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Corporate Headquarters, Korangi Creek Road, P.O. Box No. 12243, Karachi-75190, Pakistan APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PM-1.1.3


RECENT PHOTOGRAPH Mandatory (Preferably Color)

Personal Information:
Marital Status:
Single Married

Father's Name: ________________________________________________________ Present Address ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Permanent Address _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

Family Details No. of Children: __________ Ages: __________________

Parents Details
Residing with you:

Contact: Res: Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality

Office Religion

Other Domicile CNIC NO.

Father only Both

Mother only None

Financially dependent on you:

Wholly Partly Not dependent

Position Desired: _________________

Expected Salary: ________________

When able to join: _____________

Educational Background:
Examinations Passed Year CGPA/ Percentage Major Subjects Name and Address of Institution

Matriculation Intermediate Diploma (DAE or others) Bachelors Masters Others

Computer Skills (Define Familiarity with softwares)

Employment History:
Please describe every position which you have held since first began to work. Start from the last position. Also account for all periods of unemployment and state reasons.

Date From To

Name and Address of the Employer

Position Held

Reason for Leaving

Gross Salary Starting Last

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Please give break up of your present/last gross salary: Basic Pay Housing Conveyance Others (Specify) Total

Any other benefits please specify:____________________________________________________________________

o May enquiries be made from your present/previous employers/supervisor? o Are you under any service bond with your present employer? o Have you previously applied or worked for this Company? o Do you have any relative employed in PARCO? If yes, please state his/her name, position and relationship.

Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

o Do you suffer or have suffered from any serious contagious illness or disability in the last 5 years. If yes, give details.



o Have you ever been convicted of crime other than traffic violation if yes, give details:



o Does any member of your family (wife, children & parents) suffer from or have a history of any serious contagious illness or disability, if yes, give details.



o Please feel free to add any other information you think should be considered in evaluating your application

Details of Armed Services (if any):

Last rank held: Have you any reserve liability: Reason for leaving:

Date of service From If so upto when:


Please give the names of two persons other than relatives to whom you are well known.




For how long are you known to him/her

Contact No

I certify that the information given by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I understand that a false statement will render me liable for termination of my employment.

Applicant's Signature



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