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Click on: Good Up High Answer the following questions in your own words: (On separate piece of paper)

1: How can ozone be both good and bad? Ground-level ozone is an air pollutant that is harmful to breathe and damages crops, trees and other vegetation, along with being the main component of urban smog. The "good" ozone protects life on Earth from UV rays. 2: What is happening to the good ozone layer? Being destroyed by man-made chemicals 3: How much damage can 1 Chlorine atom do? Explain. Destroy 100,000 "good" ozone molecules 4: How does the good ozone protect the Earth? Protects life on Earth from UV rays 5: What is being done about ozone depletion? Adopted a treaty called the Montreal Protocol, established regulations to phase out ozone-depleting chemicals, Warning labels, substitutes to ozone-depleting products Click on: Bad Nearby 1: What causes bad ozone? Created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight 2: What are some sources of bad ozone? Emissions from industrial facilities and electric utilities, motor vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents 3: How does bad ozone affect human health and environment? Chest pain, coughing, throat irritation, and congestion, worsen bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma, also can reduce lung function and inflame the linings of the lungs, possibly leading to permanent scarring. Damages vegetation and ecosystems, leads to reduced agricultural crop and commercial forest yields, reduced growth and survivability of tree seedlings, and increased susceptibility to diseases, pests and other stresses. 4: What is being done about bad ozone? Protective health-based standards, cut NOx and VOC emissions from vehicles, industrial facilities, and electric utilities.

5: What can we do/actions can we take to reduce our risks? Protect yourself against sunburn, use approved refrigerants, check the air quality forecast in your area, conserve energy at home and the office, keep equipment properly tuned and maintained, and use household and garden chemicals wisely. Ozone- Air Now Go to: In the far right corner- choose Ozone- found under Air Quality Basics. Read about good and bad ozone and answer the following questions. 1: Where is the good ozone located and what is its function? In the atmosphere, to protect life on Earth from UV radiation and light 2: What depletes good ozone? Man-made chemicals 3: Where is the bad ozone located and what creates it? What does NOX and VOC stand for? Ground-level, created by chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight NOx- Nitrogen Oxides VOC-Volatile Organic Compounds 4: List three health problems associated with bad ozone. (Hint: You may need to go to Ozone and your Health- How can ground-level ozone affect your health?) Chest pain, coughing, and throat irritation 5: Scroll down to the Air Quality Index Color Chart- Write down a one-word descriptor of each color code. Green- Good Yellow- Moderate Orange- Moderate-Unhealthy Red- Dangerous Purple- Hazardous 6: After answering this question, go back to Air Now at: In the far left corner, choose National Overview and then choose Ozone Now. What is the current ozone reading for our area? Good (use color code) The AQI for Students

Go to: How Ozone is Formed- Watch the video and take notes. Ozone created by NOx and VOCs NOx and VOCs: power plants, cars and trucks When they mix in the sunlight, ozone is made

Go to: O3- Good Up High, Bad Nearby- Watch the video and take notes. Ozone is a gas that occurs on the Earth In the upper atmosphere, ozone protects the Earth Ground level, ozone can be bad for health and environment Ozone in the troposphere is caused by man-made pollutants Ozone is harmful to breathe Damages crops and vegetation, and is the main component of urban smog Ozone layer in the stratosphere blocks UV rays Natural made ozone in the ozone layer is being destroyed by man-made pollutants

Smog City 2- Save the Smog City from Ozone Go to: Instructions: Change the settings in Smog City and notice the effects that those changes have on the amount of smog the city produces and the air quality. On your paper, take notes about what the various condition changes do to the AQI. Being sunny increases the AQI, cloudy results in the opposite Temperature inversion increases the AQI Wind increases the AQI Low and hot temperatures increase the AQI Factory produced power increases the AQI Increased cars and vehicles increases the AQI Increased off-road transportation increases the AQI More consumer products increases the AQI Larger industry increases the AQI Higher population increases the AQI

Which set of conditions produce the best possible scenario for the city? Moderate temp., low pop., low industry, low cars, low consumer products, cloudy, no inversion, no wind, low transport, energy efficient power Which set of conditions produce the worst scenario for the people, animals and plants of Smog City? Low temp., high pop., high industry, high cars, high consumer products, sunny, large inversion, no wind, high transport, factory produced power

Summary: On your paper, write a 2-3 paragraph summary about what you have learned about ozone, ozone depletion, ozone destruction and air quality by completing this assignment. Make sure to use the new vocabulary that you have learned. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas that is composed of three oxygen atoms, formed through a sunlight-driven reaction between nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. This molecule is what makes up a layer in our atmosphere that protects all of life on Earth from most of the harmful ultraviolet rays that are emitted from the sun. This molecule is considered to be good up high, bad nearby, because in the upper atmosphere, this molecule is needed to regulate heat and the UV rays entering the atmosphere. However, this molecule is one of the major man-made pollutants in the lower atmosphere. This gas is formed in the lower atmosphere through emissions from power factories, vehicle exhaust, and electrical components. In fact, this molecule is the main component of urban smog. In the upper atmosphere, ozone contributes to much of Earths resistance to the harmful UV rays from the sun, but becomes dangerous and harmful to environmental and human health when it becomes present in the lower atmosphere. This gas can cause many lung and breathing issues such as congestion, irritation, or even the worsening of diseases, and possibly permanent lung scarring. This gas is man-made when it exists in the lower atmosphere and creates a layer of smog when grouped with other compounds. Because of the fact that this gas is a component of smog, and smog contains greenhouse gasses, this gas can be considered to be a greenhouse gas. This gas is responsible for the heating of the Earth that can damage all of the life currently present on Earth if not dealt with. This gas can be reduced by using regulated products, attempting to use more energy-efficient power sources, and even by just using the correct fluids and gasses in homes.

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