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31 Determine the indices for the directions shown in the following cubic unit cell:

1 2 1 1 , 2 2

1 2



Direction A is the 110 direction. the direction vector.

[ ]

To identify it, we position the origin at the tail of

Then, in terms of this new coordinate system: x y -a -1 b 1 not necessary 110

0c 0

Projections! Projections in terms of a,b, and c Reduction to integers Enclosure

[ ]

Direction B is the [121] direction. This vector passes through the origin of the coordinate system, and thus no translation is necessary. Therefore: ! x y z
Projections Projections in terms of a, b, and c Reduction to integers Enclosure a/2 1/2 1 b 1 2 [121] c/2 1/2 1

Direction C is the [ 012 ] direction: x

Projections Projections in terms of a, b, and c Reduction to integers Enclosure 0a 0 0

!b/2 -1/2 -1 [0 12 ]

c -1 -2

Direction D is the [1 2 1] direction:

Projections Projections in terms of a, b, and c Reduction to integers Enclosure x a/2 1/2 1 y b -1 -2 [1 2 1] z c/2 1/2 1

3.39 Sketch within a cubic unit cell the following planes: (a) (b) (c) (d) (10 1 ), (2 1 1), (012), (3 1 3), (e) (1 1 1 ), (f) ( 2 1 2 ), (g) (31 2), (h) (301).


Determine the Miller indices for the planes shown in the following unit cell:
1 2 1 3



3.53 (a) Derive planar density expressions for FCC(100) and (111) planes in terms of the atomic radius R. (b) Compute and compare planar density values for these same two planes for molybdenum.


u v B


uv C

u v A

uv Suppose vector A = [100]

Choose two vectors within plane (100):

u v uv B = [001], C =[010]

uv A uv A

uv B = [1 0 0 ] [ 0 01 ]= 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 uv B = [1 0 0 ] [ 01 0 ]= 0 + 0 + 0 = 0

[100] ! (100)


u v A
[111] (111)

uv C
u v B

uv Suppose vector A = [111]

Choose two vectors within plane (111) :

u v uv " , C = ! 11 0 " B= ! 0 1 1 # $ # $

uv A uv A

uv B = [111 ] uv B = [111]

! 0 11 " = 0 +1+ (-1) = 0 # $ ! 11 0 " = (%1) + 1 + 0 = 0 # $

[ 111 ]! ( 111 )

6 InSb (Indium Antimonide) is a so-called narrow bandgap semiconductor. Its gap energy is 0.17eV. It is often used as part of a detector for infrared light in night-vision systems, for example. A) sketch a well-labeled energy-band diagram characteristic of InSb. B) Calculate the maximum wavelength of light that could be absorbed by a crystal of pure InSb by exciting an electron from its valence band to its conduction band A)
E=0 Empty Band Energy Gap Eg = 0.17 eV Full Valence Band

hc E= !

hc != = E

1eV (6.63 #10"34 J " s )( )(3 #108 m / s ) 1.602 #10"19 = 7.3 m 0.17eV

7. Crystallographic properties of cubic SiC (a) Percent ionicity =1 ! exp[!(0.25)( x A ! xB ) 2 ] "100

xSi = 1.8 xC = 2.5
! % Ionicity = 1 ! exp[!(0.25)(1.8 ! 2.5) 2 ] " 100 = 11.6%

A weak dipole would form because the carbon side of the bond would on average have a net negative charge while the Si side of the bond would have a net positive charge. (b) In an FCC unit cell, there are four atoms. Since SiC is FCC with a 2-atom basis, i.e. a pair of Si-C is placed with the Si atoms at each corner and at each face. There will be 4Si and 4C in each SiC unit cell. "=
mass volume

(4 atoms)(12.01g/mol)(
= =

1mol 1mol ) + (4atoms)(28.09g/mol)( ) 23 6.022 "10 atoms 6.022 "1023 atoms (0.43596 "10!7 cm)3

2.664 "10!22 g = 3.215g/cm3 !23 3 8.286 "10 cm

A handbook value for " ofSiC is 3.208 g/cm3.

8. For a ceramic compound, what are the two characteristics of the component ions that determine the crystal structure. The two characteristics of component ions that determine the crystal structure of a ceramic compound are: 1) the magnitude of the electrical charge on each ion, and 2) the relative sizes of the cations and anions.

9. Iron oxide (FeO) has the rock salt crystal structure and a density of 5.70g/cm3. (a) Determine the unit cell edge length. (b) How does this result compare with the edge length as determined from the radii in Table 12.3, assuming that the Fe+ and O2- ions just touch each other along the edges? The rock salt structure can be constructed from the FCC unit cell with a 2-atom basis. One atom is 1 at (0,0,0), and the other is at (0,0, ). In the case of FeO, the unit cell contains 4 Fe atoms and 40 2 atoms. M mass of the 8 atoms (a) "= = V volume of the unit cell

5.70g/cm3 =

(4)(55.85 g / mol + 16.00 g / mol )( a3

4.773 "10!22 g 5.70 g / cm3

1mol atoms ) 6.022 !1023

a3 =

a = 4.375 "10!8 m
a = 0.4375 nm

(b) 2+ r Fe ionic = 0.077 nm (The cation )



= 0.140 nm (The anion)

Assuming the cell edge is close-packed (The [100] direction)



Fe +2


aFeO = (2)(0.140nm) + (2)(0.077nm) = 0.434 nm

In good agreement.

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