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Collective Counselling Synopsis - Opening Written by Merouane Berrazouane

Int. School Car park -Day Time Credits -A Patchman Studios Film Bud leaning against a wall in the school park , heavyeyed and feeling ,he is already intoxicated by the healthy dose of Power Kush (a marijuana strain renowned for it s inducement of !uphoria" in his tightly rolled up joint# $s he inhales large %uantities of &'( while enjoying the )esty flavour of the slow burning *atermelon rolling paper that embraces the contents of the joint as if they were mother and child,Bud reflects upon the meaning of life , morality and eternity and thoroughly %uestions whether the three actually exist# Credits A Channel 4 Production +n the midst of deep thought and philosophising Bud is interrupted by a frantic ,an who appears to be running away from -ilva# .ike a cheetah pursuing his prey ,-ilva s is eyes are focused on a hopeless ,an who, in this particular situation bares a striking resemblance to a young impala in it s final moments# ,esperate# $s he is currently under the influence, Bud believes himself to be undergoing a hallucinatory episode, as per usual# 'e then proceeds to ash and throw away the burnt carcass of the joint and begins walking# Credits Produced y !illy Dickhens

Bud swaggers towards a wave of clients who are hoping to be dealt only the finest of marijuana , fruitiful in &'( and explosive in taste# &hey all approach Bud wide eyed , he is notorious for supplying top %uality /mary-jane0 and unparralled as a dealer# Bud has realised a chain deal is about to occur# $ grin materialises on his face# Credits Directed By David Lechantousse 'e completes the first transaction and proceeds to execute a twist , demonstrating atypical gracefulness for someone under the influence of narcotics#

'e makes the second transaction by throwing an ounce of marijuana to his next client , he then impishly slaps his customer on their behind , a subtle method used by Bud to remind a client of the money they owe him# Credits Sammy "anyoshkel 'e makes the third transaction with a curvaceos tennage girl#-he appears to be the same age as Bud , who makes the transaction and simultaneoulsy turns his head to once more ga)e at the hourglass body-shaped female , he turns his head back around , needless to say he is delighted by the view# Credits San#ita $urun% Int. &utside School Toilets Credits Ahmed 'assan Credits "ehdi 'ussain $fter a combination of heavy hitting punches , -ilva knees ,an in the stomach twice then proceeds to throw him against a wall with ease , as if he were a bag of crips# ,an wears a frightened expression , he understands that he can neither fight nor fly in this situation, so he allows himself to be battered to a pulp by the herculean goliath that is -ilva#1nce he is on the floor , ,an is ended with a single kick from -ilvas heavily built legs# $s he is struck , he feels years of brutal martial arts training on his face , his face hits the wet gravel but ,an is unfa)ed# $fter a severe beating , the hard ground feels like a pillow stuffed with feathers to ,an# $fter finishing ,an , -ilva walks off and ,an remains on the hard ground of the school carpark , like an injured animal , he plays dead in fear of -ilva s return# Credits Moha ed !h ed

,an remains on the floor afte -ilva has departed , still shaken by the experience , all of a sudden a plump 2oey appears from behind a bin# 'e smells food# 'e spots the snickers bar ,an had hidden in the backof his trousers and begins to lick his lips excessively# Credits (ditor "erouane erra)ouane

'e approaches a resting ,an and attempts to pickpocket the snicker bar unfortunetly ,stealth is one of 2oey s weaker attributes and ,an %uickly becomes aware of 2oey s prescence and motives# 'e attempts to grab the extra large snicker bar from 2oey , he fails and is struck on the forhead with the candy bar by 2oey# 'e is knocked ou cold# 2oey runs around the corner# Credits (*ecuti+e Producer "oney "o Int . ehind School Toilets y "erouane erra)ouane

Credits !ritten

2oey turns the corner and is already exhausted , he decides to turn once again and rests , he decides to consume the candy bar in order to regain his strength# 'e uses his remaining strength to tear open the wrapper , he dives into the snickers bar and %uickly devours the sweet chocolate# Credits Costume and props #ohn smith Credits ,i%htin% $uys -ack and .ill Credits 'air and makeup -im/on Credits "usic -essica #ohnson Int.Counsellin% room -ilva , 2oey ,Bud and ,an are seated in the counselling room# Credits Foley timmy and #immy Title Collecti+e counsellin% appears across the screen

Int.Counsellin% room -ilva , 2oey ,Bud and ,an are seated in the counselling room# $ nervous ,an feels out of place , he is on a much higher calibre in comparison to the three misfits and has nothing that needs to be discussed with the counseller# 'e begins reminescing#

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