TR-IRU-01 - IRU-600 Maintenance and Operations

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IRU 60 0
Mainten nance and O Operation Co ourse TR-IRU U-01 Cours se Specifics s
Duration: Class capacity: Location(s) for pre-sc cheduled class s: Materi ials provided: 3 days 10 studen nts San S Antonio, T TX, USA Instruction and User Manuals s (USB) Student S Handb book (USB) Portal P Software e (USB)

Target t Audience:

The cours se is intended f for anyone requiring basic theo ory, maintenan nce, troublesho ooting, and hands on experienc ce with the Eclipse radio platf form with IRU6 600 RFU

Prere equisite
Partici ipants should have h a basic un nderstanding of electronics, te elecommunicat tions, and IP P fundamentals s, and have bas sic computer sk kills. Each student s must bring b an IBM co ompatible laptop PC and have e administrator r rights on the e PC. The PC must m have minimum paramete ers of: Pentium 4 or o later w/ 1GB of RAM and 250 Mb of free h hard drive spac ce Microsoft Windows W XP, Vista, or Window ws 7 USB Port Network car rd (LAN Port) DB9 Serial Port connection (or adapter) (optional)

Objec ctives
At the end of this cou urse, participan nts will be able to: List the func ctions and features of the Eclipse w/ IRU600 0 RFU Describe the hardware and configuration ns of the Eclips se w/ IRU600 R RFU Configure and a commission n the Eclipse w/ w IRU600 RFU U Perform loc cal and remote troubleshooting using Portal

August t 2013

Vis sit our website at t: WWW.AVIATN NETWORKS.CO OM


Cours se Content
Overv view Description and Features System Lay y Out RF Options Capacity Op ptions Portal Basic M Microwave The eory Technical Par rameters Bandwidth, M Modulation, and d capacity Indoor RF vs. . Split Mount pt Nodal Concep

Intellig gent Nodal Un nit Configurati ions Basic Archit tecture and Ca apabilities Plug-in Card ds -NCC -F FAN -RACs -D DACs -AUX -NP PC Backplane Bus B Slot Assignm ment Rules Node Capacity Rules and Licensing Path Capac city and Bandw width Options Eclipse Pac cket Node Ethernet wit th DAC GE3 an nd DAC GE IDU GE3 16 6x

Radio F Frequency Uni it Configuratio ons IRU 600v1, v2 2, and v3 Standard and d High Power ACU Fans Protection Op ptions TDM Ring Pro otection, NCM and SPDH ACM Link Aggrega ation ATPC CCDP w/ XPI IC

Softw ware Configura ation and Com mmissioning Introduction n to Portal Craft t Tool Portal PC Configuration C fo or Ethernet and d V.24/RS-23 32 Connections s Portal Scree ens Configuring a New Installa ation Portal and Configuration C LAB L

Diagnos stics Tools Introduction to o Portal Diagno ostics System Summ mary Event Browse er System Contr rols: Locks and d Loopbacks Performance and History Sc creens Alarm Screen ns Parts Diagnostics L Lab

Mainte enance Maintenanc ce Overview / Annual A PM IRU600 Sof ftware Configur ration Configuratio on Lab

Trouble eshooting Troubleshoot ing Overview Troubleshoot ing Lab

August t 2013

Vis sit our website at t: WWW.AVIATN NETWORKS.CO OM

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