What Is An Abstract of A Thesis Proposal

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WHAT IS AN ABSTRACT OF A THESIS PROPOSAL An abstract is a brief summary written for a research study or proposal that is placed at the

beginning of a paper. The abstract gives the reader a general idea of the proposed research, why is it being done, how it will be conducted and how it relates to past and future research in a given field. A good abstract makes the reader want to learn more about your research should fully encapsulate your paper or proposed study. INTRODUCTION Think of the introduction to your research proposal as an executive summary. The person reading your proposal is probably busy, so the introduction should do two things. First, it should provide something interesting or surprising about the subject to gain the readers attention. Second, it should present the specific focus and thesis of your research. Research proposal introductions are typically no more than one page of text, in a font no smaller than 12 point. The introduction of your thesis proposal should provide basic information on the field in which your research will be based. This is especially useful if your proposal is directed toward individuals who are unknowledgeable about the field. The background describes your personal reasons for choosing the topic, as well as the reasons why society should also be interested in the issue. This is the time to elaborate on your problem statement by presenting specific examples. The theoretical framework is presented in the early section of a dissertation and provides the rationale for conducting your research to investigate a particular research problem. Consider the theoretical framework as a conceptual model that establishes a sense of structure that guides your research. It provides the background that supports your investigation and offers the reader a justification for your study of a particular research problem. It includes the variables you intend to measure and the relationship you seek to understand. Essentially, this is where you develop a theory and build your case for investigating that theory. The theoretical framework is your presentation of a theory that explains a particular problem. A conceptual framework is a graphic diagram of a research topic or thesis. The conceptual framework is basically a visual representation of the research topic. The conceptual framework discusses the thesis or hypothesis stated in the paper expands on literature pertinent to the

topic and offers a synopsis of the research papers main points. A conceptual framework assists to structure a research paper and expand, clarify and discuss the subject fully. The problem statement declares the looming consequences of the issue you wish to address in your thesis. The purpose section should clearly communicate the goals of your thesis. The goals should be measurable so you can later access your progress and success rate. The significance section should explore the potential benefits of study. List the ways in which society may benefit from your work, or explain how your work will add to the current body of knowledge in the field. During your literature review acknowledge existing studies that seem to support, complement or argue against your methodology. In your hypothesis, use concrete details to describe exactly what you expect your research to reveal. While it may be tempting, do not use this section to recount your methodology. Use the definition of terms to elaborate on any words or phrases that reader may not know. This will include terms that are exclusive to the field of study. In the assumptions section, acknowledge underlying values and beliefs that your study assumes to be true. This will include outlooks and positions that cannot be tested.

PRELIMINARIES Copyright page Title Page Certification and Approval Sheet Certification of Originality Acknowledgements Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of figures


Introduction Discusses four relevant ideas: o o o o Topic or subject matter of the research Importance of the topic The reason for choosing the topic The purpose of the study

To introduce the topic define it before discussing it. o o o o Elaborate by using methods of paragraph development Stress the importance of the topic Cite legal bases To discuss the reason of the topic emphasize what motivated you to choose the topic, such as a problem or an unsatisfactory condition that you experienced or observed in the environment and you feel the need to improve. o Explain the purpose of your study, you must be guided by your goal or objective.

Background of the study Includes purpose and reason behind the conduct of the study. What made you conduct the study?

Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem The main problem that the research is trying to solve. It follows the formulation of the title and should be faithful to it. It specifically points the important questions that the study needs to answer. It also serves as the bases of the questionnaire. State the purpose of the research and then enumerate the research questions or subproblems that the study intends to answer. Take note that the general problem is contained in the research title cannot be a subproblem.

Hypothesis (if any) Scope and Limitations of the study Determines the coverage of the study and all the things that it will not cover in order to be specific. Points out what is included or covered by the investigation and what is not. In terms of what the researcher should explain clearly the specific topic covered by the study and which are not. In terms of who/whom the researcher should identify who are involved in the research and who are not. In terms where and when, the writer should indicate definitely the locale and the time covered by the research. Significance of the Study Why conduct the study? You have to identify who will benefit from the research and how they will be benefitted. This should match with the recommendations.

Definition of terms Defines technical terms based on how they are used in the study, specifically in the title. This aims to provide the readers or future researches with the basic terminologies that are important to understand the paper. o o Universal Definition is the dictionary meaning Operational Definition is based on how the word is used in the study.

Be sure to give the source of definition, be it universal or operational, if the definition is not your own.

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE and STUDIES Foreign Literature Local Literature Foreign Studies Local Studies Synthesis and Relevance of the Reviewed Literature and Studies This is where you will use your note cards and will serve as the foundation of your research.

This is your own work and therefore should not directly lift words from other sources. This will require your command of language and writing skills such as summarizing, paraphrasing and writing indirect speeches. o STEP 1 Organize your note cards on how you would want them to appear in the chapter o STEP 2 Begin writing the chapter while including surnames of authors who provided sources for your study and the publication date of their work in parentheses. o STEP 3 Edit. Rewrite.

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Method of Research Descriptive The kind of research used by your study. This answers why the method used is appropriate for the study.

Population, Sample Size (Using Slovins Formula), Sampling Technique (Random Sampling) Description of the Respondents (demographic profile, Age, sex, gender, etc.) Describes your respondents o o o Who they are What their profile is Where they are from, etc.

Research Instrument (questionnaire) Describes your research instrument which is the questionnaire.

Data gathering procedure (written request for answering questionnaire, interview) Narrates the process undergone by the study that eventually leads to findings.

Statistical Treatment of Data (T Test, Annova, Frequency, Percentage, mean, Correlation and Chi Square) The statistical treatment that you will use which includes your sampling method and formulas to come up with findings out of the data gathered.

CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA (Only the main topic per problem shall appear as headings. The number of subheadings shall be consistent with the number of subproblems posed in Chapter 1) Presents all the data gathered using the questionnaire by tabulating all the gathered information. Aside from the tables, an interpretation of each presented data should follow. These will serve as the bases of your Summary of Findings.

CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATIONS Summary - (gist of the statement of the problem, hypothesis if any, research method and sampling designs, instruments and statistical tools used.)

Findings Summarizes the interpretation of data given in Chapter 4. These should directly answer your statement of the problem.

Conclusions Out of your findings, your conclusions are based. This provides the answers for every statement of the problem. This is where you will prove your hypotheses and assumptions.

Recommendations Should be directly based on the significance of the study. This also includes the recommended actions that should be done after the conduct of the study such as further assessment of the subject, focus on other factors, etc.

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