19 - Galvanometers & Electric Motors

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Lesson 19: Galvanometers & Electric Motors

Galvanometers and electric motors are both based on the same basic principle of an external magnetic field exerting a force on a current carrying wire. The difference is in how far the device is allowed to move. Galvanometers are typically used inside meters (e.g. voltmeters), so the device is only supposed to move a little bit, usually against a restraining spring. Motors must be able to move freely and rotate through complete 360o turns.

ithout getting in to all the details of the connections to a meter, the basic parts of a galvanometer are a coil of wire in a magnetic field. !lthough this coil of wire will usually go around and around a bunch of times in a real galvanometer, my diagrams will only show a single loop for simplicity. The external magnetic field could be made by two separate magnets, a horseshoe magnet, or an electromagnet" it doesn#t really matter. The electron flow current is flowing into and out of the loop as shown by the arrows. $ach section of the wire is labeled by letter so we can %eep trac% of what is happening in each section of wire. c


a Illustration 1: Simple galvanometer.

Section a This is the first section of wire truly in the magnetic field. &ince it is parallel to the magnetic field (North to South), there will be no magnetic force exerted on this section. Section b The current is traveling up towards the top of the page in this section of wire. 'sing the third hand rule for this section, the magnetic force is acting out of the page. Section c !gain, the wire is parallel to the magnetic field, so there is no magnetic force acting on it. Section d The current is now moving towards the bottom of the page in this section of wire. 'sing the third hand rule the magnetic force is acting into the page. Section e This is the last section of wire before the current exits the magnetic field. (t is parallel, )ust li%e * a+, so there is not magnetic force.


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&o, if we loo% at the overall magnetic forces acting on the coil... c


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Illustration 2: Magnetic force acting on ires. 1ow imagine loo%ing at this edge on (li%e if you held this page flat in front of your eyes). The whole thing is trying to twist itself around. (f we hoo%ed this up to a spring that pushed bac%, calibrated with a specific spring constant, we could measure things li%e the current flowing through the wire depending on how far it pusghed the spring. Example 12 ! galvanometer has been built following the s%etch shown in (llustration .. The length of wire at b and d are each 3.6 cm long. ! spring (% 3 45.6 1-m) that tries to hold bac% the motion of the galvanometer is pushed 0.0066 m when current flows through the galvanometer. (f the external magnetic field is ,..6 T, determine the current flowing in the wire. The restoring force of the spring (7oo%e#s 8aw) is balanced against the magnetic force twisting the wires. 9emember that since there are two sections of the wire, each 3.6 cm long, the entire length of wire in the magnetic field is 5.. cm. F s= F m kx = I l B kx I= lB 45.6 0.0066 I= 0.05. ,..6 I =6.: A

Electric Motors
The defining characteristic of an electric motor is that it must be able to rotate freely through a complete circle and %eep on turning. To do this, we ta%e the basic design of a galvanometer and modify it to allow it to turn. e will use specific names to refer to the parts of a motor2 Stator2 an electromagnet or permanent magnet that creates the external magnetic field. Armature2 the coil of wire that the current flows through. (t will often have many coils inside the external magnetic field before it exits. !rmatures are sometimes called rotors. Commutator2 a ring of metal with a split down the middle that allows current to flow to the armature while still letting it turn freely.


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The only part that is really different from the galvanometers is that an electric motor has a commutator. (magine loo%ing edge on at the galvanometer again. There are two wires that need to be connected to something. The wires are each connected to one side of the spit ring commutator (can#t see them in the diagram). There are wire brushes (shown in grey, they actually can loo% li%e &=& scrubbing pads) connected to a the terminals of a battery touching each side of the ring so that on is negative and one is positive. The brushes do not move (Illustration !a). !s the armature spins, the spit ring rotates as well (Illustration !"). hen we hit a gap in the middle of the ring, no current is flowing and the armature continues to spin because of its inertia (Illustration !c). Then there is a connection again and the armature continues to spin (Illustration !#). This arrangement guarantees that current will always flow in on the left and out on the right. hen we use this setup as an electric motor, we have electricity as the input and we get mechanical energy (the rotating armature) as an output. (n the next lesson we will loo% at how reversing this changes a motor into a generator.


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Illustration !: A split ring commutator spins as it touches the "rushes that allo current to flo .


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