handling to the JSP file responsible for displaying the messages:
// Otherwise proceed to looking for the User object User user = User.getUser(username); if (user == null) { req.setAttribute("errorMessage", "User not found"); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp"); disp.forward(req, resp); }

// Put the user object in the session object and forward to messageCenter JSP HttpSession session = req.getSession(true); session.setAttribute("user", user); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/messageCenter.jsp"); disp.forward(req, resp);

This completes the servlet responsible for accessing the "business objects." You are ready for the servlet handling the "business transaction."

The AddMessageServlet
AddMessageServlet is responsible for adding a new message to one of the users, in effect sending a text message from one user to another. This functionality will be invoked from an HTML form within the message center. Building the servlet follows the same process as that of building the MessageCenterLoginServlet. The method implementing the sending of the message has two parameters: the username of the recipient of the message, and the
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text message to be sent. The originator of the message is retrieved from the session object:
package; import; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import import import import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

/** * @version 1.0 * @author */ public class AddMessageServlet extends HttpServlet { /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#void (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { this.doPost(req, resp); } /** * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#void (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse) */ public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { String recipient = req.getParameter("recipient"); String messageText = req.getParameter("messageText"); // Get the session object. If it does not exist or if there is no User object // in it then we cannot process the message send and need to ask the user // to login once more HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); if (session == null) { req.setAttribute("errorMessage", "Need to login before sending a message"); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp"); disp.forward(req, resp); } User user = (User)session.getAttribute("user"); if (user == null) { req.setAttribute("errorMessage", "Need to login before sending a message"); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/login.jsp"); disp.forward(req, resp); } // Need to check that there is a recipient and that it is a legal user // This is omitted for lack of interest // Otherwise proceed to send the message User messageReceiver = User.getUser(recipient); Message message = new Message(user.getName(), messageText); messageReceiver.addMessage(message);

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} }

The back-end code is now ready. It is time to move on to building the presentation layer.

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Section 5. Building the presentation layer: JSP login.jsp and messageCenter.jsp

The presentation layer consists of a set of JSP files. JSP files are the perfect elements for implementing the messaging center screen generators because while the screens need to be HTML pages, they are dynamically created based on the back-end entities. As a result of submissions from the HTML forms, methods within the servlets described in Implementing the MessageCenterLoginServlet on page 21 and The AddMessageServlet on page 22 panels are invoked. The JSP files created in this section are as follows: login.jsp is responsible for generating the HTML form for capturing the username and invoking the MessageCenterLoginServlet messageCenter.jsp is responsible for displaying the messages sent to the user who is currently logged in as an HTML table. Also generates a form allowing the user to send a message.

Building login.jsp
WebSphere Studio V5 has an editor for building JSP files that mimics the feel of HTML builders. To create the JSP file, right click on the Web Content folder and select New =>JSP File. Then enter the JSP file name as shown below:

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The New JSP File wizard can help you specify many of the JSP's attributes. While you can click the Finish button on the first step of the wizard, you can also continue with the other four screens in the wizard. Using the wizards, you can specify explicit init and destroy method stubs, initialize parameters for the servlet that is automatically generated from the JSP, attach style sheets, define the DTD used in the JSP (WebSphere Studio V5 supports XHTML), and specify the tag libraries to be used from within the JSP -- the topic of the next panel. To proceed, click the Next button.

Importing tag libraries

The New JSP File wizard allows you to specify which tag libraries will be used from within the JSP. Click the Add Tag Library... button. This opens up the next screen on which you can select the tag libraries you will use:

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WebSphere Studio V5 shows you a catalog of taglibs, including tag libraries from the Apache Jakarta project, the JSTL core library and much more. You can also import additional tag libraries into the catalog using the Import... button. Select the JSTL core library and click OK. You can change the prefix that will be used within the JSP, but the default for the core tag library is the letter c. On the screen from which you added the tag library, click Finish. Now you're ready to start designing the JSP file. Use the central pane in the workbench to design your page. You can drag and drop elements from the toolbar. You can also insert elements from the Insert menu bar item.

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Including a 'use bean' element

In order to build the login JSP page, the first thing you need to include is a use bean element. The bean in the login.jsp page represents the error message that is displayed if, for example, you enter a user that does not exist. Insert the use bean element using Insert JSP Bean tool by selecting it from the JSP menu item:

Set the properties of the bean using the property editor:

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The identifier of the bean throughout the page is errorMessage and the bean should be retrieved from the request object (remember from the MessageCenterLoginServlet that the error message is placed using request.setAttribute(errorMessage) ). The class of the bean is a String. Once this bean is available in the context of the page, you can display the message using a printing element from a taglib. Select JSP =>Insert Custom. Then pick out in the right pane, click Insert and then Close and adjust the value to print out the error message variable. Note that you could also have chosen to use a c:out custom element with a value of ${param.errorMessage}, in which case the use bean element would not have been necessary.

Adding static elements to the page

Finally, add the static elements to the page: add a horizontal rule and a form; add a text field for entering the username (the field name should be username); and add a submit button to the form. The resulting page in the designer looks as follows:

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Click Source at the bottom of the design pane to see the generated JSP source code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" %> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio"> <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <LINK href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <TITLE>login.jsp</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P></P> <jsp:useBean id="errorMessage" class="java.lang.String" scope="request"></jsp:useBean> <c:out value="${errorMessage}"></c:out> <HR> <FORM action="/MessagingCenter/MessageCenterLoginServlet" target="_self"> <INPUT type="text" name="username" size="20"> <INPUT type="submit"></FORM> </BODY> </HTML>

You're done building your first JSP file and are ready to move on to the second.

Building messageCenter.jsp, part 1

The messageCenter JSP is very similar to the login JSP. Start a new JSP file by right clicking on the Web Content folder in the Navigator pane and selecting New =>JSP File. Enter messageCenter.jsp as the JSP name, click Next, add the JSTL taglib and click Finish. Then move over to the designer and drag the following elements onto
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the canvas: 1. A use bean element for getting the User object from the session 2. Static text (simply type in the text you want to display, in our case the string "Welcome") 3. Property display element for displaying the username 4. Static text ("Your messages are as follows") 5. HTML table Within the table you need to place a Java loop. Each iteration of the loop creates a new TR element with the message sender and text in TDs. The loop is created using the JSTL core tag library, which supports iteration. Select JSP =>Insert Custom..., which opens the Insert Custom Tag wizard. The wizard displays all the taglibs in your JSP and the available custom tags. Select forEach for an iteration loop and click Insert. Iteration for this element should be on ${user.messages}.

6. HR element 7. A form for sending a new message 8. A text field for the recipient of the message (named recipient) 9. A text area for the message text (named messageText) 10. A submit button for the form

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Building messageCenter.jsp, part 2

When you're done with the designer, the page should look as follows:

The JSP code is generated by WebSphere Studio V5:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" %> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio"> <META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <LINK href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <TITLE>messageCenter.jsp</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P><jsp:useBean id="user" class="" scope="session"> </jsp:useBean>.<BR>Welcome <jsp:getProperty name="user" property="name" />. Your messages as following:<BR> Page 32 of 40 Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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</P> <TABLE border="1"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="217">From</TD> <TD width="258">To</TD> </TR> <c:forEach items="${user.messages}" var="aMessage"> <TR> <TD width="217"><c:out value="${aMessage.senderName}"/></TD> <TD width="258"><c:out value="${aMessage.text}"/></TD> </TR> </c:forEach>

</TBODY> </TABLE> <HR> <FORM action="/MessagingCenter/AddMessageServlet" method="get" target="_self">Send messa type="text" name="recipient" size="20"><BR> <TEXTAREA rows="2" cols="20" name="messageText"></TEXTAREA> <BR> <INPUT type="submit"> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>

You're done with the coding of the application and can move on to testing the message center. Before doing so rebuild the project, as shown in Doing a build on page 17 .

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Section 6. Testing the message center Starting the server

WebSphere Studio V5 comes with an embedded instance of the WebSphere Application Server V5. This is called the WebSphere test environment within WebSphere Studio V5. It means that you can publish your Web application and test it before deploying to a production WebSphere Application Server instance. To test the application, right click on the login.jsp page and click Run on Server; leave the default selected WebSphere V5.0 test environment. The application will be published to the server and the test environment will be initialized. You will see many printouts on the console; the last two lines should be of the form:

[1/19/03 12:11:21:428 EST] 517915dc WsServer A WSVR0001I: Server server1 open for e-business [1/19/03 12:11:27:897 EST] 62d255cc WebGroup I SRVE0180I: [MessagingCenter] [/MessagingCenter] [Servlet.LOG]: /login.jsp: init

The phrase "Server ... open for e-business" means that the WebSphere Application Server environment has been successfully started.

An example message
The top right pane is a browser view that displays the login HTML (the HTML page generated by login.jsp). If you proceed to log in using one of the fixed usernames, you can start sending messages among the users. Remember that since messages are not persistent, all these messages will be lost if you shut down the server. As an example, suppose you want to send a message from Joe to Jane. Log in as Joe as follows:

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Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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In Joe's message center enter the text for a message to send to Jane and click Submit Query:

Now go back to the login page and login as Jane; Jane's message center should look as follows:

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Debugging the application, part 1

One of the really great things about WebSphere Studio V5 is that the WebSphere test environment is very tightly integrated. This means that you don't have to develop your application, deploy it on a server (with all kinds of print commands), look at the log files, and figure out what went wrong. You can do everything within one integrated development environment using a single set of tools. For example, suppose that an exception occurs when you run the application. You can add a breakpoint by right clicking on the left border of the code and setting a breakpoint as shown below:

You can also simply double click on the right of the pane. This sets a breakpoint in the code, displayed as a green circle:

Debugging the application, part 2

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When running the application, the server will stop at the breakpoint within the Server Perspective. Note that you have to run the server in debug mode (i.e., instead of selecting Run on Server, right click on login.jsp and select Debug on Server ). When you login next time, you will be asked whether you want to enter and debug the method using the debug view:

The Inspector
The Inspector is another useful tool. Suppose that once you have stopped at the breakpoint, you want to know what string value is stored in the username variable. Double click on the variable to mark the variable, and then right click and pick the Inspect entry. The top right pane now allows you to view the value of the marked variable as follows (in our case the value is "Jane"):

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Finally, remember that WebSphere Studio V5 is a very well integrated environment. If you change code even within a running application, you can see the changes take effect immediately -- all within one environment.

Now that you have tested the message center and feel comfortable with the Web application, you're ready to deploy it on a WebSphere Application Server. You need to package your Web application in a Web Archive (WAR) file, and later import it into an existing enterprise application using the WebSphere Server Application Assembly tool. To create a WAR file, right click on the Message Center folder and select Export to open the export wizard. Then, select WAR File and click Next. Enter the name of the file you want to use and click Finish. In addition, WebSphere Studio also creates an EAR that can be exported and deployed on a WebSphere Application Server without the need for additional packaging tools.

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Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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Section 7. Summary Summary

In this tutorial you learned how to use WebSphere Studio V5 to develop an end-to-end Web application. Using both servlets and JSPs, the tutorial demonstrated the use of WebSphere Studio V5 to develop a basic messaging center. Starting with the back-end Java code for managing users and messages, you then built a set of servlets and JSP files implementing messaging functionality and generating a presentation layer in the form of HTML pages. These HTML pages were dynamically generated based on the data maintained by the Java objects. Once development was completed, you used the WebSphere Studio V5 server tools to test and debug your dynamic Web site. Finally, you learned how to package your Web application for deployment in a WebSphere Application Server.

Register to download WebSphere Studio V5. Download a trial edition of WebSphere Application Server for Developers Version 5. A tutorial on building Java HTTP servlets is available on developerWorks. An Intro to JavaServer Pages technology article is available on developerWorks. The Java Servlet technology home page includes the latest specification as well as a reference servlet server implementation. The JavaServer Pages home page includes the latest specifications as well as pointers to custom tag libraries and other advanced JSP technologies. The DHTML school Web page includes resources, examples, and reference materials. Find information about WebSphere Studio Family of Development tools on the IBM WebSphere Web site. The Eclipse project can be found at The Apache Jakarta Taglib project can be found at The Sun tag library page can be found at



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This tutorial was written entirely in XML, using the developerWorks Toot-O-Matic tutorial generator. The open source Toot-O-Matic tool is an XSLT stylesheet and several XSLT extension functions that convert an XML file into a number of HTML pages, a zip file, JPEG heading graphics, and two PDF files. Our ability to generate multiple text and binary formats from a single source file illustrates the power and flexibility of XML. (It also saves our production team a great deal of time and effort.) You can get the source code for the Toot-O-Matic at The tutorial Building tutorials with the Toot-O-Matic demonstrates how to use the Toot-O-Matic to create your own tutorials. developerWorks also hosts a forum devoted to the Toot-O-Matic; it's available at We'd love to know what you think about the tool.

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Building dynamic Web sites with WebSphere Studio V5

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