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Running head: STRENGTHS

Learning Outcomes Narrative: Strengths Erin Lewis SDA Portfolio Professor Diaz Seattle University April 2014



Learning Outcomes Narrative: Strengths Integrative Theme A macro-theme that I have identified that provides an overarching framework for my strengths is: leadership development. This theme is a natural fit for several reasons, one of which being that Leadership Development is where I have worked in a graduate assistant role throughout the duration of my time in the Student Development program. Leadership developmentas a themeis important to me because it is so multidimensional and encompasses many strength areas that I developed over time. Personally, leadership development has been a crucial part of my overall development. One part area that is so important to me personally is the idea of developing leadership through increasing my own emotional intelligence. After taking MGMT 575: Leading with Emotional Intelligence, I was able to separate my emotional intelligence into four distinct areas for development: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. Having a strong competency in each of these four areas has dramatically increased the meaningfulness of my relationships with others and also with myself. For me, leadership starts with self-awareness. Having a deep understanding of who you are, what your core values are, what your strengths and challenges are, and how you communicate with others are crucial components for being a successful student affairs professional. My experience in my graduate assistantship has helped me develop myself into a self-aware, confident, and reflective leader who I am proud to be. My experience in my internships has added an extra layer ethical decision-making to my existing leadership philosophy, and the countless opportunities that I have had to work in collaboration with students



and staff members alike has contributed significantly to enhancing my professional identity as a leader in student affairs. Learning Outcome Dimensions The three unique areas that I chose to best address my integrative theme of leadership development are my core values, my leadership philosophy, and my experience with facilitation and dialogue. These areas support my four strongest learning outcomes in my experience in the SDA program. LO#3 (exhibiting professional integrity and ethical leadership in professional practice), LO#6 (developing and demonstrating skills in leadership and collaboration), LO#8 (communicating effectively in speech and writing), and LO#10 (establishing and enhancing professional identity). My deep understanding of my core values are the foundation for my competency in LO#3 (exhibiting professional integrity and ethical leadership in professional practice). This area is supported by Artifact B1 and Artifact B2, the personal and professional mission statements that I developed during SDAD 579: Student Development Capstone Seminar in Winter quarter 2014. These artifacts delve into my core values of responsibility and communication, which are the cornerstones for my professional integrity and the way I make ethical decisions both in my personal life and also in my professional practice. My personal and professional philosophy on leadership has helped me develop LO#6 (developing and demonstrating skills in leadership and collaboration) and LO#10 (establishing and enhancing professional identity). Both my graduate assistantship and my coursework have contributed to my development in these two areas. Artifact G demonstrates how my programming has evolved over the course of the two years I have spent in my assistantship. Taking a program from a half-day retreat that is Harry Potter-themed to a full-day retreat with



extended curriculum around multicultural competency portrays how my leadership philosophy has shifted over time. Artifact F1, my professional letter of promise, demonstrates how my leadership philosophy and style have shifted over time according to the perspective of my supervisor. She has seen the growth that has occurred in me over the past two years, and her perspective is one that I value greatly. The most obvious content that has shaped my leadership philosophy was the My Leadership Philosophy assignment that I completed in EDAD 570: Leadership in Education I (Artifact C3) during Spring quarter 2013. This artifact demonstrates how I define leadership, what I think makes an effective leader, and how I choose to do leadership. Finally, LO#8 (communicating effectively in speech and writing) is addresses by my experience with facilitation and leading group dialogue. The resume that I completed in SDAD 579: Student Development Capstone Seminar (Artifact A2) demonstrates my vast facilitation experience with students and staff alike. From high school leadership summer camps to facilitating large-group sessions for 200+ college students, my experience with facilitation and group dialogue is extensive. In Artifact F2, Tracy Phutikanit addresses my ability to positively foster groups and create safe spaces for others. This is the most meaningful representation of my development of LO#8 that I can produce. Demonstration of Development in Learning Outcomes Past LO#3: Before the SDA program, I do not think I fully understood what it meant to exhibit professional integrity and ethical leadership in professional practice. I have always considered myself to be an ethical individual, but my scope of professional integrity was limited. LO#6: I had extensive leadership and collaboration experience coming into the SDA program



with my experience as a Resident Assistant and Leadership Camp Counselor (Artifact A1). But the depth of my understanding of what leadership meant was relatively limited. LO#8: I have been proud of my written and verbal communication skills since I was quite young, but the vocabulary that I had prior to the SDA program would have made it very difficult to communicate effectively at the level necessary for this profession. LO#10: I honestly am not sure if I knew what my professional identity was before the SDA program. That is part of the reason why I chose to attend graduate school to begin with. Present LO#3: My internships in Integrity Formation and student conduct were by far the best influences for me in terms of my development of professional integrity and ethical leadership. Learning various identity development and moral development theories in SDAD 578: Student Development Theory, Research and Practice played a significant role in the development of this learning outcome for me. LO#6: My graduate assistantship has played a crucial role in developing my leadership and collaboration skills while at Seattle University. Additionally, my experience as the Communications Chair of SUSDA has provided me with wonderful opportunities for collaboration among colleagues and young professionals. LO#8: Throughout my coursework I have greatly expanded on my vocabulary and also have had many opportunities to present in front of peers and colleagues; these experiences have contributed positively to my development. LO#10: Having the opportunity to work with various students in various capacities at various institutions has been the most positive contributor to enhancing my professional identity.



Future LO#3: In my aspiration to be a Dean of Students, I fully understand that I will encounter increasingly more situations that require professional integrity and ethical leadership. I look forward to this important challenge. LO#6: Leadership is a process that never ends. My goal for this learning outcome is to continue to read leadership theories and self-direct my continued development in this area. I will also seek out professional development opportunities in this area. LO#8: I strive to continue learning about theories so that I can put them into practice and communicate in an effective and meaningful way that is helpful for students. LO#10: I will never stop increasing my own self-awareness and learning about myself so that I can continue to enhance my professional and personal identities.

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