Synon Basic

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What is access path? How many types & explain each.

Access path is path through which you can retrieve records. There are 6 types of access path is supported by SYNON. By default Synon creates 3 access path na ely !hysical" #pdate and $etrieve access paths. %. &!'Y() !hysical file) Arrival se*uence access path defining the based+on file. ,or a given All,usion -. file there -.. -. &#!/() #pdate) Access path used for update. !ath is 0eyed on All,usion -. fields that identifythe file. ,or a given All,usion -. file there ay be several different access paths of type #!/" each containing a different co bination of fields. A default update path containing all fields will auto atically be created by All,usion -.. 3. &$T1() $etrieval) Access path used to retrieve records fro changed. ,or a given All,usion -. file there 2#!/2 access path. 3. &$S4() $ese*uence) Access path used to retrieve records fro All,usion -. file there ay be any access paths of type 2$S42. file using an alternative 0ey ay be any file using an alternative 0ey order. ,or a given ay be file. The 0ey order cannot be ay only be one access path of type !'Y + the path will auto atically be created by All,usion

any access path of type $T1 + a default path" 0eyed on the

identifying fields for the file" will auto atically be created by All,usion -...ach &$T1( access path has an associated

5. 24$Y2 ) 4uery) Access path used to retrieve records fro order which access paths of type 24$Y2.

ay include virtual fields. ,or a given All,usion -. file there

6. &S!N() Span) Access path used to span several different files using an alternative 0ey order. ,or a given All,usion -. file there ay be any access paths of type 2S!N2

How many ways you can pass a parameter?

You can pass a ,6/" $7/" and 8.Y as a para eter

What are the roles of parameters?

a9 !osition : is e*ual to setll in $!;. b9 $estrict : is e*ual to 7'A<N = $.A/. opcode in $!;. c9 1ary : the length will be vary when you call user written progra d9 >ap : it ap the attribute and lengths of the target field

How many types of parameters are there?

There are 3 types. a9 <nput+ it pass value and the final value will not returned b9 Output : it won(t pass value but it receive value c9 Both : it do both a = b d9 Neither : it won(t pass and it won(t return any value.

Can you pass a parameter with type = (VRY) while callin

while co piling the !;>" it ay give length is+ atch error will co e.

!"C#$R$RC & why?

?e cannot pass a para eter with 1$Y type when we call an .@7#S$S$7. Because #S$S$7 is a internal function"

What is the use of function option?

#sing this you can activate A7onfir co it ent control" send error pro ptB !ro pt" passing initial value to the pro pt" essage" copy the essage bac0 to the previous !;> essage *ueue" reclai the

resource" closing the progra " bypass 0ey screen etc

How to use execute user source an% to use parameters in this function?
.Cecute user source specifies user written high level language source code is to be included within source code generated by a calling function. <f the eCternal source is $!;" then it should be in 4$!;S$7. <f it is a 7OBO6 progra " it should be in 47B6S$7. The para eters should be 6 characters long. The first character to be D" followed by < E<nputF G O EOutputF G B EBothF that last four characters being user defined. <ndicators should not be conflicting.

What is C#R an% &"' contexts use% in (R')*+ an% (R',-. functions?
N@T) The N@T conteCt defines a conteCt relative to the 7#$ conteCt of All,usion -. report functions) the N@T conteCt contains the fields which are in the report for at one level brea0 higher. HSee section on the 7#$ conteCt for an eCplanation of report for ats.9 <t can therefore be used to specify that the result of An All,usion -. field function HS#>" ><N" >A@" etc9 is to be placed onto an appropriate report total for at. The N@T conteCt ay be used only for result fields. 7#$) The 7#$ conteCt contains all the fields which are in a given report for at of A All,usion -. report function.

How is a print o/0ect function lin1e% to a print file?

A print obIect function is lin0ed to a print file by typing the line co and T on the panel for the print file to see the structure of the print file. <n that" insert print obIect function using <A or <B.

What is the %ifference /etween (R')*+ & (R',-.?

!$T,<6 is an eCternal function" which specifies a co plete report. !$TOBJ is an internal function type" which specifies a seg ent of a report for inclusion with in another report function.

What is (rint )ile function?

!rint file function allows you to print all the records fro specified a file. ?e can specify %3 levels of totalling. >aCi u of %3 print obIects E!$TOBJF can be used within a print file. 7ontrol brea0s are defaulted based on the nu ber of 0eys

What are the !lements the panel %esi n has?

A panel design has been divided into 3 ways. %. >ultiple record function H./T,<6" /S!,<6" S.6$7/9 <t has Standard 'eader" Subfile control" Subfile record" Standard footer -. Single record function H./T$7/" -" 3" /S!$7/" -" 3" !>T$7/9 <t has Standard 'eader" 8ey Screen" /etail Screen" and Standard footer

3. Transaction function H./TT$N" /S!T$N9 <t has Subfile Standard header" 7ontrol" Subfile record" Standard footer

What are a 2essa e function an% its type?

<t is a type of function" using this we can send a. Send error *ueue9 c. Send co pletion d. Send status essage *ueue9 e. $etrieve f. .Cecute essage Hit retrieve a essage H$e*uest essage fro essage file to the function" using this you can concat even database fields9 essage to be eCecuted by the calling function9 essage Hwhen a Iob is co pleted this essage will appear9 essage Hit gives infor ation about the long running progra (s status to the b. Send infor ation essages to ?or0station using synonG-e. The essage to the essage *ueue9 essage essage to the essage function has essage Husing this we can pass a error

essage Husing this we can pass a infor ation

What is )unction fiel%?

A function field is a field whose value is not physically stored in database. But is derived fro #sing this we can" a. S#> b. >aCi u c. >ini u d. 7ount e. /erived f. #ser other fields or files.

What is -uilt in function an%

7o KA// KS#B K7O>><T it and rollbac0.

i3e some examples?

anipulations and control operations li0e

#sing Built in function" you can do all arith etic operations" string

K7O>!#T. H#sing this we can do all arith etic operations li0e add" sub" leave all blan0s99 K71T1A$ H<t Iust converts the value of one type to another type9

ult = div9

7ON7AT H<t Ioins - string with the conditions HKnone L no blan0s" Kone L leave one blan0" Kall L

K/AT. /.TA<6S H<t gives the date details li0e day of wee0" day of year" K onth" leaf year etc9 K/AT. <N7$.>.NT H#sing this we can add *uantity of a given date and find out new date9 K/<1 K/<1 ?<T' $.>A<N/.$ H$e ainder value will ove to another value9 K/#$AT<ON H<t calculates duration between - dates9 K.6A!S./ T<>. H<t calculates ti e H''" >>" SS" >S9 between - given ti e9 K.@<T !$O;$A> H6eave9 K>O/#6O H<t gives only re ainder value9 K>O1. K>O1. A66 H>ove value Heven constant9 to variableHs99 K>#6T

K4#<T H<t is li0e a goto state ent in $!;" it leaves fro

the entire action diagra 9

K$O66BA78 HThe changes will not be reflected when you use K$O66BA789 K$T17N/ H<t specifies that the na e of a given condition is to be retrieved into a function field9 KS.$ 7#$SO$ H<t is e*ual to cursor position 0eyword in S/A9 KS#BST$<N; H#sing this we can ta0e a part of string fro the base variable9 KT<>. /.TA<6S H<t is si ilar to date details Built in function9 KT<>. <N7$.>.NT H#sing this we can add a *uantity to a given ti e9

What is #ser function & types?

#sing this function" you can incorporate #ser written progra s and subroutines into the SynonG-e generated applications. You can include these functions inside the action diagra '66. a. .Cecute internal ,unction b. .Cecute #ser Source c. .Cecute .Cternal ,unction d. .Cecute user progra or #ser written

What is 4e3ice function & types?

/evice function is a function" using this you can design the !anel H?or0stations9 and $eport design. <t has both internal and eCternal functions. a. !rint obIect b. /isplay record c. /isplay record - panel d. /isplay record 3 panel e. !ro pt record f. .dit record g. .dit record - panel h. .dit record 3 panel i. /isplay file I. .dit file 0. Select record l. /isplay transaction . .dit transaction n. !rint file

What is stan%ar% function an% types?

Standard functions specify the progra point in the action diagra . a. /atabase functions b. /evice functions c. #ser functions and subroutines. #ser can write his won codes in the #ser

What are the %efault functions create% for R!) an% C(' file?
$., ,ile) 7reate obIect" 7hange obIect" /elete obIect" .dit file and Select record 7!T ,ile) 7reate obIect" 7hange obIect and /elete obIect

How %o you %elete a access path which is referre% /y some other access path?
?e cannot delete an access path which is referred by so e other functionGaccess path. <f you want to delete" you have to re ove the H$.,9 relations then delete.

What does the term Involution mean in relationship to entities?

<nvolutions specify whether the connection eCists between the entity and itself. <t is also called as self+reference.

How many ways5 you can loc1 an access path?

Te porary loc0 : when !;>$ open the functionGaccess path" that function will be loc0ed te porally. b. !er anent loc0 : if the /esigner has ObIect Ownership authority" he can i ple ent per anent loc0

What are the 6ccess (ath auxiliaries for 7uery 6ccess path?
Access !ath auCiliaries are the three different OSG3MM obIects used to i ple ent a *uery access path. They are logical file" physical file and control language.

What is 86ccess (ath $election9?

Access !ath Selection is the process that specifies which records fro Selection is Static Selection) is built into access path. /yna ic Selection) is not built into the i ple enting OSG3MM access path" but it is applied at run ti e. /yna ic selection is less efficient than static selection" but OSG3MM access paths that are re*uired. ay help to reduce the nu ber of a file are included in the Access !ath. ore conditions. ade up of a nu ber of select G o it criteria" each of which are based on one or



:RY access path how many mem/ers /ein


apping it creates !hysical file H!,9" 6ogical file and it creates a 4$Y in 76 progra .


which access path you can %efine a 3irtual fiel% as a 1ey?

#sing 4$Y access path we can add virtual field as 0ey.

What are the access paths will allow chan in

the 1ey or%er?

$S4" 4$Y and S!N access path will allow changing the 0ey order.

What is access path? How many types & explain each.

Access path is path through which you can retrieve records. There are 6 types of access path is supported by SYNON. By default Synon creates 3 access path na ely !hysical" #pdate and $etrieve access paths. %. &!'Y() !hysical file) Arrival se*uence access path defining the based+on file. ,or a given All,usion -. file there created by All,usion -.. -. &#!/() #pdate) Access path used for update. !ath is 0eyed on All,usion -. fields that identify the file. ,or a given All,usion -. file there ay be several different access paths of type #!/" each containing a different co bination of fields. A default update path containing all fields will auto atically be created by All,usion -.. 3. &$T1() $etrieval) Access path used to retrieve records fro changed. ,or a given All,usion -. file there ay be file. The 0ey order cannot be ay only be one access path of type !'Y + the path will auto atically be

any access path of type $T1 + a default

path" 0eyed on the identifying fields for the file" will auto atically be created by All,usion -.. .ach &$T1( access path has an associated 2#!/2 access path. 3. &$S4() $ese*uence) Access path used to retrieve records fro order. ,or a given All,usion -. file there ay be file using an alternative 0ey

any access paths of type 2$S42. file using an alternative 0ey ay be any

5. 24$Y2 ) 4uery) Access path used to retrieve records fro order which access paths of type 24$Y2.

ay include virtual fields. ,or a given All,usion -. file there

6. &S!N() Span) Access path used to span several different files using an alternative 0ey order. ,or a given All,usion -. file there ay be any access paths of type 2S!N2.

What are the sharin

KNON. and KA66

options a3aila/le for ,wne% -y relation an% !xplain?

KNON. is specified for the NSharingN para eter" then a separate entry will be added to the file for the field. KA66 is specified for the NSharingN para eter" then no additional entry is created) the eCisting entry is shared. This is the default action.

What type of Relations will ha3e the Virtual )iel%s?

,ile to ,ile $elations) Owned by" <ncludes" $efers to and .Ctended by relations.

How is 7ualifie% /y implemente%?

4ualified by is a 0ey relation. <t is used to *ualify a file identifier by one or ore variable factors. <t is used to get the nearest" previous or neCt nearest record based on whether KN.@T or K!$.1 is specified. The field redirection should be done in the referring file. The KN.@T is i ple ented as S.T66 and $.A/. The K!$.1<O#S is i ple ented as S.T;T and $.A/!.

4efine )ile to )iel% relations an% explain each?

,ield $elations is used to describe the 0ey as well as non+0ey attributes of a file. 8nown by) define a 0ey attribute of a file. 4ualified by) define a 0ey attribute for a file 'as) define a non+0ey field for a file

What is the %ifference /etween ;nown /y an% 7ualifie% /y?

8nown by + <t re*uires eCact 0ey atch. atch" it will return either a previous or neCt value 4ualified by + doesn2t re*uire eCact 0ey

What is the difference between Refers to and Owned by relation?

Owned By + < ple ents the parent child relationship. The 0ey field of the owning file beco es a pri ary 0ey of the owned file. $efers to + the 0ey field of the referring file beco e the non 0ey attribute of the referred file.

What is the %ifference /etween R!) an% C(' files?

$., file is li0e a aster file. 7!T file is li0e a transaction file.

How many types of files are a3aila/le in $ynon<=e?

There are 3 types of files are available. /ata Base ,iles) %. $., : $eference file H>aster file9) The $., All,usion -. file type should be given to All,usion -. files that contain basic reference data that is used by the application. -. 7!T : 7apture file HTransaction file9) The 7!T file type should be given to All,usion -. files that contain transaction data that is regularly captured for use by the application. Non+ /ata Base ,iles) 3. ST$ : Structure file) The ST$ file attribute should be given to files that define data structures for use by functions in the i ple ented syste . 3. $7/ : $ecord file) The $7/ file attribute should be given to files that define data structures for use by progra s in the i ple ented syste .

&ame > important %esi n concepts of $Y&,&<=!?

1. < ple entation independence
-. /ata driven design 3. ObIect + based design

What %oes the term Car%inality mean in relation to entities?

7ardinality specifies whether the connection is one to one" one to any or any to any.

What is a 4,26*&?
The set of possible values an attribute can ta0e is the 2do ain2 of the attribute.

Which modelling method does SY O !"# use?

.NT<TY + $.6AT<ON odelling ethod

What are Virtual fiel%s ?

1irtual fields are logically present in one file and physically present in another file. This is valid only for O?N./ BY and $.,.$S TO relation types

What is the #se of ),R '!"' ?

<t is used to further clarify a relationship. Owned by" 4ualified by and $efers to can only have the ,O$ T.@T. To prevent duplicate fields SYNON uses the ,O$ T.@T if present or the Surrogate nu ber

'ypes of file relations?

,<6. TO ,<6. /efined as Owned by + 8ey $efers to + ATT$ .Ctended by ,<6. TO ,<.6/ 8nown by + 0ey 4ualified by + 0ey <ncludes + ATT$ 'as + ATT$

/efined as) /eclaration that the file eCist and created i plicitly by SYNON 8nown by) Specifies that the field is a 0ey field. There can be the child9 ore than one 0nown by relation Owned by) /efines a parent and child relationship" .g." Order header and order details Hparent 0ey will be copied to

4ualified by) This is a 0ey relation used to *ualify a file identifier by one or find out a close $efers to) Specifies a file refers to another file H,oreign 0ey9

ore variable factors. This is used to

atch H.g." rate" discount" data" etc.9. <f no redirection is specified it is si ilar to 8NO?N BY

<ncludes) A file is to include all the fields that have been declared in the structure file .Ctended by) /eclares a file to be an eCtension of a file relation. <t gives an association between one to one or one to none. ?ill wor0 only if it is O?N./ BY in the second file 'as) /eclares a field to be present in a file $.6AT<ON S.4#.N7. AT T'. T<>. O$ $.SO61<N; /efined as" Owned by" 4ualified by" .Ctended by" $efers to" 'as" <ncludes

What are the %ifferent types of contexts?

Types of conteCts %. /B conteCts) /B% = /B-. /evice conteCts) 7T6" $7/" /T6" -N/" 3$/" 7#$" N@T" 8.Y 3. Syste 3. !rogra conteCts) JOB" !;> conteCts) !A$" ?$8

5. 6iteral conteCts) 7ON" 7N/

Copy /ac1 messa es?

7opy bac0 essages specifies whether any essages outstanding on the progra s ter inates essage *ueue is to be copied bac0 to the previous progra s essage *ueue when the progra

How to use commitment control in $Y&,&?

7o it ent control can be i ple ented by specifying our option in function options. There are three options available viO. %. >AST.$ + By choosing this option the progra appropriate co will run under co it ent control. This progra Y-B;7T6 it points are included. will contain

it points which will be defined in the SYNON supplied progra will run under co

-. S6A1. + The progra 7o

it ent control. No auto atic start or co

it points can be added using co

it built+in function it ent control. 'ence" there are no co ust be IournaliOed it points.

3. NON. + The progra

does not run under co

Note) !hysical files running under co

it ent control

What are function options close down program $ reclaim resources?

7lose down progra ) Specifies whether the last record indicator is to be set on when the progra eCecution. <f" 2Y2 is specified" all files are closed and the progra subse*uent call will be faster and perfor initialised to blan0s and Oero on each call. $eclai co resources) The OSG3MM co and $76$S7 is to be invo0ed when the progra co pletes eCecution. The thereby a full progra finished

is shutdown. <f blan0" all files re ain open and a

eCecution. <n either case" all internal variables are

and closed down any other progra " files that have been called andGor opened by the progra

reallocating their storage. $eclai progra s

resources is valid only on eCternal function. This does not support 7OBO6

What are the 3arious access path maintenance metho%s?

The various access path aintenance ethods are) %. <>>./ updates the changes i opened. No rebuilding is done" 3. $.B#<6/ Access path is rebuilt when the file is opened again ediately"

-. /.6AY./ 7hanges are logged and the access path updates when the file is

How is 7ualifie% /y implemente%?

4ualified by is a 0ey relation. <t is used to *ualify a file identifier by one or ore variable factors. <t is used to get the nearest" previous or neCt nearest record based on whether KN.@T or K!$.1 is specified. The field redirection should be done in the referring file. The KN.@T is i ple ented as S.T66 and $.A/. The K!$.1<O#S is i ple ented as S.T;T and $.A/!.

(rint )ile function?

!rint file function allows you to print all the records fro specified. a file. ?e can specify %3 levels of totaling. >aCi u of %3 print obIects E!$TOBJF can be used within a print file. 7ontrol brea0s are defaulted based on the nu ber of 0eys

4efine !xecute user pro ram?

.Cecute user progra is a connection between a '66 user written progra and SYNON function. Neither para eter is allowed. !ara eter passing is nor al

What is execute messa e function?

.Cecute essage function allows a re*uest essage. The essage to be eCecuted by the calling progra . The co and is entered in the second level file essage type should be N.@7N. Override functions are not possible. ,or

Open *uery EO!N4$YF and open database EO!N/B,F you should specify a value of the K!.$> to prevent closure of

How to use execute user source an% to use parameters in this function?
.Cecute user source specifies user written high level language source code is to be included within source code generated by a calling function. <f the eCternal source is $!;" then it should be in 4$!;S$7. <f it is a 7OBO6 progra " it should be in 47B6S$7. The para eters should be 6 characters long. The first character to be D" followed by < E<nputF G O EOutputF G B EBothF that last four characters being user defined. <ndicators should not be conflicting.

4efine execute internal function?

.Cecute internal function allows you to specify a portion of your action diagra < ple ented as a that can be used repeatedly. acro function internal source code in calling function. No access paths can be attached

4efine execute external function?

An .Cecute .Cternal ,unction) K Allows you to specify a high level progra K <s i ple ented as a separate progra K 'as its own action diagra . K 7an be attached to $T1G$4SG#!/ access paths using an action diagra .

What are the two types of in%entation specifications for (R') functions?
%. $elative -. -. Absolute

Can you pass a parameter as restricte% for a print file?

Yes. But should start fro the pri ary 0ey.

&ame any two function fiel% types relate% to (R')*+?

7NT" S#>" ><N" >A@

&ame any two (R')*+ relate% contexts?

TO!" 7#$ = N@T

What is the maximum num/er of (R',-. functions that can /e a%%e% to one (R')*+ function?

How is a print o/0ect function lin1e% to a print file?

A print obIect function is lin0ed to a print file by typing the line co and T on the panel for the print file to see the structure of the print file. <n that" insert print obIect function using <A or <B.

Can a print o/0ect function /e em/e%%e% within another print o/0ect function? ('rue<)alse)

What is the maximum num/er of +e3el hea%in /e %efine% in a print file?

A aCi u

formats an% +e3el total formats that can

of %3 levels of heading = totaling can be defined in a print file.

-. Nor ally the nu ber of level headings is e*ual to the nu ber of fields of the 0ey se*uence of the access path on which the !$T,<6 is based on.

How many report hea%in /e %roppe%?

formats can /e %efine% per print file? ,f those5 how many can

Only one report heading for at is defined in a print file. The report heading for at cannot be dropped.

What are the access paths on which (rint file can /e /ase% on?
$etrieval Access !ath H$T19 $e+se*uence Access !ath H$S49 4uery Access !ath H4$Y9

What is the %ifference /etween (R')*+ & (R',-.?

!$T,<6 is an eCternal function" which specifies a co plete report. !$TOBJ is an internal function type" which specifies a seg ent of a report for inclusion with in another report function.

&ame 6 )!W $Y&,& /uilt in functions

K>#6T K7ON7AT K>O1. K>O1. A66 KA// K/<1 K71T1A$ K4#<T K>O/#6O KS#B K.@<T !$O;$A> K$O66 BA78 K$T17N/ KS.T 7#$SO$ KS#BST$

What are 2essa e )unctions? What are the %ifferent types of messa e functions?
>eans of defining essages of various types" specifying different essage identifiers. essage files for the essage" specifying substitution variables and changing %. Status >essage function -. 7o pletion >essage function 3. .rror >essage function 3. .Cecution >essage function 5. <nfor ation >essage function

What is &otepa% technic in $Y&,&<=!?

The notepad utility allows us to copy constructs fro utility lets us save the contents of a diagra one action diagra to another. ?hen using open functions this to a wor0 area and copy those conteCts elsewhere

What are the %ifferent con%ition types?

%. 1alue 7ondition type -. 1alue 6ist 7ondition type 3. 7o pare 7ondition type 3. $ange 7ondition type

What are the %ifferent types of contexts a3aila/le?

%. /ata base 7onteCt -. /evice 7onteCt 3. 6iteral 7onteCt 3. Syste 7onteCt 5. ,unction 7onteCt

!xplain Context
/atabase 7onteCts + instances of sa e database field available in ore than one file /evice 7onteCts + instances of sa e device field available in ore than one for at 6iteral 7onteCts + instances of field available fro literals li0e condition etc. Syste 7onteCts + instances of fields available fro various syste values

What is the context in $Y&,&<=!?

instances of a field that are available for use at a particular processing step

What are constructs?

7onstructs are the basic building bloc0s of action diagra s. By co bining different types of constructs we define the procedural logic of an action diagra . The co bination constructs are) %. Se*uential -. 7onditional 3. <terative

What are the user points?

#ser points are places where we can insert logic into the action diagra function. to add processing that is specific to that

How will you insert a case construct?

?e can insert a case construct by typing <7, in the line co and.

?i3e any @ line comman%s that can /e use% in the action %ia ram panel?
<7," <A," <<" <A" <B" 77" 7" >" >>" <K," ," <O" '" P" S

How can you 3iew an action %ia ram of a

?e can view the action diagra re*uired relation.

i3en function?

of a given function by typing , at the edit database relations panel against the

What is a 2essa e function?

>essage functions define essages that have to appear at a wor0station using SYNONG-. facilities.

4efine 8)unction )iel%8.

A ,unction field is a field whose value is not physically stored in a /atabase" but is derived fro .g. S#>" >A@" ><N etc. other fields or files.

2ention few points a/out -uiltAin functions.

Built+in functions eCecute co on low+level functions such as arith etic operations" character string it ent 7ontrol and !rogra eCit. anipulation and control operations such as 7o

What is #ser function?

#ser functions provide a applications. eans of incorporating user progra s and subroutines into SYNONG-. generated

What is a 4e3ice function?

/evice functions specify interactive progra s and $eport !rogra s. These progra s consist of either a !anel design or $eport design and an Action /iagra

What are the %ifferent 4ata/ase (%-) functions?

%. 7reate ObIect H7$TOBJ9 -. 7hange ObIect H7';OBJ9 3. /elete ObIect H/6TOBJ9 3. $etrieve ObIect H$T1OBJ9

What are @A%ifferent Cate ories of stan%ar% functions?

%. /atabase functions. -. /evice functions. 3. #ser functions. 3. Built+in functions.

What are the four %ifferent function types?

%. Standard functions. -. Built+in+functions. 3. ,unction fields. 3. >essage functions.

What are the = ways of implementin

)unctions in $Y&,&?

.Cternal the function is i ple ented as a separate '66 !rogra . <nternal the function is i ple ented as source code within that of a calling function.

What is 8)#&C'*,&8 in $Y&,&<=!?

A function defines a process that operates on files and fields in the database.

%efine term &'ile (ype& and list various file types.

,ile type is the description of how the file will be used. The various file types are Structure HST$9" $eference H$.,9" and 7apture H7!T9.

What are the = con%ition types use% in $Y&,&<=!?

%. 1A6 -. 6ST

4efine the term 8Con%ition8 in $Y&,&<=!.

7ondition is a value that specifies the circu stances under which an action or a set of actions is to be eCecuted

4efine the term 8Re synchroniBation8.

$e+synchroniOation is the eCpansion of relations to rebuild the file entries for all files in a odel.

+ist 3arious $Y&,&<=! Relations.

%. 'as $elation -. 8nown by relation 3. Owned by relation 3. $efers to relation

4efine the term 8Relation8 in $Y&,&<=!.

The SYNONG-. $elations establish the relationships between fields and files and files and other files.

+ist 3arious %ata types in $Y&,&<=!

7/. Alphanu eric code field T@T /escriptive TeCt 1A6 >onetary 1alue /T. /ate

T>. Ti e STS Status 4TY 4uantity

What is fiel% usa e?

,ield usage is given when referring to a field with a relation. The several categories of usage are /B 0eys H7/.9" /B attribute fields HAT$9 and various function field usages.

What is a fiel% type? +ist the > fiel% types

,ield type is an assigned type" which defines the type of the data that the field represents. The different field types are 7/." NB$ and 4TY.

What is a fiel% in $Y&,&<=!?

A field is a description of an ite of data. <t ust have a na e and type.

Which 6ccess (ath is nee%e% for (R')*+ an% (R',-. functions?

4$Y access path.

&ame the access paths create% automatically for e3ery R!) or C(' file.
%. !'Y !hysical Access !ath -. #!/ #pdate Access !ath 3. $T1 $etrieval Access !ath

What is 86ccess (ath $election9?

Access !ath Selection is the process that specifies which records fro Selection is a file are included in the Access !ath. ore conditions. ade up of a nu ber of select G o it criteria" each of which are based on one or

What are the 6ccess (ath auxiliaries for 7uery 6ccess path?
Access !ath auCiliaries are the three different OSG3MM obIects used to i ple ent a *uery access path. They are logical file" physical file and control language.

What are the 3arious types of 86ccess (ath8 maintenance?

%. < ediate -. /elay 3. $ebuild

What are 86ccess (ath9 format entries?

Access !ath for at entries list The fields that are present in the Access !ath" The 0ey fields for the Access !ath" and The order of the 8ey fields.

What is the purpose of 6ccess (ath?

The purpose of an access path is to retrieve" se*uence" filter or update data in physical or logical files

What is an access path in $Y&,& =<!?

An access path is a view of data in a physical file" in a given 0ey se*uence" i ple ented as an OSG3MM physical or logical file.

What is a Virtual fiel%?

A virtual field is a field that is logically present but physically not present on an access path.

What is %ifferentiation?
/ifferentiation is the process in data separate entities. odelling of creating new entities by splitting a current entity into two

What is %e3ice %esi n?

/evice design is a panel or report design associated with a function

What is 6ssimilation?
Assi ilation is the process of retrieving eCisting eCternally described OSG3MM file definitions to SYNONG-. design odel An integrated develop ent environ ent for ASG3MMs originally introduced in %QRR by Synon" <nc." 6ar0spur" 7A Hderived fro and pronounced Nsign onN9. As the do inant tool for the ASG3MM platfor " it provided an upper and lower 7AS. environ ent that generated 7OBO6 and $!; code. ,ounded in .ngland in %QR3 by Si on ?illia s" Synon also built the Obsydian product" an obIect+oriented !7+based environ ent that is used to develop 7SS code for ?indows clients and $!; code for ASG3MM servers. <n %QQR" Synon was ac*uired by Sterling Software" in turn purchased by 7o puter Associates in -MMM. The Synon products were first re+branded as 7A2s 7OO6)-. and 7OO6)!leC technologies and later Advantage -. for iSeries 3MM. <n -MM3" they beca e All,usion -. and All,usion !leC.

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