Catholic Doctrinal Concordance

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Catholic Doctrinal Concordance

Arranged by topic

Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of $ Christ St. Jerome

Edited by Pete Tormey

About this boo!

This is a short doctrinal concordance of the Catholic faith. It is not by any means a complete concordance. The purpose of this boo!let is to gi"e people interested in Catholicism a #uic! reference for the most common items of the faith. Particularly in areas $here Catholics and other religions disagree. The Catechism of the Catholic Church has a much more e%tensi"e loo! into the sub&ects presented here' and people interested should loo! there as $ell. This printed "ersion $as originally a (E) page on the Internet. *any people contributed suggestions o"er the past fe$ years' and I $ould li!e to than! them for their !ind suggestions. I can be reached on the Internet at or on the (E) at http,--$$$

This is dedicated to all the cradle Catholics' li!e myself' $ho one day $o!e up and reali.ed they didn/t !no$ anything about Catholicism.

Co"er art by Seth Ahonen Published by InfoPage Dec 1001 211 Esperan.a Dr. Concord' CA 03410
Table of Contents

67D' 78E A8D T9:E ..........................................................................................................................4 6od;s 8ature........................................................................................................................................4 <oly Trinity .........................................................................................................................................4 Jesus Christ..........................................................................................................................................4 Death of Christ ....................................................................................................................................= 9esurrection of Christ..........................................................................................................................= Ascension.............................................................................................................................................= Second Coming ....................................................................................................................................= The <oly Spirit.....................................................................................................................................= 67D;S C9EAT:9ES A8D 7:TC7*ES ...............................................................................................0 *ary ....................................................................................................................................................0 *an .....................................................................................................................................................0 Soul > Immortality...............................................................................................................................0 Children.............................................................................................................................................12 Angels................................................................................................................................................12 Satan > De"ils...................................................................................................................................12 Sin .....................................................................................................................................................11 67D;S 9E*EDIES ...............................................................................................................................15 6race.................................................................................................................................................15 The Church ........................................................................................................................................15 Communion of Saints .........................................................................................................................13 )aptism..............................................................................................................................................13 Confirmation......................................................................................................................................13 9econciliation ?Confession > Penance@ .............................................................................................14 The )lessed Eucharist........................................................................................................................14 Sacrament of the Sic!.........................................................................................................................1= <oly 7rders .......................................................................................................................................11 *arriage............................................................................................................................................11 <oly Scriptures ..................................................................................................................................11 Apostles .............................................................................................................................................1A 67D;S 6IBTS........................................................................................................................................10 Baith..................................................................................................................................................10 <ope ..................................................................................................................................................10 Co"e ?charity@.....................................................................................................................................10 Prayer................................................................................................................................................ 2 T<E CAST T<I86S ............................................................................................................................. 1 Death................................................................................................................................................. 1 Purgatory........................................................................................................................................... 1 <ell D ?6ehenna@ ................................................................................................................................ 1 <ea"en............................................................................................................................................... ADDITI78AC T7PICS ........................................................................................................................ 5 Sola Scriptura ?Scripture Alone@ ........................................................................................................ 5 Aren;t $e all using the same boo!E..................................................................................................... 5 Sola Bide ?Baith Alone@...................................................................................................................... 3 Deuterocanonicals ?The Protestant FApocryphaF@ .............................................................................. 3 )aptism of Infants .............................................................................................................................. = Papacy-Infallibility ............................................................................................................................ = )rothers of JesusE.............................................................................................................................. 1 Saints................................................................................................................................................. 1 Statues-Images ................................................................................................................................... 1 Are you sa"edE...................................................................................................................................52 5

67D' 78E A8D T9:E

G (e belie"e in one 6od' the Bather' the AlmightyH

God's Nature
7nly one 6od. 6od is Spirit. 6od is Creator Is unbounded Is omnipresent Is omnipotent 6od the *ighty 6od is *erciful Source of life and holiness Is Judge of the $orld Deut 5 ,50I Is 35,12I 33,=DAI 34,4I <os 15,3I *al ,12I 1Cor A,=I Eph 3,= Jn 3, 3I Cf. also 1Jn 3,AI for 6od is Co"e. 6en 1,1I Job =,15I Ps 55,=I 13A,4I Pro" A, D51I Sirach 3,AI *ac 1, AI Jn 1,5I Col 1,1=I <eb 11,5 1 Jings A, 1I Jer 5, 3I Acts 1,3AD30 Ps 150,1I (is 1,1I Sirach 1=,11D1AI Jer 5, 3I Amos 0, D5I Eph 1, 5 6en 11,1I A,5I 54,11I 35,13I E% =,5I 9e" 1,AI 3,AI 11,11I 1=,13I 1, 6en 30, 3I Ps 3,AI 42,1I Is 12, 1I Jer 5 ,1AI *ac 11,15 E% 53,=I Chron 52,0I Ps 4,=I 41,1I Is =5,1I C! =,5=I 9om 11,5 I Eph ,3I Jas 4,11 9om =, 5I 6al =,AI Eph 1,3D4I 1Thess 3,5I Thess ,15D11 1Sam ,12I 1Chron 1=,55I E.e! 1A,52I *t 1=, 1I Acts 11,51I 9om ,1=I Tim 3,1I 1Pet 3,4

Holy Trinity

F8o$ this is the Catholic faith, (e $orship one 6od in the Trinity and the Trinity in unity' $ithout either confusing the persons or di"iding the substanceI for the person of the Bather is one' the Son;s is another' the <oly Spirit;s anotherI but the 6odhead of the Bather' Son and <oly Spirit is one' their glory e#ual' their ma&esty coeternalF ?Athanasian Creed@. 6en 1, =I 5, I 11,1I 1A,1D4I 0D12I 1= *t 5,1=D11I C! 1,54I 5, 1D Jn 13,14I =I 14, =I Acts 1,=DAI 9om A,0I 1Cor =,12D11I Eph 3,3D=I 1Pet 1, I 1Jn 4,=D1I Jude 2, 1 *t A,10 Cor 15,13 Thomas ans$ered and said to him' G*y Cord and my 6odH *t 1=,1=I =,=5D=3I 1Jn 3,14 Jn 1,13I 5,1=I 1AI 1Jn 3,0 Is 1,13I 0,=I Jer 5,4I 52,0I E.e! 53, 5I *ic 4, I Kech 0,0I ?Cf@ Jn 1,31I 3, 4D = Jn 1,1I 4,1AI A,4AI 2, AI Phil ,=I Col 1,14D10I ,0I Tit ,15 *t =,5AI 1,42I *! 14,51I C! 5,3=I Jn 1,13I 10,52I Acts , I 5, I Phil ,1I 1Tim ,4I <eb ,11I 1Jn 1, Is 31,3I 33,=I ?Cf @ 9e" 1,11I ,A 9e" 1,AI 1,=I ?Cf @ 9e" ,15D1= 9e" 1,4I ?Cf @ 9e" 11,13I 1Tim 1,11I ?Cf @ 9e" 14,5 1Cor 1, 3 1Cor ,AI <eb 1,5I Jas ,1I 9e" 1, 5 *ic 4, I Jn 1,1I Col 1,11I <eb 1,12 Ps 150I ?Cf @ C! =,AI Jn =,=3I 15,11I 1=,15I 1,11

Boreshado$ing of plurality of Persons in 7T Action of Triune 6odhead in 8e$ Testament Plurality of Persons as mentioned in 8e$ Testament )aptism gi"en in name of Trinity )lessing gi"en in name of Trinity

Jesus Christ
Son of 6od 7nly begotten of Bather Is *essiah ?6ree!, Christos@ Christ is true 6od Christ is true *an ?pro"ed by his dying@ Called Birst and Cast Called Alpha and 7mega Is Jing of Jings Is Po$er and (isdom of 6od Is the 6lory of 6od Is Eternal Is 7mniscient

Is :nchangeable Is Cord of all

*al 5,=I ?Cf @ <eb 1,1 I 15,A Acts 12,5=I 9om 12,1

Death of Christ
Boretold in 7T Bor our Sal"ation Ps ,=0I (is ,12D 2I Is 1,4D=I 45I Jer 11,10I Cam 1,1 I Kech 1,1 D15I ?Cf @ C! 3,3= Is 45,3D12I *t 2, AI C! 3,3=I Jn 1 , 3I 9om 4I Eph 4, I 1Pet 1,1AI , 3 1Jn , I 1Thess 4,12 Jesus by your cross and resurrection you ha"e set us free. Lou are the sa"ior of the $orld. Ps 1=,12I ?Cf @ Acts 15,54 *t 11, 5I 2,10I *! 0,0I 13, AI C! 0, I 1A,55I Jn ,10I 12,1A 1Cor 14,11 9om =,3I Col ,1 I 1Pet 1,5 *t A,0I *! 1=,0I C! 3,15D54I Jn 2, =I 1,1I Acts 1,5I 1Cor 14,= 9om =,4I 1Cor 14,30I Cor 3,13I Phil 5, 1

Resurrection of Christ
Boretold In 7T Boretold by Christ 6uarantee of our Baith Signifies our ne$ birth Pro"en by manifestations to disciples Assurance of our o$n resurrection

Ascended into hea"en *! 1=,10I C! 3,42I Jn 2,11I Acts 1,5D0I Eph 3,12I 1Tim 5,1=I 1Pet 5, E%alted in glory Jn 1 ,1=I Acts ,5 D55I 3,12D11I 1,44I 9om A,53I Eph 1, 2I Phil ,0I Col 5,1 Ascension or AssumptionE Catholics belie"e *ary $as assumed into hea"en at the end of her earthly life. (e also belie"e Jesus ascended into hea"en after his resurrection. The difference bet$een these t$o is that $hile Jesus ascended under <is o$n po$er' *ary $as assumed by the po$er of 6od.

Second Coming

(ill return in glory There are t$o e%amples in scripture of Dan 1,15I *t 3,52I 4,51I =,=3I 1Thess 3,1=I people being assumed into hea"en by the 9e" 1,1 po$er of 6od ?ref. 6en 4, 3I <eb 11,4I At a time un!no$n Jings ,1D15@. *ary;s presence in hea"en *t 3,33I 4,15 *! 15,54 C! 1 ,32D3=I is also described in 9e"elation chapter 1 1Thess 4, I Pet 5,12I 9e" 5,5I 1=,14 indicating the author/s "ision of her $ith Ga (ill come as Judge cro$n of t$el"e stars.H Jn 4, I Acts 12,3 I 11,51I Tim 3,1I 1Pet 3,4I 9e" 2,1 D15 Judge of the li"ing and dead Acts 12,3 I 9om ,1=I Tim 3,1I 1Pet 3,4 Bor completion of sal"ation of &ust 9om ,1I 1Cor 1,AI Phil 5, 1I <eb 0, AI 1Pet 1,4 (e should loo! for his coming 9om A, 5I 1Cor 1,1I Phil 5, 2I Col 5,1D3I 1Tim 1,1I <eb 12,51I Pet 5,1

The Holy Spirit


<oly Spirit called Counselor Called the Spirit of Truth Brom Bather Proceeds from Bather and the Son Is gi"en at baptism Is gi"en at confirmation?separate from baptism@ Through the imposition of hands <oly Spirit d$ells in us 6ifts of <oly Spirit Teacher and re"ealer of Truth Inspires men Inspired $riting of Scriptures

Jn 13,1=I =I 14, =I 1=,1 Jn 14, =. 1Jn 4,1 C! 11,15. Jn 5,53I 14, =. 1Thess 3,A. 1Jn 5, 3 Jn 13, =I 14, =I 1=,1I 1=,15 *t 5,11D1=. C! 5,1=. Jn 1,55. Acts 1,4I ,5AI 11,1= Acts 1,AI A,14I 12,33I 10,= Acts A,11I 0,11I 15, D3I10,= Jn 13,11. Acts ,55. 9om 4,4. 1Cor 5,1=I =,10 6al 5,13. Eph 1,15. Tim 1,13 Is 11,1D5I =1,1D I C! 3,1AD10 Jn 13, =I 1=,15I Acts 4,5 I 0,51I 1Cor ,12I Eph 5,4 Acts 3,AI =,12I 1,44 Acts 5, 1I Tim 5,1=I Pet 1, 1

7n )ible Translations
There are many bible translations a"ailable' but they are all different D e"en among Catholic translations there are surprising differencesM To fully appreciate scripture in the Catholic sense' it is necessary to loo! to the original te%ts. Bortunately you do not need to read 6ree! to do this DD a good 6ree! interlinear bible $ill be ade#uate for most research. <ere are t$o good e%amples of ho$ !no$ing the 6ree! te%t fully demonstrates Catholic teaching. The first e%ample concerns *ary. The G<ail *aryH is the prayer that most typifies Catholic de"otion to *ary. People often as! $here $e find this in the bible. The first sentence F<ail *ary full of grace.H is a literal translation from St. Jerome;s Catin Nulgate bible. <e $rote FA"e gratia plena. FA"eF is translated as the old English FhailF' a term still used in some parts of our culture today DD boating for e%ample. F6ratia plenaF means full of grace. St. Jerome;s translation $as done in the late 3 th century before a common bible $as agreed upon by Christians. St Jerome translated from earlier 6ree! and Catin te%ts. The 6ree! phrase used is translated as full of grace. The significance of being full of grace to a Catholic is to be $ithout sin. ?ref Acts 14,11 > Eph ,4@ St. Jerome;s translation is $ell supported by most 6ree! bible dictionaries or interlinear bibles. Another sentence often poorly translated is 9omans 14,1=. In this sentence St. Paul refers to his priestly ministry. The 6ree! $ord used is ! $hich translates as performing sacred rites or priestly duties. A good 6ree! bible dictionary or interlinear $ill sho$ this translate as Gpriestly ministryH. The significance of this is that it sho$s the apostles too! o"er the priestly role "ery early in Christianity. And it supports a 8e$ Testament priesthood DD in sharp contrast to $hat many Christians belie"e today.

67D;S C9EAT:9ES A8D 7:TC7*ES

G And *ary said' *y soul magnifies the Cord' and my spirit re&oices in 6od my Sa"ior.H

Boretold in 7T Is 1,13I *ic 4, D5 Concei"ed $ithout sin 6en 5,14I C! 1, A A Nirgin Is 1,13I *t 1,1AD 4I C! 1, 1I 53 *aintained her "irginity Typified in E.e! 33, I C! 1,53 *other of 6od Is 0,=I *t 1, 5I C! 1,5 I 54I 35I ,11I 6al 3,3 <ighly blessed C! 1, AI 3A (as to suffer many sorro$ Cam 1,1 I C! ,53D54I 3AI Jn 10, 4 *editated on Jesus; $ords C! ,41 Pondered e"ents in Jesus; life C! ,10 9e#uested Jesus; first miracle Jn ,1D1 6i"en to us as our mother Jn 10, 4D 1 De"oted herself to prayer Acts 1,13 Enoch and Eli&ah ta!en ?assumed@ to hea"en. 6en 4, 3I <eb 11,4I Jings ,1D15 Annunciation. C! 1, A )lessed are you among $omen. C! 1,3 D3A See 7n )ible Translations on page 1 and Thomas A#uinas on *ary;s Immaculate Conception on page 11.

Created by 6od Created man and $oman In e%alted state Borfeited by sin Prone to temptation 7ffends 6od by sin Sub&ect to death 9aised to ne$ dignity by Christ (ill be &udged on merits Promised future resurrection <ea"en as re$ard for good 6en 1, =D 1I ,1I Job 55,3I Ps A,4I Eccles 1 ,1I (is , 5I 12,1I Sirach 11,1I *ac 1, AI *t 10,3 *! 12,= 6en 1, 1I *t 10,3I *! 12,=I 1Cor 11,A 6en 1, =I ,A 6en 5I (is , 3I Sirach 4, 3I E.e! A,1 D11I 9om 4,1 I 1Cor 14, 1I 1Tim ,13 9om 1,14D 5I 1Cor 1,4I Eph =,11I 1Thess 5,4I Tim 5,1 I Jas 3, I 1Pet ,11I 4,A Sam 1 ,15I Ps 5 ,4I Is 1, I Jer , 0I <os 1,15I 9om 1,1AD5 I =,1I 6al 4,11I Eph 3,52I 4,5I Col 5,4 Sam 13,13I Job 13,4I (is , 3I Sirach 4, 3I 9om 4,1 D13I =, 5I 1Cor 14, 1D I <eb 0, 1 9om 4,AI A,0D11I Eph ,=I Col ,1 I 5,1 Acts 11,51I 9om ,=I 11I 13,12I Cor 4,12I 11,14 Col 5, 4I <eb 11,=I 1Pet 1,11I 9e" 2,15 Cor 3,15 D13I Phil 5,11I 1Thess 3,13I Tim ,1I Jn =,43 *t 4,1 I Col 1,4I <eb 12,53

Soul & Immortality

Soul created by 6od *ade in 6od;s image Distinct from body Soul departs body at death Soul sur"i"es death of body Committed to 6od;s care at death Souls of &ust in hea"en Soul sub&ect to temptation 8othing compensates for loss of soul 6en ,1I Eccles 1 ,1I Is 41,1=I Kech 1 ,1 6en 1, =D 1I 1Cor 11,1I Col 5,12 *t 12, AI Acts , 1I 1Thess 4, 5I <eb 3,1 6en 54,1AI Eccles 1 ,1I C! 1 , 2 6en 54,1AI 1Sam A,10I 1 Jings 11, I *t 12, AI C! A,44 Ps 51,4I Acts 1,40I 1Pet 3,10 (is 5,1I 9e" =,0I A,5I 2,3 1Pet ,11I Pet ,13 *t 1=, =I *! A,5=

soul Sa"ing our souls

Jas 1, 1I 4, 2I 1Pet 1,0

Children are a blessing from 6od Childlessness considered a reproach Children obliged to honor their parents Jesus obeyed his parents Children blessed by Jesus To $elcome a child is to $elcome Jesus Discipline good for children Scandal must not be gi"en to children Christians must be guiltless as children D but adult in thin!ing Ps 114,13I 1 1,5D4I 1 A,5D=I 133,11I Pro" 11,= 6en 1=,3I 52,1I 1 Sam 1,=I 11I Is 3,1I C! 1, 4 E% 2,1 I Ce" 10,5I Deut 4,1=I Sirach 5,1D1=I *t 14,3I *! 1,12I 12,10I C! 1A, 2I Eph =, D5 C! ,41 *t 10,15I *! 12,15I 1=I C! 1A,14 *t 1A,4I 12,32I 4D32I *! 0,51I C! 0,3A Deut A,4I Pro" 5,1 I 15, 3I ,14I 5,15D13I 0,14I 11I (is 11,0D12I Sirach 52,1D5I Eph =,3 *t 1A,=I *! 0,3 I C! 11, Ps 151,1D I *t 1A,5I *! 12,14I C! 1A,11I 1Jn ,1I 1 I 3,3I 4D 1 1Cor 5,1D5I 15,11I <eb 4,11D13' 1Pet ,

Angels created by 6od Angels are ser"ants of 6od Angels are messengers sent by 6od Called sons of 6od Called holy ones of 6od' 6od manifests himself as Angel of the Cord 8ames of three angels 8ehemiah 0,=I Jn 1,5I 9om 11,5=I Col 1,1=I 1Cor A,= Job 3,1AI Ps 125, 2 6en 3,1I 8um 2,1=I 1Chron 1,14I Chron 5 , 1I Dan 5, AI =, I C! 1,10I =I Acts 1 ,11 Deut 5 ,AI Job 1,=I ,1I 5A,1I Ps 0,1I A ,1I A0,= Job 4,1I 14,14I Ps A0,1I Dan 3,15I A,15 6en 1=,1I 15I 1A,1D55I 1,11D1AI ,11I 51,11D15' E% 5, 'Judg ,1I =,11D 3I 15, 1D 9aphael, Tobit 5,1=D11I 4,3I 1 ,11D14I 6abriel, Dan A,1=I 0, 1I C! 1,10I =I *ichael, Dan 12,15I 1I 1 ,1I Jude 0I 9e" 1 ,1 Ps 01,11I Dan 1,12I *t 3,11I *! 1,15I C! ,35I <eb 1,13 Tobit 1 ,1 I *t 1A,12I Acts 1 ,11I 14 *t 3,51I *! 15, 1I 1Cor 14,4 *t 1=, 1I 4,51I *! A,5AI 1Thess 3,1= 6en 1, =I AI 5,4I Ps A,4D=I (is , 5I Sirach 11,1D13

Angels are ministering spirits 6uardian angels Angels gather elect at Christ;s return Angels $ill accompany Christ at his parousia *an made a little lo$er than angels

Satan & Devils

De"ils are fallen angels Caused man to fall Permitted to tempt man Can appear as angel of light Can ta!e possession of our bodies Can be e%orcised by 6od;s po$er Some e%orcised only by prayer and fasting Can tempt us a$ay from 6od Called the god of this $orld Is 13,1 I C! 12,1AI Jude =I 9e" 1 ,1D0 6en 5I 1Jings ,10D 5I Job 1,= ffI (is , 3I Kech 5,1D 1Jings , I Job 1,1 I *t 3,1I *! 1,15I C! 3, I Jn 15, I Acts 4,5I 1Cor 1,4I Cor ,11 Cor 11,13I 9e" , I 1=,13 *t A, AI 0,5 I 1 ,35D34I 14, I *! 4,1D15I 0,13I C! 3,55I A, I 11, 3D =I Acts A,1 *t A, 0I 0,55I 12,1I *! 1, 4D =I =,1I 15I C! A, I 0,1I Acts 4,1=I *! 0,5AI 1=,11I C! 0,30I Acts 12,5AI Jas ,10 *t 11, 1I *! 0, 0 Eph 3, 1D=,11I 1Tim 4,14I Jas 3,1 Jn 1 ,51I 13,52I 1=,11I Cor 3,3I Eph , I =,1 I 1Jn 4,10 12

6oes around li!e a roaring lion Po$er bro!en by Christ;s sacrifice De"ils afraid of 6ospel Is loosed during millennium (ill suffer eternal torment

Ps ,15I 1Pet 4,A *t 1 , AI C! A,51I 12,11I Jn 5,54I 1 ,51I Eph =,11I Col 1,15I 1Jn 5,AI 9e" 1 ,11 *t A, 0I Jas ,10 9e" 2,1 *t 4,31I 9e" 13,12D11I 10, 2I 2,12

G Certain ne$ theologians dispute original sin' $hich is the only part of Christian theology $hich can really be pro"ed. SomeO in their almost to fastidious spirituality' admit di"ine sinlessness' $hich they cannot see e"en in their dreams. )ut they essentially deny human sin' $hich they can see in the street.H 6. J. Chesterton Sin is rebellion against 6od Sin is failure to attain 6od;s glory Sin alienates us from 6od Sin ma!es us sla"e of sin Sin is cause of death Sin is from de"il Degrees of sin ?mortal "s. "enial@ The unforgi"able sin blasphemy against the spirit. ?Attributing 6od/s $or! to Satan.@ Sins that e%clude us from 6od;s !ingdom 6od desires sinner;s return 7nly 6od can forgi"e sin Christ forgi"es sins Delegated po$er to forgi"e to apostles 8um 14,52I Deut 5 ,4I Sam 1 ,0I Job 54,=I Is 1, I 3A,AI )ar 3,A 9om 5, 5I ?Cf @ 9om 4, 9om 1,1AD5 I Eph 3,1AI Col 1, 1I 1Pet 1,1A Jn A,53I 9om =,1=D10I Pet ,10 6en 5,11D10I (is 1,1 I , 3I Sirach 4, 3I 9om 4,1 I =,11I 1Cor 14, 1 Jn A,33I Acts 15,12I 1Jn 5,AD12 1Jn 4,1=D11 *t 1 ,51D5 I C! 1 ,12 1Cor =,0D12I 6al 4,10D 1I Eph 4,5D4I Col 5,4D12I <eb 15,3D4I 9e" 1,AD0I 1 Is 30,13D1=I Jer 5,1 I 51, 2I E.e! 1A, 5I 55,11I C! 14, 2D 3I 5 I 1A,15I 10,12I Jn A,11I 9om 11,5 I Pet 5,0 *! ,1I C! 4, 1 *t 0, D=I *! ,12I C! 4, 3I 1,3AI Jn 4,13 Jn 2, 5I Cor 4,1A

Thomas Aquinas on Mary's Immaculate Conception

FI ans$er that' 6od so prepares and endo$s those' $hom <e chooses for some particular office' that they are rendered capable of fulfilling it' according to Cor. 5,=, ;?(ho@ has made us fit ministers of the 8e$ Testament.; 8o$ the )lessed Nirgin $as chosen by 6od to be <is *other. Therefore there can be no doubt that 6od' by <is grace' made her $orthy of that office' according to the $ords spo!en to her by the angel ?C!. 1,52'51@, ;Thou has found grace $ith 6od, behold thou shall concei"e'; etc. )ut she $ould not ha"e been $orthy to be the *other of 6od' if she had e"er sinned. Birst' because the honor of the parents reflects on the child' according to Pro". 11,=, ;The glory of children are their fathers;, and conse#uently' on the other hand' the *other;s shame $ould ha"e reflected on her Son. Secondly' because of the singular affinity bet$een her and Christ' $ho too! flesh from her, and it is $ritten ? Cor. =,14@, ;(hat concord has Christ $ith )elialE; Thirdly' because of the singular manner in $hich the Son of 6od' $ho is the ;Di"ine (isdom; ?1 Cor. 1, 3@ d$elt in her' not only in her soul but in her $omb. And it is $ritten ?(is. 1,3@, ;(isdom $ill not enter into a malicious soul' nor d$ell in a body sub&ect to sins.; F(e must therefore confess simply that the )lessed Nirgin committed no actual sin' neither mortal nor "enialI so that $hat is $ritten ?Cant 3,1@ is fulfilled, ;Thou art all fair' 7 my lo"e' and there is not a spot in thee'; etc. F ?Summa Theologiae III, 1,3@


6race is a free gift of 6od 6race is gi"en through Jesus Jesus is grace of 6od 6od;s grace is ine%haustible 9iches come from throne of grace 6race ma!es us strong in faith 6race needed to spread the faith 6race prepares us for eternal life 6od gi"es grace to the humble 6race demands a response )y grace $e gro$ in !no$ledge of Christ *ary is full of grace 6race more plentiful than sin 6race can be lost 6race and peace $ished in greetings GT he effect of grace is to ma!e us freely do P6od/sQ $ill.H Thomas *erton Ps A3,11I Kech 1 ,12I Jn 1,1=I 5, 1I 9om 5, 3I 3, D4I 1=I 4,14D11I 0,13D1AI 11,=I 1Cor 3,1I 1Pet 4,12 Jn 1,11I 9om 1,4I 6al 1,=I Eph ,1I 1Tim 1,13I Tim 1,0 *t 1,51I Jn 5,1=D11I 9om 5, 3I Cor A,0I 6al 3,3I Tit ,11I <eb ,11 9om 4,11I Cor 3,14I 0,AI Eph 1,1I ,1I 1Tim 1,13 Eph 5,1 I <eb 3,1= Acts 3,55I =,AI 13,5I 2,5 I 9om 1,11I 1=, 4I 1Cor 1,1DAI Thess ,1=D11I 5,5 Acts 1A, 1I 9om 1,4 9om 4, I =, 5I Tit 1, I 1Pet 1,15 Pro" 5,53I Jas 3,=I 1Pet 4,4 1Cor 14,12I Cor 11, 5I Eph ,12I Phil ,1 D15 Pet 5,1A C! 1, AI 3 9om 4,14I 2I =,1I Cor 1 ,0 <eb 1 ,14I Jude 3 9om 1,1I 1Cor 1,5I Cor 1, I 6al 1,5I Eph 1, I Phil 1, I Col 1, I 1Thess 1,1I Thess 1, I Philem 5I 1Tim 1, I Tim 1, I Tit 1,3I <eb 15, 4

The Church
G <o$ can $e say that the Church $ishes to bring us bac! into the dar! agesE The church $as the only thing that e"er brought us out of them.H 6. J. Chesterton Boretold in 7T Called Church of 6od Bounded by Christ Is )ody of Christ Christ is head of Church Purchased by Christ;s blood Is e"erlasting Is "isible Is infallible Authority of Church *embers to be holy 6ro$th of Church Christ is cornerstone )uilt on apostles 6ood and bad members Doctrine' community' sacred rite ?bread@ Christ lo"ed the Church Church is pillar-foundation of truth :nbro!en succession Tobit 15,11D1AI Is , D5I )ar 4,5I <os ,13D 3I *ic 3,1D5 1Tim 5,14 *t 1=,1AI A,10I *! 1=,14I 1Cor 5,11I Eph , 2I 1Pet ,3D= 9om 1 ,3I 1Cor 1 ,1 I Eph 1, D 5I 4, I Col 1,1A Eph 1, I 4, 5I Col 1,1A Acts 2, AI Eph 4, 4I <eb 0,1 *t 1=,1AI A, 2 *t 4,13I *! 3,52D5 I Eph ,10D *t 1=,1AI A, 2I *! 1=,1=I C! 12,1=I 1Tim 5,14 *t 1=,1AD10I 1A,1AI Jn 2, 5 1Cor 1, I Col 5,1 Acts ,31I ,31I 4,13I =,1I 11, 3 Ps 11A, I *t 1,3 I *! 1 ,12I C! 2,11I Acts 3,11I Eph , 2I 1Pet ,3I 1 1Cor 5,12I Eph , 2I 9e" 1,13 *t 15,31D3AI ,12 Acts ,3 Eph 4, 4D = 1 Tim 5,14 Acts 1,14D =I Tim , I Tit 1,4

Christ protects Church Presbyters-elders ?priests@ $ere ordained' preached and taught the floc!' administered sacraments

*t 1=,1AI 2, 2 Acts 14,=I 5I 1 Tim 3,13I 4, 14,1=

I 1 Tim 4,11I Jas 4,15D14I 9om

Communion of Saints
:nity of all Christians Praying for each other Intercession of saints (e are surrounded by saints Saints no$ in hea"en *iracles through relics All called to be saints Jn 14,4I 9om 1 ,3I 1Cor =,1 D 2I 12,11I 1 ,3D 1I Eph ,10I 4,52I Col 1,1AI 3I ,10I 5,14 Jer 14,1I Acts 1 ,4I 9om 14,52I Cor 15,1I Eph =,1AI Col 3,5 1Thess 4, 4I Thess 5,1I <eb 15,1AI Jas 4,1= Tobit 1 ,1 I *ac 14,13I 9e" 4,AI A,3 <eb 1 ,1 1Thess 5,15I <eb 11,32I 1 , 5I 1Pet 5,10I 9e" =,0 Acts 4,14I 10,11D1 Eph 1,3D=I 1 I 13

GT hen the catechumens are brought by us to $here there is $ater' and they are reborn into the same manner in $hich $e oursel"es $ere reborn.H DD Justin *artyr ?before 1=4 AD@ Boreshado$ed in 7T John;s baptism preparatory Administered by disciples In Christ;s name In name of Trinity Bor all man!ind )apti.ed into Christ )apti.ed into Christ;s death )apti.ed to ne$ life (ith $ater and <oly Spirit 7nly one baptism 8ecessity of baptism Bor our redemption Bor sanctified Bor &ustification 7ur assurance of resurrection A free gift of 6od Borgi"es sin E.e! 5=, 4I 1Pet 5, 2D 1 *! 1,3I AI Acts 1,4I 11,1=I 10,3 Jn 3, Acts ,5AI A,1=I 12,3AI 10,4I 9e" 13,1I ,3 *t A,10 *t A,10I *! 1=,14D1=I C! 3,31I Acts ,5A 1Cor 1 ,15I 6al 5, 1 9om =,5 9om =,3I Tit 5,4 Jn 5,4I Eph 4, =I Tit 5,4 Eph 3,4 *! 1=,1=I Jn 5,4 1Jn 4,= 1Cor =,11I Eph 4, = 1Cor =,11 9om =,5D4I 1Cor 14, 0 Tit 5,4 1 Peter 5, 1I Acts ,5AI ,1=

Anointing. The symbolism of anointing $ith oil also signifies the <oly Spirit' to the point of becoming a synonym for the <oly Spirit. In Christian initiation' anointing is the sacramental sign of Confirmation' called FchrismationF in the Churches of the East. Its full force can be grasped only in relation to the primary anointing accomplished by the <oly Spirit' that of Jesus. Christ ?in <ebre$ FmessiahF@ means the one FanointedF by 6od;s Spirit. DD The Catechism of the Catholic Church Is ind$elling of <oly Spirit Promised by Christ Conferred by imposition of hands Distinct from baptism 9ecei"ed before baptism 13 Jn 13,11I Acts ,3I 12,33 Jn 13,1=I =I 14, = Acts A,11I 10,= Acts A,14 Acts 12,33

9ecei"ed after baptism

Acts ,5AI A,13D11I 10,4D=

Reconciliation (Confession & Penance)

6od forgi"es sin Christ has po$er to forgi"e sin Confession instituted by Christ Borgi"eness is through Christ Is for reconciliation $ith Christ 9econciliation is from Christ Po$er is delegated by Christ Degrees of sin ?mortal or "enialE@ Penance reconciles the sinner to the community of belie"ers FIf you forgi"e sins ... they are forgi"en.F )inding on earth and hea"en. *inistry of reconciliation. Borgi"eness of sins' anointing of the sic!' confession. *! ,1I C! 4, 1 *t 0,=I *! ,12I C! 4, 3I Col 5,15 Jn 2, D 5 Cor ,12 Cor 4,1A 9om 4,11I Col 1, 2I <eb 1,5 Jn 2, 5I Cor 4,1A 1Jn 4,1= Cor ,4DA Jn 2, D 5 *t 1A,1A Cor 4,1A Jas 4,13D1=

The Blessed Eucharist

GT he most ferocious opponent of the Christian ceremonials must admit that if Catholicism had not instituted the bread and $ine' somebody else $ould most probably ha"e done so.H 6. J. Chesterton Called the Cord;s Supper Called the Agape ?Co"eDBeast@ Called the )rea!ing of )read Promised by Christ Instituted by Christ Christ actually present in Commemoration of Cal"ary :niting us to Christ *ay recei"e the consecrated species of bread or $ine only Source of di"ine life Jesus is )read of Cife This is my body this is my blood Serious conse#uences of sinning against the body and blood Cong discourse on Eucharist 1Cor 11, 2 Jude 1 Acts ,3 Jn =, 1D40 *t =, =D 0I *! 13, I C! ,14D 2I 1Cor 11, 5D 4 *t =, =I *! 13, I C! ,10I Jn =,54I 31I 41D4AI 1Cor 11, 1D 0 *t =, AI C! ,10D 2I 1Cor 12,1=I 11, 4D = Acts ,3 I 9om 1 ,4I 1Cor 12,11 C! 3,52I Jn =,41I 41D4AI Acts 2,1I 1Cor 12,11I 11, 1 Jn =, 1I 55I 42I 41I 4AI 1Cor 11,52 Jn =,54I 31I 3AI 41 *t =, =D 1I *! 13, I 3I C! ,10D 2I 1 Cor 12, 3D 4 1 Cor 11, =D52 Jn =,5 D4A

Eucharist & the Early Church

The doctrine of the Eucharist has been held from the "ery earliest days of the Church. Bor the first A22 years of Christianity' there $as no doubt regarding the 9eal Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. <ere is a sample of $ritings from the fathers of the early Church illustrating this. Paul $riting in 1 Cor 12,14D1= FI spea! to sensible peopleI &udge for yoursel"es $hat I say. Is not the cup of than!sgi"ing for $hich $e gi"e than!s a participation in the blood of ChristE And is not the bread that $e brea! a participation in the body of ChristEF 14

Paul $riting in 1 Cor 11, 5D52 FBor I recei"ed from the Cord $hat I also passed on to you, The Cord Jesus' on the night he $as betrayed' too! bread' and $hen he had gi"en than!s' he bro!e it and said' FThis is my body' $hich is for youI do this in remembrance of me.F In the same $ay' after supper he too! the cup' saying' FThis cup is the ne$ co"enant in my bloodI do this' $hene"er you drin! it' in remembrance of me.F Bor $hene"er you eat this bread and drin! this cup' you proclaim the Cord;s death until he comes. Therefore' $hoe"er eats the bread or drin!s the cup of the Cord in an un$orthy manner $ill be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Cord. A man ought to e%amine himself before he eats of the bread and drin!s of the cup. Bor anyone $ho eats and drin!s $ithout the body of the Cord eats and drin!s &udgment on himself.F Ignatius of Antioch' 112 AD FThey abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer' because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our sa"ior Jesus Christ' flesh $hich suffered for our sins and $hich the Bather' in his goodness' raised up again... Cet that be considered a "alid Eucharist $hich is celebrated by the bishop' or by one $hom he appoints. (here"er the bishop appears' let the people be thereI &ust as $here"er Jesus Christ is' there is the Catholic Church.F ?Epistle to the Smyreans@ GTa!e heed' then' to ha"e but one Eucharist. Bor there is one flesh of our Cord Jesus Christ' and one cup to Psho$ forthQ the unity of <is bloodI one altarI as there is one bishop' along $ith the presbytery and deacons' my fello$Dser"ants, that so' $hatsoe"er you do' you may do it according to Pthe $ill ofQ 6od.H ?Epistle to the Philadelphians@ Justin *artyr' 142 AD F(e call this food Eucharist' and no one else is permitted to parta!e of it' e%cept one $ho belie"es our teaching to be true and $ho has been $ashed in the $ashing $hich is for the remission of sins and for regeneration and is thereby li"ing as Christ has en&oined. Bor not as common bread nor common drin! do $e recei"e theseI but since Jesus Christ our Sa"ior $as made incarnate by the $ord of 6od and had both flesh and blood for our sal"ation' so too' as $e ha"e been taught' the food $hich has been made into the Eucharist by the Eucharistic prayer set do$n by him' and by the change of $hich our blood and flesh is nourished' is both the flesh and the blood of that incarnated Jesus.F ?Birst Apology of Justin@ Irenaeus of Cyons' 102 AD FChrist has declared the cup... to be his o$n )lood' from $hich he causes our blood to flo$I and the bread' a part of creation' he has established as his o$n )ody' from $hich he gi"es increase to our bodies. If the Cord $ere from other than the Bather' ho$ could he rightly ta!e bread' $hich is of the same creation as our o$n' and confess it to be his body and affirm that the mi%ture in the cup is his bloodEF ?Against <eresies )oo! N@

Sacrament of the Sick

Is anyone among you sic!E <e should summon the presbyters of the church' and they should pray o"er him and anoint ?him@ $ith oil in the name of the Cord' and the prayer of faith $ill sa"e the sic! person' and the Cord $ill raise him up. If he has committed any sins' he $ill be forgi"en. R James 4,13 7il used in anointing of sic! 9ecei"ed $ith prayer of faith In the name of the Cord Also forgi"es sins 9estores person to health *! =,15I Jas 4,13 Jas 4,14 Jas 4,13 Jas 4,14 *! =,15I Jas 4,14


Holy Orders
Duties and functions of 7T priests *elchi.ede! priesthood superior to Aaronic priesthood *elchi.ede! a type of Christ Perfect priesthood of Christ Calling of apostles Consecration of apostles Sending of apostles Transmission of priesthood Bunctions of priests Degrees of authority Priesthood of belie"ers Pray for priestly "ocations Priesthood in 8e$ Testament times See 7n )ible Translations on page 1. Deut 55,1D11 <eb 1,1D11I A,1D15 Ps 112,3I <eb 4,=I 12I =, 2 <eb 5,1D3I 1, 1I A,3D=I 0,1 D13I 4I 12,4 *t 12,1I 1=,1=D10I C! =,15I ,5 I Jn 1,14D11 Jn 2, *t A,10I *! 1=,14I C! 3,31I Jn 2, 1 1Tim 3,13I 4, I Tim 1,=I Tit 1,4 *al 1,11I *t A,10I Jn 2, 5I 1Cor 11, 3I Jas 4,13 1Cor 1 , AI Eph 3,11I 1Thess 4,1 I Jas 5,1 Eph ,10D 2I 1Pet ,4I 0 *t 0,51D5AI C! 12, 9om 14,1=

7rdained by 6od *arriage li!ened to Christ and his Church T$o in one flesh Couples to respect each other :nion is holy Bor procreation of children Continence good for short periods Children a blessing from 6od Di"orce not permitted Death dissol"es marriage Celibacy a higher calling 6en 1, AI ,1AI Tobit A,4D1I *t 10,= Eph 4, 1D 5 6en , 5D 3I *t 10,5D=I Eph 4,51 1Cor 1,3I Eph 4, 1D 4I 55I Col 5,1AD10 1Cor 1,15D13I Eph 4, 4D = 6en 1, A 1Cor 1,1D4 6en 3,=2I 52,1D5I Ps 1 1,5I 1Sam 1,=I C! 1, 4 *t 4,5 I 10,0I *! 12, D1 I C! 1=,1AI 1Cor 1,12 9om 1, I 1Cor 1,50 *t 10,1 I 1Cor 1,A' 4' 5A

Annulment or Di"orceE
7ne of the most common misunderstandings about Catholic teaching is the difference bet$een an annulment and a di"orce. 7ften people say an annulment is &ust a Catholic di"orce DD nothing could be further from the truth. To Catholics there is no di"orce ?ref *t 4,5 I 10,0' *! 12, D1 ' C! 1=,1A' 1Cor 1,12@. An annulment is a statement by the Church that a sacramental marriage has ne"er ta!en place. Ta!e for e%ample someone $ho is forced into a marriage. The Church $ould say that is not a Christian marriage. Ci"il la$ is e%actly the same. A shotgun $edding is not a Christian marriage. Bor Christians there are other reasons for granting an annulment. The Church has al$ays taught that a marriage should be open to children. If a couple gets married but has no plans for children' then the Church might rule that marriage is not sacramental and is in fact null. ?)e careful not to read this to mean you must ha"e children to ha"e a "alid marriage DD you must only be open to children.@ An annulment is a statement by the Church that a sacramental marriage did not occur. A di"orce is a statement by a ci"il authority that a marriage is dissol"ed.

Holy Scriptures
Scriptures inspired by 6od Acts 1,1=I 9om 1, I Tim 5,1=I 1Pet 1,12I 11 Pet 1, 1

Called the (ord of 6od Called a t$oDedged s$ord Some things hard to understand <a"e need of an interpreter Purpose and uses of <oly Scriptures 8o Scripture sub&ect to pri"ate interpretation Cearned from childhood )lessed for belie"ing the (ord of 6od

1Thess ,15I <eb 3 1 Ps 130,=I <eb 3,1 I 9e" 1,1= Pet 5,1= Acts A,52D51I Pet 5,1= 9om 14D3I 1=, =I 1Cor 12,11I Tim 5,14D11 Pet 1, 2D 1 Deut =,1I 11,10I 51,1 D15I Tim 5,14 C! 11, AI 9e" ,1

Apostles are those $ho are sent Called by Christ <oly Spirit poured out on apostles Apostles are $itnesses to Christ Apostles shall &udge the $orld Church built on apostles Primacy gi"en to Peter Paul called to be an apostle Paul apostle of 6entiles Bunctions of apostles *t A,10I *! =,1I 1=,14I C! 3,31I Jn 3,5AI 11,1AI 2, 1 *t 12, D3I *! 5,15D10I C! =,1 D1=I Acts 1,15 Acts 1,AI ,5D3 C! 3,3AI Jn 14, 1I Acts 1,AI 1D I ,5 I 5,14I 3,55I 4,5 I 12,50I 15,51I ,14 *t 10, AI C! ,52I 1Cor =, I 9e" 2,3 *t 1=,1AI Eph , 2I 9e" 1,13 *t 1=,1AI C! ,51D5 I Jn 1,3 I 1,14D11 Acts 0,14I 9om 1,1I 1Cor 0,1I 14,AD12I Cor 4, 2I 6al 1,14I 11 Acts 0,14I ,14I 9om 11,15I 6al ,AI 1Tim ,1 Acts ,3 I 3,54I =, I 14,=I 1Cor 5,0I 3,1I 11, 5I 14,1I Cor 4, 2I =,1


G A man $ho has faith must be prepared not only to be a martyr' but to be a fool. It is absurd to say that a man is ready to toil and die for his con"ictions $hen he is not e"en ready to $ear a $reath around his head for them.H 6. J. Chesterton 6od is faithful and true <as po$er to implement promises Baith is demanded by Christ Christians called belie"ers ?men of faith@ Just man li"es by faith Baith is assurance of things hoped for Cife for all $ho belie"e $ith faith Baith calls for obedience Baith is confirmed $ith baptism D and $e become sons of 6od Baith comes from preaching (ithout Baith $e cannot please 6od Baith and good $or!s are complementary Some heroes of the faith Co"e is greater than faith Ps A0,55D51I 9om 5,5D3I 1Cor 1,0I 1Thess 4, 3I Thess 5,5I Tim ,15I <eb 12, 5I 11,11I 9e" 10,11 Jer 5 ,11I *t 10, =I C! 1,51I 1A, 1I 9om 3, 1I <eb =,11I 11,10 *t 0, AI *! 3,32I C! A, 4I Jn =,54I A, 3I 0,54 Acts 4,13I 0,3 I 13 1I 14,1I 9om 3, 3I 1Cor 1, 1I 1Tim 3,1 <eb ,3I 9om 1,11I 5, 1D I =I 6al 5,11I <eb 12,5A 9om 1,1=I 3, 2I Cor 3,15I <eb 11,1 9om =,AI 12,12I Cor 3,15D13I Eph 1,10I Col ,1 I 1Thess 3,13I Tim 1,12I 1Pet 1,4 Acts =,1I 9om 1,4I =,1=D11I 14,1AI 1=,10I =I Cor 12,=I Thess 1,AI <eb 4,0I 11,AI 1Pet 1, Acts ,31I A,1 D15I 12,33D3AI 1=,13D14I 51D55I 1A,AI 10, D4I 1Cor 1,13D11I <eb 12, Jn 1,1 I 6al 5, =I 3,4D1 Acts 3,1D3I A,4D=I 51I 11,11I 9om 12,13D11I Cor 1,10I Col 1, 5I 1Tim 5,1=I <eb 3, D5 9om ,1DAI <eb 11,= 6al 4,=I 1Thess 1,5I Thess 1,11I Jas ,11I 2I = Sirach 33,1D14I 1I <eb 11,1D32 1 Cor 15,15

6od called hope of Israel Israel loo!ed for future hope <ope comes from 6od <ope comes from <oly Spirit Christians hope in 6od Christians hope in Christ Christ is our hope of glory The hope to $hich $e are called Christians hope for resurrection Christians sa"ed through hope <ope leads to holiness (e should perse"ere in hope (e should hope $ith patience Abraham a model of hope 8o hope for unbelie"ers Ps 152,1I 151,5I Jer 13,AI 11,15I 42,1I Acts A, 2 Is =1,1D11I Jer 0,11I 51,11I <os , 1D 5 9om 14,15I Thess ,1= Acts 1,AI ,55I 9om 4,4I 6al 4,4 1Tim 4,4I =,11I 1Pet 1, 1I 5,4 6al 4,3D4I Col 1,4I 1Thess 1,5I 1Tim 1,1I Tit ,15 <eb =,1AD 2 9om 4,1D I Eph ,15D11I Col 1, 1I Tit 5,1I 1Pet 1,5 9om 4, I Eph 1,1AI 3,3I Col 1, 5I <eb 5,1 Acts , =I 5,=I 3,14I =,=I 9om A, 5D 3I <eb 11,1 9om A, 3I 1Thess 4,A 1Jn 5,5 <eb 5,=I =,11 9om A, 4I 1 ,1 I 14,3I 1Thess 1,5I 9om 3,1A 1Cor 14,13I 10I Eph ,1 I 1Thess 3,15

Love (charity)
GThat is $hat is meant in the bible by lo"ing Pour neighborQ, $ishing his good' not feeling fond of him nor saying he is nice $hen he is not.H C. S. Ce$is in *ere Christianity

6od is lo"e 6od has first lo"ed us )ecause 6od so lo"ed the $orld he sent his Son Christ ga"e himself to death for lo"e of us <oly Spirit is channel of lo"e Co"e of 6od must be e%clusi"e 6od must be lo"ed $holeheartedly Perfect lo"e casts out fear To lo"e Jesus is to !eep his $ord Co"e is the greatest "irtue (ithout lo"e no "irtue or gift has "alue (e must lo"e one another Enemies must also be lo"ed Co"e manifests itself in almsgi"ing <usband and $ife should lo"e one another

1Jn 3,AI 1= Eph 4, I 1Jn 5,1=I 3,0D12I 10 Kech 1 ,12I *t 1,51I Jn 5,1=I 9om A,5 I 1Jn 3,0D12I 13 Jn 14,15I Cor 4,13I 6al , 2I Eph 4, I 4 9om 4,4I A,1=I 14,52I 6al 3,= *t =, 3I C! 1=,15I 1Jn ,14 Deut =,4I *t ,51I *! 1 ,52I 55I C! 12, 1I 1Jn 4, 9om A,14I Tim 1,1I 1Jn , AI 3,1A Deut 11,1I Jn 13,14I 1I 5I 1Jn ,4I 5, 3I 4,5 9om 15,AD12I 1Cor 15,15I 6al 4,= 1Cor 15,1D12I 6al 4,= Ce" 10,1AI 53I Deut 12,10I *t 10,10I D50I *! 1 ,51I 55I C! 12, 1I Jn 15,53D54I Acts 3,5 I 9om 15,0I 6al 4,13I Jas ,AI 1Jn 3, 2D 1 Job 51, 0D52I *t 4,35D31I C! =, 1D5=I 12, 0D51I 9om 1 ,13D 1 Deut 14,1I 11I *t 4,53D34I *! 1 ,31D33I C! 1,1D3I 1Cor 15,5I Cor A,1DAI 0,1I Jas ,1=I 1Jn 5,11D1A Eph 4, 4I Col 5,10I 1Pet 5,1

GT he man $hose prayer is so pure that he ne"er as!s 6od for anything does not !no$ $ho 6od is' and does not !no$ $ho he is himself, for he does not !no$ his o$n need of 6od.H Thomas *erton Prayer is praise of 6od Petition to 6od Than!sgi"ing to 6od Prayer to be made $ith faith D in the name of Jesus (ith perse"erance Prayer offered !neeling Prayer offered standing Prayer is community offering Prayer offered pri"ately Prayer offered for special ministry Prayer for gro$th in spiritual life Pray for each other Prayer for dead Temple called house of prayer The Cord;s prayer 1Chron 0,15I Chron 2, 1D I Ps 1,15I , 5I A0,4I 115,1I 13AI 130I 142I C! 10,51I 9e" 10,4 E% 5 ,11D15I 55,11I 53,0I Josh 1,=I *t 1,1D11I *! 11, 3 8eh 1 ,AI 3=I Tobit 15,1 ffI Jud 1=,1 ffI Ps 54,1AI 120,52I Sirach 41,1 ffI Cor3,14I Phil 3,3D=I 9e" 1,1 C! 11,0I 1A,1DAI Jn 13,15I 14,1 Jn 13,15I 14,1I Acts 5,1=I 1Jn 5, I 4,13 *t 14, D AI C! 11,4DAI 1A,1DAI 9om 1 ,1 I Eph =,1AI Col 3, Chron =,15I Ps 04,=I Dan =,12I C! ,31I Acts 0,32I 2,5= 1Chron 5,52I 8eh 0,4I *! 11, 4I C! 1A,11 Ps 3 ,3I 1 ,1I *t 1A,10I C! 3,45I Acts 1,13I 5,1I 3, 3I =,3I 2,5=I 1Tim ,A Jings 3,55I Tobit 5,11I Is =, 2I Dan =,11I *t =,=I Acts 0,11I 0,32I 12,0 Acts 15,5I 13, 5 Eph 5,13D10I Phil 1,0D11 Acts 1 ,4I 9om 14,52I Cor 1,11I Eph =,1AI Col 3,5I 1Thess 4, 4I Thess 5,1I 1Tim ,1I <eb 15,1A *ac 1 ,3 D34 Is 4=,1I *t 1,15I *! 11,11 *t =,0I C! 11,


Physical death a conse#uence of sin Death ends our mortal e%istence Death is man;s common destiny Death brings sorro$ Death is to be feared Christ has con#uered death All $ho die in Christ shall li"e $ith him 6en 5I (is 1,15I , 3I Sirach 4D 3I 9om 4,1 I 1Cor 14, Job 1,AD0I 1I 13,12I Ps 50,15I AA,4I 12 , 5D 3I Eccles 5,10D I =,1D1 I C! 1 , 2 Sam 1 , 5I 13,13I 1 Jings , I Ps 30,AD0I Eccles 5 6en 5, I 42,1I Sam 10,1I Jings 15,13I C! 1,1 D15I Jn 11,10I 54 Jings 2, I Is 5A, I *! 13,55I C! ,33I Jn 11,55I 5AI 1 , 1I 15, 1I <eb 4,1 Acts 15,53I 9om =,0I 1Cor 14, 4D 1I Tim 1,12I <eb ,13I 9e" 1,1A 9om =,4I AI A,11I Tim ,11

Purification necessary for hea"en An intermediate state of purification Degrees of e%piation of sins Can be aided by prayer Sal"ationI but only as through fire Temporary agony Christ preached to spiritual beings 8othing unclean shall enter hea"en Sacrifice for the dead A reality beyond the t$o realms of <ea"en and Earth a place bet$een or near 8o forgi"eness in this age nor in the age to come. FE%traF suffering. <eb 1 ,13I 9e" 1, 1 *t 4, =I C! 1 ,4AD40 C! 1 ,31D3A *ac 1 ,34 1Cor 5,14 1 Cor 5,14I *t 4, 4D = 1 Pet 5,10 9e" 1, 1 *ac 1 ,35D3= Cor 4,12I 9e"I 4, I5 9e"I 4, 5I Phil ,12I *att 1A, 5D 4 Cu!e 5,3 *t 1 ,5 Col 1, 3I Sam 1 ,13

Hell - (Gehenna)
Prepared for de"il and his angels Place of dar!ness and silence Called a pit Called a prison Place of misery and torment E%clusion from 6od;s presence Bires of hell <ell is $ages of sin Punishment for $illful re&ection of 6od;s grace 8o further chance of repentance *t 4,31I 9e" 13,0D11 Ps AA,=I 114,11I *t A,1 I D15I 4,52I Pet ,11I Jude 15 Job =,4D=I Ps AA,=I Pet ,3 Job 5A,11I Is 3, Dan 1 , I *t A,11D1 I 15,3 I ,15I C! 15, 3D11AI 9om ,AI 9e" 13,0D11I 10, 2 *t 4 2I 1, 1D 5I C! 15, 3D 5I 1Cor =,0D11I 6al 4, 1I Thess 1,0 *t 4, I 1A,0I 4,31I *! 0,35I C! 5,11I Jas 5,=I Jude 1I 9e" 10, 2I 2,12I 1,A Is 5,11I 9om ,=I =, 1D 5I 1Cor =,0D12I 6al =,1I Jas 1,14I 9e" 1,AI Jn 1 ,3AI 9om ,4I Thess 1,AI <eb , D5I =,3D=I 12, =D 0 <eb 1 ,11

<ea"en is d$elling place of 6od Jesus came do$n from hea"en Jesus ascended into hea"en (ill return from hea"en <ea"en our home Christ $ill ta!e us to hea"en <ea"en intended for all man!ind 8ot easy to attain (e should stri"e to attain hea"en 7ur bodies must first be changed Degrees of happiness in hea"en St. Paul ta!en to third hea"en 6en 10, 3I Deut 12,13I 1Jings ,10I Ps 11,3I *t 4,1=I 34I =,1 Jn 5,15I 51I =,5AI 1Cor 14,31 *! 1=,10I C! 3,42I Jn 2,11I Acts 1,5D0I Eph 3,12I 1Pet 5, *t 12, 5I 1=, 1I 10, AI 4,51I Acts 1,11I 1Thess 3,15D1AI Thess 1,1I Pet 1,1=I 9e" 1,1I 2,11I , 2 *t 4,1 I Cor 4,1D4I Phil 5, 2I Col 1,4I 1Pet 1,3 *t 3,51I Jn 13, D5I 1Thess 3,1=D11I Thess ,1 1Tim ,3 Pro" 11, AI *! 12, 5D 4I 1Cor =,0I 1Pet 3,1A Col 5,1I <eb 15,13 1Cor 14,42D41I 1Thess 3,15D11 *t 2, 1I Jn 13,1D5 Cor 1 ,

Sola Scriptura ( Scripture Alone)
The underlying idea behind the protestant reformation is the idea that the bible alone is the only rule of faith. The bible does not support this belief. 8ot e"erything is in the )ible Paul spea!s of oral tradition as authoritati"e Early Christians follo$ed apostolic tradition Specific references $here Jesus spea!s or is #uoted as re"ealing truth $hich is not in Scripture The great commission by Christ $as to preach not to $rite Jn 1, 4 Thess ,14I Tim , I 1 Cor 11, I 1 Thess ,15 Acts ,3 *att 5, I Acts 2,54 *att A,10I 2

Aren't we all using the same book?

7ne common idea among Christians is the idea that as long as $e are all $or!ing from the same boo!' the differences bet$een us are not important. If you are reading this you probably already disagree $ith that idea' ne"ertheless' it is a "ery common idea. It is also an idea $orth loo!ing at a little closer. The most ob"ious ob&ection to this idea is the fact that among Christians there is a $ide "ariety of beliefs. This $ould not be important if the differences $ere about tri"ial issues' but Christians today differ o"er issues of e%treme importance' abortion for e%ample. <uman life is not a tri"ial matter. :ntil "ery recently all Christians regarded human life as 6od;s greatest gift DD life $as sacred. 8o matter $hich side of the abortion debate you belie"e' the fact that there is an abortion debate illustrates ho$ poorly the bible alone is as rule of faith. 7ne must as! $hy' if $e are all using the same boo!' $e ha"e such a discrepancyE 7r maybe the #uestion should be ho$ do $e !no$ $hich interpretation of scripture is the correct oneE Scripture' of course' is a good place to loo! for ans$ers to these #uestions. 8ot so much because it ans$ers them' but because scripture attac!s the fundamental idea behind these #uestions. The underlying premise behind both of these #uestions is the idea that all truth is contained in the bible' and that $ith sufficient prayer' the correct interpretation $ould be ob"ious. Bollo$ing this reasoning fe$ Christians today pray sufficientlyM The 8e$ Testament does not describe the formation of an authoritati"e te%t' but of an authoritati"e body. Bor e%ample in *atthe$ 1=,1A' Jesus promises a church that $ill $ithstand e"en the gates of hell. In *atthe$ 1A,11 Jesus refers to a church that is the highest authority on earth. The 8e$ Testament $riters $ere familiar $ith this ideas as $ell. In 1Tim 5,14 St. Paul refers to the Church as the Fpillar and foundation of truth.F (ith this !ind of scriptural e"idence' the #uestions posed abo"e ha"e no meaning because the e"idence points to an authoritati"e body on earth R the Church. Di"ine inspiration is not a matter of personal interpretation of sacred te%ts ? Peter 1, 2D 1@. To deny the e%istence of an earthly authority lea"es the faithful to their o$n $its about $hat is di"inely re"ealed' and conse#uently to their o$n sel"es as a source of infallible truth.

Sola Fide (Faith Alone)

*artin Cuther' $anting to a"oid the responsibility of doing good $or!s' promoted the idea of faith alone as a means of sal"ation. The Church has al$ays taught that faith' hope' and lo"e ?charity@ are re#uired for sal"ation. The only time the e%pression Gfaith aloneH is mentioned in the bible is in James , 3' $here the author says Abraham $as 87T sa"ed by faith alone. (hat good is faith $ithout $or!sE *ust a"oid sin FEarningF forgi"eness *ust do $ill of 6od Paul disciplines himself to a"oid losing sal"ation (or!s ha"e merit Jeep commandments Jas ,13D = <eb 12, = Jas 4, 2 C! =,3=I *t 1, 1I *t 10,1=D 1I 1Tim 4,A 1Cor 0, 1 Phil ,1 I Cor 4,12I 9om ,=I *t 4,5 D3=I 6al =,=D 12 1Jn ,5D3I 1Jn 5, 3I 1Jn 4,5


(The Protestant "Apocrypha")

Bor a brief history see Deuterocanonical ?Apocryphal@ )oo!s on page 3. Deuterocanonicals $ere used in 8e$ Testament, *ac =,1AD1,3 <eb 11,54 (isdom 5,4D= 1 Pet 1,=D1 (isdom 15,1D0 9om 1,1AD5 Septuagint ?6ree!' $- Deuterocanonicals@ "ersion of 7ld Testament #uoted in 8e$ Testament' noticeably different from <ebre$ "ersion, Is 1,13 *t 1, 5 Is 32,5 *t 5,5 Joel ,52D51 Acts ,10D 0 Ps 04,1D0 <eb 5,1D0

Deuterocanonical (Apocryphal) Books

7ften people as! $hy Catholics use the Deuterocanonical boo!s' and many Protestants do not. Bor the most part there is nothing in the Deuterocanonical boo!s that $ould separate different forms of Christianity' e%cept for t$o passages. In *accabees chapter 1 ' they pray for the souls of the dead. This passage is significant in that it contradicts &ustification by faith alone' and supports the idea of purgatory. Another point is in Tobit 1 ,1 $here the angel 9aphael presents Tobit;s and Sarah;s prayers to 6od. This is an e%ample of intercessory prayer instead of praying Fdirect to 6odF. The 7ld Testament )efore Christ In popular history the earliest !no$n canon of old testament boo!s is !no$n as the Septuagint. The Septuagint $as translated from <ebre$ to 6ree! by se"enty ?hence Septuagint' commonly abbre"iated CSS@ scholars for Ale%ander;s great library in Egypt around the year 522 )C. Supposedly' the scholars $ere commissioned by Ale%ander the 6reat to collect the $ritings of all the ma&or religions of the time. The Septuagint contains the 7ld Testament boo!s shared by all Christians along $ith the Deuterocanonical boo!s used by Catholics' traditional Protestants ' and many 7rthodo% Churches. In FThe 8e$ Jerome )iblical CommentaryF ?8J)C@ the authors suggest a more plausible history regarding the Septuagint arguing that the e%istence of the se"enty seems unli!ely' and it is more li!ely that the boo!s $ere collected and translated o"er time. 7ther sources gi"e different dates as $ell' but it is generally agreed the translation $as complete by 122 )C. 3

Scripture During Jesus; Time *uch of the debate today centers on $hether Jesus accepted the Septuagint as scripture. In the 6ospels Jesus ne"er #uotes the Septuagint directly. This does not condemn the Deuterocanonical boo!s since there are many other 7ld Testament ?7T@ boo!s Jesus did not #uote either. 8o Christian Church accepts only those 7T boo!s #uoted by Jesus. 7ld Testament boo!s not #uoted by Jesus are still considered scripture. So $hat did Jesus mean $hen he refers to scripturesE This seems to be the more compelling #uestion because apparently there $as no closed canon of scripture in Jesus; time. In The 8J)C the authors maintain that there $as no clear canon of scripture at the time of Christ. After re"ie$ing the data they state FThe conclusion that there $as no rigidly closed canon in Judaism in the 1st or nd centuries AD means that $hen the church $as in its formation period and $as using the sacred boo!s of the Je$s' there $as no closed canon for the church to adoptF Pp. 1231Q Part of the e"idence they present is the e%istence of Deuterocanonical boo!s in the Tumran scrolls ?Dead Sea scrolls@. In these scrolls $ere found parts of three Deuterocanonical te%ts gi"ing the impression that there $as "ery little distinction bet$een a closed canon and all other te%ts. They note that both FscripturalF te%ts and secular te%ts are included together' $ith no apparent distinction. They also dispel any notion that Je$s in Jerusalem had a different canon than Je$s else$here. FThe thesis that the Je$s in Ale%andria had a different theory of inspiration from the theory shared by the Je$s in Jerusalem is gratuitousF Pp 1231Q Jamnia Jamnia' ?a!a Jabneel@ $as a city about 1 miles south of Judah near the present day city of Lebna. In the late first century' after the fall of Jerusalem in 12 AD' it became a seat of Je$ish learning. According to popular history a council $as held in Jamnia that determined the canon of the 7ld Testament. The dates for this council range from 14 AD to 122 AD depending on the reference used. In The 8J)C the authors maintain that there ne"er $as a council at Jamnia' but instead it $as a $ellD respected rabbinical school. FThere is no e"idence that any list of boo!s $as dra$n up at Jamnia.F ?p 1232@. The Deuterocanonical )oo!s in the Early Church FIn the first century the Christian )ible had simply been the 7ld Testament ?read in the Septuagint "ersion@. Authority resided in this scripture and in the $ords of the Cord' $hich long circulated in oral tradition' as is apparent in the letter of Clement to the Corinthians.F ?FThe Early ChurchF <enry Chad$ic! p 3 @ The CSS "ersion $as also used by the authors of the 8e$ Testament. *ost scholars date the 8e$ Testament boo!s to "arious dates bet$een 14 AD and about 142 AD depending on the boo!. The authors of scripture' $riting in 6ree!' cite the Septuagint "ersion 7ld Testament boo!s since the Septuagint $as in 6ree!. As the Christian Church gre$ and started separating from Judaism' the Je$s also began to codify a set of boo!s that $here inspired. ?Either in response to Christianity or to di"isions bet$een the different Je$ish schools.@ In the 8J)C they assert that the discussions $ith early Christians also contributed to the decisions of $hat 7T boo!s constituted scripture. In FThe Early ChurchF <enry Chad$ic! points out that it $as only after Christian appeals to the Septuagint became embarrassing that more literal ?to the <ebre$@ translations became fa"ored by the 6ree! synagogue ?p 1 @. Some rabbis e"en denounced the ma!ing of the Septuagint as a sin li!e the $orship of the golden calfM It $as in these early years of Church formation that the t$o distinct 7ld Testaments $ere codified. The Je$s did not ha"e access to the entire CSS te%ts in original <ebre$I using this as a basis' they re&ected the Deuterocanonical boo!s as not being inspired. Jerome Nersus Augustine 4

:ntil the 3th century most Christians used the CSS as the basis for the 7T. 7f course there $as a considerable amount of literature floating around that $as also considered scripture and the early Church councils dealt to a large degree $ith this issue. (hat e%actly constituted scriptureE Surprisingly Saint Jerome' $hose Catin "ulgate translation became the official translation of the Catholic Church' did not $ant to include the Deuterocanonical boo!s in the translation. Jerome li"ed in Palestine and $as a$are of the <ebre$ canon that had de"eloped. <is contemporary Saint Augustine arguing from tradition' $anted them included in ne$ "ulgate translation. After conferring $ith Pope Damasus and most people sided $ith Augustine' Jerome included the Deuterocanonical boo!s in his translation. ?It is important to note that many in 9ome $ere opposed to anything Jerome did DD he $as not $ell li!ed in the ancient capital.@ Jerome;s "ulgate' although not the only translation in the Church' $as $idely regarded and used in the (estern $orld. The Septuagint along $ith 6ree! te%ts $as $idely used in the Eastern Church. So (hat <appenedE Bor many years throughout Christendom the bible' $ith the Septuagint' $as used. *artin Cuther;s brea! from Catholicism and the de"elopment of the idea of Gfaith aloneH as the basis for sal"ation ga"e the reformers a chance to #uestion boo!s in the bible that did not support this "ie$. The reformers particulary attac!ed <ebre$s' 9e"elation' and the Deuterocanonical boo!s. Since the 8e$ Testament boo!s had already been agreed upon at the council at Carthage in 504AD' the idea of remo"ing <ebre$s and 9e"elation from the bible $as not $idely embraced. The Deuterocanonicals' ho$e"er' did not fare so $ell. Some reformation churches included them in scripture and others did not. Binally the Church $as forced to formally recogni.ed $hat boo!s had been traditionally used. This $as done at the council of Trent' and this list' based on traditional Christian teaching is the list of boo!s used by Catholic today.

Baptism of Infants
Suggests baptism of all' entire household including children 8ecessity of baptism Circumcision ?normally performed on infants@ replaced by baptism Acts ,5AD50I Acts 1=,14I Acts 1=,55I 1 Cor 1,1= Jn 5,4 Col ,11D1

G It is easier to belie"e that 6od made one person infallible than to belie"e that he made fiftyDone out of e"ery one hundred infallible.H DD 6. J. Chesterton Peter al$ays mentioned first' as foremost apostle Peter spea!s for the apostles Pentecost, Peter $ho first preached Peter $or!ed first healing 6entiles to be bapti.ed re"ealed to Peter Simon is Cephas ?Aramaic, Jepha for roc!@ Fon this 9oc! I $ill build my ChurchI Peter gi"en !eys to JingdomI 6i"en po$er to bind and looseF Jeys as symbol of authority Ffeed my sheepF FSimon strengthen your brethrenF *t 12,1D3I *! 5,1=D10I C! =,13D1=I Acts 1,15I C! 0,5 *t 1A, 1I *! A, 0I C! 1 ,31I Jn =,=0 Acts ,13D32 Acts 5,=D1 Acts 12,3=D3A Jn 1,3 *t 1=,1AD10 Is , I 9e" 1,1A Jn 1,11 C! ,51D5 =

FNicarsF of Christ The Seat of *oses as teaching authority )uilt on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets

C! 12,1D I 1=I Jn 15, 2I Acts 4,1D4 *att 5D Eph. , 2

Cor 4, 2I 6al 3,13I

Brothers of Jesus?
Traditional Christianity held that Jesus is *ary/s only son. The references to Jesus/ brothers refers to other family members' and in some cases to his disciples.

" " " " "

*ary $ife of Cleophas and sister of the Nirgin *ary ?Jn 10, 4@ is the mother of James and Joseph ?*! 14,31I *t 1,4=@ $ho are called the Fbrothers of JesusF ?*! =,5@. Acts 1,1 D14 Apostles' *ary' some $omen and JesusU brothers number about 1 2. That is a lot of brothers. 6en 13,13 Cot' AbrahamUs nephe$ ?6en 11, =D A@' described as AbrahamUs brother ?JJN@. 6en 0,14 Caban' JacobUs uncle' calls Jacob his brother ?JJN@. John 10, =D 1 Jesus gi"es care of *ary to John' not one of his brothers.

GT he saint is one so attuned to the spirit and heart of Christ that he is compelled to ans$er the demands of lo"e by a lo"e that matches that of Christ.H Thomas *erton 8ot 6od of the dead' but of the li"ing )ody of Christ Intercessory prayer Neneration of angels united $ith 6od Saints also united $ith 6od Deceased 7nias and Jeremiah interceded for Je$s *oses and Samuel;s intercession The Saints rose at the 9esurrection and $andered around Jerusalem The $arning is not to communicate $ith the Dead' Saints are not dead they are ali"e as all are ali"e to 6od The Tranfiguration' $ere *oses and Eli&ah deadE *! 1 , =D 1 1 Cor 1 , 4D 1I 9om 1 ,3D4 Eph =,1AI 9om 14,52I Col 3,5I Thess 1,11 *t 1A,12I Jos 4,13I Dan A,11I Tobit 1 ,1= 1 Cor 15,1 I 1 John 5, *ac 14,11D1= Jer 14,1 Eph ,10I *att 1,4 Deut. 1A,12 *att 11' > *ar! 0

6od commands images to be made Solomon builds his temple $ith statues and images E% 4,1AD I 8um 1,AD0 1 Jings =, 5D 0I 54I 1, 0

The Early Church on the Papacy

7ften people argue that there is no historical precedent for the primacy of Peter and the papacy. <ere are some short #uotes sho$ing $hat the early Christians belie"ed about the papacy. Clement of Ale%andria FPTQhe blessed Peter' the chosen' the preDeminent' the first among the disciples' for $hom alone $ith himself the Sa"ior paid the tribute P*att. 11, 1Q' #uic!ly grasped and understood their meaning. And $hat does he sayE V)ehold' $e ha"e left all and ha"e follo$ed you;F P*att. 10, 1I *ar! 12, AQ ?(ho Is the 9ich *an That is Sa"edE 1,5D4 PA.D. 22Q@. Tertullian FBor though you thin! that hea"en is still shut up' remember that the Cord left the !eys of it to Peter here' and through him to the Church' $hich !eys e"eryone $ill carry $ith him if he has been #uestioned and made a confession Pof faithQF ?Antidote Against the Scorpion 12 PA.D. 11Q@. Tertullian FPTQhe Cord said to Peter' ;7n this roc! I $ill build my Church' I ha"e gi"en you the !eys of the !ingdom of hea"en PandQ $hate"er you shall ha"e bound or loosed on earth $ill be bound or loosed in hea"en; P*att. 1=,1AD10Q . . . :pon you' he says' I $ill build my ChurchI and I $ill gi"e to you the !eys' not to the ChurchI and $hate"er you shall ha"e bound or you shall ha"e loosed' not $hat they shall ha"e bound or they shall ha"e loosedF ?*odesty 1,0D12 PA.D. 2Q@. Cyprian of Carthage FThe Cord says to Peter, ;I say to you'; he says' ;that you are Peter' and upon this roc! I $ill build my Church; . . . 7n him PPeterQ he builds the Church' and to him he gi"es the command to feed the sheep PJohn 1,11Q' and although he assigns a li!e po$er to all the apostles' yet he founded a single chair PcathedraQ' and he established by his o$n authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed' the others $ere that also $hich Peter $as Pi.e.' apostlesQ' but a primacy is gi"en to Peter' $hereby it is made clear that there is but one Church and one chair. So too' all Pthe apostlesQ are shepherds' and the floc! is sho$n to be one' fed by all the apostles in singleDminded accord. If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter' can he imagine that he still holds the faithE If he PshouldQ desert the chair of Peter upon $hom the Church $as built' can he still be confident that he is in the ChurchEF ?The :nity of the Catholic Church 3I 1st edition PA.D. 41Q@. Ephraim the Syrian FPJesus said,Q Simon' my follo$er' I ha"e made you the foundation of the holy Church. I betimes called you Peter' because you $ill support all its buildings. Lou are the inspector of those $ho $ill build on Earth a Church for me. If they should $ish to build $hat is false' you' the foundation' $ill condemn them. Lou are the head of the fountain from $hich my teaching flo$sI you are the chief of my disciples. Through you I $ill gi"e drin! to all peoples. Lours is that lifeDgi"ing s$eetness $hich I dispense. I ha"e chosen you to be' as it $ere' the firstDborn in my institution so that' as the heir' you may be e%ecutor of my treasures. I ha"e gi"en you the !eys of my !ingdom. )ehold' I ha"e gi"en you authority o"er all my treasuresF ?<omilies 3,1 PA.D. 541Q@. Ambrose of *ilan FPChristQ made ans$er, ;Lou are Peter' and upon this roc! $ill I build my Church . . .; Could he not' then' strengthen the faith of the man to $hom' acting on his o$n authority' he ga"e the !ingdom' $hom he called the roc!' thereby declaring him to be the foundation of the Church P*att. 1=,1AQEF ?The Baith 3,4 PA.D. 510Q@.

Pope Damasus I FCi!e$ise it is decreed . . . that it ought to be announced that . . . the holy 9oman Church has been placed at the forefront not by the conciliar decisions of other churches' but has recei"ed the primacy by the e"angelic "oice of our Cord and Sa"ior' $ho says, ;Lou are Peter' and upon this roc! I $ill build my Church' and the gates of hell $ill not pre"ail against itI and I $ill gi"e to you the !eys of the !ingdom of hea"en . . . ; P*att. 1=,1AD10Q. The first see' therefore' is that of Peter the apostle' that of the 9oman Church' $hich has neither stain nor blemish nor anything li!e itF ?Decree of Damasus 5 PA.D. 5A Q@. St. Jerome F;)ut'; you PJo"inianQ $ill say' ;it $as on Peter that the Church $as founded; P*att. 1=,1AQ. (ell . . . one among the t$el"e is chosen to be their head in order to remo"e any occasion for di"isionF ?Against Jo"inian 1, = PA.D. 505Q@.

St. Jerome FSimon Peter' the son of John' from the "illage of )ethsaida in the pro"ince of 6alilee' brother of Andre$ the apostle' and himself chief of the apostles' after ha"ing been bishop of the church of Antioch and ha"ing preached to the Dispersion . . . pushed on to 9ome in the second year of Claudius to o"erDthro$ Simon *agus' and held the sacerdotal chair there for t$entyDfi"e years until the last' that is the fourteenth' year of 8ero. At his hands he recei"ed the cro$n of martyrdom being nailed to the cross $ith his head to$ards the ground and his feet raised on high' asserting that he $as un$orthy to be crucified in the same manner as his CordF ?Ci"es of Illustrious *en 1 PA.D. 50=Q@. Pope Innocent I FIn see!ing the things of 6od . . . you ha"e ac!no$ledged that &udgment is to be referred to us Pthe popeQ' and ha"e sho$n that you !no$ that is o$ed to the Apostolic See P9omeQ' if all of us placed in this position are to desire to follo$ the Apostle himself PPeterQ from $hom the episcopate itself and the total authority of this name ha"e emergedF ?Cetters 0,1 PA.D. 32AQ@. Augustine FAmong these PapostlesQ Peter alone almost e"ery$here deser"ed to represent the $hole Church. )ecause of that representation of the Church' $hich only he bore' he deser"ed to hear ;I $ill gi"e to you the !eys of the !ingdom of hea"enF ?Sermons 04, PA.D. 311Q@. Augustine FSome things are said $hich seem to relate especially to the apostle Peter' and yet are not clear in their meaning unless referred to the Church' $hich he is ac!no$ledged to ha"e represented in a figure on account of the primacy $hich he bore among the disciples. Such is ;I $ill gi"e unto you the !eys of the !ingdom of hea"en'; and other similar passages. In the same $ay' Judas represents those Je$s $ho $ere Christ;s enemiesF ?Commentary on Psalm 12A 1 PA.D. 314Q@ Augustine F(ho is ignorant that the first of the apostles is the most blessed PeterEF ?Commentary on John 4=,1 PA.D. 31=Q@. Council of Ephesus FPhilip' presbyter and legate of PPope Celestine IQ said, ;(e offer our than!s to the holy and "enerable synod' that $hen the $ritings of our holy and blessed pope had been read to you . . . you &oined yoursel"es to the holy head also by your holy acclamations. Bor your blessednesses is not ignorant that the head of the $hole faith' the head of the Apostles' is blessed Peter the Apostle;F ?Acts of the Council' session PA.D. 351Q@.

$ithout being born of $ater and Spirit. John 5,

Are you saved?

Therefore' $hoe"er thin!s he is standing secure should ta!e care not to fall. 1Cor 12,1

8o$ someone approached him and said' GTeacher' $hat good must I do to gain eternal lifeEH <e ans$ered him' G(hy do you as! me about the goodE There is only 7ne $ho is good. If you $ish to enter into life' !eep the commandments.H ?*att 10,1=D11@ GTeacher' $hat must I do to inherit eternal lifeEH Jesus said to him' G(hat is $ritten in the la$E <o$ do you read itEH <e said in reply' GLou shall lo"e the Cord' your 6od' $ith all your heart' $ith all your being' $ith all your strength' and $ith all your mind' and your neighbor as yourself.H <e replied to him' GLou ha"e ans$ered correctlyI do this and you $ill li"e.H Cu!e 12, 4D A GAmen' amen' I say to you' $hoe"er hears my $ord and belie"es in the one $ho sent me has eternal life and $ill not come to condemnation' but has passed from death to life.H John 4, 3 G(hoe"er eats my flesh and drin!s my blood has eternal life' and I $ill raise him on the last day.H John =,43 GLou $ill be hated by all because of my name' but $hoe"er endures to the end $ill be sa"ed.H *att 12, G(hoe"er belie"es and is bapti.ed $ill be sa"edI $hoe"er does not belie"e $ill be condemned.H *ar! 1=,1= Jesus ans$ered' GAmen' amen' I say to you' no one can enter the !ingdom of 6od


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