Observation One

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Deja Thomas-Price Description of the location: The location that the show takes place is a mansion.

The mansion is pink on the outside and consists of a purple/pink color scheme on the majority of the inside of the house. Aside from the typical rooms that are usually inside of homes (bathroom(s), kitchen, dining area, etc.), there are rooms that are essential to the BGC mansion. For example, the beauty room is where all of the girls go to do their makeup. The room has a large table in the center, with mirrors at little stations for each girl to keep all of her things. Theres also a confessional room where the girls go to basically confess things about the other girls in the house, themselves, and whatever else they want to get off of their minds. The bedrooms are located upstairs and consist of 2/3 beds in each room. Theres a huge walk in closet for the girls to keep a lot of their clothing and what not. The only phone in the house is in a closed off room with one chair for the girls to have their privacy while theyre on the telephone. In the kitchen and dining room of the house, the floor is made up of what seems to be fake grass to give off a theme that resembles outside. In the back of the house, theres a pool, Jacuzzi, and tents to sit underneath with patio chairs.

Figured world: A figured world is a place that is typically a mental figment (even though it can be an actual, real life place) that consists of a specific set of expected rules and ways of behaving while present in said world.
The rules and appropriate behavior isnt extremely limited as far as the BGC mansion goes. Obviously, there are no cell phones and/or TV allowed in the mansion in attempt to separate the girls from the outside world to help them focus on what is going on inside of the house. It is not acceptable for the girls to engage in extreme physical altercations that could possibly result in someone getting terribly injured (that can result in being kicked out of the club). If you decide to leave the house on your own terms for an extended period of time, it has to be for under extreme circumstances such as a severe injury in the family. If you leave for any reasons other than that such as just wanting to go home, chances are you wont be accepted back into the house, and if you are, it is very rare. This also applies to if you are kicked out of the house for a particular reason. You are not allowed to come back and live in the house unless stated otherwise. Other than the rules stated above, there is a very high tolerance for what is acceptable in the bad girls club house. Its the bad girls club for a reason, and its intended to be an experiment in hopes of helping the girls moderate their behavior and realize what they need to change about themselves. The reason theyre placed in the house with so many other girls is for the girls to help each other or at least point out what everyone needs to work on to better themselves.

Actors: Actors are people in the figured world that basically helps everything come together. Generally, without actors, there is no figured world. So the actors are what helps establish everything that is acceptable or prohibited within the figured world. Usually, the actors within a figured world all have something or maybe even a lot of things in common, which is probably why theyre all in the same place.

Paula Hellens: Paula is the first girl to enter the house. Shes twenty-six years old and is from Chicago, IL. She makes it evident that shes lost three jobs for inappropriate behavior. She speaks her mind and is very blunt with how she feels about certain actions and people, but she also knows when to let things go. She doesnt believe that fighting is mature. For that very reason, she appears to be one of the more mature, motherly women in the house. Nicole Vargas: Nicole is the second girl to enter the house. Shes twenty-two and is from Fort Lee, NJ. Nicole, like Paula, is very blunt with how she feels about things as well. Shes a jokester, and does not tolerate bullying and is fully against it. She believes that two wrongs dont make a right; however, she believes that it is always necessary to defend yourself. Shannon Sarich: Shannon is the last girl out of the seven to enter the house. Shes twenty-six and is from Portland, OR. She looks the most different out of all of the girls, because shes had quite a bit of plastic surgery. Her mother left her when she was two. Shes worked hard all her life for everything that shes gotten and has never really had anything handed to her. She went to military school, and though she appears to be one of the toughest girls in the house, shes actually one of the softest and has a big heart.

Artifacts: Artifacts are items physically or emotionally that help set the figured world in stone. They are essential to the figured world, because they have an impact on the people in the location, and if they arent there, then it alters the figured world, even if its in the slightest way.
The BGC limo/jeeps: These are the only means of transportation that the girls have, and without this, they wouldnt really be allowed to go anywhere, because its apparent that they arent able to call taxis, and they certainly arent able to bring their own cars with them to the house. Shannons past: A lot of the other girls in the house are close with their mothers and have never been in military school or even had plastic surgery. These things are what make Shannon so different from the rest of the girls and has helped shape her into the person she enters the house as. Valentinas experience: Valentina states that being in the house isnt a big deal to her and isnt really different from when she was in an all-girls boarding school and had to share a room with one-hundred other girls. Even though being surrounded by so many girls all at once and being forced to live with them is new to the other girls in the house, Valentina already knows how it is and has a sense of what to expect due to her boarding school experience

Dicourse Communities: These are subgroups within the figured world that have alike ways of interacting with one another due to having similar opinions, goals, interests, etc.

Roommates: The girls that are roommates with one another typically are a lot closer, because theyre around each other a lot more of the time. Hot-Heads: The hot-heads are the girls that have higher tempers and dont have as much self-control. This usually results in them leaving earlier or getting into way more altercations with people than is actually necessary.

Literacy Practices: Literacy practices are a specific way of communicating that heightens expression. This could consist of the way something is said or the way the body is presented while someone is speaking.
Janaes metaphors/similes: When Janae is attempting to explain why she did something, she usually uses metaphors/similes as a way of trying to get the other girls to see where shes coming from. For example, she said, When Im drunk, Im like a snare drum. When Im sober, Im like a bass drum. Paulas loudness: When Paula is trying to get a point across, she gets really loud. This doesnt always happen when shes mad. This is usually her way of expressing her excitement as well.

The Observation: 9:37PM-Paula is shown pulling up in a car. She enters the mansion very excitedly and freaks out once she sees how wonderful and large the house is on the inside. She explores all of the rooms in the house and chooses which room she wants to be in. 9:40PM-Nicole enters the house second and meets Paula. Since they hit it off well, they decide to be roommates. After Nicole explores the house, she and Paula discuss how they hope to have a good time that involves no drama while they are in the house. 9:50PM-The last girl to enter the house is Shannon, and she is shown arriving. She enters the house and introduces herself to all of the girls and tells them a little bit about herself, like the fact that shes had a lot of plastic surgery. She tops everything off with telling the girls that theyre all beautiful. 9:56PM-Paula confronts Janae and tells her that she was being rude in the limo and that she doesnt appreciate it. She explains to Janae that she knows and understands that she was feeling sick and that she was only trying to help her tie up her hair so that it wouldnt get messed up. 10:01PM-While having a talk in the Jacuzzi, Janae informs the girls that she has anger issues and explains thats the reason she lashes out a lot of the time, in hopes of getting the girls to understand where shes coming from. 10:06PM-Janae is making the grocery list to figure out what theyre going to go buy from the grocery store. She begins asking the girls what they want, and tells them that she has to go get

her beef. From the way Janae is talking, Alicia begins imitating her accent and the way people from Texas seem to act and talk. 10:10PM-Janae gets upset because Nicole says that she has no desire to go to Texas. Janae tries to converse with Nicole about what her problem is with Texas. Nicole tells Janae that she doesnt feel the need to go there, because she simple doesnt want to. They end up having a small confrontation. 10:15PM-The girls are fed up with Janae for embarrassing them in public and are tired of her not being able to control herself when she drinks. While some of the girls still attempt to help her, many of the girls decide that theyre done dealing with her. 10:18PM-Janae tells the girls that she wants to go to bed, because in all honesty, shes tired of the arguing and fighting. She ends up getting into a huge altercation with Nicole and Valentina as a result of drinking all day, not being able to control herself, and whining all of the time.

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