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The world has always been a stage of drama for a woman.

Where her status in society has always been in dilemma, where one side of the play depicts the glorifying image of women where in the vedic era they are worshiped as goddess, they had been treated equivalent to men and were given the equal status like men, all the privileges and the glorious status of being a queen during the mughals rule and the freedom the women have achieved after facing all the hardships of the society, the freedom to work the participation in the decision and their achievements in various areas and the grim side of the story depicts her helplessness in this male dominated society where she was made to live the miserable life as the servants of their husbands, a place where deprived of her freedom to speak in decisions, to stand shoulder to shoulder with men, the problems that she faced like sati, child marriage, female infanticide, Domestic violence sexual harassments, rape attempts, , and as like a climax of the play many social reformers stood for the rights of the women and fought for them. Reformers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy who had the courage and stood against the old rituals of people of Sati.. Attitude of people towards woman is like the table of chess where they had been white people who are in the favor of the rights of the women and encouraged the movements for the women and supported them to step out in the world outside the four walls of the family and there had been blacks, who always believed on their old rituals of keeping their women into the four walls and where they consider the women as the machine for giving birth to boy child, though Era changed Time changed but the world has remained the same for a woman, it has not changed men see the women in TV in fashion shows but yet their mindset of people has remained the same for women. The image of sita and saraswati, is still revolving in their mind for their womens at their place. The stepping of a woman in a different world has fetched in more problems for her where she is molested by the cruel mens of the society, the illiteracy rate of women is more than men. But even then they have made it to achieve success despite the cruel rituals of the society. Where they have achieved the prominent positions in various fields like sports, politics, science and technology. Like Men and women are the two pillars of a family similarly a country require the contribution of both. There is no chance of the welfare of the world unless the condition of the women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing Swami Vivekananda

THE CHANGING STATUS OF WOMEN IN SOCIETY With changing Eras status of women have changed a lot in the society. Though the problems have remained the same in all the eras but yet the situation faced by them were different. Looking back upon was the Golden age was the time where the women was braced with throne of Goddess. Golden age here is been referred to as the vedic period of the ancient times. This was the era where women were considered auspicious for the family and were honored the equal status as that of the men. The females were considered to be the gifts In Indian culture this is their distinctive feature where people worship female deities and called them Mata (adi-shakti). Where Saraswati is the Goddess of learning, Laxmi is worshipped for wealth and then there are so many. But the interesting part to know is that this concept of male-centric world has its root from this period where by when this vedic religion expanded it brought the concept of Purusha and made it traditional to associate every female deities with a men and since then we Recognize goddess laxmi as the ensemble of Vishnu and Saraswati with brahma and it continues. Under the Hindu scriptures its been written that women are just the creation or is made for the family ancestry. Her prime conscientiousness lies in helping her father before getting married then to serve her husband and then to her offsprings. All the rituals of the Indian culture revolve around men where the customs made are for the men and are by the men. We might have noticed that puja that is being done in the families are done by pandits and not any female but the irony is they are worshipping the female deities without involving them in their austerity. The period exemplifies the hardships of feminine. The great epic Ramayana reveals where Sita was made to give agnee pareeksha to prove her purity and in spite of that was spurned off by her husband Ram on the source of her being relations with Ravan. Men has always considered women as their possession to which they can snatch, sell , and stake them the game of dice as in the epic Mahabarata the wife pandavas was put on pledge and was lost to kaurvas and was disgraced in front of the sabha, Where no one stepped ahead to protect her.

The phase of women was the mughal period. When the country was precedent by Kings,it had its own positive and negative for the status of the women. Where the women led the life with dignity and respect they hold the high positions in their families, Queens lived the porsch life with all the luxurious facilities, lavish home and food. Womens in this era enjoyed a respect and participation, But soon their status deteriorated and they suffered from many social evils where

the muslims had pudha system for their women similar was Ghoonghat for hindus to which they supported with argument that it was to protect the women from the atrocities of the men who wanted to satisfy their lust with the uncovered woman, women were devoid of the education because of the customs of the society, their was polygamy where the king was allowed to marry any number of wives as he wants but their was no divorce system prevalent for women. Women were burnt alive with the pyre of their husbands, the ritual named sati, and the argument they stated was that women status was nothing in this society without her men, child marriage another social evil prevalent was Devadasi system under which the unmarried girls were made to pass their lives as maidservants in the temple, where they were molested by the men.

After the post-Independence era the status of women started to improve because of the contribution of the reformers like Raja ram mohan roy who always stood for the fundamental rights of the women. Also by the enactment of many government regulation helped in emending the position of the women in the society. Where todays women has stepped in various field and excelled them, today women is no where less than men in any field. But the journey of a woman has always been a long toilsome journey from savage to the present state since the human evolution. She has always faced inhuman treatment from this male bastion society. Even today no matter how modern the world has became but the society has not changed for women. Females are considered as the bad omen for the family. There has always been a pressure from the family for a boy child who will further take the family lineage, which has led to the increase in the female infanticide. Though womens have stepped in the corporate world but even there they are facing the problems of sexual harassment, women trafficking etc.

CASE-1 RISING OPPORTUNITIES OF WOMEN Womens have came the long way, in this unabashedly male-centric culture women have strived hard and made themselves amongst these male dominated people who have always been reluctant in the acceptance of the fact that women are better than men in every fields and aspects of hard work intelligence and leadership traits. Womens have stayed ahead of men not only in one but many sectors in an upbeat manner.

Todays woman has overcome all the negative notions and has proved their capabilities of becoming successful. Here are some success stories of bold and fearless womens of India who have marked for themselves within the country and overseas. In the Corporate world Indra nooyi is the fourth most powerful woman in the world being the CEO of the largest beverage company, she has conferred with the prestigious Padma bhushan for her achievements in business she is an inspiration to all the women who want to become successful entrepreneurs.

Chanda kochar currently holding the position of MD & CEO of leading ICICI bank has received the Wockhardt Gold Medal for Excellence in Management Studies and the J. N. Bose Gold Medal in Cost Accountancy.

Ekta kapoor the JMD & Creative director of the Balaji Telefilms under whose production she has produced and directed famous k serials and movies like Kyunki saas.. , kasauti zindagi kii and the dirty picture, once upon a time in mumbai respectively. She is famous and recognized in the entertainment world

Shahnaz Hussain is popular for her herbal products in the cosmetic industry. She was the one to set the trend ofherbal cosmetics in the industry. Her pioneering work got recognition from Govt of India when she was conferred with prestigious Padma Shri award in 2006

Kiran Mazumdar Shaw spearheaded its evolution from an industrial enzymes manufacturing company to a fully integrated bio-pharmaceutical company. Today Biocon under her leadership has established itself as a leading player in biomedicine research with a focus on diabetes and oncology. She has received the prestigious Padma Shri (1989) and the Padma Bhushan (2005) from the government of India.

In Political world These are ordinary womens with extraordinary lives. Gone are the days when women were not involved in the matters of country and they were deprived of their voting rights. Today these are the countrys most powerful women decision makers

Indira Gandhi was the third prime minister of Independent India, who served long as the prime minister of the nation. She was the first and only woman to hold the office then until her assassination in 1984. Sonia Gandhi is one of the powerful politician in our country. Inspite of being from Italian origin she made herself survive in the Indian culture understanding the culture and governing the country. She dint lost her courage despite being alone after death of Rajiv Gandhi.

Pratibha Patil is first woman president of the large democracy in the world. She was the former Governor of Rajasthan. Her distinctive characteristic is that she has not lost a single election campaign till date. She has also involved in helping out the working women by setting up the hostels and educational institute like vidya bharati shikshan prasarak mandal.

Meira Kumar is the first woman speaker of the Lok sabha. She is an Indian poiliticial and five times Member of Parliament. She was elected as an unopposed speaker.

In the world of sports There were medals, and there were misses. But it is their struggle and hardships that made them stars. They gladdened Indian hearts with their lion-hearted performances. India is blessed with the prominent players like,

Mary Kom is the Woman of 2013; her phenomenal struggle made her to win against all odds and secured third rank. Her bronze is worth a gold .she fought the elements in the society and made her country proud in boxing.

Saina nehwal, she stood where she is today because of all the struggle did by her and her parents in finding the coaches when she was termed as a mediocre talent by many of her coaches, she dint give up and worked really hard and thus has made it to the Olympics.

Manisha malhotra, she is an inspiration to all and role model too many. She lightens the mood with her tales of struggle and success. She was a malnourished child and struggled with many injuries during her career path. Even after her retirement she has contributed a lot to sports.

In the World of technology Sunita Williams the renowned astronaut is the first women register her name into the space. She stayed there in space for 195 long days and landed back on earth on June 22, 2007.

Anna Mani an Indian meteroligist was the former deputy director General of the Indian Meteorological Department. Significat contributions are made by her in the field of

meteorological instrumentation and pioneered research in the areas of solar radation, ozone and wind energy. Kalpana Chawala. KAlpana Margabandhu.

In the world of social services(change it) Arundhiti Roy puts the Indian writing on the world radar. An activist who has been fighting against globalization, she won the coveted Booker Prize in 1997 for her first novel The God of Small Things. Kiran bedi is the first female IPS officer of India. She instituted a number of reforms in the management of Delhis Tihar prison and took several measures in the areas of control over narcotics, traffic management and VIP security. She served as Inspector General of Prisons, Tihar Jail. Mother Teresa was the founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic congregation of women dedicated to helping the poor.

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