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Unit (8)

The Necklace
Word necklace act army canoeing collection as well as true false short story clerk except continuously copies enjoy fight for fight against war peace once refer to compare clothes admire ball dance debt identical manual savings valuable government earn money afford Word kind receive an invitation refuse diamond couple pair of no longer ashamed shy lose replacement repay feel about immediately the cost Francs exhausted beauty proud shocked wear- wore - worn improve honest the way to happiness advice description a piece of missing jewellery attach to consist of Word circle join to look like traditional clock several toy shape century guest literature poems college poetry spend alone professor novelist poet military force similar perform flood go camping character wedding retire plate punctuation tell the time metal glass

Language Notes 1 suggest + ing / suggest that

My Friend suggested playing football. Ahmad suggested that

2 - go + v + ing /

borrow a book from him.

!e used to go fishing when he was young.

3 couple / pair double "#$ / ! / / twin %&'()

We welcomed the newly married couple. bought a couple of "nglish books. #an you give me a pair of shoes$ My uncle has doubled his profit.

%he looked the same they are identical twin.

4 ashamed /* +,-. / shy

!e was ashamed because he stole the book.

/012 (-.

&he doesn't speak with others( she is shy. - # + used to + *' &/ / '&* #&! Ali used to come early( but now he comes late.


When he was young ( he used to go to school on foot.

" 9/ 7286& 50/6& (/

# * was + were in the habit of------------------

!e was in the habit of going to school on foot.

# - # + am/is/are used to + ing >=6& ;<(6& :# /

, # * is +am +are in the habit of ---------------------------&he is used to coming late. &he is in the habit of coming late.
$ (/6& + is /are used + to + 34 (/6& + is /are used + %or + v + ing

-nives are used to cut things.

-nives are used for cutting things.

+ 34

& would you mind + ing / would you mind i% '

Would you mind lending me your book $ Would you mind if

( write ----------on

take the book$

# / write %or a newspaper 94 ?

!e wrote many books on travel.

My friend writes for a newspaper.

1) ma*e money %rom @ - / *( 11 +ight %or &?A3> /

!e made a lot of money from playing football.

%ight against

.eople used to fight for freedom and peace.

4= A3>

We should fight against illiteracy and poverty.

12 too + B + to + 34

they are too poor to afford the costs of a new house.

13 so + B + that --------14 stop + to +

%hey are so poor that they can't afford the costs of a new house. While he was driving ( he stopped to drink.
/56 "<( 34 / stop + v + ing C6& / # "<(

My father has retired( he stopped working.

Tape script Presenter

/ood evening. Welcome to 0ineteenth #entury writers . n this programme( we are looking at the life and work of /uy de Maupassant . 1ur guest is professor 2ichard !illery( who teaches French 3iterature at a university in Australia. 2ichard( would you mind telling us something about Maupassant's life $ Professor Hillery 4es( the first thing to say about Maupassant is that he died when he was only forty 5 two . 6ut in his short life he wrote six novels( three hundred short stories ( three books on travel and a collection of poems .

Ama7ing 8 #ould you tell us about his early life $

Professor Hillery

Well ( /uy de Maupassant was born in 9:;< in =ieppe in northern France. >ntil he was thirteen ( he lived happily with his mother in a large house near the sea. days( he used to enjoy fishing .

n those

Was he good at school$ Professor Hillery 0ot at first . !e didn't enjoy school until he went to the college at 2ouen ( where he acted in plays and studied poetry . !e left in 9:?< ( joined the army and fought for France in a "uropean war. n 9:?9 ( he moved to .aris where he worked as a clerk . !is life was very boring ( except when he used to go canoeing on the river on &undays.

When did he start writing $ Professor Hillery Well ( in 9:?: he started writing for newspapers. t was also then that he began writing stories. !is friends said he used to spend all his free time writing.

=id he make money from writing $ Professor Hillery !e certainly did . !is first short story ( @ 6oule de &uif @ was very successful and made him famous . After that ( he wrote continuously ( as many as four collections of short stories a year . n 9::A ( he wrote his first novel ( @ >ne Bie @ which means C A life ) . copies in the first year.

t sold twenty 5five thousand

=id he use to do anything else as well as writing$

Professor Hillery

0ot Much - he didn't use to enjoy staying at home and he loved travelling ( and on every journey he wrote new stories . !owever ( when he got older ( he didn't use to leave his house very often and spent most of his time alone. !e died in 9:DA.

Was he a happy man $ Professor Hillery 0o( in fact he said (@ have wanted everything( and enjoyed nothing .@ Exercises
1 5 Respond to each of the following situation :

9 5 4ou want to ask your grandfather if he was good at school . E 5 4ou want to know when your uncle began his first job. A 5 4ou ask your grandmother what her life was when she was young. F 5 4ou ask you aunt if she did anything when she was not working.
2 5 Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d :

9 5 %he part of a country's military force that fights on land is ------a - army a 5 corruption a 5 act a 5 diving a 5 except a 5 go b 5 economy b 5 collection b 5 thing b 5 reading b 5 accept b 5 to go c 5 national anthem c 5 company c 5 swim c- swimming c 5 expect c 5 going d 5 fire works d 5 newspapers d 5 write d 5 canoeing d- exit d 5 to going E 5 A set of similar things that are kept together --------------------A 5 %he verb @ perform@ means to ----------------in a play. F - ------------------is the activity or sport using a long narrow boat. ; 5 %his shop is open everyday---------------for Friday. G 5 !e suggested ----------------canoeing.

? 5 %he city is flooded as it has rained -----------------for the last A days. a 5 temporarily for a year . a 5 army a 5 arriving a 5 arriving 99 5 a 5 for 9E 5 %he shirt a 5 of a 5 millennium a 5 professor a 5 tell a 5 taly a 5 in a 5 twin a 5 ashamed a 5 write b 5 college b 5 to arrive b 5 to arriving b 5 to b 5 from b 5 century b 5 doctor b 5 told b 5 "gypt b 5 for b 5 pair b 5 shy b 5 writing c 5 university c 5 arrive c 5 arrived c 5 from c 5 by c 5 decade c 5 fan c 5 tells c 5 France c 5 with c 5 double c- funny c 5 for writing d 5 school d 5 arrived d 5 arrive d 5 by d 5 in d 5 era d 5 manager d 5 telling d 5 /ermany d 5 against d 5 couple. d 5 thin d 5 wrote D 5 !e used to ---------------------early. 9< 5 !e is used to -----------------early. am going to borrow a dictionary ---------my friend. am wearing is made ------------- blue cloth. b 5 continuously c 5 completely d 5 happily : 5 n some countries ( young men have to join the ----------------and train

9A - A period of 9<< years is called a -------------------------9F 5 !e is a --------------he works at university. 9; 5 Would you mind ---------------us something about Maupassant$ 9G 5 Maupassant fought for ------------in a "uropean war. 9 ? 5 4ou should fight ----------------your goals. 9: 5 %he boy was sad of his new ----------------------of shoes. 9D 5 %he little girl is very -------------------she can't face cameras. E< 5 .ens are used to-------------------------- with.
3 Find the mistakes and write the sentence correctly.

9 5 Ayman died at the old of 9;. E 5 !e used to helping the poor.

A 5 #an you give me a twin of black shoes. F 5 We enjoyed swim last week. ;- %he lady was shy of stealing jewellery. G 5 !e is used to play well. ? 5 Maupassant was talian. : 5%his book is written with Maupassant. D 5 act means to performed. 9<- !e works as a clerks.

,he Nec*lace

3oisel works as a government clerk and doesn't earn much money . !is wife Mathilde is very beautiful ( but she cannot afford the kind of life she would like. 1ne day ( 3oisel receives an invitation to a ball. At first( Mathilde refuses to go because she does not have a good enough dress to wear. 3oisel knows how much his wife wants to go to the ball( so he gives her some of his savings to buy a new dress . !e suggests that she borrow valuable jewellery from a rich friend ( Heanne Forestier ( Mathilde goes to see her friend and borrows a beautiful diamond necklace . "veryone at the ball admires Mathilde and she has a wonderful evening . When the couple arrive home( however ( they no longer have the diamond necklace 8 Mathilde is too ashamed to tell Heanne ( so they decided to buy an identical diamond necklace as a replacement . %he cost 5 AG(<<< Francs 5 is more than they can afford . %hey have to borrow 9:( <<< Francs ( leaving themselves with heavy debts. For the next ten years( 3oisel and his wife spend all their time working to earn enough money to pay their debts.

After ten years of hard manual work( Mathilde looks old and exhausted . Although she has lost her beauty ( she feels proud that she has paid all her debts. When she meets her friend Heanne Forestier ( she tells her the story of the lost necklace . Heanne is shocked and tells Mathilde that the necklace she wore to the ball was really made of glass. t cost only ;<< Francs. /rammar
-sed to " F3$6&= 6& 52 E<= '& )6& 9 # # 50/6 %4D8) # * used to * # . 34 * was + were in the habit of * ing

!e used to come late ( but now he comes early. , !e no longer comes late. When he was young ( he used to be la7y ( but he is clever now. , !e was in the habit of coming late.

* didn't use to * 34

" %&4DH2 6& G

!e didn't use to drink tea. &he didn't use to study hard. =id * # * use to * 34 $
" )K *( )%JH &I5B

=id you use to walk to school$ 4es ( did . + 0o( didn't.

" *( %JH& 9& '2 &L86&

%JH& 9& &

* did * # * use to * 34 -------$

Where did you use to live $ used to live in %anta. !ow did you use to go to school$ used to go to school on foot.
# * am + is + are * used to * v * ing
P &%4D8O >=6& ;<(6& 9 # # 50/6 MN+, " )

!e is used to coming early. %hey are used to playing football.

" %4D8 :/2 / used to ! R& ?Q&

* is + are * used to * 34 * is + are * used for * v * ing

A thermometer is used to measure temperature. A thermometer is used for measuring temperature. "xercises on unit C:) 1 Respond to the following situations 9 5&omeone asks you whether you used to go to school by bus or not. E 54ou want some information about the story of the @ 0ecklace@ A 54our friend asks you about the writer of the necklace. F 54our friend thinks that 3oisel and Mathilde are not honest. ! "ay where these mini#dialogues took place 9) A 5 who was the first to discover the circulation of the blood$ 6 5 %he famous physician ( bn 0afis . A 5 What is his nationality$ 6 5 &yrian. .lace I -------------- &peaker A I ------------------ &peaker 6I ---------E) A 5 4ou have some bad hear disorder .4ou need an operation. 6 5 What kind of operation$ A 5 A heart transplant. .lace I -------------- &peaker A I ------------------ &peaker 6I ----------

3 $hoose the correct answer from a% &% c% or d

9 5 A ------------- is a formal social gathering or occasion for dancing. a 5 ball a 5 documents a 5 hands a 5 ring a 5 bad a 5 uses a 5 cut a 5 to go a 5 uses a 5 help a 5 work a 5 use a 5 poet a 5 to a 5 too b 5 football b 5 savings b 5 machines b 5 necklace b 5 good b 5 used b 5 cutting b 5 going b 5 used b 5 helping b 5 works b 5 used b 5 singer b 5 two b 5 so c 5 mall c 5 readings c 5 computers c 5 circle c 5 miserable c 5 use c 5 cuts c 5 went c 5 using c 5 helped c 5 worked c 5 uses c 5 actor c 5 too c 5 to d 5 hall d 5 safe d 5 internet d 5 ball d 5 dangerous d 5 using d 5 be cut d 5 to going d 5 use d 5 helps d 5 working d 5 using d 5 playwright d 5 toe couldn't complete it. d 5 because E 5 %he money that you haven't spent is your------------------A 5 Manual work is done by------------------F 5 A piece of jewellery worn around the neck is called a ----------; 5 f you admire someone that means you have a very ----- opinion of him G 5 =id you ----------------------to study chemistry$ ? 5 A knife is used to ---------------things. : 5 !e stopped --------------------he no longer go to school. D 5 My father ------------------to live in %anta when he was young. 9< 5 My brother is used to ----------------the poor. 99 5 !e was in the habit of ------------------- hard. 9E 5 !ow long did they -----------------to spend abroad$ 9A 5 !e writes poems ( he is a great-----------------9F 5 %he boy is --------------------short to touch the desk. 9; 5 %he film was --------------boring that

9G 5 =id he use to arrive early$ - yes( he ----------------

a 5 did b 5 do c 5 does d 5 has ' Find the mistake in each sentence then write it correctly 9 5 !e used to enjoying fishing. E 5!e didn't used to help his friends. A 5&he was shy to tell her that she lost the necklace. F 5 A ball is a meeting for swimming. ; 5!e is too week to carry the bag. G 5 A pen is used to writing with. ( Read the passage and then answer the )uestions As a former Jamalek #lub player and as national %eam coach( !assan &hehata has gained the title @ %he Master @ . !e is the only "gyptian footballer to be chosen as the best player in Asia in 9D?9 when he played for the -uwaiti team @ -a7mah @ . !e was born in Hune 9DF? to a sports 5 loving family . !e started playing football at the age of 9< as a primary stage student at -afr al- =awar school. =uring his career as a player( he took part in ?< international matches and four African #hampionships. n 9D?F ( #airo hosted the African #up of 0ations in which he was crowned best player. !e was chosen to coach the 0ational %eam in E<<;. >nder his tenure ( "gypt won the African #up of 0ations E<<G and E<<: in addition to %he pan-Arab /ames in E<<?. * + *nswer the following )uestions 9 5 What is the nickname of !assan &hehata $ E 5 !ow old is !assan &hehata now$ A 5 !ow many international matches did !assan play$ , + $hoose the correct answer from a% & % c or d F 5 !assan began playing football in ----------------------a 5 9D;; b 5 9D;? c 5 9D?9 d 5 9D?F ; 5 !is family------------------sports. a- hated b 5 disliked c 5 liked d 5 detested
- The No.el $hapter /'+ 1# *nswer the following )uestions

9 5 What did the townspeople do to kill the spiders$

E 5 Where do spiders usually live$ ! $omplete the following sentences 9 5 %he police officer who opened the box was surprised because-----E 5 %he townspeople gave up hope so------------------------------3 Read the )uotation and then answer the )uestions @ &piders 8 men don't die from spiders' bites how-----------------$@ 9 5 Who said this$ E 5 Which Kuestion did the speaker begin but didn't finish$
0 1riting

Write a paragraph about 9<< words about @ 2eading and its benefits@
2 Translation * + Translate into *ra&ic I

%ourism industry has become a necessity for "gypt . %here is an attitude to develop tourism in &inai due to the existence of natural and religious attractions . A plan has been put to exploit tourist areas to attract more tourists . , + Translate into 3nglish
' &5S6& G/O *&' - - 1 ;<(6& (&T (* '&O *&' GJ8O&' 58>) &6& '&* >S 0 9 +,6& 0 <5 1 55>6& 9 /86& :6& 716& ( -6& /6& *&' ' &2 1 *8O &RB G &O 2ith my best wishes

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