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The Future in Our Hands Rules of Procedure Required to Pass

A motion to open the session is used in order to begin the session. Simple majority vote A motion to open a topic is used to choose one of the topics from the Simple majority vote agenda; the delegate must say to choose topic and the letter of the topic the delegate wants to open. A motion to open the speakers list allows delegates to sign up to Simple majority vote speak in front of the council and with the limited time. A motion to make an extraordinary session of questions is used Simple majority vote, and when a delegate has questions about the speech the delegate in the the delegate who is about speakers list just gave, and it must be used right after the delegate to be asked has to accept. passes to the front. A motion to open a moderated caucus is used when the delegates Simple majority vote want to open an informal debate with a limit of time, during this, the delegates cannot establish direct contact. A motion to open a simple caucus is used usually to work in a Possible Working Paper or a Possible Resolution, in this, delegates Simple majority vote can establish direct contact. A motion to extend the time of the moderated/simple caucus is made when the delegates would like to have more time to discuss Simple majority vote or to make working papers. The motions to introduce a Working Paper and a Draft Resolution A possible working paper are made when the possible working paper is approved by the chair, and approved by the chair, And also the possible resolution has been approved, and these motions are in a possible resolution order to read them and to have an unlimited session of questions approved by the chair. concerning these documents. No voting needed. A motion to close the session stops the debate in order to have a Simple majority vote recess; it is used when the scheduled time for the session has ended. A motion to close the debate is used in order to move the committee to Two-thirds majority vote a vote, usually when the delegate has made his or her countrys position clear and there are enough draft resolutions on the floor. A point of order is used when a delegate believes the chair has made a Chairs Decision mistake on the protocol, or when another delegate made a mistake on it. A point of parliamentary inquiry is made in order to ask the chair a No vote question regarding the protocol of the model. A point of personal privilege is made in order to inform the chair of a physical discomfort he or she is experiencing, such as not being able to No vote hear another delegate speech, or to ask the chair how to say an unknown word for the delegate, or to make a brief preamble when an extraordinary session of questions has been asked.

The Future in Our Hands Requerimiento para Aprobacin

Voto mayoritario Voto mayoritario Voto mayoritario

Reglas de Procedimiento
Una mocin para abrir la sesin se usa para comenzar la sesin Una mocin para abrir un tpico se usa para escoger un tpico de la agenda. Una mocin para abrir la lista de oradores permite a los delegados hablar frente al comit por un tiempo definido.

Una mocin para hacer una sesin de preguntas extraordinarias se Voto mayoritario y el usa cuando un delegado tiene preguntas sobre el discurso que el ltimo delegado al que se le harn las delegado acaba de presentar en la lista de oradores, y debe ser usado preguntas debe aceptar. inmediatamente despus de que el delegado haya hablado. Una mocin para abrir un debate moderado se usa cuando los delegados desean establecer un debate informal con un lmite de Voto mayoritario tiempo, durante el cual los delegados no pueden establecer contacto directo. Una mocin para abrir un debate simple se usa cuando los delegados Voto mayoritario desean trabajar en una Hoja de Trabajo. Durante ste, los delegados pueden mantener contacto directo. Una mocin para extender el tiempo del debate simple o moderado Voto mayoritario se usa cuando los delegados desean ms tiempo para discutir o trabajar en la posible hoja de trabajo. La mocin para introducir la Hoja de Trabajo o Posible Hoja de Hoja de Trabajo aprobada por Resolucin se usa cuando la posible hoja de trabajo ha sido aceptada la mesa, o en su defecto, por la Mesa, o en su defecto la Posible Hoja de Resolucin. Ambas Posible Hoja de Resolucin sern ledas y tendrn una sesin de preguntas ilimitadas o un debate No se requiere votacin. moderado ilimitado Una mocin para cerrar o posponer la sesin detiene el debate para Voto mayoritario acudir al receso establecido. Dos terceras partes de los Una mocin para cerrar el debate se usa cuando el comit est listo votos del comit para votar la o las Posibles Hojas de Resolucin Un punto de orden se usa cuando un delegado piensa que la Mesa ha cometido un error en el protocolo o cuando un delegado comete un error en el protocolo. Un punto de Informacin o Duda parlamentaria se usa para preguntarle a la Mesa algo relacionado con el protocolo del modelo. Un punto de privilegio personal se usa para informar a la Mesa de un inconveniente fsico que el delegado est experimentando, como no poder escuchar a otro delegado, o para establecer un breve prembulo.
Decisin de la Mesa Sin votacin Sin votacin

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