Unit 12

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Unit (12)

A place to live
Word recognize attitude prediction balcony block detached outskirts overlook storey thick view annoy floor skyscraper cool close to break promise bright bedroom adults guests look after instead of neighbours concrete conduct high- tech insulated lock sloping made of location Word traditions climate mud bricks remote keep out construct build for protect from seasons snow geography design earth uakes fall down suitable for owners turn off turn on world-famous value ancient the same Upper !gypt control sort of weather disadvantages discovery disappear e"pressions dream house cheerful Word ambitious calm character peaceful confident upstairs level multi isolation cement electricity method refer to farmhouse incredible repairs bathroom actually downstairs toilet garage park mistakes include swimming pool traffic move into on business look for together encourage floods

1 #prepositions$
live with made of protect from suitable for turn on live in purpose of keep out value of turn off

2 made of ) )

%oors are made of wood&

made from ) )

'read is made from flour&

made in !

(lothes are made in )ahalla&

made by "#

*his window is made by a clever carpenter&

3 insulated ' ($%&

+nsulated buildings keep out heat and cold& *he patient was isolated from the others&
4 make a difference to ./0 *+,5 sloping roofs 3, 12#

isolated )% *$& )$%&)

,e tried to make a difference to our life& 'uildings in -apan have sloping roofs& +n !gypt. there are flat roofs&
6 conduct heat 36 5flat roofs ,"4 12#

Wood doesn/t conduct heat&

7 make prediction about 9: 78 adapt to <= 1;-

can you make prediction about the result0 +t is difficult to adapt to life abroad&
! adopt % " 5>? " < !;8-

1he wants to adopt a child&

Tape script Young man :

+ live with my family near the centre of the city& We live on the twentieth floor of a very modern thirty # storey skyscraper which overlooks the river& We have a kitchen . a living room. three bedrooms and a large bathroom& *here are fantastic views from all the bedroom windows # from mine + can see right across the city& +t is uiet noisy because of the traffic. especially when people are driving to and from work& Elderly woman : We have lived in this little house since we got married forty years ago& We brought up our three children here& *hey are adults now and have their own children # my grandchildren& 1o we lived here by ourselves now& 2ur house is very old and is made of bricks& +t has small windows . so it is uiet dark inside& We don/t have air-conditioning but the walls are thick. so it is cool inside& 2ur children want us to move into a modern flat. but this is our home. and we are too old to move now& Middle- aged man : )y family and + live in a large detached house on the outskirts of the city & We have si" bedrooms. three of them are for us and others are for our guests& We have a large garden with a lot of trees& + often have to travel abroad on business. so unfortunately + don/t spend much time during the week with my family& )y wife works as a teacher . but my children go to university and are old enough to look after themselves& + get home most week ends and we always en3oy our time together& Young woman: + live with my parents and two brothers in a flat on the third floor of a block of flats close to a main road which goes into the city& We have a balcony . but for most of the day it is too hot to sit out on it& 1ometimes the air is very dusty- *hen we have to keep the doors and the windows closed& 2ur flat is not very big but it is a real home&

# $espond to each of the follo%ing situations &

1 # 4ou ask your friend where he lives& 2 # 4our friend asks if you live in a flat or a house& 5 # 1omeone asks about the numbers of the rooms in your flat& 6 # 4ou lost your friend/s camera&
2 'hoose the correct ans%er from a( b ( c ( or d &

1 # *he opposite of // thin7 is ------------------------------a # thick a # in a # at a # helps a # up a # of a # in a # to a # on a- like a # at a # with b # tall b # by b # by b # overlooks b # with b # off b # by b #two b # at b # as b # for b # of c # fat c # with c # in c # looks after c # to c # in c # with c # toe c # by c # same c # up c # in d # young d # at d # on d # looks for d # off d # by d # at d # too d # with d # on d # after d # with 2 # 8yman lives --------------------his family& 5 # )y flat is --------------------the first floor& 6 # 2ur house --------------------the 9ile& : # ;arents should bring -------------------their children well& < # 2ur house is made ------------------bricks& = # We live here -----------------ourselves& > # *hey are -------------old to move now& ? # ,e has to travel abroad -----------------business& 1@ # ,is wife works ---------------a teacher& 11 # *hey are old enough to look ------------themselves& 12 # *he main purpose ---------------building has been to protect people&

15 # We use hats to protect us - ----------- heat and rain& a # for a # sleep a # in a # adopted b # with b # sloping b # by b # adapted c # in c # circle c # from c # failed d # from d # triangle d # of d # won 16 - +n some countries roofs are ---------------------1: # (ars are made --------------------------------(airo& 1< # ,e --------------------to his new life&

*he main purpose of buildings has always been to protect people from bad weather & +n countries with hot and cold seasons . insulated

buildings keep out heat and cold& +n hot . dry areas . buildings with thick walls or those with small windows keep out the heat& +n places where there is a lot of rain or snow. buildings have sloping roofs. whereas in !gypt. where there is little rain . most houses have flat roofs&


Aeography is also important in building design & )any houses in -apan . for e"ample. are made of wood because -apan has a lot of

earth uakes. and buildings made of bricks and concrete can be dangerous if they fall down& )any modern buildings are made of metal. concrete and glass . but some are still made from mud bricks& *hese houses are particularly

suitable for hot climates because they don/t conduct heat well. so the inside stays cool& *hey are also easy and cheap to construct&

*oday. technology also affects how buildings are designed & )odern houses can be very high-tech & 1ome buildings can be controlled from

a mobile phone& 1o if the owners are out. they can lock or unlock their

doors. turn their lights on and off and even cook their meals without being there themselves&

*he world # famous !gyptian architect ,assan Bathy realized the value of traditional ways of building& ,e found that one of the oldest

buildings in 8ncient !gypt. near Cu"or. had been built in the same way as people build houses in Upper !gypt today&

;ronouns and Defle"ive ;ronouns sub3ect ob3ect possessive )y # mine ,is ,er E hers +ts 2ur E ours 4our E yours *heir E theirs refle"ive

+ ,e 1he +t We 4ou *hey

me ,im ,er +t Us you *hem

)yself ,imself ,erself +tself 2urselves 4ourself # yourselves themselves

+ will solve the problem myself& ,e repaired the car himself&

& 7 =DE % 6% C $'>% 5;) >- 4; 'A'B@ :4 ) #

8mira cut herself while she was cooking& & < " 4; 'A'B@ :4 2

alone E without any help E on F =;F own

,e mended the car by himself&

G he mended the car alone& G he mended the car on his own&

+ 4; 'A'B 58G *by ) F .6 @:#'; - 3

G he mended the car without any help&

+ wrote the article by myself&

7 H 4; 'A'B@ :4 4 & 5 $! wash / shave / dress / shower / relax / bathe / get up / decide

+ washed myself and dressed& (,) + washed and dressed & & 4; 'A'B * I8 5

1 # behave yourself& 2 # help yourself & 5 # en3oy yourself& 6 # make yourself at home&

!"ercises Unit (12)

1- Respond to each of the following situation:

1& 4our father smokes heavily& 2& 4ou have 3ust been introduced to )rs& 'rown for the first time& 5& 4our father has bought you a new watch& 6& 4ou broke your uncle/s camera&
2 Say where these mini-dialogues take place:


8 $ ,elwan. please& ' $ 4es. but it will take a long time& 8 $ 2k . but try to hurry please&

;lace $ ------------------1peaker 8 $ ------------1peaker ' $ ----------------28 $ Welcome to this famous 1ite. it was built by 1alah !l %in& ' $ When was it built0 8 $ in 11=<& ;lace $ ------------------1peaker 8 $ ------------1peaker ' $ ----------------3 Choose the correct answer from a, b , c , or d :

1& Alasses protect our eyes ------------heat and dust& a # of a # herself b # from b # himself c # in c # itself d # by d # myself 2& *he dog barked when it saw ------------ at the mirror& 5& *he old man is no longer able to look after-------------------

a # myself a # yourself a # by a # myself a # yourself a # themselves a # her a # her a # my a # nests a#+ a # bare a # tents

b # himself b # yours b # on b # yourself b # yourselves b # yourself b # hers b # hers b # mine b # bo"es b # my b # insulated b # tins

c # herself c # herself c # at c # yourselves c # myself c # yours c # itself c # herself c # his c # skyscrapers c # mine c # isolated c # bins

d # themselves d # themselves d # in d # herself d # ourselves d # himself d # herself d # itself d # her d # tombs d # me d # uncovered d # nests

6& %on/t help them. they can do it-------------------: # + don/t want to stay here ----------------myself& < # 4ou. 8li . behave -----------------------= # 4ou. 8li and 8hmad. behave --------------------> # 8re you going to do it-------------------0 ? # 1he had a good time at the party & she en3oyed ------------------1@ # 1he was advised to behave -------------in class& 11 # + own this house. it is ----------------12 # *hey live in huge ------------------in 9ew 4ork& 15 # *his is ---------------------friend& 16 # We can touch the electric wire as it is ------------------1: # 'edouins usually live in ---------------------

1< - What sorts ----------------areas do you buy0 a # on b # at c - of d - from

4 Find the mistakes and write the sentence correctly:

1 # *he purpose in buildings is to protect people& 2 # +nsulating buildings keep out heat and cold& 5 # 'uildings have sloped roofs& 6 # + mended the watch meself&

: # 1he dressed her self and went out& < # *he patient is insulating from others&
5 Read the passage and answer the questions:

*he people who live in the far north of (anada used to build their homes out of large blocks of ice& 'ecause these were hard and thick. their houses were well insulated and so the people were warm and comfortable& +n the hotter climate of 9orth 8frica. the 'edouin made their homes from animal skins& *his made it easy for them to move their home when looking for food& *hese are two e"amples of people who adapt their homes to fit their lives& 'irds do this . too& 1ome types of birds . which spend their live in the air looking for food. do not make new nests every year. but return to the same nest again and again & 8nd one particular type of bird doesn/t build a nest at all. but lays its eggs in the nest of another bird and leaves these birds to look after its young&
1) Give short answers to the following questions :

1& Why do homes which are made of ice stay warm0 2& What does the word these refer to0 5& What kind of bird goes to the same nest every year0
2) Choose the correct answer from a, b , c , or d :

6& Why did the 'edouin make their homes from animal skins0 a # *hey wanted to scare their enemies away& b # *hey needed to move often& c # they had plenty of animal skins& d # *hey needed to keep warm& :& Why does the writer tell us about the 'edouin people0 a # ,e admires them b # *hey are travelling people& c # ,e says are the same as the people in (anada& d # ,e uses them as an e"ample&

6 The Novel 1- Answer the following questions :

1& What did the 8ncient !gyptians use as a medicine against the spiders0 2& Who went to the site with -ones0
2- Complete the following sentences :

1 # *he 9egra plants grows only in -----------------------------------2 # *he person who studied the plants is ----------------------------3 Read the quotation then answer the questions :

7 8yman ,assan doesn/t have much more time&7 1 # Why doesn/t 8yman have much more time0 2 # What are they waiting for0
7 Translation A ) Translate into Arabic :

*here are many elements that affect the design and shape of buildings& *he location. the climate conditions and materials of buildings available&
B ) Translate into English: + J: ! ) $(< '8 ) # + ,"4 12#7 K 8' ) ! 2

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