Marketing Mix For Sundarban As A Tourist Attraction

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Marketing mix for sundarban as a tourist attraction:

Product- here product is sundarban. Sundarban is a tourists' paradise. Every year

thousands of tourists flock to this mangrove tiger land. !he name ecotourism is already "ell kno"n in Sundarban. Sundarban is endowed with a rich flora and fauna. This mangrove forest

has about 64 plant species which has more than 90% of Indian mangrove species with about 60% of total Indian mangrove area which supports the maximum number of tigers in a single patch among the tiger reserves of the countr . The amphibian tiger population! which is estimated to be over "60 in number here! has distinct behavioral patterns and this ma#es Sundarban Tiger $eserve special from the other tiger reserves of the countr . The core area of Sundarban mangrove forest area is also conserved as %&orld 'eritage Site% as designated b the I()* in the ear of +9,9. The main trees and big shrubs of the area are %-ain%! %.eora%! %/aran%! %/ar0an%! %/enwa%! %.hali%! %-a#ul%!! 1hundul%! %2asur%! %Sundari%! 'ental%! %/olpata% etc.The $o al -engal Tiger is the #ing of this forest and it occupies the pinnacle of both the terrestrial and a3uatic web. There are also )heetal! &ild -oar! $hesus 4aca3ue! 5ishing )at etc. The cree#s of Sundarban form the home of estuarine crocodile! the onl surviving member of the 6urassic time. The a3uatic fauna includes /angetic 1olphin! $iver Terrapin 7-atagur -as#a8! 9live $idle Turtle! /reen Turtle! 'aw#:s turtle! and different species of crabs! prawns! lobsters and fish.To add to colour and melod there are birds li#e $ose ringed 2ara#eet! )row 2heasant! 2ied 4 na! 1rongo! -ulbul! Tailor -ird! 4agpie! $obin! -rahmini .ite! Spotted 1ove! ;d0utant Stor# etc.

Price: In case of sundarban price refers to the cost of en0o

tour services ma include< 2ricing framing. = 2ricing bundling. = )omplementar pricing. = $esult based pricing.

ing a tour. pricing strategies for

-ut in our countr most popular pricing strateg is >2rice bundling?!which we can see in the form >group tour? or >pac#age tour? that is the total cost of transportation!fooding!accommodation!boat facilit will be include and the tourist has to pa the )ost as a whole.

Promotion: 1ifferent mar#eting promotional tools can be used for mar#eting

>sundarban?!these are given below= Adverting< ;dvertising is a non=personal form of mass communication and offers a high degree of control for those responsible for the design and deliver of the advertising message 75ill! +9998. Then the author stated that the flexibilit of this tool is good because it can be used to communicate with a national audience or a particular speciali@ed segments and a vast number of

people can be reached with the message! so the cost per contact can be the lowest of the tools in the mix. TA! $adio! websites can be used to promote sundarban world wide as a tourist spot of natural beaut . Personal selling: is traditionall perceived as a communication tool which involves face=to=face activities underta#en b individuals! often representating an organi@ation! in order to inform! persuade or remind an individual or group to ta#e appropriate action! as re3uired b the sponsorBs representative 75ill! +999! p. 68. Tour agencies can use personal selling tools through their sales people C agents. Billboards, leaflets< -illboards across the countr visuali@ing the natural attractions of the >sundarban? can promote the spot vigorousl D leaflets will also be a good tool for promoting sundarban. Newspaper, magazine: *ewspaper and maga@ine is an effective promotional tool at present time. &e can use different dail newspapers and maga@ines to advertise features of sundarban. Website: website will probabl the most effective promotional tool for sundarban as through an attractive website we can describe our ecological beaut >sundarban? full and attractivel to the tourist worldwide. Word-of-mouth: another important tool is word=of=mouth promotion. 9ur inbound tourist can spea# about sundarban to others and to outsiders so that the are interested to visit that place.

Place ( istribution!: 'ere place means distribution which is slightl

different in meaning in case of service!it is the availabil of service.'ere it means ta#ing the tourists to the EsundarbanB that is the transportation facilitie. 5rom -angladesh:s capital of 1ha#a! Sundarbans is reachable b bus to .hulna. ;lternatel ! the Indian side of Sundarbans is a short bus ride from .ol#ata. Innumerable cree#s! channels and tidal cree#s interlace Sundarbans. Fxcepting the 'ooghl on the west and the Ichhamati on the east! all other water channels are delin#ed from the headwater sources from the upland rivers. Though the rivers are tidal in nature! free tidal flushing of the spill areas was interrupted b premature reclamation of the land. Tidal rivers here carr large volume of sediments onl to be deposited on the riverbed creating acute problem of drainage.

The main estuaries from east to west are the $aimongal! the .alindi! the /osaba! the -id adhari! the 'erobhanga! the -id a! the 4atla! the Tha#uran! the Saptomu#hi and the 'ooghl . The average tidal amplitude in these estuaries ranges from G.H to H.0 metres. )omposed of ;luvio=estuarine sediments much of this region lies below G metres! though there are few hummoc# grounds scatteredl distributed in areas ad0oining -ishnupur=4ograhat police stations as well as -aruipur=6o nagar=4athurapur=4andirba@ar! along the remnants of the ;diganga! along the Ichhamati river ban# and in 6o nagar=)anning=-asanti=/osaba areas.

People: people here indicate the tour guides. ;nd other hostel staffs those are integral parts
of tour service! as well as those people who will facilitate the total tour are part of this phase.

Ph"sical evidence: 2h

sical evidences compromising the sundarban! other important places around the place! tour guide! tour agenc .

Process: process here is the total activities during the tour! which will be remembered b
tourist as a part of the tour.


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