High Water Preparation 2014

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Pre"are #or $%&h Water Steamboat Springs, Colorado National Resource Conversation Service (NRCS) Colorado Snow Survey and Water Supply News Release indicated that snowpack in the Yampa asin is at !"#$ o% average, as o% &pril ! st, "'!(, and that &pril through )uly %lows are pro*ected to be well above average+ While peak %lows can vary, the Yampa River generally peaks in late ,ay to early )une while smaller tributaries, such as utcherkni%e Creek, urgess Creek, and, Spring Creek can peak signi%icantly earlier in the year+ -n %act, utcherkni%e Creek and other low.lying areas may be entering into their peak runo%% at this time+ /here%ore, the City is asking residents to take precautionary measures now to prevent damages %rom high water and %looding0 Remove outdoor %urniture, %irewood, landscape debris, branches that may have %allen during the 1ctober "'!2 snow storm, construction materials, etc+ %rom the vicinity o% the waterway to prevent blockages o% culverts and drainages -% you are within the city limits, %ind out i% your property is within the 34,& designated %loodplain or %loodway by %ollowing this link0 or contacting ob 5eenan, the City6s 3loodplain ,anager, at 78'.98!.9":'+ Review the Routt County 1%%ice o% 4mergency ,anagement6s ;igh Water <reparedness -n%ormation =uide %or additional guidance0 http0>>www+co+routt+co+us>inde?+asp?@N-AB!#: + 3ollow weather %orecasts and take additional precautions during heavy spring storms+ Rain or snow events and warm temperatures can increase the risk o% high water and %lash %loods+ -% you live in a %reCuently %looded area, keep materials, such as sandbagsD, plywood, plastic sheeting, and other mathttp0>>maps+steamboatsprings+net>-nteractivemap>inde?+htmlerials on hand to help protect your property+

D/he City Streets Aepartment will deliver sand and sandbags %or residential properties that need them on a case by case basis+ /he sand bags will then need to be %illed and placed by the homeowner+ Call the Streets Aepartment at 78'.987.!9'8 during normal o%%ice hours, or dispatch at 78'.987.!!(( a%ter hours to reCuest this service+ -% it is a %looding emergency, call 7!!+ Commercial properties and residential neighborhoods with %reCuent needs will need to acCuire their own sandbags+ CONTACT INFORMATION FOR T$E CITY OF STEAMBOAT SPRIN'S( <ublic Works Streets Aepartment (Ron erig) E 78'.987.!9'8 <olice Aepartment Aispatch (a%ter o%%ice hours) E 78'.987.!!(( 3loodplain ,anager ( ob 5eenan) E 78'.98!.9":' ROUTT COUNTY OFFICE OF EMER'ENCY MANA'EMENT E 78'.98'.###!

!28 !'th Street, <+1+ o? 88#'99, Steamboat Springs, Colorado 9'(88 (78') 987."':' E 3a? (78')987.99#! E www+steamboatsprings+net

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