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Education, Training, and Library

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25-3011.00 Adult Literacy, Remedial Education, and GED Teachers and nstructors 25-10!1.00 A"ricultural #ciences Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-10%1.00 Anthro&olo"y and Archeolo"y Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1031.00 Architecture Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-!011.00 Archi'ists 25-10%2.00 Area, Ethnic, and (ultural #tudies Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1121.00 Art, Drama, and )usic Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1051.00 Atmos&heric, Earth, )arine, and #&ace #ciences Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-*011.00 Audio-+isual (ollections #&ecialists 25-10!2.00 ,iolo"ical #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1011.00 ,usiness Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1052.00 (hemistry Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1122.00 (ommunications Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1021.00 (om&uter #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1111.00 (riminal -ustice and La. En/orcement Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-!012.00 (urators 25-10%3.00 Economics Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1001.00 Education Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-*0**.** Education, Trainin", and Li1rary 2or3ers, All 4ther 25-2021.00 Elementary #chool Teachers, E5ce&t #&ecial Education 25-1032.00 En"ineerin" Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1123.00 En"lish Lan"ua"e and Literature Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1053.00 En'ironmental #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-*021.00 6arm and 7ome )ana"ement Ad'isors 25-112!.00 6orei"n Lan"ua"e and Literature Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-10!3.00 6orestry and (onser'ation #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-10%!.00 Geo"ra&hy Teachers, $ostsecondary

25-11*1.00 Graduate Teachin" Assistants 25-1081.00 7ealth #&ecialties Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-1125.00 7istory Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-11*2.00 7ome Economics Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-*031.00 nstructional (oordinators 25-2012.00 9inder"arten Teachers, E5ce&t #&ecial Education 25-1112.00 La. Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-!021.00 Li1rarians 25-1002.00 Li1rary #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-!031.00 Li1rary Technicians 25-1022.00 )athematical #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-2022.00 )iddle #chool Teachers, E5ce&t #&ecial and +ocational Education 25-!013.00 )useum Technicians and (onser'ators 25-1082.00 :ursin" nstructors and Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-112%.00 $hiloso&hy and Reli"ion Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-105!.00 $hysics Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-10%5.00 $olitical #cience Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-11**.** $ostsecondary Teachers, All 4ther 25-2011.00 $reschool Teachers, E5ce&t #&ecial Education 25-10%%.00 $sycholo"y Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-11*3.00 Recreation and 6itness #tudies Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-2031.00 #econdary #chool Teachers, E5ce&t #&ecial and +ocational Education 25-3021.00 #el/-Enrichment Education Teachers 25-10%*.** #ocial #ciences Teachers, $ostsecondary, All 4ther 25-1113.00 #ocial 2or3 Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-10%8.00 #ociolo"y Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-20!2.00 #&ecial Education Teachers, )iddle #chool 25-20!1.00 #&ecial Education Teachers, $reschool, 9inder"arten, and Elementary #chool 25-20!3.00 #&ecial Education Teachers, #econdary #chool

25-*0!1.00 Teacher Assistants 25-30**.** Teachers and nstructors, All 4ther 25-2023.00 +ocational Education Teachers, )iddle #chool 25-11*!.00 +ocational Education Teachers, $ostsecondary 25-2032.00 +ocational Education Teachers, #econdary #chool

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