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STAGES/ STEPS/ PHASES Set Induction (5 Minutes)





1. Teacher writes a tongue twister on the board. Tongue twister: black back bat 2. Teacher reads the tongue twister and followed by the students. 3. Teacher asks the students to read the word faster.

To grab the students attention before the lesson starts.

1. Teacher writes tongue twister black back bat on the board.

To lower the students anxiety before going through the lesson.

Presentation (20 Minutes)

1. Teacher shows flash cards to the students Flash cards: Loi, toy, E-Roy, coils, Troy, noise, oil, joy

To familiarize the students with what they need to do afterwards. Collaborative

1. Flash cards: Loi, toy, ERoy, coils, Troy, noise, oil, joy 2. Envelope

To activate students prior knowledge.

2. Teacher reads the words and followed by the students. 3. Teacher asks a few students to group the words according to word categories. 4. Teacher teaches the correct pronunciation for each word. 5. Teacher divides the students into 4 groups. 6. Each group will get one envelope that contains a dialog. 7. Each group will act and read the dialog based on the type of emotion they get from the envelope. 8. Teacher explains to the students that the exclamation mark is used to show we are excited, angry, shocked or surprised.


Practice (15 Minutes)

1. Teacher asks the students to open their text book on page 36. 2. Teacher reads the text with correct pronunciation and emotions. 3. Teacher asks the students to read the text with correct pronunciation and emotions.

Collaborative learning

1. Text book

To enhance the students level of confidence.

Production (15 Minutes)

1. Teacher asks the students to work with their partner. 2. The students are required to do the exercise in their text book on page 36. 3. After they finished, the teacher calls out several partner to present their work in front of the class. 4. Teacher asks the students to complete the task from their activity book on page 32. 5. Teacher gives the students more worksheets.

Working with peers

1. Text book 2. Activity book 3. Worksheet

To test if the student understands the topic that they have learned.

Closure (5 Minutes)

1. Teacher writes a sentence on the board. Sentence: I like to eat cake. 2. Teacher asks the students to act and read the sentence with different emotions such as happy, sad and angry.

1. Teacher writes the sentence I like to eat cake on the board.

To recap the lesson with the students.

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