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[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum
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[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760)

St a r t ed by pept o, Oct 1 4 2 0 1 3 0 4 :0 9 PM dell, m averick s , 780, optiplex , tutorial, os x , hd5450, track pad , pdf , Sim on ,

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Post ed 1 4 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 4 :0 9 PM

Updated 27 februari 2014 - Added update 10.9.2 steps in the document - Latest PDF version 1.2 with date 27 februari 2014 Updated 21 october 2013 - Fixed some text true the document - Rewrite of chapter 7 - Added new images for chameleon install and iMessage Error - Added section TROUBLESHOOTI NG - Added Boot 0 : ERROR in Troubleshooting - Added iMessage Error in Troubleshooting - New I

Run OSX Mavericks on a Dell Optiplex 780

This tutorial will describe the steps to install Mav ericks on a Dell Optiplex 7 80 (this will also works on a 7 6 0). The installation goes to the latest v ersion of 1 0.9 , and when there is a new update i will change the tutorial as soon as possible. If y ou find any m istakes or hav e som ething to im prov e then please send m e a PM and i will update the tutorial. I hav e also included the PDF file of the guide and the zip file to install OSX Mav ericks. A special thanks goes to Brian from Tech Erra for using parts of their tutorial. I am from The Netherlands so sorry for m y bad English.



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum

1. Credits/Sources
Ev ery thing OSx86 -related is a collaborativ e effort am ongst people who enjoy doing these things, as well as those of us who enjoy tweaking and experim enting with things. Below are a list of sources used to com pile this guide: 1 . Tech Erra ( /) 2 . OSX86 Wiki (http://wiki.osx86 3 . Insanely Mac (http://www.insanely m /) 4 . Forum member Pingu from Germany for helping me out wit h t he t ext changes. 5. And all ot her forum members who have post ed in my t opic and helping out t he communit y .

2. Requirements
Here are the requirem ents: 1 . A Dell Opt iplex 7 80 This is necessary to install OSX Mav ericks for this tutorial 2 . A copy of Mac OS X This can be in the form of an existing hackintosh, a v irtual m achine within Windows or Linux, or ev en a regular Mac. If y ou dont hav e any of these things, then find som eone who can help y ou out for a while. I prefer using a hackintosh with OSX Mountain Lion. Using an already working copy of Mac OS X either in a VM or a nativ e hackintosh install is HIGHLY recom m ended. 3 . A 8GB USB flash drive (or larger) Well be copy ing the files to the driv e appropriately , so m ake sure that y ou hav e a flash driv e with enough storage space (8GB or larger). 4 . A copy Mavericks 10.9 GM If y ou dont hav e a Mac Dev eloper Account, then y oull find torrents of 1 0.9 around the web. 5. 30-60 minut es of t ime Depending on how tech-sav v y y ou are, this m ay be quick, or it m ay take a while. 6 . An SSD or HDD t o inst all 10.9 t o For m e, I used a 500GB partition to install 1 0.9 to. 7 . An PCI Express Video Card For use with QE and CI Highly recommended. I use a Ati Radeon HD54 50 1 GB but 51 2 MB or 2 GB also works. 8. Inst ( 09 .zip) This ZIP file contains everything that y ou need to get y our flash driv e properly prepared. Not e: The files for num ber 8 "Install1 09 .zip" contains the following Directory 's (4 ) and files: Kernel - Mach Kernel Kext s - FakeSMC.kext - NullCPUPowerManagem ent.kext - EliottForceLegacy RTC.kext - AppleIntelE1 000e.kext VoodooHDA.kext OSInst all - OSInstall - OSInstall.m pkg (Not used for m y configuration because I use the entire hard disk) Ut ils - Cham eleon-2 .2 sv n-r2 2 6 5 - Cham eleon Wizard - Kext Utility - EFI Studio - ShowHiddenFiles The first 3 .kext files will fix m ost kernel panics en bios reset that y ou m ight experience while booting. The 2 OSInstall files will allow y ou to install 1 0.9 onto an MBR-partitioned driv e ( ! this is not tested, for further info go to insaneley m ac forum (http://www.insanely m /forum /files/file/9 9 -m av ericks-m br-patch/) !).

3. My Specs
My installation was successfully done on an Dell Optiplex 7 80 Desktop com puter with the following specs. NOTE: A PCI v ideo card is recom m ended to use the full potential of OSX Mav ericks because the on board v ideo card doesn't support QE/CI. Intel Core 2 Duo E7 500 @ 2 .9 3 GHz 8GB DDR3 1 3 3 3 Mhz RAM Western Digital 500GB HDD ATI RADEON HD54 50 1 GB Intel WG82 56 7 LM onboard network Bluetooth USB Cam bridge silicon radio (works OOB) ADI 1 9 84 A HDA audio onboard



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum
HP W2 2 07 h Monitor 1 6 80 1 050 display Apple Magic Trackpad Apple Wireless Key board US

4. Preparing your SSD or HDD for install on a MBR-partitioned drive

If y ou intent to install OSX86 Mav ericks on the sam e Hard disk as y our windows follow the steps below. For a clean install on a new form atted hard disk go to Chapter 5. If y oure in Windows 7 , y ou can easily m ake a new partition on an SSD or HDD v ia the Disk Managem ent program . 1 . Start> Run (or Windows key on y our key board plus R). 2 . diskm gm t.m sc (press enter after ty ping that) 3 . Find y our driv e, right-click on it, and go to Shrink Volum e. 4 . Wait for it to calculate the am ount of space y ou can m ake y our partition, and enter in y our am ount (for an exact GB am ount, m ultiple y our desired am ount of GB tim es 1 02 4 , so a 2 0GB partition would be 2 04 80MB). 5. Let it m ake y our partition. It will show up as unallocated space. 6 . Form at the new unallocated space as NTFS and giv e it a label (m ine was Mav ericks). 7 . Done!

5. Formatting your USB drive

Start OSX Mountain (Lion) or Snow Leopard to prepare y our USB Flash driv e Make sure to backup the files that are already on y our USB flash driv e v ia Disk Utility in Mac OS X: 1 . Extract the zip file Install1 09 .zip to y our Mac OS x desktop 2 . Put USB driv e in y our Mac 3 . Open up Disk Utility . 4 . Click on y our USB driv e in the left sidebar. 5. Click on the Erase tab in the m iddle. 6 . Choose Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) as the form at, and giv e y our driv e a label (like MAVERICKS USB). 7 . Click on the Erase button. 8. Done! 9 . Leav e Disk Utility open, as y oull need it later.

6. Preparing your USB drive with 10.9

This part is the m ost tim e consum ing. Using a USB 3 .0 flash driv e will help things out quite a bit. 1 . Mount the DMG for Mav ericks (will be called Mac OS X Install ESD on y our desktop). 2 . Show hidden files by running the app ShowHiddenFiles in the folder Install1 09 - Util on y our desktop. 3 . Click on Show Special Files (leav e the app ShowHiddenFiles open we need this later). 4 . In the folder MAC OS X Install ESD right click on Basesy stem .dm g and choose open with DiskIm ageMounter(default) 5. Switch back to Disk Utility . 6 . Click on y our flash driv e in the left sidebar. 7 . Click on the Restore button in the m iddle area. 8. For the source, drag Mac OS X Base Sy stem from y our desktop into the em pty Source box. 9 . For the destination, drag y our USB driv e from y our desktop into the em pty Destination box. 1 0. Click on Restore and ty pe y our password. This process will take any where from 5 to 1 0 m inutes depending on the speed of y our flash driv e. 1 1 . When its finished, y oull end up with 2 Mac OS X Base Sy stem driv es on y our desktop. Figure out which one is y our USB copy (y ou can right-click > Get Info and use the capacity as an indicator), and renam e it to MAVERICKSUSB, after that open it up. 1 2 . Once y ouv e opened up MAVERICKSUSB (the one thats y our flash driv e), go to /Sy stem /Installation. 1 3 . Youll see a sy m link for Packages. Rem ov e it. 1 4 . Create a folder called Packages. 1 5. Open up a window of the original Mac OS X Install ESD driv e and copy ev ery thing within Packages to the em pty Packages folder on y our USB driv e. 1 6 . Done! 1 0.9 is now installed onto y our USB driv e. Now, we need to m odify som e of the files on it so that it will properly bootup on a PC.

7. Adding the fixed 10.9 files to the USB drive

Now, we need to m odify som e of the files on y our USB driv e so that it will properly bootup on y our PC.



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum

1 . Open the folder Instal1 09 - Kexts on y our Mac OS X desktop. 2 . Copy 3 .kext files (FakeSMC.kext, NullCPUPowerManagem ent.kext, EliottForceLegacy RTC.kext) to /Sy stem /Library /Extensions on y our flash driv e. NOTE: The 2 OSInstall files will allow y ou to install 1 0.9 onto an MBR-partitioned driv e, if y ou install it on the entire hard disk skip step 3 and 4 an go further with step 5. 3 . Copy the OSInstall file to /Sy stem /Library /Priv ateFram eworks/Install.fram ework/Fram eworks/OSInstall.fram ework/Versions/A/, ov erwriting the file thats already there. 4 . Copy the OSInstall.m pkg file to /Sy stem /Installation/Packages/, ov erwriting the file thats already there. 5. Go to the root of y our USB driv e and create a folder called "Extra". This is used to store configuration files for the cham eleon boot loader 6 . Run the Cham eleon installation package from Install - Utils. Make sure to install this package to y our flash driv e. 7 . Choose in the Cham eleon setup for Custom ize, in the custom ize screen choose Modules FileNVRAM ( we need this to m ake iMessage work) after that go further with the install of Cham eleon. 8. Run the Cham eleon Wizard click the SMBios tab then click "Edit". Now there is a list of Prem ade SMBioses. Look through this list and choose for y our Dell Optiplex 7 80 the iMac9 .1 . Click Sav e As and sav e it to the /Extra folder we created on the USB stick. 9 . Choose Tab Org.Cham eleon.boot and set the follow options like in the im age below. 1 0. If the settings are like the im age then Click Sav e As and sav e it to the /Extra folder we created on the USB stick. 1 1 . Copy m ach_kernel from the Folder Install1 09 - Kernel and paste it into the root of y our flash driv e. 1 2 . Lastly , copy extracted folder (Install1 09 ) which y ou hav e extracted earlier from the zip file to the root of y our flash driv e. Youll need this in Chapter 1 2 1 3 . Eject all m ounted driv es (this is not necessary ) 1 4 . Go to ShowHiddenFiles and click hide special files after that close program . 1 5. Eject y our USB Driv e 1 6 . Done !

8. Bios Settings Dell Optiplex 780

Before we boot from the Dell Optiplex we need to optim ize the bios for OSX Mav ericks. 1 . Start y our Dell Optiplex and press F2 to get into the Bios. 2 . Go to Boot Sequence and choose on the right for USB Dev ice and click the up arrow so that the USB Dev ice is on top, click on apply to m ake the setting. 3 . Go then to Driv es - Sata Operation and choose on the right for Raid Autodetect/AHCI click again on apply and choose exit, now the Bios is ready for installing OSX Mav ericks.

9. Installing OSX Mavericks from your USB drive

Tim e for the fun stuff! Well now boot from y our USB driv e and install OSX Mav ericks onto the partition or Hard Driv e. 1 . Boot from y our USB driv e. 2 . Once in Cham eleon let the boot loader resum e (or hit enter to start it m anually highlight y our flash driv e and add -v -f to the end, then push enter. Youll see a lot of text fly by be patience startup m ay take a while.) 3 . Once y ou get into the installer (assum ing y our com puter didnt freeze, restart itself, or get a kernel panic), choose y our partition or Hard Disk to install OSX Mav ericks to. 4 . NOTE : when y ou install it on a partition skip step 5 - 1 0 see Chapter 4 . (If y ou install Mav ericks on the entire Hard disk follow the steps below ) 5. In the installer open up Disk Utility . 6 . Click on y our Hard Driv e in the left sidebar. 7 . Click on the Erase tab in the m iddle. 8. Choose Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) as the form at, and giv e y our driv e a label (like MAVERICKS). 9 . Click on the Erase button.



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum
1 0. Done close Disk Utility and go further with the installation process. 1 1 . The installation process will take about 5 to 1 5 m inutes, depending on the speed of both y our USB driv e and y our SSD or HDD. 1 2 . When finished boot to y our new OSX Mav ericks.

10. Booting OSX Mavericks!

Now that ev ery thing is finally prepared, y ou can go ahead and boot into OSX Mav ericks. 1 . Boot from y our USB driv e again y our com puter won't still be able to boot from the hard driv e. 2 . 2 . Once in Cham eleon let the boot loader resum e (or hit enter to start it m anually highlight y our flash driv e and add -v -f to the end, then push enter. Youll see a lot of text fly by be patience startup m ay take a while.) 3 . Youll ev entually get to the setup screens for OSX Mav ericks. Go through that process to setup OSX Mav ericks. 4 . Choose by "How Do You Connect" for "My Com puter Does Not Connect to the Internet" we will fix this later in Chapter 1 2 , go further with the installation process. 5. The installation process will take about 3 m inutes. 6 . Done! Proceed to Chapter 1 1 to install the bootloader to y our partition so that y ou dont hav e to rely on using y our USB driv e to bootup.

11. Installing the bootloader to 10.9

1 . Once in 1 0.9 go to finder preferences General and choose in show these item s on the desktop for - Hard Disk - External Disk - CD 2 . Go also to Sy stem Preferences Security & Priv acy click on the lock on the left corner and ty pe y our password 3 . Choose by Allow applications downloaded from : for Any where Allow from any where 4 . Close sy stem preferences. 5. Nav igate to y our folder Install1 09 -Utils and run the cham eleon package, install it to y our OS X driv e. 6 . Copy the Extra folder on y our USB driv e to the root of y our HDD (open Finder -> Go -> Com puter -> OS X -> paste folder). 7 . Done!

12. Install the Kext files for de Dell Optiplex 780 hardware
1 . Now, we need to install som e Kext files on y our Hard Disk driv e so that the hardware will work properly on y our PC. 2 . Open the folder Install1 09 - Kexts and select the following Kext files - AppelIntelE1 000e.kext - EliottForceLegacy RTC.kext - FakeSMC.kext - NullCPUPowerManagem ent.kext - VoodooHDA.kext 3 . Drag the Kext files (which are m entioned abov e) ov er "Kext utility .app" (contained in folder Install7 80) and release the m ouse 4 . Ty pe y our root password and the Kext files will be installed on y our Hard disk. 5. Reboot. 6 . Once in OSX Mav ericks go to Sy stem Preferences Network 7 . There will be a m essage say ing Network dev ice is detected 8. Choose apply if y ou want to use DHCP or giv e a IP Address if y ou use static IP. 9 . Click apply to m ake the setting activ e.

13. Installing Video for QE/CI Manually

1 . Copy the Kext files AMD5000Controller.kext and AMDRadeonX3 000.kext from sy stem /library /extension to y our desktop. 2 . Go to AMD5000Controller.kext and rightclick and choose Show Package Contents and open info.plist with textedit. 3 . Find < key > IOPCIMatch< /key > and add y our string for HD54 50 ( HD54 50 1 GB the string is 0x68F91002 and for 51 2 MB the string is 0x68E11002 ) < string> 0x68F91002 0x6 89 81 002 0x6 89 9 1 002 0x6 8E01 002 0x6 8E1 1 002 0x6 8D81 002 0x6 8C01 002 0x6 8C1 1 002 0x6 8D9 1 002 0x6 8B81 002 0x6 8B01 002 0x6 8B1 1 002 0x6 8A01 002 0x6 8A1 1 002 < /string> 4 . Sav e and Exit 5. Go to AMDRadeonX3 000.kext and rightclick and choose Show Package Contents and open info.plist with textedit. 6 . Find < key > AMDCedarGraphicsAccelerator< /key > and then look for the first < key > IOPCIMatch< /key > and add y our string for HD54 50 ( HD54 50 1 GB the string is 0x68F91002 and for 51 2 MB the string is 0x68E11002) add < string> 0x68F91002 0x6 8E01 002 < /string> 7 . Sav e and Exit 8. Install both kext files with Kext Utility 9 . Now reboot. 1 0. After Reboot the v ideo card m ust be working with QE/CI.

14. Update to 10.9.2

1 . Don't update thru Software Update download the com bo update here Download ( /downloads/DL1 7 2 6 /en_US/OSXUpdCom bo1 0.9 .2 .dm g) from the apple site. 2 . Run the 1 0.9 .2 com bo update walk thru the steps. 3 . After installation there will be a m essage say ing to restart y our sy stem , CHOOSE RESTART. 4 . The Com bo Update will be installed on the sy stem and will take about 1 0 m inutes 5. After the install the sy stem boots up norm ally but v ideo isn't working any m ore we will fix this m anually like in chapter 1 3 6 . Copy the Kext files AMD5000Controller.kext and AMDRadeonX3 000.kext from sy stem /library /extension to y our desktop. 7 . Go to AMD5000Controller.kext and rightclick and choose Show Package Contents and open info.plist with textedit. 8. Find < key > IOPCIMatch< /key > and add y our string for HD54 50



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum
( HD54 50 1 GB the string is 0x68F91002 and for 51 2 MB the string is 0x68E11002 ) < string> 0x68F91002 0x6 89 81 002 0x6 89 9 1 002 0x6 8E01 002 0x6 8E1 1 002 0x6 8D81 002 0x6 8C01 002 0x6 8C1 1 002 0x6 8D9 1 002 0x6 8B81 002 0x6 8B01 002 0x6 8B1 1 002 0x6 8A01 002 0x6 8A1 1 002 < /string> 9 . Sav e and Exit 1 0. Go to AMDRadeonX3 000.kext and rightclick and choose Show Package Contents and open info.plist with textedit. 1 1 . Find < key > AMDCedarGraphicsAccelerator< /key > and then look for the first < key > IOPCIMatch< /key > and add y our string for HD54 50 ( HD54 50 1 GB the string is 0x68F91002 and for 51 2 MB the string is 0x68E11002) add < string> 0x68F91002 0x6 8E01 002 < /string> 1 2 . Sav e and Exit 1 3 . Install both kext files with Kext Utility 1 4 . Now reboot. 1 5. After Reboot go to about this Mac and check if the v ersion is 1 0.9 .2 1 6 . The update is finished.


If y ou are using a 4 k HDD y ou can get boot:0 error, to solv e this issue do the following 1 . Reboot sy stem back into Mav ericks installer (USB)FLASH DRIVE). 2 . Run Disk Utility find the Disk Identifier (eg. disk0s2 ). 3 . Unm ount the driv e y ou installed Mav ericks on 4 . Launch Term inal and execute the following com m and: 5. dd if= /usr/standalone/i3 86 /boot1 h of= /dev /disk0s2 6 . Exit Term inal 7 . Boot Norm ally

15. App store and iCloud doesn't work

If AppStore and iCloud doesn't work follow the steps below. 1 . Open up EFI Studio in folder Install1 09 - Utils. , select Ethernet, select Add Dev ice. 2 . On the new window y ou will see a lot of num bers (Hex String) in the second row. 3 . Then clicked write to com .apple.boot.plist. 4 . Then go to /Library /Preferences/Sy stem Configuration/ .boot.plist and select the new key and string it added. 5. Now y ou can add the Hex Strings to y our org.cham eleon.boot.plist(com .apple.boot.plist) see Chapter 1 2 which should be in root/extra folder. When y ou add it m anually m ake sure it is in 6 . < key > dev ice-properties< /key > 7 . < string> Your Hex String here< /string> argum ents after that. 8. Rem ov e all network dev ices from Sy stem Preferences/Network. 9 . Delete in library > preferences> sy stem configuration> NetworkInterfaces.plist file. 1 0. Finally , Reboot. 1 1 . After reboot, go to Sy stem Preferences/Network add dev ices. Click (Ethernet) FIRST!! Then add the other adapters y ou use to connect to the internet or Bluetooth. 1 2 . Voila. App Store and iCloud now works.

16. iMessage Fix

Hackintoshes hav e been unable to log into the Messages app (better known as "iMessage") on OS X Mountain Lion and Mav ericks. We can now fix the problem using Cham eleon bootloader.

1 . Run the Cham eleon installation package from Install - Utils. Make sure to install this package to y our HDD. 2 . Choose in the Cham eleon setup for Custom ize, in the custom ize screen choose Modules FileNVRAM after that go further with the install of Cham eleon 3 . Finally , Reboot 4 . Voila. iMessage now works

17. If sound doesnt work

The HDMI from the Ati Radeon 54 50 doesnt work properly so we need to change this to Headphone, follow the step below to m ake sound work. 1 . Open Sy stem Preferences Sound Output And choose for Headphones.

18. Finished!
Youv e successfully installed OSX Mav ericks onto y our Dell Optiplex 7 80. At t ached Files (http://www.insanely m /forum /index.php?app= core&m odule= attach&section= attach&attach_id= 1 3 6 89 8) run os x mavericks 10.9.pdf (http://www.insanely m /forum /index.php? app= core&m odule= attach&section= attach&attach_id= 1 3 6 89 8) 710.34KB 9 7 dow n loa ds



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum


Post ed 2 1 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 1 1 :2 5 A M

Updated !


Post ed 2 2 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 2 :2 0 PM

Were y ou able to boot to Mav ericks without -f switch? Also y ou can update y our guide with info on correct PCIRootUID for v ideocards - i was able to launch Geforce 2 1 0 on Optiplex 7 80 only with PCIRootUID= 4 and GraphicsEnabler= Yes. Also add section concerning Optiplex 7 80 built-in sound speaker - in order to work y ou hav e to add to VoodooHDA info.plist this NodeToPatch setting:

<key >NodesT oPa t ch </key > <a r r a y > <di ct > <key >Codec </key > <i n t eger >2 </i n t eger > <key >Node </key > <i n t eger >1 9 </i n t eger > <key >Con fig </key > <st r i n g>0 x 9 0 1 3 0 1 4 f </st r i n g> </di ct > </a r r a y >


Post ed 2 4 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :5 1 A M

Hav e tried to install 1 0.9 sev eral tim es using both a dm g taken from the app store download and also a dev elopers GM release but when I boot from m y usb stick and select m y language I alway s get 'OS X Mav ericks cannot be installed on this com puter' Any Ideas? Thanks


Post ed 2 4 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 8 :1 9 A M

Gingabyte, on 24 Oct 2013 - 07:51 AM, said: Hav e tried to install 1 0.9 sev eral tim es using both a dm g taken from the app store download and also a dev elopers GM release but when I boot from m y usb stick and select m y language I alway s get 'OS X Mav ericks cannot be installed on this com puter' Any Ideas? Thanks

What y ou can do is to Copy the OSInstall.m pkg file (in m y zipfile Install1 09 .zip in the directory OSInstall) to /Sy stem /Installation/Packages/, renam e the file thats already there and past it in the folder. After that boot again to y our setup.


Post ed 2 4 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 9 :4 9 A M

Cheers, I hav e replaced osinstall.m pkg but it now gets stuck on - Missing Bluetooth Controller Transport?


Post ed 2 4 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 1 0 :2 2 A M

Gingabyte, on 24 Oct 2013 - 09:49 AM, said: Cheers, I hav e replaced osinstall.m pkg but it now gets stuck on - Missing Bluetooth Controller Transport?

Has to do with v ideo, First try to boot with -v -f if that doesn't work follow the cham eleon part from m y tutorial.



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum


Post ed 2 5 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 4 :5 8 A M

Install now runs through to com pletion but if I boot to usb after that, then select m y m acos hdd with -v -f it gets stuck at the bluetooth m essage again. I hav e tried with and without a graphics card, used -x, GraphicsEnabler= No but nothing can get past that point


Post ed 2 5 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :2 6 A M

Gingabyte, on 25 Oct 2013 - 04:58 AM, said: Install now runs through to com pletion but if I boot to usb after that, then select m y m acos hdd with -v -f it gets stuck at the bluetooth m essage again. I hav e tried with and without a graphics card, used -x, GraphicsEnabler= No but nothing can get past that point

OK i hav e installed y esterday again and cam e with the sam e problem . I hav e fixed it i Will post the files tonight for y ou.


Post ed 2 5 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 1 :4 7 PM

Oke i am at hom e now i hav e attach the file in this post extract the extra folder to y our root of y our USB Install. After that boot from the USB Stick and it will work. If booting is ok go further with chapter 8 Preparing the files for USB but now y ou m ust do this to y our HDD. I will change this as soon as possible in m y Tutorial. I hope this will help y ou. Just boot with -v -f Let m e know if its worked out for y ou so i can change the tutorial. At t ached Files (http://www.insanely m /forum /index.php?app= core&m odule= attach&section= attach&attach_id= 1 3 04 06 ) Ext (http://www.insanely m /forum /index.php?app= core&m odule= attach&section= attach&attach_id= 1 3 04 06 ) 272.66KB 2 6 1
dow n loa ds


Post ed 2 6 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 1 2 :5 9 A M

no info.plist inside am dcontroller5000, shows only 2 folders!!! what can i do?


Post ed 2 7 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 5 :4 5 A M

kofmasters, on 26 Oct 2013 - 12:59 AM, said: no info.plist inside am dcontroller5000, shows only 2 folders!!! what can i do? If y ou right click on AMD5000Controller.kext then select show package content there m ust be the file. info.plist

Juan Perez

Post ed 2 7 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 1 1 :4 1 PM

Hi to ev ery body . Yesterday I installed Mav ericks on a DELL 7 80. I hav e NVDIA GT6 1 0 and is working fine, just a m inim al issue, please y our help. I installed the following kext - AppelIntelE1000e.kext / Network - NullCPUPowerManagem ent.kext / I think is for power management - VoodooHDA.kext / Audio on board and HDMI audio enabled I did not use the following kext files. - EliottForceLegacy RTC.kext - FakeSMC.kext After CPU goes to sleep m ode, and I try to wake up the CPU, m y sy stem just got frozen, I hav e no v ideo, and hav e to restart m anually the CPU. Do y ou know if the following kext (EliottForceLegacy RTC.kext / FakeSMC.kext) files will help to fix sleep problem ?



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum
Thanks in adv ance.


Post ed 2 8 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 5 :0 4 A M

You need also both kext files the EliottForceLegacy RTC.kext is for bios reset and the fakesm c for The Sy stem Managem ent Controller like fan control sleep and m ore sy stem related hardware for intel base m acs. But the sleep issue still exist on the dell 7 80.


Post ed 2 8 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :1 0 A M

Copied y our new 'extra' folder to m y usb stick, replaced the org.cham eleon.boot.plist to add back in the boot options. Re ran the install and hav e m anage to sucessfully install 1 0.9 I now seem to be hav ing issues getting m y 54 50 51 2 MB to work correctly AMD5000Controller.kext - added 0x6 8e1 1 002 into current string AMDRadeonX3 000.kext - added 0x6 8e1 1 002 into current string under AMDCedarGraphicsAccelerator Thanks for all the help! and the great guide


Post ed 2 8 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :2 0 A M

Gingabyte, on 28 Oct 2013 - 07:10 AM, said: Copied y our new 'extra' folder to m y usb stick, replaced the org.cham eleon.boot.plist to add back in the boot options. Re ran the install and hav e m anage to sucessfully install 1 0.9 I now seem to be hav ing issues getting m y 54 50 51 2 MB to work correctly AMD5000Controller.kext - added 0x6 8e1 1 002 into current string AMDRadeonX3 000.kext - added 0x6 8e1 1 002 into current string under AMDCedarGraphicsAccelerator Thanks for all the help! and the great guide

If y ou wanna know if the string is right go to sy stem report and profile and watch y oor string at graphics it starts with 0x6 8e1 , than look abov e for further string. Or m ake a screenshot of y our sy stem profile so i can see y our graphic string for the HD54 50. I am using a spapphire.


Post ed 2 8 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :4 6 A M

Dev ice ID - 0x6 8f9 ? Rev ision ID - 0x0000


Post ed 2 8 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :5 2 A M

Gingabyte, on 28 Oct 2013 - 07:46 AM, said: Dev ice ID - 0x6 8f9 ? Rev ision ID - 0x0000

Can y ou m ake a screenshot, What i can see y ou can use the 0x6 8F9 1 002 string, strange i hav e 2 v ideocards of the HD54 50 1 51 2 MB 0x6 8E1 1 002 and 1 1 GB 0x6 8F9 1 002 . I thought they where specific.


Post ed 2 8 Oct ober 2 0 1 3 - 0 7 :5 9 A M

priv ate m essaged y ou


Post ed 0 3 Nov em ber 2 0 1 3 - 0 4 :1 4 PM

Gingabyte, on 28 Oct 2013 - 07:10 AM, said:



[Guide] Mavericks 10.9.X - Dell Optiplex 780 (760) - Complete Desktops - InsanelyMac Forum

Copied y our new 'extra' folder to m y usb stick, replaced the org.cham eleon.boot.plist to add back in the boot options. Re ran the install and hav e m anage to sucessfully install 1 0.9 What org.chameleon.boot .plist file did y ou modify (was it on t he USB inst aller?), and what edit s did y ou make t o it ? Thanks!

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