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Nathan Clark Windsor Agriculture Issues Lesson plans


Lesson Plans
Area: Agricultural Issues o!: Agricultural Issues Lesson "itle: #1 Becoming familiar with the issues in the agricultural industry. Need: Students should be aware of what issues are out in the industry Agriculture needs to operate as a part of society so people need to be informed about the issues around the industry. #!$ecti%es: The students will be able to: 1. ecogni!e the importance of being educated about current issues. ". #escribe the effect negati$e issues can ha$e on the agriculture industry. %. ecogni!e the importance of &eeping an open mind. '. (ist % issues that ha$e recently been in the news.

&ell Work: )ut up o$erhead of statement called *orget +il& ,ot Beer- Say that this was a newspaper article and as& them to write out their reaction to the statement. Introduction'Interest Approach: Interest Approach: .se the bell wor& and then as& student/s reaction to statement. Introduction: Begin with discussing why would someone ma&e such a statementTransition: (ead into content0 but tal&ing about there are many issues that surround agriculture. Content (What are )ou going to teach*+: 1uestions 1. 2hat does )3TA stand fora. )eople for the ethical treatment of animals. ". 2hat interest do they ha$e in trying to ma&e such a statementa. 4lass generates its own answers. %. 2hy should we care about the claims that this organi!ation ma&esa. They cause issues to form with the industry. '. Is it possible for people to misconstrue information so that facts can fit a claima. 5es 6. 2hat did you thin& about this substance before I told you it was watera. 7pinion 8uestion0 no answer. 9. 2hen :facts; are gi$en to us0 should we <ust accept them as the ultimate trutha. 7pinion 8uestion0 but most li&ely answer would be no. =. 2hy shouldn/t we-

a. 7pinion but could be misconstrued. >. ?ow many of you heard about the +ad 4ow disease outbrea& in 3uropea. )oll @. 2hat effect did that ha$e on the Beef industry here in the .nited Statesa. ?urt prices 1A. 4an you thin& of any other issues that ha$e been in the news recently0 which may ha$e an effect on the agriculture industrya. Biotech0 11. 4an you thin& of any other issues where the facts may not be presented in a truthful mannera. 7pinion 1". 2ho cares if the information is not truthfula. ,et their opinion0 but if lies are published0 it is not fair for the party lied about. 1%. 2hat effect does it ha$e on the industrya. 4ould cause problems for the industry. 1'. #oes it affect the mar&et for a farmera. )ossible drop in prices. 16. 2hat about as a consumer0 should they care if the information is truthfula. They ha$e a right to &now if the products they buy are safe0 and if they are0 and they are told they are not0 that doesn/t seem fair. 19. 2hat effect does misrepresented information ha$e on consumer/s reaction to a producta. .sually negati$e 1=. 2ith the issues we tal&ed about in class0 did any of you stop buying a product because of what was said on the newsa. 7pinion. ,ethodolog) (-ow are )ou going to teach it*+ #iscussion #iscuss in class all the 8uestions in the content area. ?a$e a class discussion about the topics. 4ooperati$e (earning )ut students in two groups gi$e them 6 minutes to go o$er some information about water. They will not &now that we are tal&ing about water. There will be information gi$en to them about positi$e and negati$e things about water. They will ha$e time to discuss the issue in their group and then will ha$e to present to the class0 weather or not they thin& this substance should be used on farms or not. In 4lass Assignment As we discuss the 8uestions0 they will ha$e wor&sheet in front of them with the 8uestions I want them to remember from the class. As we discuss these 8uestions0 they will write the answers on the wor&sheet. This will also ha$e the conclusions statement at the end of the lesson on it. .u//ar):

Ten minutes before the end of class0 we will go o$er what we tal&ed about today. By as&ing 8uestions about the important points of the day0 that also reflect the days ob<ecti$es0 we can summari!e what we discussed during the class period. Conclusion: Before the end of class0 I will as& the students what we can conclude about today/s lesson. ?a$e them gi$e me a one or two sentence statement about what happened in class that day. 0%aluation: 4lass participation will be rewarded with positi$e reinforcement. 1e2erences: The State Bews0 +ichigan State .ni$ersity.

Lesson Plans
Area: Agricultural Issues o!: Agricultural Issues Lesson "itle (A30 Co/petenc) IndicatorC: #" esearching an issue. Need: Students should be aware of what issues are out in the industry Agriculture needs to operate as a part of society so people need to be informed about the issues around the industry. #!$ecti%es: The students will be able to: 6. 3fficiently research a topic 9. Identify resources to locate information. &ell Work: 7n a sheet of paper describe three places you can research a topic. Introduction'Interest Approach: Interest Approach: ?a$e boo&s and reference material scattered in the front of the room2hat are these2hat are they used forIs if fun to research items.sually not0 I &now I would much rather be doing other things than researching something. .nless its something I am passionate about and then I en<oy finding information. Today we are going to loo& into researching. At the end of this unit you are going to ha$e to gi$e a presentation to the class on a current issue that is in the agriculture industry. 5ou can wor& in pairs or on your own0 but there will be certain criteria that you will ha$e to meet. Content (What are )ou going to teach*+: 1uestions 2here can we go to research material(ist places as a class0 such as (ibrary0 boo&store0 Internet0 etc. Is the Internet always the B3ST place to find accurate informationBot always because the integrity of the information may not be that great. +any people can put information on the internet and it be false information. 2hat about the library0 is that a good place to go5es 2hat references are good to use-

Boo&s0 +aga!ines0 all sorts of media Are encyclopedias a good place to get information about current issuesBo. 2hy notThey ta&e so long to write that some the information is outdated before they are printed. ,ethodolog) (-ow are )ou going to teach it*+ #iscussion #iscuss in class all the 8uestions in the content area. ?a$e a class discussion about the topics. Students will be ta&ing notes while I go o$er the 8uestions. Acti$ity: The class is going to ta&e a trip to the school media center and start deciding on the topic they are going to present to the class. .u//ar): Dey )oints: There are many places to get information. It is hard to research sometimes0 but it can be fun. Conclusion: Research is a necessary part of becoming educated on a topic. 0%aluation: 4lass participation will be rewarded with positi$e reinforcement. Students will ta&e notes and will &eep them in the noteboo& and get a score for that accordingly. 1e2erences: *ocusing on Agricultural Issues. Bational **A.

Lesson Plans
Area: Agricultural Issues o!: Agricultural Issues Lesson "itle (A30 Co/petenc) IndicatorC: #% )resenting your information. Need: Students should be aware of what issues are out in the industry Agriculture needs to operate as a part of society so people need to be informed about the issues around the industry. #!$ecti%es: The students will be able to: =. *orm independent decisions utili!ing information they researched. >. Interact and participate in group discussion @. Analy!e information to effecti$ely communicate both sides of an issue &ell Work: 7n a sheet of paper list your top choice for an issue to wor& on. Introduction'Interest Approach: Interest Approach: )lay the $ideo from Bational **A about the agricultural issue *orm contest. As& students what they noticed about the team presenting. They had props. They presented both sides of the issue. They identified the problem0 discussed its caused0 and offered solutions. 2ell fol&s0 that is what I want to see from your presentations. Content (What are )ou going to teach*+: 1uestions ,o o$er the rules and score sheet for the ag issues form contest Esee Bational **A 4#3 +anualC 3stablish these as the guide lines for their research pro<ects. The group will present for 16 minutes. There will be 6 minutes of 8uestions from the class at the end. The presentation must ha$e contain: Introduction )ro side 4on side 4onclusion. 7$er all presentation will be grades. 1uestions. In addition to the presentation pro<ect students must turn in a written report on the pro<ect.

,ethodolog) (-ow are )ou going to teach it*+ #iscussion 4lass will go o$er the rules0 and we will ma&e sure that e$eryone understands what is eFpected of them for the pro<ect. Acti$ity: The class is going to ha$e time to wor& on their pro<ects. The teacher is going to guide students who need help in research on pro<ects0 decide on props0 etc. .u//ar): Dey )oints: There are many places to get information. It is hard to research sometimes0 but it can be fun. Conclusion: Each group will have conclusions for their particular presentation. 0%aluation: 4lass participation will be rewarded with positi$e reinforcement. Students will ta&e notes and will &eep them in the noteboo& and get a score for that accordingly. Scoring of the presentations will be based of the Bational **A score sheet. Students will grade each other0 and the teacher will also score. The written report will also be scored 1e2erences: *ocusing on Agricultural Issues. Bational **A.

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