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Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter Introduction

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation

The project is an experimental works to develop, test, and troubleshoot an analog voltmeter. The hardware circuit should be constructed as stated in the Procedure A to D. A detailed inspection must be carried out to check the reliability, stability and accuracy of the measurement. The voltmeter design will be evaluated based on the assessment criteria as attached in this instruction. After completing the hardware tasks, a demonstration/presentation, and written report has to be submitted. The number of students per group is NOT more than 2 students. You are given four (4) weeks to complete the project. The project demonstration and presentation will be in Week 12.

Component and Equipment list: Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC) Resistors (read instructions and make your own list of resistors) Bread Board Selector Switch (5 selection) Multimeter Analog Trainer This equipment will be provided in the lab upon request from the technical specialist.

Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter Procedure A: Measuring Rm and IFSD

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation

1. Measure the internal resistance, Rm of PMMC meter using Ohmmeter as shown in Figure 1. 2. Record the reading in Table 1.

Figure 1: Connection to measure internal resistance, Rm of PMMC meter 3. Refer to Figure 2, construct and measure the full-scale deflection current IFSD of PMMC meter using Ammeter, 5V supply and decade resistance box (set the value of decade resistance by 0) 4. Increase the value of decade resistance box (1 step-up) until the reading of PMMC at full scale. Record the reading in Table 1. 5. Show the calculation of the sensitivity in Box 1.

+ 5V

Figure 2: Connection to measure the full-scale deflection current IFSD of PMMC meter

Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation

Procedure B: Designing multi-range analog Voltmeter 1. Select ONE (1) of the configuration range (Set A until Set H) from the list below: (Set A) Rs R1 R2 R3 R4 (Set B) Rs R1 R2 R3 R4 (Set C) Rs R1 R2 R3 R4

Range 02 05 0 10 0 12

(Set D) Rs R1 R2 R3 R3 (Set E) Rs R1 R2 R3 R4 (Set F) Rs RA RB RC RD

Range 02 04 0 10 0 12

Range 02 04 08 0 10

Range 03 04 09 0 10

Range 02 03 06 0 10

Range 03 05 0 10 0 12

2. Calculate the multiplier resistor based on your selection as shown in Figure 3 3. Show the calculation of the multiplier resistor in Box 2. 4. Record the values in Table 2.





Figure 3: Circuit of multi-range analog Voltmeter

Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter Procedure C: Realizing multi-range Voltmeter 1. 2. 3. 4.

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation

Based on your design, construct a circuit of your selection set at breadboard Test your circuit construction Troubleshoot the circuit if there is any problem Record the problem encountered and solution you made in step 2.
*please take picture for every step you made

Procedure D: Error of multi-range Voltmeter

Figure 4: Circuit connection and measurement with digital multimeter (DMM) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Set VT=10V and connect the circuit shown in Figure 4. Calculate the voltage drop across R2 Use the DMM to measure the voltage drop across R2 Record your reading for step 2 in Table 3 Remove DMM and connect the your analog voltmeter on the 10V range to measure the voltage drop across R2 6. Calculate the % Error for both voltmeters using formula below

%Error =

Calculated - Measured 100% Calculated

7. Record your reading for step 5 in Table 3 8. Repeat Step 1 until 8 for 10K and 100K. Record your reading in Table 3
*please take picture for every step you made

Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter Table 1: Measurement of Rm and IFSD Step A2 A4 Rm

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation


Table 2: Calculation & Measurement of multiplier resistors, Rs for Set Step B3 B3 B3 B3 RS RA RB RC RD Calculation Measurement

. Error Range

Box 1: Sensitivity of PMMC Step A5

Box 2: Calculation of multiplier resistor, Rs for Set Step B3

(please attached your own paper if the space is not adequate)

Table 3: Calculation & Measurement of error Step RX D1 D8 D8 1K 10K 100K D2 Calculation D3 Measurement (DMM) D6 Error (DMM) D5 D6 Measurement Error (Analog) (Analog)

Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation

The assessment scheme for the Task 1 as tabulated in Table 1:Marking Scheme Note: 5=Above Expectation, 4=Meet Expectation, 3=Near Expectation, 2=Below Expectation, 1= Poor Checklist Task No. 1 Assessment Criteria Demonstration & Presentation 1 2 3 4 5 Hardware Circuit

Clearly introduce and explain the operation of the project Respond to any question and demonstrate an adequate knowledge about the project Show good presentation skills within time frame given The project is functioning as expected based on related theory Demonstrate correct measurement by using developed hardware circuit Demonstrate correct measurement by using multimeter to validate the results Innovation project design in term of neatness, sophisticated, application, benefits and up-to-date Indicate the competency in handling equipments during the demonstration time Present good teamwork. All team members contribute equally by performing the assigned tasks cooperatively Rational reasons are given for non functionality or partly workable project


Total Mark [50%]

Zaki Karim Laboratory for Analog Voltmeter Task 2 [Weighted 50%]

NEB 20303 Measurement & Instrumentation

Write a report include the following specifications.

Introduction Objectives Theory Development for the hardware circuit (e.g project flow chart, circuit diagram, gantt chart, equipment used, budget and etc) Results (e.g calculation, tabulated output data and etc ) Analysis & Discussion Conclusions Total

[3] [4] [6] [12] [12] [8] [5] [50%]

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