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The Two Faces of Science and Technology

Science and technology are two sides that stand today as they are part of the same coin . The development of science and technology has to modify the natural ecargado our world into an artificial world , this resulted to a question is Where is the human part housed according to science?. The positive of Science and Technology The benefits that have led to the use of science through technology , numerous as the inventions of machines capable of performing tasks for men proved somewhat difficult to quickly and efficiently giving us , for example those used in farming . achines are available all the time , which increased demand , not ask for improvements at work or home. !n this way these inventions helped us somehow free from forced labor of poorly paid and highly exploited. !t had not been that way perhaps who have us the opportunity to read this we could not do it. "ne of the greatest inventions beneficial to mankind was the printing press, which helped the spread of knowledge , which was held by the few people who could afford a book that was written by hand. With the use of printing the value of such writings declined , so he could reach more people . !n the same way were subsequently invented the phonograph , radio , photography , which allowed ordinary people could appreciate different artistic expressions such as music , painting , ballet , among others. Science with Technology have given human beings and all the progress that has material comforts # handing ever new and more modern tools of communications , transportation , industry, medicine, agriculture, fishery, etc. . Thanks to these advances our planet can keep more than $,%&& million people who inhabit it. !t is true that some advances have been used to kill and destroy , but it is also true that many more have relieved us great evils , such as hunger and disease. 'ntil the first half of the twentieth century many people suffered because of polio , tuberculosis and typhus. Today, thanks to antibiotics and vaccinations these diseases are under control or are virtually eradicated. The negative Technological applications have had a high cost, which is noted on our planet . (or example ) The industry and transportation pollute the environment with noise and gas emission , which fill our cities with smog . The accumulation of gases in the upper layers of the atmosphere are directly responsible ? *reenhouse ? , Which consists of a global warming of the planet , and its most noticeable effect is felt , for example in +ntarctica , mainly at its edge coastal , which has increased its temperature by an average of half a degree every ten years , for the last fifty years and that would be causing a reduction of glaciers by about one kilometer per year, plus detachments from ice cap mass polar .

These processes are irreversible and cause within the next few years, a complete modification of the landscape of our planet . +ll countries would achieve the standard of living of the average +merican , but the 'nited States that represents % , of the world population and with this small percentage is primarily responsible for the pollution that affects us all . They produce about -- , of ."/ , the greenhouse gas , and consume about -$ , of the energy generated worldwide. That is, if everybody consumed the same amount of energy as the 'nited States , our world with today0s technology, it would not be able to deliver the required energy and would not support the high levels of pollution that would occur . 'nfortunately technology has been unable to construct, at its concepts , an artificial world to protect us from the way we use nature. +nd only when the natural world is revealed against harmful action our technique , we question the way we use it. Today , when our artificial world begins to 1eopardi2e our future existence , we reali2e that our profound alterations and modifications to the environment negatively affect our interests and needs and we feel the urgent need to review the definitions we have built ourselves and the world that we are part. Loss of humanity .urrently, in most developed countries and the less so, many people can replace the routine of going to their place of work and make this from home, through intensive use of computer , fax and email, also replaces the personal errands and banking, payments and purchases , which are used increasingly more money and virtual transaction . This will have replaced traditional forms of coexistence between people , losing those virtues that only direct human relationship occurs , such as friendship , solidarity and the ability to work in groups, activities that led us to accept with our virtues and limitations . Plague or Virus ? The scientific 3 technological human 4eing able , rigged carry costs on our planet and our way of life , which are inevitable and if we do not put shortcut or at least minimi2e its effects, lead to the extermination of human beings as a species of this planet 5arth and we could turn into a species that lived shortly planetary scale , but that caused more damage and destruction than any other. !n this case the effect of humans on 5arth would the property and effects that are more like causing a plague or a virus that destroys the being upon whom stray, in this case the 5arth .

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