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MM1 Eddy Tang

Company Rebranding Proposal

Changing the look, changing the future of Nintendo

By Eddy Tang
MM1 Eddy Tang

Table of Contents

Executive Summary: 3
Introduction: 3
The Purpose of Rebranding: 3
Why Rebranding Should Be Considered: 3
Examples of Rebranding: 4
Changing the Logo: 5
Project Timeframe: 5
References 6
MM1 Eddy Tang

Executive Summary:
This is a proposal to consider the update of the company Nintendo’s current look as to
stay in league with company competition and boost business growth. In detail, this
proposal will include what I intend to do, the importance of the change, the methods I
will use and the expected results.

The Nintendo logo is an icon in the gaming industry and world renowned for the
entertainment that it has brought for more than thirty years. But considering a change
in this image would be crucial in surviving the new world. Perhaps nothing too
radical, but nonetheless a change is necessary in any industry for any competitive
company to ensure its survival.

The Purpose of Rebranding:

In this case, Nintendo’s products have always been a form of the company’s
Rebranding – releasing something new with each new technological advancement or
gaming generation. But what is stopping Nintendo from thinking outside the square?
The Nintendo logo hasn’t changed for over thirty years and it works. That doesn’t
mean that changing the image of the company to something more contemporary is a
bad thing.

Why Rebranding Should Be Considered:

Changing the logo can effect the whole image of the company product and can have
an impact on product sales. Corporate rebranding is an important factor contributing
to a business’s ability to maintain its popular image in the public, if not further
increasing it. It ensures that the company sustains a level of corporate modernisation
and public presence.
Below is an example of how subtle changes have been made, which have acted in
favour of a competitor.
MM1 Eddy Tang

Examples of Rebranding:
Big name companies such as Coca-cola and Kellogg’s have experimented with
rebranding. In fact, leading software company Microsoft, is based around the
rebranding of their products every few years. There are two sides of a coin so to
speak. One being that rebranding is a tool used for businesses to satisfy the wants of
their target audience, and two being that rebranding can mean a re-image that makes
or breaks a company.
MM1 Eddy Tang

Changing the Logo:

The Nintendo logo is easily known because it hasn’t changed since the logo was
established in 1973.
Changing the logo means considering how affective the logo will be and the reaction
of the audience. The current logo is simple in itself but could it be simplified further
and still be a memorable and recognizable sign. Below is a small suggestion what the
logo would look like if were to be rebranded.
Here the logo is simplified to the point where the red on white colours are kept but
the name itself is left out, only a letter remains in a smaller border.



Project Timeframe:
A change in the company logo should not be taken lightly and therefore change over a
slow period of time. The unveiling of a new product for example, is an excellent way
to change the image of the new logo.

SWOT Analysis:
This is a SWOT analysis which details things that should be considered before
deciding on this proposition.

Strengths: The Company will ensure that it has kept up with competitors, and
ensured that the target market is satisfied. Through those two main points, business
could be strengthened by having secured the target audience.

Weaknesses: Rebranding has been thought to have been completely avoided if

necessary, especially by big companies. This is because whatever the business has
established with its original has to be replaced and therefore its formula for current
success is eradicated and the business will have to start all over again.

Opportunities: Opportunities that could arise are that the business appeals to a larger
audience and that through appealing to a customer’s ‘wants’ there is an influx in
business sales. The company also as the opportunity to enhance their image and
therefore strengthen their reputation.

Threats: The opposite could occur, and older fans of the product may feel
discouraged because of a break in tradition. If the rebranding isn’t properly researched
or executed, the audience may be repelled to buy the product.
MM1 Eddy Tang


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