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Sandra Moua 4/2/14 Period 6 Reflective Statement How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the

wor develo!ed through the interactive oral" #hroughout the interactive oral discussion my understanding a$out cultural and contextual considerations did not go very well at first% &e focused on a few to!ics that the researcher $rought u!% #he first to!ic &endy $rought u! was the $ac ground information a$out the author life and why did he write this $oo " &e discussed that Harry Mulisch's mother was (ewish and his father was !ro )erman% &e thought it was an interesting match u! $ecause the $oo too !lace when the *a+i's were still in !lace% #he (ews were $eing illed $ecause they were different from )ermans% &e then discussed that the reason that Harry Mulisch wrote this $oo $ecause he wanted to get the word out a$out &&,, and how it affected many !eo!le during that time% He wrote his ex!eriences through the character -nton% How -nton felt when his !arents were illed. his memories a$out the war and his ex!eriences through them% &e also discussed a$out the $ac ground information that this $oo held% -$out Hitler and the *a+i's and how Hitler was the leader of the )ermans $ecause of how he hel!ed his !eo!le% &endy said that !eo!le followed him $ecause of the way he tal ed. li e he was angry all the time and $y the way he hel!ed his !eo!le $y o!ening u! the factories and more% ,n my o!inion , thought that this was true $ut , thought that Hitler wasn't angry all the time with the way he s!o e% ,'ve studied and thought that Hitler s!o e with a soft tone then crescendos louder and louder until everyone is hanging onto his every word% -lso , $elieve that the !eo!le $elieved in what Hitler $elieved $ecause of what he did for the !eo!le. $ut actually it was for his own am$itions that Hitler had followers. it was also $y the way he tal ed as well that !eo!le $ecame engrossed with Hitler's am$itions% Since Star wasn't here to tal a$out /collective memory0 we discussed with what we new with Mr% Martine+% 1ollective memory is li e many minds lin ed together through certain elements li e /memories%0 2or instants when someone dies and !eo!le

come together they thin a$out that !erson thus they are thin ing li e the other !erson who had the same or different memories a$out that !erson that died% Peo!le won't acce!t that the fact that. that !erson is dead and holds onto those memories. thus ma ing the !eo!le around them that have the memories of that !erson still intact% 3nce they acce!t that. that !erson is dead the memories will ease $ut not truly free yet% 4i e -nton's acce!tance of his memories at the age of 56 a$out &&,,. his !arent's death and his memories of his !ast% #he reason , say /his !arent's death0 is $ecause -nton was young when his !arents were illed and we thought he thought was /wea 0 in a way $ecause he couldn't do anything to !revent that. he didn't now anything $ac then%

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